/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::DOM { enum class NodeType : u16 { INVALID = 0, ELEMENT_NODE = 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2, TEXT_NODE = 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5, ENTITY_NODE = 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7, COMMENT_NODE = 8, DOCUMENT_NODE = 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11, NOTATION_NODE = 12 }; struct GetRootNodeOptions { bool composed { false }; }; class Node : public TreeNode , public EventTarget , public Bindings::Wrappable { public: using WrapperType = Bindings::NodeWrapper; using TreeNode::ref; using TreeNode::unref; ParentNode* parent_or_shadow_host(); const ParentNode* parent_or_shadow_host() const { return const_cast(this)->parent_or_shadow_host(); } // ^EventTarget virtual void ref_event_target() final { ref(); } virtual void unref_event_target() final { unref(); } virtual JS::Object* create_wrapper(JS::GlobalObject&) override; virtual ~Node(); void removed_last_ref(); NodeType type() const { return m_type; } bool is_element() const { return type() == NodeType::ELEMENT_NODE; } bool is_text() const { return type() == NodeType::TEXT_NODE; } bool is_document() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_NODE; } bool is_document_type() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE; } bool is_comment() const { return type() == NodeType::COMMENT_NODE; } bool is_character_data() const { return type() == NodeType::TEXT_NODE || type() == NodeType::COMMENT_NODE; } bool is_document_fragment() const { return type() == NodeType::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE; } bool is_parent_node() const { return is_element() || is_document() || is_document_fragment(); } bool is_slottable() const { return is_element() || is_text(); } bool is_attribute() const { return type() == NodeType::ATTRIBUTE_NODE; } virtual bool requires_svg_container() const { return false; } virtual bool is_svg_container() const { return false; } virtual bool is_svg_svg_element() const { return false; } bool in_a_document_tree() const; // NOTE: This is intended for the JS bindings. u16 node_type() const { return (u16)m_type; } virtual bool is_editable() const; virtual bool is_html_html_element() const { return false; } virtual bool is_html_anchor_element() const { return false; } virtual bool is_html_template_element() const { return false; } virtual bool is_browsing_context_container() const { return false; } ExceptionOr> pre_insert(NonnullRefPtr, RefPtr); ExceptionOr> pre_remove(NonnullRefPtr); ExceptionOr> append_child(NonnullRefPtr); ExceptionOr> remove_child(NonnullRefPtr); void insert_before(NonnullRefPtr node, RefPtr child, bool suppress_observers = false); void remove(bool suppress_observers = false); void remove_all_children(bool suppress_observers = false); u16 compare_document_position(RefPtr other); ExceptionOr> replace_child(NonnullRefPtr node, NonnullRefPtr child); NonnullRefPtr clone_node(Document* document = nullptr, bool clone_children = false); ExceptionOr> clone_node_binding(bool deep); // NOTE: This is intended for the JS bindings. bool has_child_nodes() const { return has_children(); } NonnullRefPtr child_nodes(); NonnullRefPtrVector children_as_vector() const; virtual FlyString node_name() const = 0; String descendant_text_content() const; String text_content() const; void set_text_content(String const&); String node_value() const; void set_node_value(String const&); Document& document() { return *m_document; } const Document& document() const { return *m_document; } RefPtr owner_document() const; const HTML::HTMLAnchorElement* enclosing_link_element() const; const HTML::HTMLElement* enclosing_html_element() const; const HTML::HTMLElement* enclosing_html_element_with_attribute(const FlyString&) const; String child_text_content() const; Node& root(); const Node& root() const { return const_cast(this)->root(); } Node& shadow_including_root(); const Node& shadow_including_root() const { return const_cast(this)->shadow_including_root(); } bool is_connected() const; Node* parent_node() { return parent(); } const Node* parent_node() const { return parent(); } Element* parent_element(); const Element* parent_element() const; virtual void inserted(); virtual void removed_from(Node*) { } virtual void children_changed() { } virtual void adopted_from(Document&) { } virtual void cloned(Node&, bool) {}; const Layout::Node* layout_node() const { return m_layout_node; } Layout::Node* layout_node() { return m_layout_node; } Painting::PaintableBox const* paint_box() const; Painting::Paintable const* paintable() const; void set_layout_node(Badge, Layout::Node*) const; virtual bool is_child_allowed(const Node&) const { return true; } bool needs_style_update() const { return m_needs_style_update; } void set_needs_style_update(bool); bool child_needs_style_update() const { return m_child_needs_style_update; } void set_child_needs_style_update(bool b) { m_child_needs_style_update = b; } void invalidate_style(); bool is_link() const; void set_document(Badge, Document&); virtual EventTarget* get_parent(const Event&) override; template bool fast_is() const = delete; ExceptionOr ensure_pre_insertion_validity(NonnullRefPtr node, RefPtr child) const; bool is_host_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(const Node&) const; bool is_scripting_disabled() const; bool contains(RefPtr) const; // Used for dumping the DOM Tree void serialize_tree_as_json(JsonObjectSerializer&) const; bool is_shadow_including_descendant_of(Node const&) const; bool is_shadow_including_inclusive_descendant_of(Node const&) const; bool is_shadow_including_ancestor_of(Node const&) const; bool is_shadow_including_inclusive_ancestor_of(Node const&) const; i32 id() const { return m_id; } static Node* from_id(i32 node_id); String serialize_fragment() const; void replace_all(RefPtr); void string_replace_all(String const&); bool is_same_node(Node const*) const; bool is_equal_node(Node const*) const; NonnullRefPtr get_root_node(GetRootNodeOptions const& options = {}); bool is_uninteresting_whitespace_node() const; String debug_description() const; size_t length() const; protected: Node(Document&, NodeType); Document* m_document { nullptr }; mutable WeakPtr m_layout_node; NodeType m_type { NodeType::INVALID }; bool m_needs_style_update { false }; bool m_child_needs_style_update { false }; i32 m_id; }; }