/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::DOM { class RequestAnimationFrameCallback : public RefCounted { public: explicit RequestAnimationFrameCallback(i32 id, Function handler) : m_id(id) , m_handler(move(handler)) { } ~RequestAnimationFrameCallback() { } i32 id() const { return m_id; } bool is_cancelled() const { return !m_handler; } void cancel() { m_handler = nullptr; } void invoke() { m_handler(m_id); } private: i32 m_id { 0 }; Function m_handler; }; struct RequestAnimationFrameDriver { RequestAnimationFrameDriver() { m_timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(16, [this] { auto taken_callbacks = move(m_callbacks); for (auto& it : taken_callbacks) { if (!it.value->is_cancelled()) it.value->invoke(); } }); } NonnullRefPtr add(Function handler) { auto id = m_id_allocator.allocate(); auto callback = adopt_ref(*new RequestAnimationFrameCallback { id, move(handler) }); m_callbacks.set(id, callback); if (!m_timer->is_active()) m_timer->start(); return callback; } bool remove(i32 id) { auto it = m_callbacks.find(id); if (it == m_callbacks.end()) return false; m_callbacks.remove(it); m_id_allocator.deallocate(id); return true; } private: HashMap> m_callbacks; IDAllocator m_id_allocator; RefPtr m_timer; }; static RequestAnimationFrameDriver& request_animation_frame_driver() { static RequestAnimationFrameDriver driver; return driver; } NonnullRefPtr Window::create_with_document(Document& document) { return adopt_ref(*new Window(document)); } Window::Window(Document& document) : EventTarget(static_cast(document)) , m_associated_document(document) , m_performance(make(*this)) , m_screen(CSS::Screen::create(*this)) { } Window::~Window() { } void Window::set_wrapper(Badge, Bindings::WindowObject& wrapper) { m_wrapper = wrapper.make_weak_ptr(); } void Window::alert(String const& message) { if (auto* page = this->page()) page->client().page_did_request_alert(message); } bool Window::confirm(String const& message) { if (auto* page = this->page()) return page->client().page_did_request_confirm(message); return false; } String Window::prompt(String const& message, String const& default_) { if (auto* page = this->page()) return page->client().page_did_request_prompt(message, default_); return {}; } i32 Window::set_interval(JS::FunctionObject& callback, i32 interval) { auto timer = Timer::create_interval(*this, interval, callback); m_timers.set(timer->id(), timer); return timer->id(); } i32 Window::set_timeout(JS::FunctionObject& callback, i32 interval) { auto timer = Timer::create_timeout(*this, interval, callback); m_timers.set(timer->id(), timer); return timer->id(); } void Window::timer_did_fire(Badge, Timer& timer) { // We should not be here if there's no JS wrapper for the Window object. VERIFY(wrapper()); auto& vm = wrapper()->vm(); // NOTE: This protector pointer keeps the timer alive until the end of this function no matter what. NonnullRefPtr protector(timer); if (timer.type() == Timer::Type::Timeout) { m_timers.remove(timer.id()); } [[maybe_unused]] auto rc = vm.call(timer.callback(), wrapper()); if (vm.exception()) vm.clear_exception(); } i32 Window::allocate_timer_id(Badge) { return m_timer_id_allocator.allocate(); } void Window::deallocate_timer_id(Badge, i32 id) { m_timer_id_allocator.deallocate(id); } void Window::clear_timeout(i32 timer_id) { m_timers.remove(timer_id); } void Window::clear_interval(i32 timer_id) { m_timers.remove(timer_id); } i32 Window::request_animation_frame(JS::FunctionObject& js_callback) { auto callback = request_animation_frame_driver().add([this, handle = JS::make_handle(&js_callback)](i32 id) mutable { auto& function = *handle.cell(); auto& vm = function.vm(); (void)vm.call(function, JS::js_undefined(), JS::Value((double)Core::DateTime::now().timestamp())); if (vm.exception()) vm.clear_exception(); m_request_animation_frame_callbacks.remove(id); }); m_request_animation_frame_callbacks.set(callback->id(), callback); return callback->id(); } void Window::cancel_animation_frame(i32 id) { auto it = m_request_animation_frame_callbacks.find(id); if (it == m_request_animation_frame_callbacks.end()) return; it->value->cancel(); m_request_animation_frame_callbacks.remove(it); } void Window::did_set_location_href(Badge, AK::URL const& new_href) { auto* frame = associated_document().browsing_context(); if (!frame) return; frame->loader().load(new_href, FrameLoader::Type::Navigation); } void Window::did_call_location_reload(Badge) { auto* frame = associated_document().browsing_context(); if (!frame) return; frame->loader().load(associated_document().url(), FrameLoader::Type::Reload); } bool Window::dispatch_event(NonnullRefPtr event) { return EventDispatcher::dispatch(*this, event, true); } JS::Object* Window::create_wrapper(JS::GlobalObject& global_object) { return &global_object; } int Window::inner_width() const { if (!associated_document().layout_node()) return 0; return associated_document().layout_node()->width(); } int Window::inner_height() const { if (!associated_document().layout_node()) return 0; return associated_document().layout_node()->height(); } Page* Window::page() { return associated_document().page(); } Page const* Window::page() const { return associated_document().page(); } NonnullRefPtr Window::get_computed_style(DOM::Element& element) const { return CSS::ResolvedCSSStyleDeclaration::create(element); } NonnullRefPtr Window::match_media(String media) { return CSS::MediaQueryList::create(associated_document(), move(media)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/#dom-window-scrollx float Window::scroll_x() const { if (auto* page = this->page()) return page->top_level_browsing_context().viewport_scroll_offset().x(); return 0; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/#dom-window-scrolly float Window::scroll_y() const { if (auto* page = this->page()) return page->top_level_browsing_context().viewport_scroll_offset().y(); return 0; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fire-a-page-transition-event void Window::fire_a_page_transition_event(FlyString event_name, bool persisted) { // To fire a page transition event named eventName at a Window window with a boolean persisted, // fire an event named eventName at window, using PageTransitionEvent, // with the persisted attribute initialized to persisted, auto event = HTML::PageTransitionEvent::create(move(event_name), persisted); // ...the cancelable attribute intialized to true, event->set_cancelable(true); // the bubbles attribute initialized to true, event->set_bubbles(true); // and legacy target override flag set. dispatch_event(move(event)); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-queuemicrotask void Window::queue_microtask(JS::FunctionObject& callback) { // The queueMicrotask(callback) method must queue a microtask to invoke callback, HTML::queue_a_microtask(associated_document(), [&callback, handle = JS::make_handle(&callback)]() { auto& vm = callback.vm(); [[maybe_unused]] auto rc = vm.call(callback, JS::js_null()); // FIXME: ...and if callback throws an exception, report the exception. if (vm.exception()) vm.clear_exception(); }); } }