/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Linus Groh * Copyright (c) 2021, Luke Wilde * Copyright (c) 2021, Sam Atkins * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::DOM { Document::Document(const AK::URL& url) : ParentNode(*this, NodeType::DOCUMENT_NODE) , m_style_computer(make(*this)) , m_style_sheets(CSS::StyleSheetList::create(*this)) , m_url(url) , m_window(Window::create_with_document(*this)) , m_implementation(DOMImplementation::create({}, *this)) , m_history(HTML::History::create(*this)) { HTML::main_thread_event_loop().register_document({}, *this); m_style_update_timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(0, [this] { update_style(); }); m_layout_update_timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(0, [this] { force_layout(); }); } Document::~Document() { } void Document::removed_last_ref() { VERIFY(!ref_count()); VERIFY(!m_deletion_has_begun); if (m_referencing_node_count) { // The document has reached ref_count==0 but still has nodes keeping it alive. // At this point, sever all the node links we control. // If nodes remain elsewhere (e.g JS wrappers), they will keep the document alive. // NOTE: This makes sure we stay alive across for the duration of the cleanup below. increment_referencing_node_count(); m_focused_element = nullptr; m_hovered_node = nullptr; m_pending_parsing_blocking_script = nullptr; m_inspected_node = nullptr; m_scripts_to_execute_when_parsing_has_finished.clear(); m_scripts_to_execute_as_soon_as_possible.clear(); m_associated_inert_template_document = nullptr; m_interpreter = nullptr; { // Gather up all the descendants of this document and prune them from the tree. // FIXME: This could definitely be more elegant. NonnullRefPtrVector descendants; for_each_in_inclusive_subtree([&](auto& node) { if (&node != this) descendants.append(node); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); for (auto& node : descendants) { VERIFY(&node.document() == this); VERIFY(!node.is_document()); if (node.parent()) node.remove(); } } m_in_removed_last_ref = false; decrement_referencing_node_count(); return; } m_in_removed_last_ref = false; m_deletion_has_begun = true; HTML::main_thread_event_loop().unregister_document({}, *this); delete this; } Origin Document::origin() const { if (!m_url.is_valid()) return {}; return { m_url.protocol(), m_url.host(), m_url.port_or_default() }; } void Document::set_origin(const Origin& origin) { m_url.set_protocol(origin.protocol()); m_url.set_host(origin.host()); m_url.set_port(origin.port()); } void Document::schedule_style_update() { if (m_style_update_timer->is_active()) return; m_style_update_timer->start(); } void Document::schedule_layout_update() { if (m_layout_update_timer->is_active()) return; m_layout_update_timer->start(); } bool Document::is_child_allowed(const Node& node) const { switch (node.type()) { case NodeType::DOCUMENT_NODE: case NodeType::TEXT_NODE: return false; case NodeType::COMMENT_NODE: return true; case NodeType::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return !first_child_of_type(); case NodeType::ELEMENT_NODE: return !first_child_of_type(); default: return false; } } Element* Document::document_element() { return first_child_of_type(); } const Element* Document::document_element() const { return first_child_of_type(); } HTML::HTMLHtmlElement* Document::html_element() { auto* html = document_element(); if (is(html)) return verify_cast(html); return nullptr; } HTML::HTMLHeadElement* Document::head() { auto* html = html_element(); if (!html) return nullptr; return html->first_child_of_type(); } HTML::HTMLElement* Document::body() { auto* html = html_element(); if (!html) return nullptr; auto* first_body = html->first_child_of_type(); if (first_body) return first_body; auto* first_frameset = html->first_child_of_type(); if (first_frameset) return first_frameset; return nullptr; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-body ExceptionOr Document::set_body(HTML::HTMLElement* new_body) { if (!is(new_body) && !is(new_body)) return DOM::HierarchyRequestError::create("Invalid document body element, must be 'body' or 'frameset'"); auto* existing_body = body(); if (existing_body) { auto replace_result = existing_body->parent()->replace_child(*new_body, *existing_body); if (replace_result.is_exception()) return replace_result.exception(); return {}; } auto* document_element = this->document_element(); if (!document_element) return DOM::HierarchyRequestError::create("Missing document element"); auto append_result = document_element->append_child(*new_body); if (append_result.is_exception()) return append_result.exception(); return {}; } String Document::title() const { auto* head_element = head(); if (!head_element) return {}; auto* title_element = head_element->first_child_of_type(); if (!title_element) return {}; auto raw_title = title_element->text_content(); StringBuilder builder; bool last_was_space = false; for (auto code_point : Utf8View(raw_title)) { if (is_ascii_space(code_point)) { last_was_space = true; } else { if (last_was_space && !builder.is_empty()) builder.append(' '); builder.append_code_point(code_point); last_was_space = false; } } return builder.to_string(); } void Document::set_title(const