/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers. * Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Sam Atkins * Copyright (c) 2021, Tobias Christiansen * Copyright (c) 2022, MacDue * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void log_parse_error(SourceLocation const& location = SourceLocation::current()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Parse error (CSS) {}", location); } namespace Web::CSS::Parser { ParsingContext::ParsingContext(JS::Realm& realm) : m_realm(realm) { } ParsingContext::ParsingContext(DOM::Document const& document, AK::URL url) : m_realm(const_cast(document.realm())) , m_document(&document) , m_url(move(url)) { } ParsingContext::ParsingContext(DOM::Document const& document) : m_realm(const_cast(document.realm())) , m_document(&document) , m_url(document.url()) { } ParsingContext::ParsingContext(DOM::ParentNode& parent_node) : m_realm(parent_node.realm()) , m_document(&parent_node.document()) , m_url(parent_node.document().url()) { } bool ParsingContext::in_quirks_mode() const { return m_document ? m_document->in_quirks_mode() : false; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#relative-urls AK::URL ParsingContext::complete_url(StringView relative_url) const { return m_url.complete_url(relative_url); } ErrorOr Parser::create(ParsingContext const& context, StringView input, StringView encoding) { auto tokens = TRY(Tokenizer::tokenize(input, encoding)); return Parser { context, move(tokens) }; } Parser::Parser(ParsingContext const& context, Vector tokens) : m_context(context) , m_tokens(move(tokens)) , m_token_stream(m_tokens) { } Parser::Parser(Parser&& other) : m_context(other.m_context) , m_tokens(move(other.m_tokens)) , m_token_stream(m_tokens) { // Moving the TokenStream directly from `other` would break it, because TokenStream holds // a reference to the Vector, so it would be pointing at the old Parser's tokens. // So instead, we create a new TokenStream from this Parser's tokens, and then tell it to // copy the other TokenStream's state. This is quite hacky. m_token_stream.copy_state({}, other.m_token_stream); } // 5.3.3. Parse a stylesheet // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-stylesheet template Parser::ParsedStyleSheet Parser::parse_a_stylesheet(TokenStream& tokens, Optional location) { // To parse a stylesheet from an input given an optional url location: // 1. If input is a byte stream for stylesheet, decode bytes from input, and set input to the result. // 2. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // NOTE: These are done automatically when creating the Parser. // 3. Create a new stylesheet, with its location set to location (or null, if location was not passed). ParsedStyleSheet style_sheet; style_sheet.location = move(location); // 4. Consume a list of rules from input, with the top-level flag set, and set the stylesheet’s value to the result. style_sheet.rules = consume_a_list_of_rules(tokens, TopLevel::Yes); // 5. Return the stylesheet. return style_sheet; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-a-css-stylesheet CSSStyleSheet* Parser::parse_as_css_stylesheet(Optional location) { // To parse a CSS stylesheet, first parse a stylesheet. auto style_sheet = parse_a_stylesheet(m_token_stream, {}); // Interpret all of the resulting top-level qualified rules as style rules, defined below. JS::MarkedVector rules(m_context.realm().heap()); for (auto& raw_rule : style_sheet.rules) { auto* rule = convert_to_rule(raw_rule); // If any style rule is invalid, or any at-rule is not recognized or is invalid according to its grammar or context, it’s a parse error. Discard that rule. if (rule) rules.append(rule); } auto rule_list = CSSRuleList::create(m_context.realm(), rules).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto media_list = MediaList::create(m_context.realm(), {}).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); return CSSStyleSheet::create(m_context.realm(), rule_list, media_list, move(location)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } Optional Parser::parse_as_selector(SelectorParsingMode parsing_mode) { auto selector_list = parse_a_selector_list(m_token_stream, SelectorType::Standalone, parsing_mode); if (!selector_list.is_error()) return selector_list.release_value(); return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_as_relative_selector(SelectorParsingMode parsing_mode) { auto selector_list = parse_a_selector_list(m_token_stream, SelectorType::Relative, parsing_mode); if (!selector_list.is_error()) return selector_list.release_value(); return {}; } template Parser::ParseErrorOr Parser::parse_a_selector_list(TokenStream& tokens, SelectorType mode, SelectorParsingMode parsing_mode) { auto comma_separated_lists = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(tokens); Vector> selectors; for (auto& selector_parts : comma_separated_lists) { auto stream = TokenStream(selector_parts); auto selector = parse_complex_selector(stream, mode); if (selector.is_error()) { if (parsing_mode == SelectorParsingMode::Forgiving) continue; return selector.error(); } selectors.append(selector.release_value()); } if (selectors.is_empty() && parsing_mode != SelectorParsingMode::Forgiving) return ParseError::SyntaxError; return selectors; } Parser::ParseErrorOr> Parser::parse_complex_selector(TokenStream& tokens, SelectorType mode) { Vector compound_selectors; auto first_selector = TRY(parse_compound_selector(tokens)); if (!first_selector.has_value()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; if (mode == SelectorType::Standalone) { if (first_selector->combinator != Selector::Combinator::Descendant) return ParseError::SyntaxError; first_selector->combinator = Selector::Combinator::None; } compound_selectors.append(first_selector.release_value()); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto compound_selector = TRY(parse_compound_selector(tokens)); if (!compound_selector.has_value()) break; compound_selectors.append(compound_selector.release_value()); } if (compound_selectors.is_empty()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; return Selector::create(move(compound_selectors)); } Parser::ParseErrorOr> Parser::parse_compound_selector(TokenStream& tokens) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto combinator = parse_selector_combinator(tokens).value_or(Selector::Combinator::Descendant); tokens.skip_whitespace(); Vector simple_selectors; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto component = TRY(parse_simple_selector(tokens)); if (!component.has_value()) break; simple_selectors.append(component.release_value()); } if (simple_selectors.is_empty()) return Optional {}; return Selector::CompoundSelector { combinator, move(simple_selectors) }; } Optional Parser::parse_selector_combinator(TokenStream& tokens) { auto const& current_value = tokens.next_token(); if (current_value.is(Token::Type::Delim)) { switch (current_value.token().delim()) { case '>': return Selector::Combinator::ImmediateChild; case '+': return Selector::Combinator::NextSibling; case '~': return Selector::Combinator::SubsequentSibling; case '|': { auto const& next = tokens.peek_token(); if (next.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) return {}; if (next.is(Token::Type::Delim) && next.token().delim() == '|') { tokens.next_token(); return Selector::Combinator::Column; } } } } tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); return {}; } Parser::ParseErrorOr Parser::parse_attribute_simple_selector(ComponentValue const& first_value) { auto attribute_tokens = TokenStream { first_value.block().values() }; attribute_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSS attribute selector is empty!"); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } // FIXME: Handle namespace prefix for attribute name. auto const& attribute_part = attribute_tokens.next_token(); if (!attribute_part.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected ident for attribute name, got: '{}'", attribute_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } Selector::SimpleSelector simple_selector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Attribute, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute { .match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::HasAttribute, // FIXME: Case-sensitivity is defined by the document language. // HTML is insensitive with attribute names, and our code generally assumes // they are converted to lowercase, so we do that here too. If we want to be // correct with XML later, we'll need to keep the original case and then do // a case-insensitive compare later. .name = FlyString::from_deprecated_fly_string(attribute_part.token().ident().to_lowercase_string()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(), .case_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::CaseType::DefaultMatch, } }; attribute_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) return simple_selector; auto const& delim_part = attribute_tokens.next_token(); if (!delim_part.is(Token::Type::Delim)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected a delim for attribute comparison, got: '{}'", delim_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } if (delim_part.token().delim() == '=') { simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ExactValueMatch; } else { if (!attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Attribute selector ended part way through a match type."); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } auto const& delim_second_part = attribute_tokens.next_token(); if (!(delim_second_part.is(Token::Type::Delim) && delim_second_part.token().delim() == '=')) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected a double delim for attribute comparison, got: '{}{}'", delim_part.to_debug_string(), delim_second_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } switch (delim_part.token().delim()) { case '~': simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ContainsWord; break; case '*': simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::ContainsString; break; case '|': simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::StartsWithSegment; break; case '^': simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::StartsWithString; break; case '$': simple_selector.attribute().match_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::MatchType::EndsWithString; break; default: attribute_tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); } } attribute_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Attribute selector ended without a value to match."); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } auto const& value_part = attribute_tokens.next_token(); if (!value_part.is(Token::Type::Ident) && !value_part.is(Token::Type::String)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected a string or ident for the value to match attribute against, got: '{}'", value_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } auto value_string_view = value_part.token().is(Token::Type::Ident) ? value_part.token().ident() : value_part.token().string(); simple_selector.attribute().value = String::from_utf8(value_string_view).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); attribute_tokens.skip_whitespace(); // Handle case-sensitivity suffixes. https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#attribute-case if (attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& case_sensitivity_part = attribute_tokens.next_token(); if (case_sensitivity_part.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto case_sensitivity = case_sensitivity_part.token().ident(); if (case_sensitivity.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("i"sv)) { simple_selector.attribute().case_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::CaseType::CaseInsensitiveMatch; } else if (case_sensitivity.