/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { HTMLIFrameElement::HTMLIFrameElement(DOM::Document& document, QualifiedName qualified_name) : BrowsingContextContainer(document, move(qualified_name)) { } HTMLIFrameElement::~HTMLIFrameElement() { } RefPtr HTMLIFrameElement::create_layout_node(NonnullRefPtr style) { return adopt_ref(*new Layout::FrameBox(document(), *this, move(style))); } void HTMLIFrameElement::parse_attribute(const FlyString& name, const String& value) { HTMLElement::parse_attribute(name, value); if (name == HTML::AttributeNames::src) load_src(value); } void HTMLIFrameElement::inserted() { BrowsingContextContainer::inserted(); if (is_connected()) load_src(attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::src)); } void HTMLIFrameElement::load_src(const String& value) { if (!m_nested_browsing_context) return; if (value.is_null()) return; auto url = document().parse_url(value); if (!url.is_valid()) { dbgln("iframe failed to load URL: Invalid URL: {}", value); return; } if (url.protocol() == "file" && document().origin().protocol() != "file") { dbgln("iframe failed to load URL: Security violation: {} may not load {}", document().url(), url); return; } dbgln("Loading iframe document from {}", value); m_nested_browsing_context->loader().load(url, FrameLoader::Type::IFrame); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/iframe-embed-object.html#iframe-load-event-steps void run_iframe_load_event_steps(HTML::HTMLIFrameElement& element) { // 1. Assert: element's nested browsing context is not null. VERIFY(element.nested_browsing_context()); // 2. Let childDocument be the active document of element's nested browsing context. [[maybe_unused]] auto* child_document = element.nested_browsing_context()->active_document(); // FIXME: 3. If childDocument has its mute iframe load flag set, then return. // FIXME: 4. Set childDocument's iframe load in progress flag. // 5. Fire an event named load at element. element.dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(HTML::EventNames::load)); // FIXME: 6. Unset childDocument's iframe load in progress flag. } }