String& title) { auto* head_element = const_cast(head()); if (!head_element) return; RefPtr title_element = head_element->first_child_of_type(); if (!title_element) { title_element = static_ptr_cast(create_element(HTML::TagNames::title)); head_element->append_child(*title_element); } title_element->remove_all_children(true); title_element->append_child(adopt_ref(*new Text(*this, title))); if (auto* page = this->page()) { if (browsing_context() == &page->top_level_browsing_context()) page->client().page_did_change_title(title); } } void Document::attach_to_browsing_context(Badge, HTML::BrowsingContext& browsing_context) { m_browsing_context = browsing_context; update_layout(); } void Document::detach_from_browsing_context(Badge, HTML::BrowsingContext& browsing_context) { VERIFY(&browsing_context == m_browsing_context); tear_down_layout_tree(); m_browsing_context = nullptr; } void Document::tear_down_layout_tree() { if (!m_layout_root) return; // Gather up all the layout nodes in a vector and detach them from parents // while the vector keeps them alive. NonnullRefPtrVector layout_nodes; m_layout_root->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree([&](auto& layout_node) { layout_nodes.append(layout_node); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); for (auto& layout_node : layout_nodes) { if (layout_node.parent()) layout_node.parent()->remove_child(layout_node); } m_layout_root = nullptr; } Color Document::background_color(const Palette& palette) const { auto default_color = palette.base(); auto* body_element = body(); if (!body_element) return default_color; auto* body_layout_node = body_element->layout_node(); if (!body_layout_node) return default_color; auto color = body_layout_node->computed_values().background_color(); if (!color.alpha()) return default_color; return color; } Vector const* Document::background_layers() const { auto* body_element = body(); if (!body_element) return {}; auto* body_layout_node = body_element->layout_node(); if (!body_layout_node) return {}; return &body_layout_node->background_layers(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/urls-and-fetching.html#parse-a-url AK::URL Document::parse_url(String const& url) const { // FIXME: Make sure we do this according to spec. return m_url.complete_url(url); } void Document::set_needs_layout() { if (m_needs_layout) return; m_needs_layout = true; schedule_layout_update(); } void Document::force_layout() { tear_down_layout_tree(); update_layout(); } void Document::ensure_layout() { if (m_needs_layout || !m_layout_root) update_layout(); } void Document::update_layout() { if (!m_needs_layout && m_layout_root) return; if (!browsing_context()) return; update_style(); if (!m_layout_root) { Layout::TreeBuilder tree_builder; m_layout_root = static_ptr_cast(tree_builder.build(*this)); } Layout::BlockFormattingContext root_formatting_context(*m_layout_root, nullptr); root_formatting_context.run(*m_layout_root, Layout::LayoutMode::Default); m_layout_root->set_needs_display(); if (browsing_context()->is_top_level()) { if (auto* page = this->page()) page->client().page_did_layout(); } m_needs_layout = false; m_layout_update_timer->stop(); } static void update_style_recursively(DOM::Node& node) { if (is(node)) static_cast(node).recompute_style(); node.set_needs_style_update(false); if (node.child_needs_style_update()) { node.for_each_child([&](auto& child) { if (child.needs_style_update() || child.child_needs_style_update()) update_style_recursively(child); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } node.set_child_needs_style_update(false); } void Document::update_style() { if (!browsing_context()) return; if (!needs_style_update() && !child_needs_style_update()) return; update_style_recursively(*this); m_style_update_timer->stop(); set_needs_layout(); } RefPtr Document::create_layout_node() { return adopt_ref(*new Layout::InitialContainingBlock(*this, style_computer().create_document_style())); } void Document::set_link_color(Color color) { m_link_color = color; } void Document::set_active_link_color(Color color) { m_active_link_color = color; } void Document::set_visited_link_color(Color color) { m_visited_link_color = color; } const Layout::InitialContainingBlock* Document::layout_node() const { return static_cast(Node::layout_node()); } Layout::InitialContainingBlock* Document::layout_node() { return static_cast(Node::layout_node()); } void Document::set_inspected_node(Node* node) { if (m_inspected_node == node) return; if (m_inspected_node && m_inspected_node->layout_node()) m_inspected_node->layout_node()->set_needs_display(); m_inspected_node = node; if (m_inspected_node && m_inspected_node->layout_node()) m_inspected_node->layout_node()->set_needs_display(); } void Document::set_hovered_node(Node* node) { if (m_hovered_node == node) return; RefPtr old_hovered_node = move(m_hovered_node); m_hovered_node = node; invalidate_style(); } NonnullRefPtr Document::get_elements_by_name(String const& name) { return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [name](Element const& element) { return element.name() == name; }); } NonnullRefPtr Document::get_elements_by_class_name(FlyString const& class_name) { return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [class_name, quirks_mode = document().in_quirks_mode()](Element const& element) { return element.has_class(class_name, quirks_mode ? CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive : CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/obsolete.html#dom-document-applets NonnullRefPtr Document::applets() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](auto&) { return false; }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/obsolete.html#dom-document-anchors NonnullRefPtr Document::anchors() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return is(element) && element.has_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::name); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-images NonnullRefPtr Document::images() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return is(element); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-embeds NonnullRefPtr Document::embeds() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return is(element); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-plugins NonnullRefPtr Document::plugins() { return embeds(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-links NonnullRefPtr Document::links() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return (is(element) || is(element)) && element.has_attribute(HTML::AttributeNames::href); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-forms NonnullRefPtr Document::forms() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return is(element); }); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#dom-document-scripts NonnullRefPtr Document::scripts() { // FIXME: This should return the same HTMLCollection object every time, // but that would cause a reference cycle since HTMLCollection refs the root. return HTMLCollection::create(*this, [](Element const& element) { return is(element); }); } Color Document::link_color() const { if (m_link_color.has_value()) return m_link_color.value(); if (!page()) return Color::Blue; return page()->palette().link(); } Color Document::active_link_color() const { if (m_active_link_color.has_value()) return m_active_link_color.value(); if (!page()) return Color::Red; return page()->palette().active_link(); } Color Document::visited_link_color() const { if (m_visited_link_color.has_value()) return m_visited_link_color.value(); if (!page()) return Color::Magenta; return page()->palette().visited_link(); } JS::Realm& Document::realm() { return interpreter().realm(); } JS::Interpreter& Document::interpreter() { if (!m_interpreter) { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); m_interpreter = JS::Interpreter::create(vm, *m_window); // NOTE: We must hook `on_call_stack_emptied` after the interpreter was created, as the initialization of the // WindowsObject can invoke some internal calls, which will eventually lead to this hook being called without // `m_interpreter` being fully initialized yet. // TODO: Hook up vm.on_promise_unhandled_rejection and vm.on_promise_rejection_handled // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises#promise_rejection_events vm.on_call_stack_emptied = [this] { auto& vm = m_interpreter->vm(); vm.run_queued_promise_jobs(); vm.run_queued_finalization_registry_cleanup_jobs(); // FIXME: This isn't exactly the right place for this. HTML::main_thread_event_loop().perform_a_microtask_checkpoint(); // Note: This is not an exception check for the promise jobs, they will just leave any // exception that already exists intact and never throw a new one (without cleaning it // up, that is). Taking care of any previous unhandled exception just happens to be the // very last thing we want to do, even after running promise jobs. if (auto* exception = vm.exception()) { auto value = exception->value(); if (value.is_object()) { auto& object = value.as_object(); auto name = object.get_without_side_effects(vm.names.name).value_or(JS::js_undefined()); auto message = object.get_without_side_effects(vm.names.message).value_or(JS::js_undefined()); if (name.is_accessor() || message.is_accessor()) { // The result is not going to be useful, let's just print the value. This affects DOMExceptions, for example. dbgln("\033[31;1mUnhandled JavaScript exception:\033[0m {}", value); } else { dbgln("\033[31;1mUnhandled JavaScript exception:\033[0m [{}] {}", name, message); } } else { dbgln("\033[31;1mUnhandled JavaScript exception:\033[0m {}", value); } for (auto& traceback_frame : exception->traceback()) { auto& function_name = traceback_frame.function_name; auto& source_range = traceback_frame.source_range; dbgln(" {} at {}:{}:{}", function_name, source_range.filename, source_range.start.line, source_range.start.column); } } vm.finish_execution_generation(); }; } return *m_interpreter; } JS::Value Document::run_javascript(StringView source, StringView filename) { auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source, filename)); auto program = parser.parse_program(); if (parser.has_errors()) { parser.print_errors(false); return JS::js_undefined(); } auto& interpreter = document().interpreter(); auto& vm = interpreter.vm(); interpreter.run(interpreter.global_object(), *program); if (vm.exception()) vm.clear_exception(); return