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("s"sv)) { simple_selector.attribute().case_type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Attribute::CaseType::CaseSensitiveMatch; } else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected a \"i\" or \"s\" attribute selector case sensitivity identifier, got: '{}'", case_sensitivity_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } } else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected an attribute selector case sensitivity identifier, got: '{}'", case_sensitivity_part.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } } if (attribute_tokens.has_next_token()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Was not expecting anything else inside attribute selector."); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } return simple_selector; } Parser::ParseErrorOr Parser::parse_pseudo_simple_selector(TokenStream& tokens) { auto peek_token_ends_selector = [&]() -> bool { auto const& value = tokens.peek_token(); return (value.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile) || value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace) || value.is(Token::Type::Comma)); }; if (peek_token_ends_selector()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; bool is_pseudo = false; if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Colon)) { is_pseudo = true; tokens.next_token(); if (peek_token_ends_selector()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; } if (is_pseudo) { auto const& name_token = tokens.next_token(); if (!name_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected an ident for pseudo-element, got: '{}'", name_token.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } auto pseudo_name = name_token.token().ident(); auto pseudo_element = pseudo_element_from_string(pseudo_name); // Note: We allow the "ignored" -webkit prefix here for -webkit-progress-bar/-webkit-progress-bar if (!pseudo_element.has_value() && has_ignored_vendor_prefix(pseudo_name)) return ParseError::IncludesIgnoredVendorPrefix; if (!pseudo_element.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unrecognized pseudo-element: '::{}'", pseudo_name); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement, .value = pseudo_element.value() }; } if (peek_token_ends_selector()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; auto const& pseudo_class_token = tokens.next_token(); if (pseudo_class_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto pseudo_name = pseudo_class_token.token().ident(); if (has_ignored_vendor_prefix(pseudo_name)) return ParseError::IncludesIgnoredVendorPrefix; auto make_pseudo_class_selector = [](auto pseudo_class) { return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = pseudo_class } }; }; if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("active"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Active); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("checked"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Checked); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("indeterminate"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Indeterminate); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("defined"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Defined); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("disabled"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Disabled); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("empty"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Empty); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("enabled"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Enabled); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("first-child"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::FirstChild); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("first-of-type"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::FirstOfType); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("focus"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Focus); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("focus-within"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::FocusWithin); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("hover"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Hover); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("last-child"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::LastChild); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("last-of-type"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::LastOfType); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("link"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Link); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("only-child"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::OnlyChild); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("only-of-type"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::OnlyOfType); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("root"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Root); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("visited"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Visited); if (pseudo_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("scope"sv)) return make_pseudo_class_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Scope); // Single-colon syntax allowed for ::after, ::before, ::first-letter and ::first-line for compatibility. // https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-element-syntax if (auto pseudo_element = pseudo_element_from_string(pseudo_name); pseudo_element.has_value()) { switch (pseudo_element.value()) { case Selector::PseudoElement::After: case Selector::PseudoElement::Before: case Selector::PseudoElement::FirstLetter: case Selector::PseudoElement::FirstLine: return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoElement, .value = pseudo_element.value() }; default: break; } } dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unrecognized pseudo-class: ':{}'", pseudo_name); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } if (pseudo_class_token.is_function()) { auto parse_nth_child_selector = [this](auto pseudo_class, Vector const& function_values, bool allow_of = false) -> ParseErrorOr { auto tokens = TokenStream(function_values); auto nth_child_pattern = parse_a_n_plus_b_pattern(tokens); if (!nth_child_pattern.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "!!! Invalid An+B format for {}", pseudo_class_name(pseudo_class)); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = pseudo_class, .nth_child_pattern = nth_child_pattern.release_value() } }; } if (!allow_of) return ParseError::SyntaxError; // Parse the `of ` syntax auto const& maybe_of = tokens.next_token(); if (!(maybe_of.is(Token::Type::Ident) && maybe_of.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("of"sv))) return ParseError::SyntaxError; tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto selector_list = TRY(parse_a_selector_list(tokens, SelectorType::Standalone)); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = pseudo_class, .nth_child_pattern = nth_child_pattern.release_value(), .argument_selector_list = move(selector_list) } }; }; auto const& pseudo_function = pseudo_class_token.function(); if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("is"sv) || pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("where"sv)) { auto function_token_stream = TokenStream(pseudo_function.values()); // NOTE: Because it's forgiving, even complete garbage will parse OK as an empty selector-list. auto argument_selector_list = MUST(parse_a_selector_list(function_token_stream, SelectorType::Standalone, SelectorParsingMode::Forgiving)); return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("is"sv) ? Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Is : Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Where, .argument_selector_list = move(argument_selector_list) } }; } if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("not"sv)) { auto function_token_stream = TokenStream(pseudo_function.values()); auto not_selector = TRY(parse_a_selector_list(function_token_stream, SelectorType::Standalone)); return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Not, .argument_selector_list = move(not_selector) } }; } if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("lang"sv)) { if (pseudo_function.values().is_empty()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Empty :lang() selector"); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } // FIXME: Support multiple, comma-separated, language ranges. Vector languages; languages.append(pseudo_function.values().first().token().to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::PseudoClass, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::Lang, .languages = move(languages) } }; } if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("nth-child"sv)) return parse_nth_child_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::NthChild, pseudo_function.values(), true); if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("nth-last-child"sv)) return parse_nth_child_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::NthLastChild, pseudo_function.values(), true); if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("nth-of-type"sv)) return parse_nth_child_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::NthOfType, pseudo_function.values(), false); if (pseudo_function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("nth-last-of-type"sv)) return parse_nth_child_selector(Selector::SimpleSelector::PseudoClass::Type::NthLastOfType, pseudo_function.values(), false); dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unrecognized pseudo-class function: ':{}'()", pseudo_function.name()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unexpected Block in pseudo-class name, expected a function or identifier. '{}'", pseudo_class_token.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } Parser::ParseErrorOr> Parser::parse_simple_selector(TokenStream& tokens) { auto peek_token_ends_selector = [&]() -> bool { auto const& value = tokens.peek_token(); return (value.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile) || value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace) || value.is(Token::Type::Comma)); }; if (peek_token_ends_selector()) return Optional {}; auto const& first_value = tokens.next_token(); if (first_value.is(Token::Type::Delim)) { u32 delim = first_value.token().delim(); switch (delim) { case '*': return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Universal }; case '.': { if (peek_token_ends_selector()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; auto const& class_name_value = tokens.next_token(); if (!class_name_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Expected an ident after '.', got: {}", class_name_value.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Class, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::Name { FlyString::from_utf8(class_name_value.token().ident()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() } }; } case '>': case '+': case '~': case '|': // Whitespace is not required between the compound-selector and a combinator. // So, if we see a combinator, return that this compound-selector is done, instead of a syntax error. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); return Optional {}; default: dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "!!! Invalid simple selector!"); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } } if (first_value.is(Token::Type::Hash)) { if (first_value.token().hash_type() != Token::HashType::Id) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Selector contains hash token that is not an id: {}", first_value.to_debug_string()); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::Id, .