/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::Fetch { BodyMixin::~BodyMixin() = default; // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#body-unusable bool BodyMixin::is_unusable() const { // An object including the Body interface mixin is said to be unusable if its body is non-null and its body’s stream is disturbed or locked. auto const& body = body_impl(); return body.has_value() && (body->stream()->is_disturbed() || body->stream()->is_locked()); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-body JS::GCPtr BodyMixin::body() const { // The body getter steps are to return null if this’s body is null; otherwise this’s body’s stream. auto const& body = body_impl(); return body.has_value() ? body->stream().ptr() : nullptr; } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-bodyused bool BodyMixin::body_used() const { // The bodyUsed getter steps are to return true if this’s body is non-null and this’s body’s stream is disturbed; otherwise false. auto const& body = body_impl(); return body.has_value() && body->stream()->is_disturbed(); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-arraybuffer JS::NonnullGCPtr BodyMixin::array_buffer() const { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); // The arrayBuffer() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and ArrayBuffer. return consume_body(realm, *this, PackageDataType::ArrayBuffer); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-blob JS::NonnullGCPtr BodyMixin::blob() const { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); // The blob() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and Blob. return consume_body(realm, *this, PackageDataType::Blob); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-formdata JS::NonnullGCPtr BodyMixin::form_data() const { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); // The formData() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and FormData. return consume_body(realm, *this, PackageDataType::FormData); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-json JS::NonnullGCPtr BodyMixin::json() const { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); // The json() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and JSON. return consume_body(realm, *this, PackageDataType::JSON); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-body-text JS::NonnullGCPtr BodyMixin::text() const { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); // The text() method steps are to return the result of running consume body with this and text. return consume_body(realm, *this, PackageDataType::Text); } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-package-data WebIDL::ExceptionOr package_data(JS::Realm& realm, ByteBuffer bytes, PackageDataType type, Optional const& mime_type) { auto& vm = realm.vm(); switch (type) { case PackageDataType::ArrayBuffer: // Return a new ArrayBuffer whose contents are bytes. return JS::ArrayBuffer::create(realm, move(bytes)); case PackageDataType::Blob: { // Return a Blob whose contents are bytes and type attribute is mimeType. // NOTE: If extracting the mime type returns failure, other browsers set it to an empty string - not sure if that's spec'd. auto mime_type_string = mime_type.has_value() ? mime_type->serialized() : String::empty(); return FileAPI::Blob::create(realm, move(bytes), move(mime_type_string)); } case PackageDataType::FormData: // If mimeType’s essence is "multipart/form-data", then: if (mime_type.has_value() && mime_type->essence() == "multipart/form-data"sv) { // FIXME: 1. Parse bytes, using the value of the `boundary` parameter from mimeType, per the rules set forth in Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data. [RFC7578] // FIXME: 2. If that fails for some reason, then throw a TypeError. // FIXME: 3. Return a new FormData object, appending each entry, resulting from the parsing operation, to its entry list. return JS::js_null(); } // Otherwise, if mimeType’s essence is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", then: else if (mime_type.has_value() && mime_type->essence() == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"sv) { // FIXME: 1. Let entries be the result of parsing bytes. // FIXME: 2. If entries is failure, then throw a TypeError. // FIXME: 3. Return a new FormData object whose entry list is entries. return JS::js_null(); } // Otherwise, throw a TypeError. else { return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Mime type must be 'multipart/form-data' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'"sv }; } case PackageDataType::JSON: // Return the result of running parse JSON from bytes on bytes. return Infra::parse_json_bytes_to_javascript_value(vm, bytes); case PackageDataType::Text: // Return the result of running UTF-8 decode on bytes. return JS::js_string(vm, String::copy(bytes)); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-body-consume-body JS::NonnullGCPtr consume_body(JS::Realm& realm, BodyMixin const& object, PackageDataType type) { auto& vm = realm.vm(); // 1. If object is unusable, then return a promise rejected with a TypeError. if (object.is_unusable()) { auto promise_capability = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm, JS::TypeError::create(realm, "Body is unusable"sv)); return verify_cast(*promise_capability->promise().ptr()); } // 2. Let promise be a promise resolved with an empty byte sequence. auto promise = WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, JS::js_string(vm, String::empty())); // 3. If object’s body is non-null, then set promise to the result of fully reading body as promise given object’s body. auto const& body = object.body_impl(); if (body.has_value()) promise = body->fully_read_as_promise(); // 4. Let steps be to return the result of package data with the first argument given, type, and object’s MIME type. auto steps = [&realm, &object, type](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr { VERIFY(value.is_string()); auto bytes = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(realm, ByteBuffer::copy(value.as_string().string().bytes())); return package_data(realm, move(bytes), type, object.mime_type_impl()); }; // 5. Return the result of upon fulfillment of promise given steps. return WebIDL::upon_fulfillment(promise, move(steps)); } }