vm.last_value(); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-createelement // FIXME: This only implements step 6 of the algorithm and does not take in options. NonnullRefPtr Document::create_element(const String& tag_name) { // FIXME: Let namespace be the HTML namespace, if this is an HTML document or this’s content type is "application/xhtml+xml", and null otherwise. return DOM::create_element(*this, tag_name, Namespace::HTML); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#internal-createelementns-steps // FIXME: This only implements step 4 of the algorithm and does not take in options. NonnullRefPtr Document::create_element_ns(const String& namespace_, const String& qualified_name) { return DOM::create_element(*this, qualified_name, namespace_); } NonnullRefPtr Document::create_document_fragment() { return adopt_ref(*new DocumentFragment(*this)); } NonnullRefPtr Document::create_text_node(const String& data) { return adopt_ref(*new Text(*this, data)); } NonnullRefPtr Document::create_comment(const String& data) { return adopt_ref(*new Comment(*this, data)); } NonnullRefPtr Document::create_range() { return Range::create(*this); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-createevent NonnullRefPtr Document::create_event(const String& interface) { auto interface_lowercase = interface.to_lowercase(); RefPtr event; if (interface_lowercase == "beforeunloadevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create BeforeUnloadEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "compositionevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create CompositionEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "customevent") { event = CustomEvent::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase == "devicemotionevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create DeviceMotionEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "deviceorientationevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create DeviceOrientationEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "dragevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create DragEvent } else if (interface_lowercase.is_one_of("event", "events")) { event = Event::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase == "focusevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create FocusEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "hashchangeevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create HashChangeEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "htmlevents") { event = Event::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase == "keyboardevent") { event = UIEvents::KeyboardEvent::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase == "messageevent") { event = HTML::MessageEvent::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase.is_one_of("mouseevent", "mouseevents")) { event = UIEvents::MouseEvent::create("", 0, 0, 0, 0); } else if (interface_lowercase == "storageevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create StorageEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "svgevents") { event = Event::create(""); } else if (interface_lowercase == "textevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create CompositionEvent } else if (interface_lowercase == "touchevent") { event = Event::create(""); // FIXME: Create TouchEvent } else if (interface_lowercase.is_one_of("uievent", "uievents")) { event = UIEvents::UIEvent::create(""); } else { // FIXME: // 3. If constructor is null, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException. // 4. If the interface indicated by constructor is not exposed on the relevant global object of this, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException. TODO(); } // Setting type to empty string is handled by each constructor. // FIXME: // 7. Initialize event’s timeStamp attribute to a DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the high resolution time from the time origin to now. event->set_is_trusted(false); event->set_initialized(false); return event.release_nonnull(); } void Document::set_pending_parsing_blocking_script(Badge, HTML::HTMLScriptElement* script) { m_pending_parsing_blocking_script = script; } NonnullRefPtr Document::take_pending_parsing_blocking_script(Badge) { return m_pending_parsing_blocking_script.release_nonnull(); } void Document::add_script_to_execute_when_parsing_has_finished(Badge, HTML::HTMLScriptElement& script) { m_scripts_to_execute_when_parsing_has_finished.append(script); } NonnullRefPtrVector Document::take_scripts_to_execute_when_parsing_has_finished(Badge) { return move(m_scripts_to_execute_when_parsing_has_finished); } void Document::add_script_to_execute_as_soon_as_possible(Badge, HTML::HTMLScriptElement& script) { m_scripts_to_execute_as_soon_as_possible.append(script); } NonnullRefPtrVector Document::take_scripts_to_execute_as_soon_as_possible(Badge) { return move(m_scripts_to_execute_as_soon_as_possible); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-importnode ExceptionOr> Document::import_node(NonnullRefPtr node, bool deep) { // 1. If node is a document or shadow root, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException. if (is(*node) || is(*node)) return