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::Name { FlyString::from_utf8(first_value.token().hash_value()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() } }; } if (first_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { return Selector::SimpleSelector { .type = Selector::SimpleSelector::Type::TagName, // FIXME: XML requires case-sensitivity for identifiers, while HTML does not. As such, this should be reworked if XML support is added. .value = Selector::SimpleSelector::Name { FlyString::from_utf8(first_value.token().ident().to_lowercase_string()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() } }; } if (first_value.is_block() && first_value.block().is_square()) return TRY(parse_attribute_simple_selector(first_value)); if (first_value.is(Token::Type::Colon)) return TRY(parse_pseudo_simple_selector(tokens)); dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "!!! Invalid simple selector!"); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } Vector> Parser::parse_as_media_query_list() { return parse_a_media_query_list(m_token_stream); } template Vector> Parser::parse_a_media_query_list(TokenStream& tokens) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#mq-list auto comma_separated_lists = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(tokens); AK::Vector> media_queries; for (auto& media_query_parts : comma_separated_lists) { auto stream = TokenStream(media_query_parts); media_queries.append(parse_media_query(stream)); } return media_queries; } RefPtr Parser::parse_as_media_query() { // https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/#parse-a-media-query auto media_query_list = parse_as_media_query_list(); if (media_query_list.is_empty()) return MediaQuery::create_not_all(); if (media_query_list.size() == 1) return media_query_list.first(); return nullptr; } // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-media-query NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_media_query(TokenStream& tokens) { // ` = // | [ not | only ]? [ and ]?` // `[ not | only ]?`, Returns whether to negate the query auto parse_initial_modifier = [](auto& tokens) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; auto ident = token.token().ident(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("not"sv)) { transaction.commit(); return true; } if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("only"sv)) { transaction.commit(); return false; } return {}; }; auto invalid_media_query = [&]() { // "A media query that does not match the grammar in the previous section must be replaced by `not all` // during parsing." - https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/#error-handling if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln("Invalid media query:"); tokens.dump_all_tokens(); } return MediaQuery::create_not_all(); }; auto media_query = MediaQuery::create(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // `` if (auto media_condition = parse_media_condition(tokens, MediaCondition::AllowOr::Yes)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return invalid_media_query(); media_query->m_media_condition = move(media_condition); return media_query; } // `[ not | only ]?` if (auto modifier = parse_initial_modifier(tokens); modifier.has_value()) { media_query->m_negated = modifier.value(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); } // `` if (auto media_type = parse_media_type(tokens); media_type.has_value()) { media_query->m_media_type = media_type.value(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); } else { return invalid_media_query(); } if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return media_query; // `[ and ]?` if (auto maybe_and = tokens.next_token(); maybe_and.is(Token::Type::Ident) && maybe_and.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("and"sv)) { if (auto media_condition = parse_media_condition(tokens, MediaCondition::AllowOr::No)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return invalid_media_query(); media_query->m_media_condition = move(media_condition); return media_query; } return invalid_media_query(); } return invalid_media_query(); } // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-media-condition // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-media-condition-without-or // (We distinguish between these two with the `allow_or` parameter.) OwnPtr Parser::parse_media_condition(TokenStream& tokens, MediaCondition::AllowOr allow_or) { // ` | [ * | * ]` auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // ` = not ` auto parse_media_not = [&](auto& tokens) -> OwnPtr { auto local_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& first_token = tokens.next_token(); if (first_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && first_token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("not"sv)) { if (auto child_condition = parse_media_condition(tokens, MediaCondition::AllowOr::Yes)) { local_transaction.commit(); return MediaCondition::from_not(child_condition.release_nonnull()); } } return {}; }; auto parse_media_with_combinator = [&](auto& tokens, StringView combinator) -> OwnPtr { auto local_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& first = tokens.next_token(); if (first.is(Token::Type::Ident) && first.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case(combinator)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto media_in_parens = parse_media_in_parens(tokens)) { local_transaction.commit(); return media_in_parens; } } return {}; }; // ` = and ` auto parse_media_and = [&](auto& tokens) { return parse_media_with_combinator(tokens, "and"sv); }; // ` = or ` auto parse_media_or = [&](auto& tokens) { return parse_media_with_combinator(tokens, "or"sv); }; // `` if (auto maybe_media_not = parse_media_not(tokens)) { transaction.commit(); return maybe_media_not.release_nonnull(); } // ` [ * | * ]` if (auto maybe_media_in_parens = parse_media_in_parens(tokens)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); // Only `` if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { transaction.commit(); return maybe_media_in_parens.release_nonnull(); } Vector> child_conditions; child_conditions.append(maybe_media_in_parens.release_nonnull()); // `*` if (auto media_and = parse_media_and(tokens)) { child_conditions.append(media_and.release_nonnull()); tokens.skip_whitespace(); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { if (auto next_media_and = parse_media_and(tokens)) { child_conditions.append(next_media_and.release_nonnull()); tokens.skip_whitespace(); continue; } // We failed - invalid syntax! return {}; } transaction.commit(); return MediaCondition::from_and_list(move(child_conditions)); } // `*` if (allow_or == MediaCondition::AllowOr::Yes) { if (auto media_or = parse_media_or(tokens)) { child_conditions.append(media_or.release_nonnull()); tokens.skip_whitespace(); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { if (auto next_media_or = parse_media_or(tokens)) { child_conditions.append(next_media_or.release_nonnull()); tokens.skip_whitespace(); continue; } // We failed - invalid syntax! return {}; } transaction.commit(); return MediaCondition::from_or_list(move(child_conditions)); } } } return {}; } // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-media-feature Optional Parser::parse_media_feature(TokenStream& tokens) { // `[ | | ]` tokens.skip_whitespace(); // ` = ` struct MediaFeatureName { enum Type { Normal, Min, Max } type; MediaFeatureID id; }; auto parse_mf_name = [](auto& tokens, bool allow_min_max_prefix) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto name = token.token().ident(); if (auto id = media_feature_id_from_string(name); id.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureName { MediaFeatureName::Type::Normal, id.value() }; } if (allow_min_max_prefix && (name.starts_with("min-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) || name.starts_with("max-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive))) { auto adjusted_name = name.substring_view(4); if (auto id = media_feature_id_from_string(adjusted_name); id.has_value() && media_feature_type_is_range(id.value())) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureName { name.starts_with("min-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) ? MediaFeatureName::Type::Min : MediaFeatureName::Type::Max, id.value() }; } } } return {}; }; // ` = ` auto parse_mf_boolean = [&](auto& tokens) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_name = parse_mf_name(tokens, false); maybe_name.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::boolean(maybe_name->id); } } return {}; }; // ` = : ` auto parse_mf_plain = [&](auto& tokens) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_name = parse_mf_name(tokens, true); maybe_name.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Colon)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_value = parse_media_feature_value(maybe_name->id, tokens); maybe_value.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { transaction.commit(); switch (maybe_name->type) { case MediaFeatureName::Type::Normal: return MediaFeature::plain(maybe_name->id, maybe_value.release_value()); case MediaFeatureName::Type::Min: return MediaFeature::min(maybe_name->id, maybe_value.release_value()); case MediaFeatureName::Type::Max: return MediaFeature::max(maybe_name->id, maybe_value.release_value()); } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } } } return {}; }; // ` = '<' '='? // = '>' '='? // = '=' // = | | ` auto parse_comparison = [](auto& tokens) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& first = tokens.next_token(); if (first.is(Token::Type::Delim)) { auto first_delim = first.token().delim(); if (first_delim == '=') { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::Comparison::Equal; } if (first_delim == '<') { auto& second = tokens.peek_token(); if (second.is(Token::Type::Delim) && second.token().delim() == '=') { tokens.next_token(); transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThanOrEqual; } transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThan; } if (first_delim == '>') { auto& second = tokens.peek_token(); if (second.is(Token::Type::Delim) && second.token().delim() == '=') { tokens.next_token(); transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual; } transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThan; } } return {}; }; auto flip = [](MediaFeature::Comparison comparison) { switch (comparison) { case MediaFeature::Comparison::Equal: return MediaFeature::Comparison::Equal; case MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThan: return MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThan; case MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThanOrEqual: return MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual; case MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThan: return MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThan; case MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual: return MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThanOrEqual; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }; auto comparisons_match = [](MediaFeature::Comparison a, MediaFeature::Comparison b) -> bool { switch (a) { case MediaFeature::Comparison::Equal: return b == MediaFeature::Comparison::Equal; case MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThan: case MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThanOrEqual: return b == MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThan || b == MediaFeature::Comparison::LessThanOrEqual; case MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThan: case MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual: return b == MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThan || b == MediaFeature::Comparison::GreaterThanOrEqual; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }; // ` = // | // | // | ` auto parse_mf_range = [&](auto& tokens) -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // ` ` // NOTE: We have to check for first, since all s will also parse as . if (auto maybe_name = parse_mf_name(tokens, false); maybe_name.has_value() && media_feature_type_is_range(maybe_name->id)) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_comparison = parse_comparison(tokens); maybe_comparison.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_value = parse_media_feature_value(maybe_name->id, tokens); maybe_value.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token() && !maybe_value->is_ident()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::half_range(maybe_value.release_value(), flip(maybe_comparison.release_value()), maybe_name->id); } } } } // ` // | // | ` // NOTE: To parse the first value, we need to first find and parse the so we know what value types to parse. // To allow for to be any number of tokens long, we scan forward until we find a comparison, and then // treat the next non-whitespace token as the , which should be correct as long as they don't add a value // type that can include a comparison in it. :^) Optional maybe_name; { // This transaction is never committed, we just use it to rewind automatically. auto temp_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); while (tokens.has_next_token() && !maybe_name.has_value()) { if (auto maybe_comparison = parse_comparison(tokens); maybe_comparison.has_value()) { // We found a comparison, so the next non-whitespace token should be the tokens.skip_whitespace(); maybe_name = parse_mf_name(tokens, false); break; } tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); } } // Now, we can parse the range properly. if (maybe_name.has_value() && media_feature_type_is_range(maybe_name->id)) { if (auto maybe_left_value = parse_media_feature_value(maybe_name->id, tokens); maybe_left_value.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_left_comparison = parse_comparison(tokens); maybe_left_comparison.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); tokens.next_token(); // The which we already parsed above. tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::half_range(maybe_left_value.release_value(), maybe_left_comparison.release_value(), maybe_name->id); } if (auto maybe_right_comparison = parse_comparison(tokens); maybe_right_comparison.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto maybe_right_value = parse_media_feature_value(maybe_name->id, tokens); maybe_right_value.has_value()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); // For this to be valid, the following must be true: // - Comparisons must either both be >/>= or both be is_ident() && !maybe_right_value->is_ident()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeature::range(maybe_left_value.release_value(), left_comparison, maybe_name->id, right_comparison, maybe_right_value.release_value()); } } } } } } return {}; }; if (auto maybe_mf_boolean = parse_mf_boolean(tokens); maybe_mf_boolean.has_value()) return maybe_mf_boolean.release_value(); if (auto maybe_mf_plain = parse_mf_plain(tokens); maybe_mf_plain.has_value()) return maybe_mf_plain.release_value(); if (auto maybe_mf_range = parse_mf_range(tokens); maybe_mf_range.has_value()) return maybe_mf_range.release_value(); return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_media_type(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& token = tokens.next_token(); if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; transaction.commit(); auto ident = token.token().ident(); return media_type_from_string(ident); } // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-media-in-parens OwnPtr Parser::parse_media_in_parens(TokenStream& tokens) { // ` = ( ) | ( ) | ` auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // `( ) | ( )` auto const& first_token = tokens.peek_token(); if (first_token.is_block() && first_token.block().is_paren()) { TokenStream inner_token_stream { first_token.block().values() }; if (auto maybe_media_condition = parse_media_condition(inner_token_stream, MediaCondition::AllowOr::Yes)) { tokens.next_token(); transaction.commit(); return maybe_media_condition.release_nonnull(); } if (auto maybe_media_feature = parse_media_feature(inner_token_stream); maybe_media_feature.has_value()) { tokens.next_token(); transaction.commit(); return MediaCondition::from_feature(maybe_media_feature.release_value()); } } // `` // FIXME: We should only be taking this branch if the grammar doesn't match the above options. // Currently we take it if the above fail to parse, which is different. // eg, `@media (min-width: 76yaks)` is valid grammar, but does not parse because `yaks` isn't a unit. if (auto maybe_general_enclosed = parse_general_enclosed(tokens); maybe_general_enclosed.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaCondition::from_general_enclosed(maybe_general_enclosed.release_value()); } return {}; } // ``, https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-mf-value Optional Parser::parse_media_feature_value(MediaFeatureID media_feature, TokenStream& tokens) { // Identifiers if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto ident = value_id_from_string(tokens.next_token().token().ident()); if (ident != ValueID::Invalid && media_feature_accepts_identifier(media_feature, ident)) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(ident); } } // One branch for each member of the MediaFeatureValueType enum: // Boolean ( in the spec: a 1 or 0) if (media_feature_accepts_type(media_feature, MediaFeatureValueType::Boolean)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first = tokens.next_token(); if (first.is(Token::Type::Number) && first.token().number().is_integer() && (first.token().number_value() == 0 || first.token().number_value() == 1)) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(first.token().number_value()); } } // Integer if (media_feature_accepts_type(media_feature, MediaFeatureValueType::Integer)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first = tokens.next_token(); if (first.is(Token::Type::Number) && first.token().number().is_integer()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(first.token().number_value()); } } // Length if (media_feature_accepts_type(media_feature, MediaFeatureValueType::Length)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first = tokens.next_token(); if (auto length = parse_length(first); length.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(length.release_value()); } } // Ratio if (media_feature_accepts_type(media_feature, MediaFeatureValueType::Ratio)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto ratio = parse_ratio(tokens); ratio.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(ratio.release_value()); } } // Resolution if (media_feature_accepts_type(media_feature, MediaFeatureValueType::Resolution)) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first = tokens.next_token(); if (auto resolution = parse_dimension(first); resolution.has_value() && resolution->is_resolution()) { transaction.commit(); return MediaFeatureValue(resolution->resolution()); } } return {}; } RefPtr Parser::parse_as_supports() { return parse_a_supports(m_token_stream); } template RefPtr Parser::parse_a_supports(TokenStream& tokens) { auto component_values = parse_a_list_of_component_values(tokens); TokenStream token_stream { component_values }; auto maybe_condition = parse_supports_condition(token_stream); token_stream.skip_whitespace(); if (maybe_condition && !token_stream.has_next_token()) return Supports::create(maybe_condition.release_nonnull()); return {}; } OwnPtr Parser::parse_supports_condition(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& peeked_token = tokens.peek_token(); // `not ` if (peeked_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && peeked_token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("not"sv)) { tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto child = parse_supports_in_parens(tokens); if (!child.has_value()) return {}; transaction.commit(); auto condition = make(); condition->type = Supports::Condition::Type::Not; condition->children.append(child.release_value()); return condition; } // ` [ and ]* // | [ or ]*` Vector children; Optional condition_type {}; auto as_condition_type = [](auto& token) -> Optional { if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; auto ident = token.token().ident(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("and"sv)) return Supports::Condition::Type::And; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("or"sv)) return Supports::Condition::Type::Or; return {}; }; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { if (!children.is_empty()) { // Expect `and` or `or` here auto maybe_combination = as_condition_type(tokens.next_token()); if (!maybe_combination.has_value()) return {}; if (!condition_type.has_value()) { condition_type = maybe_combination.value(); } else if (maybe_combination != condition_type) { return {}; } } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (auto in_parens = parse_supports_in_parens(tokens); in_parens.has_value()) { children.append(in_parens.release_value()); } else { return {}; } tokens.skip_whitespace(); } if (children.is_empty()) return {}; transaction.commit(); auto condition = make(); condition->type = condition_type.value_or(Supports::Condition::Type::Or); condition->children = move(children); return condition; } Optional Parser::parse_supports_in_parens(TokenStream& tokens) { // `( )` auto const& first_token = tokens.peek_token(); if (first_token.is_block() && first_token.block().is_paren()) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); TokenStream child_tokens { first_token.block().values() }; if (auto condition = parse_supports_condition(child_tokens)) { if (child_tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; transaction.commit(); return Supports::InParens { .value = { condition.release_nonnull() } }; } } // `` if (auto feature = parse_supports_feature(tokens); feature.has_value()) { return Supports::InParens { .value = { feature.release_value() } }; } // `` if (auto general_enclosed = parse_general_enclosed(tokens); general_enclosed.has_value()) { return Supports::InParens { .value = general_enclosed.release_value() }; } return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_supports_feature(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first_token = tokens.next_token(); // `` if (first_token.is_block() && first_token.block().is_paren()) { TokenStream block_tokens { first_token.block().values() }; // FIXME: Parsing and then converting back to a string is weird. if (auto declaration = consume_a_declaration(block_tokens); declaration.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return Supports::Feature { Supports::Declaration { declaration->to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(), JS::make_handle(m_context.realm()) } }; } } // `` if (first_token.is_function() && first_token.function().name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("selector"sv)) { // FIXME: Parsing and then converting back to a string is weird. StringBuilder builder; for (auto const& item : first_token.function().values()) builder.append(item.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); transaction.commit(); return Supports::Feature { Supports::Selector { builder.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(), JS::make_handle(m_context.realm()) } }; } return {}; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/#typedef-general-enclosed Optional Parser::parse_general_enclosed(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first_token = tokens.next_token(); // `[ ? ) ]` if (first_token.is_function()) { transaction.commit(); return GeneralEnclosed { first_token.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() }; } // `( ? )` if (first_token.is_block() && first_token.block().is_paren()) { transaction.commit(); return GeneralEnclosed { first_token.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors() }; } return {}; } // 5.4.1. Consume a list of rules // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-list-of-rules template Vector> Parser::consume_a_list_of_rules(TokenStream& tokens, TopLevel top_level) { // To consume a list of rules, given a top-level flag: // Create an initially empty list of rules. Vector> rules; // Repeatedly consume the next input token: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // if (token.