DOM::NotSupportedError::create("Cannot import a document or shadow root."); // 2. Return a clone of node, with this and the clone children flag set if deep is true. return node->clone_node(this, deep); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-node-adopt void Document::adopt_node(Node& node) { auto& old_document = node.document(); if (node.parent()) node.remove(); if (&old_document != this) { // FIXME: This should be shadow-including. node.for_each_in_inclusive_subtree([&](auto& inclusive_descendant) { inclusive_descendant.set_document({}, *this); // FIXME: If inclusiveDescendant is an element, then set the node document of each attribute in inclusiveDescendant’s attribute list to document. return IterationDecision::Continue; }); // FIXME: For each inclusiveDescendant in node’s shadow-including inclusive descendants that is custom, // enqueue a custom element callback reaction with inclusiveDescendant, callback name "adoptedCallback", // and an argument list containing oldDocument and document. // FIXME: This should be shadow-including. node.for_each_in_inclusive_subtree([&](auto& inclusive_descendant) { inclusive_descendant.adopted_from(old_document); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-document-adoptnode ExceptionOr> Document::adopt_node_binding(NonnullRefPtr node) { if (is(*node)) return DOM::NotSupportedError::create("Cannot adopt a document into a document"); if (is(*node)) return DOM::HierarchyRequestError::create("Cannot adopt a shadow root into a document"); if (is(*node) && verify_cast(*node).host()) return node; adopt_node(*node); return node; } const DocumentType* Document::doctype() const { return first_child_of_type(); } const String& Document::compat_mode() const { static String back_compat = "BackCompat"; static String css1_compat = "CSS1Compat"; if (m_quirks_mode == QuirksMode::Yes) return back_compat; return css1_compat; } bool Document::is_editable() const { return m_editable; } void Document::set_focused_element(Element* element) { if (m_focused_element == element) return; m_focused_element = element; if (m_layout_root) m_layout_root->set_needs_display(); } void Document::set_active_element(Element* element) { if (m_active_element == element) return; m_active_element = element; if (m_layout_root) m_layout_root->set_needs_display(); } String Document::ready_state() const { switch (m_readiness) { case HTML::DocumentReadyState::Loading: return "loading"sv; case HTML::DocumentReadyState::Interactive: return "interactive"sv; case HTML::DocumentReadyState::Complete: return "complete"sv; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#update-the-current-document-readiness void Document::update_readiness(HTML::DocumentReadyState readiness_value) { // 1. If document's current document readiness equals readinessValue, then return. if (m_readiness == readiness_value) return; // The spec doesn't actually mention updating the current readiness value. // FIXME: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7120 m_readiness = readiness_value; // FIXME: 2. If document is associated with an HTML parser, then: // FIXME: 1. If document is associated with an HTML parser, then: // FIXME: 2. If readinessValue is "complete", and document's load timing info's DOM complete time is 0, then set document's load timing info's DOM complete time to now. // FIXME: 3. Otherwise, if readinessValue is "interactive", and document's load timing info's DOM interactive time is 0, then set document's load timing info's DOM interactive time to now. // 3. Fire an event named readystatechange at document. dispatch_event(Event::create(HTML::EventNames::readystatechange)); } Page* Document::page() { return m_browsing_context ? m_browsing_context->page() : nullptr; } const Page* Document::page() const { return m_browsing_context ? m_browsing_context->page() : nullptr; } EventTarget* Document::get_parent(const Event& event) { if (event.type() == HTML::EventNames::load) return nullptr; return &window(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#completely-finish-loading void Document::completely_finish_loading() { // 1. Assert: document's browsing context is non-null. VERIFY(browsing_context()); // FIXME: 2. Set document's completely loaded time to the current time. // 3. Let container be document's browsing context's container. auto* container = browsing_context()->container(); // If container is an iframe element, then queue an element task on the DOM manipulation task source given container to run the iframe load event steps given container. if (container && is(*container)) { container->queue_an_element_task(HTML::Task::Source::DOMManipulation, [container]() mutable { run_iframe_load_event_steps(static_cast(*container)); }); } // Otherwise, if container is non-null, then queue an element task on the DOM manipulation task source given container to fire an event named load at container. else if (container) { container->queue_an_element_task(HTML::Task::Source::DOMManipulation, [container]() mutable { container->dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(HTML::EventNames::load)); }); } } String Document::cookie(Cookie::Source source) { if (auto* page = this->page()) return page->client().page_did_request_cookie(m_url, source); return {}; } void Document::set_cookie(String cookie_string, Cookie::Source source) { auto cookie = Cookie::parse_cookie(cookie_string); if (!cookie.has_value()) return; if (auto* page = this->page()) page->client().page_did_set_cookie(m_url, cookie.value(), source); } String Document::dump_dom_tree_as_json() const { StringBuilder builder; JsonObjectSerializer json(builder); serialize_tree_as_json(json); json.finish(); return builder.to_string(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#has-a-style-sheet-that-is-blocking-scripts bool Document::has_a_style_sheet_that_is_blocking_scripts() const { // A Document has a style sheet that is blocking scripts if its script-blocking style sheet counter is greater than 0, if (m_script_blocking_style_sheet_counter > 0) return true; // ...or if that Document has a non-null browsing context whose container document is non-null and has a script-blocking style sheet counter greater than 0. if (!browsing_context() || !browsing_context()->container_document()) return false; return browsing_context()->container_document()->m_script_blocking_style_sheet_counter > 0; } String Document::referrer() const { // FIXME: Return the document's actual referrer. return ""; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#fully-active bool Document::is_fully_active() const { // A Document d is said to be fully active when d's browsing context is non-null, d's browsing context's active document is d, // and either d's browsing context is a top-level browsing context, or d's browsing context's container document is fully active. return browsing_context() && browsing_context()->active_document() == this && (browsing_context()->is_top_level() || browsing_context()->container_document()->is_fully_active()); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsers.html#active-document bool Document::is_active() const { // A browsing context's active document is its active window's associated Document. return browsing_context() && browsing_context()->active_document() == this; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/history.html#dom-document-location Bindings::LocationObject* Document::location() { // The Document object's location attribute's getter must return this Document object's relevant global object's Location object, // if this Document object is fully active, and null otherwise. if (!is_fully_active()) return nullptr; return window().wrapper()->location_object(); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-document-hidden bool Document::hidden() const { return false; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#dom-document-visibilitystate String Document::visibility_state() const { return hidden() ? "hidden" : "visible"; } // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#run-the-resize-steps void Document::run_the_resize_steps() { // 1. If doc’s viewport has had its width or height changed // (e.g. as a result of the user resizing the browser window, or changing the page zoom scale factor, // or an iframe element’s dimensions are changed) since the last time these steps were run, // fire an event named resize at the Window object associated with doc. if (!browsing_context()) return; auto viewport_size = browsing_context()->viewport_rect().size(); if (m_last_viewport_size == viewport_size) return; m_last_viewport_size = viewport_size; dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(UIEvents::EventNames::resize)); update_layout(); } void Document::add_media_query_list(NonnullRefPtr& media_query_list) { m_media_query_lists.append(media_query_list); } // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#evaluate-media-queries-and-report-changes void Document::evaluate_media_queries_and_report_changes() { // NOTE: Not in the spec, but we take this opportunity to prune null WeakPtrs. m_media_query_lists.remove_all_matching([](auto& it) { return it.is_null(); }); // 1. For each MediaQueryList object target that has doc as its document, // in the order they were created, oldest first, run these substeps: for (auto& media_query_list_ptr : m_media_query_lists) { // 1.1. If target’s matches state has changed since the last time these steps // were run, fire an event at target using the MediaQueryListEvent constructor, // with its type attribute initialized to change, its isTrusted attribute // initialized to true, its media attribute initialized to target’s media, // and its matches attribute initialized to target’s matches state. if (media_query_list_ptr.is_null()) continue; auto media_query_list = media_query_list_ptr.strong_ref(); bool did_match = media_query_list->matches(); bool now_matches = media_query_list->evaluate(); if (did_match != now_matches) { CSS::MediaQueryListEventInit init; init.media = media_query_list->media(); init.matches = now_matches; auto event = CSS::MediaQueryListEvent::create(HTML::EventNames::change, init); event->set_is_trusted(true); media_query_list->dispatch_event(event); } } // Also not in the spec, but this is as good a place as any to evaluate @media rules! for (auto& style_sheet : style_sheets().sheets()) { style_sheet.evaluate_media_queries(window()); } } NonnullRefPtr Document::implementation() const { return *m_implementation; } }