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) { // Do nothing. continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // Return the list of rules. return rules; } // // if (token.is(Token::Type::CDO) || token.is(Token::Type::CDC)) { // If the top-level flag is set, do nothing. if (top_level == TopLevel::Yes) continue; // Otherwise, reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a qualified rule. If anything is returned, append it to the list of rules. if (auto maybe_qualified = consume_a_qualified_rule(tokens)) rules.append(maybe_qualified.release_nonnull()); continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::AtKeyword)) { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume an at-rule, and append the returned value to the list of rules. rules.append(consume_an_at_rule(tokens)); continue; } // anything else { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a qualified rule. If anything is returned, append it to the list of rules. if (auto maybe_qualified = consume_a_qualified_rule(tokens)) rules.append(maybe_qualified.release_nonnull()); continue; } } } // 5.4.2. Consume an at-rule // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-at-rule template NonnullRefPtr Parser::consume_an_at_rule(TokenStream& tokens) { // To consume an at-rule: // Consume the next input token. auto& name_ident = tokens.next_token(); VERIFY(name_ident.is(Token::Type::AtKeyword)); // Create a new at-rule with its name set to the value of the current input token, its prelude initially set to an empty list, and its value initially set to nothing. // NOTE: We create the Rule fully initialized when we return it instead. auto at_rule_name = FlyString::from_utf8(((Token)name_ident).at_keyword()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); Vector prelude; RefPtr block; // Repeatedly consume the next input token: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // if (token.is(Token::Type::Semicolon)) { // Return the at-rule. return Rule::make_at_rule(move(at_rule_name), move(prelude), move(block)); } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // This is a parse error. Return the at-rule. log_parse_error(); return Rule::make_at_rule(move(at_rule_name), move(prelude), move(block)); } // <{-token> if (token.is(Token::Type::OpenCurly)) { // Consume a simple block and assign it to the at-rule’s block. Return the at-rule. block = consume_a_simple_block(tokens); return Rule::make_at_rule(move(at_rule_name), move(prelude), move(block)); } // simple block with an associated token of <{-token> if constexpr (IsSame) { ComponentValue const& component_value = token; if (component_value.is_block() && component_value.block().is_curly()) { // Assign the block to the at-rule’s block. Return the at-rule. block = component_value.block(); return Rule::make_at_rule(move(at_rule_name), move(prelude), move(block)); } } // anything else { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a component value. Append the returned value to the at-rule’s prelude. prelude.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } } } // 5.4.3. Consume a qualified rule // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-qualified-rule template RefPtr Parser::consume_a_qualified_rule(TokenStream& tokens) { // To consume a qualified rule: // Create a new qualified rule with its prelude initially set to an empty list, and its value initially set to nothing. // NOTE: We create the Rule fully initialized when we return it instead. Vector prelude; RefPtr block; // Repeatedly consume the next input token: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // This is a parse error. Return nothing. log_parse_error(); return {}; } // <{-token> if (token.is(Token::Type::OpenCurly)) { // Consume a simple block and assign it to the qualified rule’s block. Return the qualified rule. block = consume_a_simple_block(tokens); return Rule::make_qualified_rule(move(prelude), move(block)); } // simple block with an associated token of <{-token> if constexpr (IsSame) { ComponentValue const& component_value = token; if (component_value.is_block() && component_value.block().is_curly()) { // Assign the block to the qualified rule’s block. Return the qualified rule. block = component_value.block(); return Rule::make_qualified_rule(move(prelude), move(block)); } } // anything else { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a component value. Append the returned value to the qualified rule’s prelude. prelude.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } } } // 5.4.4. Consume a style block’s contents // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-a-style-blocks-contents template Vector Parser::consume_a_style_blocks_contents(TokenStream& tokens) { // To consume a style block’s contents: // Create an initially empty list of declarations decls, and an initially empty list of rules rules. Vector declarations; Vector rules; // Repeatedly consume the next input token: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // // if (token.is(Token::Type::Whitespace) || token.is(Token::Type::Semicolon)) { // Do nothing. continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // Extend decls with rules, then return decls. declarations.extend(move(rules)); return declarations; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::AtKeyword)) { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume an at-rule, and append the result to rules. rules.empend(consume_an_at_rule(tokens)); continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { // Initialize a temporary list initially filled with the current input token. Vector temporary_list; temporary_list.append(token); // As long as the next input token is anything other than a or , // consume a component value and append it to the temporary list. for (;;) { auto& next_input_token = tokens.peek_token(); if (next_input_token.is(Token::Type::Semicolon) || next_input_token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) break; temporary_list.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } // Consume a declaration from the temporary list. If anything was returned, append it to decls. auto token_stream = TokenStream(temporary_list); if (auto maybe_declaration = consume_a_declaration(token_stream); maybe_declaration.has_value()) declarations.empend(maybe_declaration.release_value()); continue; } // with a value of "&" (U+0026 AMPERSAND) if (token.is(Token::Type::Delim) && token.token().delim() == '&') { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a qualified rule. If anything was returned, append it to rules. if (auto qualified_rule = consume_a_qualified_rule(tokens)) rules.empend(qualified_rule); continue; } // anything else { // This is a parse error. log_parse_error(); // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // As long as the next input token is anything other than a or , // consume a component value and throw away the returned value. for (;;) { auto& peek = tokens.peek_token(); if (peek.is(Token::Type::Semicolon) || peek.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) break; (void)consume_a_component_value(tokens); } } } } template<> ComponentValue Parser::consume_a_component_value(TokenStream& tokens) { // Note: This overload is called once tokens have already been converted into component values, // so we do not need to do the work in the more general overload. return tokens.next_token(); } // 5.4.7. Consume a component value // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-component-value template ComponentValue Parser::consume_a_component_value(TokenStream& tokens) { // To consume a component value: // Consume the next input token. auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // If the current input token is a <{-token>, <[-token>, or <(-token>, consume a simple block and return it. if (token.is(Token::Type::OpenCurly) || token.is(Token::Type::OpenSquare) || token.is(Token::Type::OpenParen)) return ComponentValue(consume_a_simple_block(tokens)); // Otherwise, if the current input token is a , consume a function and return it. if (token.is(Token::Type::Function)) return ComponentValue(consume_a_function(tokens)); // Otherwise, return the current input token. return ComponentValue(token); } // 5.4.8. Consume a simple block // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-simple-block template NonnullRefPtr Parser::consume_a_simple_block(TokenStream& tokens) { // Note: This algorithm assumes that the current input token has already been checked // to be an <{-token>, <[-token>, or <(-token>. // To consume a simple block: // The ending token is the mirror variant of the current input token. // (E.g. if it was called with <[-token>, the ending token is <]-token>.) auto ending_token = ((Token)tokens.current_token()).mirror_variant(); // Create a simple block with its associated token set to the current input token // and with its value initially set to an empty list. // NOTE: We create the Block fully initialized when we return it instead. Token block_token = tokens.current_token(); Vector block_values; // Repeatedly consume the next input token and process it as follows: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // ending token if (token.is(ending_token)) { // Return the block. return Block::create(move(block_token), move(block_values)); } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // This is a parse error. Return the block. log_parse_error(); return Block::create(move(block_token), move(block_values)); } // anything else { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a component value and append it to the value of the block. block_values.empend(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } } } // 5.4.9. Consume a function // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-function template NonnullRefPtr Parser::consume_a_function(TokenStream& tokens) { // Note: This algorithm assumes that the current input token has already been checked to be a . auto name_ident = tokens.current_token(); VERIFY(name_ident.is(Token::Type::Function)); // To consume a function: // Create a function with its name equal to the value of the current input token // and with its value initially set to an empty list. // NOTE: We create the Function fully initialized when we return it instead. auto function_name = FlyString::from_utf8(((Token)name_ident).function()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); Vector function_values; // Repeatedly consume the next input token and process it as follows: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // <)-token> if (token.is(Token::Type::CloseParen)) { // Return the function. return Function::create(move(function_name), move(function_values)); } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // This is a parse error. Return the function. log_parse_error(); return Function::create(move(function_name), move(function_values)); } // anything else { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume a component value and append the returned value to the function’s value. function_values.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } } } // 5.4.6. Consume a declaration // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-declaration template Optional Parser::consume_a_declaration(TokenStream& tokens) { // Note: This algorithm assumes that the next input token has already been checked to // be an . // NOTE: This is not true in our implementation! For convenience, we both skip whitespace // and gracefully handle the first token not being an . // To consume a declaration: // Consume the next input token. auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // NOTE: Not to spec, handle the case where the input token *isn't* an . if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; // Create a new declaration with its name set to the value of the current input token // and its value initially set to the empty list. // NOTE: We create a fully-initialized Declaration just before returning it instead. auto declaration_name = FlyString::from_utf8(((Token)token).ident()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); Vector declaration_values; Important declaration_important = Important::No; // 1. While the next input token is a , consume the next input token. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 2. If the next input token is anything other than a , this is a parse error. // Return nothing. auto& maybe_colon = tokens.peek_token(); if (!maybe_colon.is(Token::Type::Colon)) { log_parse_error(); return {}; } // Otherwise, consume the next input token. tokens.next_token(); // 3. While the next input token is a , consume the next input token. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 4. As long as the next input token is anything other than an , consume a // component value and append it to the declaration’s value. for (;;) { if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { break; } declaration_values.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } // 5. If the last two non-s in the declaration’s value are a // with the value "!" followed by an with a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive // match for "important", remove them from the declaration’s value and set the declaration’s // important flag to true. if (declaration_values.size() >= 2) { // Walk backwards from the end until we find "important" Optional important_index; for (size_t i = declaration_values.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { auto value = declaration_values[i]; if (value.is(Token::Type::Ident) && Infra::is_ascii_case_insensitive_match(value.token().ident(), "important"sv)) { important_index = i; break; } if (value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; break; } // Walk backwards from important until we find "!" if (important_index.has_value()) { Optional bang_index; for (size_t i = important_index.value() - 1; i > 0; i--) { auto value = declaration_values[i]; if (value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && value.token().delim() == '!') { bang_index = i; break; } if (value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; break; } if (bang_index.has_value()) { declaration_values.remove(important_index.value()); declaration_values.remove(bang_index.value()); declaration_important = Important::Yes; } } } // 6. While the last token in the declaration’s value is a , remove that token. while (!declaration_values.is_empty()) { auto maybe_whitespace = declaration_values.last(); if (!(maybe_whitespace.is(Token::Type::Whitespace))) { break; } declaration_values.take_last(); } // 7. Return the declaration. transaction.commit(); return Declaration { move(declaration_name), move(declaration_values), declaration_important }; } // 5.4.5. Consume a list of declarations // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#consume-list-of-declarations template Vector Parser::consume_a_list_of_declarations(TokenStream& tokens) { // To consume a list of declarations: // Create an initially empty list of declarations. Vector list_of_declarations; // Repeatedly consume the next input token: for (;;) { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); // // if (token.is(Token::Type::Whitespace) || token.is(Token::Type::Semicolon)) { // Do nothing. continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { // Return the list of declarations. return list_of_declarations; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::AtKeyword)) { // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // Consume an at-rule. Append the returned rule to the list of declarations. list_of_declarations.empend(consume_an_at_rule(tokens)); continue; } // if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { // Initialize a temporary list initially filled with the current input token. Vector temporary_list; temporary_list.append(token); // As long as the next input token is anything other than a or , // consume a component value and append it to the temporary list. for (;;) { auto& peek = tokens.peek_token(); if (peek.is(Token::Type::Semicolon) || peek.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) break; temporary_list.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } // Consume a declaration from the temporary list. If anything was returned, append it to the list of declarations. auto token_stream = TokenStream(temporary_list); if (auto maybe_declaration = consume_a_declaration(token_stream); maybe_declaration.has_value()) list_of_declarations.empend(maybe_declaration.value()); continue; } // anything else { // This is a parse error. log_parse_error(); // Reconsume the current input token. tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); // As long as the next input token is anything other than a or , // consume a component value and throw away the returned value. for (;;) { auto& peek = tokens.peek_token(); if (peek.is(Token::Type::Semicolon) || peek.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) break; dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Discarding token: '{}'", peek.to_debug_string()); (void)consume_a_component_value(tokens); } } } } CSSRule* Parser::parse_as_css_rule() { auto maybe_rule = parse_a_rule(m_token_stream); if (maybe_rule) return convert_to_rule(maybe_rule.release_nonnull()); return {}; } // 5.3.5. Parse a rule // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-rule template RefPtr Parser::parse_a_rule(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a rule from input: RefPtr rule; // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. While the next input token from input is a , consume the next input token from input. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 3. If the next input token from input is an , return a syntax error. auto& token = tokens.peek_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { return {}; } // Otherwise, if the next input token from input is an , consume an at-rule from input, and let rule be the return value. else if (token.is(Token::Type::AtKeyword)) { rule = consume_an_at_rule(m_token_stream); } // Otherwise, consume a qualified rule from input and let rule be the return value. If nothing was returned, return a syntax error. else { auto qualified_rule = consume_a_qualified_rule(tokens); if (!qualified_rule) return {}; rule = qualified_rule; } // 4. While the next input token from input is a , consume the next input token from input. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 5. If the next input token from input is an , return rule. Otherwise, return a syntax error. if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) return rule; return {}; } // 5.3.4. Parse a list of rules // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-list-of-rules template Vector> Parser::parse_a_list_of_rules(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a list of rules from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. Consume a list of rules from the input, with the top-level flag unset. auto list_of_rules = consume_a_list_of_rules(tokens, TopLevel::No); // 3. Return the returned list. return list_of_rules; } Optional Parser::parse_as_supports_condition() { auto maybe_declaration = parse_a_declaration(m_token_stream); if (maybe_declaration.has_value()) return convert_to_style_property(maybe_declaration.release_value()); return {}; } // 5.3.6. Parse a declaration // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-a-declaration template Optional Parser::parse_a_declaration(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a declaration from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. While the next input token from input is a , consume the next input token. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 3. If the next input token from input is not an , return a syntax error. auto& token = tokens.peek_token(); if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { return {}; } // 4. Consume a declaration from input. If anything was returned, return it. Otherwise, return a syntax error. if (auto declaration = consume_a_declaration(tokens); declaration.has_value()) return declaration.release_value(); return {}; } // 5.3.7. Parse a style block’s contents // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-style-blocks-contents template Vector Parser::parse_a_style_blocks_contents(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a style block’s contents from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. Consume a style block’s contents from input, and return the result. return consume_a_style_blocks_contents(tokens); } // 5.3.8. Parse a list of declarations // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-list-of-declarations template Vector Parser::parse_a_list_of_declarations(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a list of declarations from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. Consume a list of declarations from input, and return the result. return consume_a_list_of_declarations(tokens); } // 5.3.9. Parse a component value // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-component-value template Optional Parser::parse_a_component_value(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a component value from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. While the next input token from input is a , consume the next input token from input. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 3. If the next input token from input is an , return a syntax error. if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) return {}; // 4. Consume a component value from input and let value be the return value. auto value = consume_a_component_value(tokens); // 5. While the next input token from input is a , consume the next input token. tokens.skip_whitespace(); // 6. If the next input token from input is an , return value. Otherwise, return a syntax error. if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) return value; return {}; } // 5.3.10. Parse a list of component values // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-list-of-component-values template Vector Parser::parse_a_list_of_component_values(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a list of component values from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. Repeatedly consume a component value from input until an is returned, appending the returned values (except the final ) into a list. Return the list. Vector component_values; for (;;) { if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { break; } component_values.append(consume_a_component_value(tokens)); } return component_values; } // 5.3.11. Parse a comma-separated list of component values // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#parse-comma-separated-list-of-component-values template Vector> Parser::parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(TokenStream& tokens) { // To parse a comma-separated list of component values from input: // 1. Normalize input, and set input to the result. // Note: This is done when initializing the Parser. // 2. Let list of cvls be an initially empty list of component value lists. Vector> list_of_component_value_lists; // 3. Repeatedly consume a component value from input until an or is returned, // appending the returned values (except the final or ) into a list. // Append the list to list of cvls. // If it was a that was returned, repeat this step. Vector current_list; for (;;) { auto component_value = consume_a_component_value(tokens); if (component_value.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile)) { list_of_component_value_lists.append(move(current_list)); break; } if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Comma)) { list_of_component_value_lists.append(move(current_list)); current_list = {}; continue; } current_list.append(component_value); } // 4. Return list of cvls. return list_of_component_value_lists; } ElementInlineCSSStyleDeclaration* Parser::parse_as_style_attribute(DOM::Element& element) { auto declarations_and_at_rules = parse_a_list_of_declarations(m_token_stream); auto [properties, custom_properties] = extract_properties(declarations_and_at_rules); return ElementInlineCSSStyleDeclaration::create(element, move(properties), move(custom_properties)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } Optional Parser::parse_url_function(ComponentValue const& component_value, AllowedDataUrlType allowed_data_url_type) { // FIXME: Handle list of media queries. https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-3/#conditional-import // FIXME: Handle data: urls (RFC2397) auto convert_string_to_url = [&](StringView& url_string) -> Optional { if (url_string.starts_with("data:"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) { auto data_url = AK::URL(url_string); switch (allowed_data_url_type) { case AllowedDataUrlType::Image: if (data_url.data_mime_type().starts_with("image"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) return data_url; break; case AllowedDataUrlType::Font: if (data_url.data_mime_type().starts_with("font"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) return data_url; break; default: break; } return {}; } return m_context.complete_url(url_string); }; if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Url)) { auto url_string = component_value.token().url(); return convert_string_to_url(url_string); } if (component_value.is_function() && component_value.function().name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("url"sv)) { auto const& function_values = component_value.function().values(); // FIXME: Handle url-modifiers. https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#url-modifiers for (size_t i = 0; i < function_values.size(); ++i) { auto const& value = function_values[i]; if (value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; if (value.is(Token::Type::String)) { auto url_string = value.token().string(); return convert_string_to_url(url_string); } break; } } return {}; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_url_value(ComponentValue const& component_value, AllowedDataUrlType allowed_data_url_type) { auto url = parse_url_function(component_value, allowed_data_url_type); if (!url.has_value()) return nullptr; return URLStyleValue::create(*url); } template static Optional> parse_color_stop_list(auto& tokens, auto is_position, auto get_position, auto parse_color, auto parse_dimension) { enum class ElementType { Garbage, ColorStop, ColorHint }; auto parse_color_stop_list_element = [&](TElement& element) -> ElementType { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return ElementType::Garbage; auto const& token = tokens.next_token(); Gfx::Color color; Optional position; Optional second_position; auto dimension = parse_dimension(token); if (dimension.has_value() && is_position(*dimension)) { // [ ] or [] position = get_position(*dimension); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // if (!tokens.has_next_token() || tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) { element.transition_hint = typename TElement::ColorHint { *position }; return ElementType::ColorHint; } // auto maybe_color = parse_color(tokens.next_token()); if (!maybe_color.has_value()) return ElementType::Garbage; color = *maybe_color; } else { // [ ?] auto maybe_color = parse_color(token); if (!maybe_color.has_value()) return ElementType::Garbage; color = *maybe_color; tokens.skip_whitespace(); // Allow up to [ ] (double-position color stops) // Note: Double-position color stops only appear to be valid in this order. for (auto stop_position : Array { &position, &second_position }) { if (tokens.has_next_token() && !tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) { auto token = tokens.next_token(); auto dimension = parse_dimension(token); if (!dimension.has_value() || !is_position(*dimension)) return ElementType::Garbage; *stop_position = get_position(*dimension); tokens.skip_whitespace(); } } } element.color_stop = typename TElement::ColorStop { color, position, second_position }; return ElementType::ColorStop; }; TElement first_element {}; if (parse_color_stop_list_element(first_element) != ElementType::ColorStop) return {}; if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; Vector color_stops { first_element }; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { TElement list_element {}; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return {}; auto element_type = parse_color_stop_list_element(list_element); if (element_type == ElementType::ColorHint) { // , tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return {}; // Note: This fills in the color stop on the same list_element as the color hint (it does not overwrite it). if (parse_color_stop_list_element(list_element) != ElementType::ColorStop) return {}; } else if (element_type == ElementType::ColorStop) { // } else { return {}; } color_stops.append(list_element); } return color_stops; } Optional> Parser::parse_linear_color_stop_list(TokenStream& tokens) { // = // , [ ? , ]# return parse_color_stop_list( tokens, [](Dimension& dimension) { return dimension.is_length_percentage(); }, [](Dimension& dimension) { return dimension.length_percentage(); }, [&](auto& token) { return parse_color(token); }, [&](auto& token) { return parse_dimension(token); }); } Optional> Parser::parse_angular_color_stop_list(TokenStream& tokens) { // = // , [ ? , ]# return parse_color_stop_list( tokens, [](Dimension& dimension) { return dimension.is_angle_percentage(); }, [](Dimension& dimension) { return dimension.angle_percentage(); }, [&](auto& token) { return parse_color(token); }, [&](auto& token) { return parse_dimension(token); }); } static StringView consume_if_starts_with(StringView str, StringView start, auto found_callback) { if (str.starts_with(start, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) { found_callback(); return str.substring_view(start.length()); } return str; }; ErrorOr> Parser::parse_linear_gradient_function(ComponentValue const& component_value) { using GradientType = LinearGradientStyleValue::GradientType; if (!component_value.is_function()) return nullptr; GradientRepeating repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::No; GradientType gradient_type { GradientType::Standard }; auto function_name = component_value.function().name(); function_name = consume_if_starts_with(function_name, "-webkit-"sv, [&] { gradient_type = GradientType::WebKit; }); function_name = consume_if_starts_with(function_name, "repeating-"sv, [&] { repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::Yes; }); if (!function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("linear-gradient"sv)) return nullptr; // linear-gradient() = linear-gradient([ | to ]?, ) TokenStream tokens { component_value.function().values() }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; bool has_direction_param = true; LinearGradientStyleValue::GradientDirection gradient_direction = gradient_type == GradientType::Standard ? SideOrCorner::Bottom : SideOrCorner::Top; auto to_side = [](StringView value) -> Optional { if (value.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("top"sv)) return SideOrCorner::Top; if (value.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("bottom"sv)) return SideOrCorner::Bottom; if (value.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("left"sv)) return SideOrCorner::Left; if (value.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("right"sv)) return SideOrCorner::Right; return {}; }; auto is_to_side_or_corner = [&](auto const& token) { if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return false; if (gradient_type == GradientType::WebKit) return to_side(token.token().ident()).has_value(); return token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("to"sv); }; auto const& first_param = tokens.peek_token(); if (first_param.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) { // tokens.next_token(); float angle_value = first_param.token().dimension_value(); auto unit_string = first_param.token().dimension_unit(); auto angle_type = Angle::unit_from_name(unit_string); if (!angle_type.has_value()) return nullptr; gradient_direction = Angle { angle_value, angle_type.release_value() }; } else if (is_to_side_or_corner(first_param)) { // = [left | right] || [top | bottom] // Note: -webkit-linear-gradient does not include to the "to" prefix on the side or corner if (gradient_type == GradientType::Standard) { tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; } // [left | right] || [top | bottom] auto const& first_side = tokens.next_token(); if (!first_side.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return nullptr; auto side_a = to_side(first_side.token().ident()); tokens.skip_whitespace(); Optional side_b; if (tokens.has_next_token() && tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Ident)) side_b = to_side(tokens.next_token().token().ident()); if (side_a.has_value() && !side_b.has_value()) { gradient_direction = *side_a; } else if (side_a.has_value() && side_b.has_value()) { // Convert two sides to a corner if (to_underlying(*side_b) < to_underlying(*side_a)) swap(side_a, side_b); if (side_a == SideOrCorner::Top && side_b == SideOrCorner::Left) gradient_direction = SideOrCorner::TopLeft; else if (side_a == SideOrCorner::Top && side_b == SideOrCorner::Right) gradient_direction = SideOrCorner::TopRight; else if (side_a == SideOrCorner::Bottom && side_b == SideOrCorner::Left) gradient_direction = SideOrCorner::BottomLeft; else if (side_a == SideOrCorner::Bottom && side_b == SideOrCorner::Right) gradient_direction = SideOrCorner::BottomRight; else return nullptr; } else { return nullptr; } } else { has_direction_param = false; } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; if (has_direction_param && !tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return nullptr; auto color_stops = parse_linear_color_stop_list(tokens); if (!color_stops.has_value()) return nullptr; return LinearGradientStyleValue::create(gradient_direction, move(*color_stops), gradient_type, repeating_gradient); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_conic_gradient_function(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (!component_value.is_function()) return nullptr; GradientRepeating repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::No; auto function_name = component_value.function().name(); function_name = consume_if_starts_with(function_name, "repeating-"sv, [&] { repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::Yes; }); if (!function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("conic-gradient"sv)) return nullptr; TokenStream tokens { component_value.function().values() }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; Angle from_angle(0, Angle::Type::Deg); PositionValue at_position = PositionValue::center(); // conic-gradient( [ [ from ]? [ at ]? ] || // , ) auto token = tokens.peek_token(); bool got_from_angle = false; bool got_color_interpolation_method = false; bool got_at_position = false; while (token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto consume_identifier = [&](auto identifier) { auto token_string = token.token().ident(); if (token_string.equals_ignoring_ascii_case(identifier)) { (void)tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); return true; } return false; }; if (consume_identifier("from"sv)) { // from if (got_from_angle || got_at_position) return nullptr; if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; auto angle_token = tokens.next_token(); if (!angle_token.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return nullptr; float angle = angle_token.token().dimension_value(); auto angle_unit = angle_token.token().dimension_unit(); auto angle_type = Angle::unit_from_name(angle_unit); if (!angle_type.has_value()) return nullptr; from_angle = Angle(angle, *angle_type); got_from_angle = true; } else if (consume_identifier("at"sv)) { // at if (got_at_position) return nullptr; auto position = parse_position(tokens); if (!position.has_value()) return nullptr; at_position = *position; got_at_position = true; } else if (consume_identifier("in"sv)) { // if (got_color_interpolation_method) return nullptr; dbgln("FIXME: Parse color interpolation method for conic-gradient()"); got_color_interpolation_method = true; } else { break; } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; token = tokens.peek_token(); } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; if ((got_from_angle || got_at_position || got_color_interpolation_method) && !tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return nullptr; auto color_stops = parse_angular_color_stop_list(tokens); if (!color_stops.has_value()) return nullptr; return ConicGradientStyleValue::create(from_angle, at_position, move(*color_stops), repeating_gradient); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_radial_gradient_function(ComponentValue const& component_value) { using EndingShape = RadialGradientStyleValue::EndingShape; using Extent = RadialGradientStyleValue::Extent; using CircleSize = RadialGradientStyleValue::CircleSize; using EllipseSize = RadialGradientStyleValue::EllipseSize; using Size = RadialGradientStyleValue::Size; if (!component_value.is_function()) return nullptr; auto repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::No; auto function_name = component_value.function().name(); function_name = consume_if_starts_with(function_name, "repeating-"sv, [&] { repeating_gradient = GradientRepeating::Yes; }); if (!function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("radial-gradient"sv)) return nullptr; TokenStream tokens { component_value.function().values() }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; bool expect_comma = false; auto commit_value = [&](auto value, T&... transactions) { (transactions.commit(), ...); return value; }; // radial-gradient( [ || ]? [ at ]? , ) Size size = Extent::FarthestCorner; EndingShape ending_shape = EndingShape::Circle; PositionValue at_position = PositionValue::center(); auto parse_ending_shape = [&]() -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (!token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; auto ident = token.token().ident(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("circle"sv)) return commit_value(EndingShape::Circle, transaction); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("ellipse"sv)) return commit_value(EndingShape::Ellipse, transaction); return {}; }; auto parse_extent_keyword = [](StringView keyword) -> Optional { if (keyword.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("closest-corner"sv)) return Extent::ClosestCorner; if (keyword.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("closest-side"sv)) return Extent::ClosestSide; if (keyword.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("farthest-corner"sv)) return Extent::FarthestCorner; if (keyword.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("farthest-side"sv)) return Extent::FarthestSide; return {}; }; auto parse_size = [&]() -> Optional { // = // | // | // {2} auto transaction_size = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto extent = parse_extent_keyword(token.token().ident()); if (!extent.has_value()) return {}; return commit_value(*extent, transaction_size); } auto first_dimension = parse_dimension(token); if (!first_dimension.has_value()) return {}; if (!first_dimension->is_length_percentage()) return {}; auto transaction_second_dimension = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); auto second_dimension = parse_dimension(second_token); if (second_dimension.has_value() && second_dimension->is_length_percentage()) return commit_value(EllipseSize { first_dimension->length_percentage(), second_dimension->length_percentage() }, transaction_size, transaction_second_dimension); } if (first_dimension->is_length()) return commit_value(CircleSize { first_dimension->length() }, transaction_size); return {}; }; { // [ || ]? auto maybe_ending_shape = parse_ending_shape(); auto maybe_size = parse_size(); if (!maybe_ending_shape.has_value() && maybe_size.has_value()) maybe_ending_shape = parse_ending_shape(); if (maybe_size.has_value()) { size = *maybe_size; expect_comma = true; } if (maybe_ending_shape.has_value()) { expect_comma = true; ending_shape = *maybe_ending_shape; if (ending_shape == EndingShape::Circle && size.has()) return nullptr; if (ending_shape == EndingShape::Ellipse && size.has()) return nullptr; } else { ending_shape = size.has() ? EndingShape::Circle : EndingShape::Ellipse; } } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; auto& token = tokens.peek_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("at"sv)) { (void)tokens.next_token(); auto position = parse_position(tokens); if (!position.has_value()) return nullptr; at_position = *position; expect_comma = true; } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; if (expect_comma && !tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return nullptr; // auto color_stops = parse_linear_color_stop_list(tokens); if (!color_stops.has_value()) return nullptr; return RadialGradientStyleValue::create(ending_shape, size, at_position, move(*color_stops), repeating_gradient); } Optional Parser::parse_position(TokenStream& tokens, PositionValue initial_value) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; auto parse_horizontal_preset = [&](auto ident) -> Optional { if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("left"sv)) return PositionValue::HorizontalPreset::Left; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("center"sv)) return PositionValue::HorizontalPreset::Center; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("right"sv)) return PositionValue::HorizontalPreset::Right; return {}; }; auto parse_vertical_preset = [&](auto ident) -> Optional { if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("top"sv)) return PositionValue::VerticalPreset::Top; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("center"sv)) return PositionValue::VerticalPreset::Center; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("bottom"sv)) return PositionValue::VerticalPreset::Bottom; return {}; }; auto parse_horizontal_edge = [&](auto ident) -> Optional { if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("left"sv)) return PositionValue::HorizontalEdge::Left; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("right"sv)) return PositionValue::HorizontalEdge::Right; return {}; }; auto parse_vertical_edge = [&](auto ident) -> Optional { if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("top"sv)) return PositionValue::VerticalEdge::Top; if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("bottom"sv)) return PositionValue::VerticalEdge::Bottom; return {}; }; // = [ // [ left | center | right ] || [ top | center | bottom ] // | // [ left | center | right | ] // [ top | center | bottom | ]? // | // [ [ left | right ] ] && // [ [ top | bottom ] ] // ] // [ left | center | right ] || [ top | center | bottom ] auto alternation_1 = [&]() -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); PositionValue position = initial_value; auto& first_token = tokens.next_token(); if (!first_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; auto ident = first_token.token().ident(); // ? auto horizontal_position = parse_horizontal_preset(ident); if (horizontal_position.has_value()) { position.horizontal_position = *horizontal_position; auto transaction_optional_parse = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto vertical_position = parse_vertical_preset(second_token.token().ident()); if (vertical_position.has_value()) { transaction_optional_parse.commit(); position.vertical_position = *vertical_position; } } } } else { // ? auto vertical_position = parse_vertical_preset(ident); if (!vertical_position.has_value()) return {}; position.vertical_position = *vertical_position; auto transaction_optional_parse = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto horizontal_position = parse_horizontal_preset(second_token.token().ident()); if (horizontal_position.has_value()) { transaction_optional_parse.commit(); position.horizontal_position = *horizontal_position; } } } } transaction.commit(); return position; }; // [ left | center | right | ] // [ top | center | bottom | ]? auto alternation_2 = [&]() -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); PositionValue position = initial_value; auto& first_token = tokens.next_token(); if (first_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto horizontal_position = parse_horizontal_preset(first_token.token().ident()); if (!horizontal_position.has_value()) return {}; position.horizontal_position = *horizontal_position; } else { auto dimension = parse_dimension(first_token); if (!dimension.has_value() || !dimension->is_length_percentage()) return {}; position.horizontal_position = dimension->length_percentage(); } auto transaction_optional_parse = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto vertical_position = parse_vertical_preset(second_token.token().ident()); if (vertical_position.has_value()) { transaction_optional_parse.commit(); position.vertical_position = *vertical_position; } } else { auto dimension = parse_dimension(second_token); if (dimension.has_value() && dimension->is_length_percentage()) { transaction_optional_parse.commit(); position.vertical_position = dimension->length_percentage(); } } } transaction.commit(); return position; }; // [ [ left | right ] ] && // [ [ top | bottom ] ] auto alternation_3 = [&]() -> Optional { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); PositionValue position {}; auto parse_horizontal = [&] { // [ left | right ] ] auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return false; auto& first_token = tokens.next_token(); if (!first_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return false; auto horizontal_egde = parse_horizontal_edge(first_token.token().ident()); if (!horizontal_egde.has_value()) return false; position.x_relative_to = *horizontal_egde; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return false; auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); auto dimension = parse_dimension(second_token); if (!dimension.has_value() || !dimension->is_length_percentage()) return false; position.horizontal_position = dimension->length_percentage(); transaction.commit(); return true; }; auto parse_vertical = [&] { // [ top | bottom ] ] auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return false; auto& first_token = tokens.next_token(); if (!first_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return false; auto vertical_edge = parse_vertical_edge(first_token.token().ident()); if (!vertical_edge.has_value()) return false; position.y_relative_to = *vertical_edge; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return false; auto& second_token = tokens.next_token(); auto dimension = parse_dimension(second_token); if (!dimension.has_value() || !dimension->is_length_percentage()) return false; position.vertical_position = dimension->length_percentage(); transaction.commit(); return true; }; if ((parse_horizontal() && parse_vertical()) || (parse_vertical() && parse_horizontal())) { transaction.commit(); return position; } return {}; }; // Note: The alternatives must be attempted in this order since `alternation_2' can match a prefix of `alternation_3' auto position = alternation_3(); if (!position.has_value()) position = alternation_2(); if (!position.has_value()) position = alternation_1(); if (position.has_value()) transaction.commit(); return position; } CSSRule* Parser::convert_to_rule(NonnullRefPtr rule) { if (rule->is_at_rule()) { if (has_ignored_vendor_prefix(rule->at_rule_name())) return {}; if (rule->at_rule_name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("font-face"sv)) { if (!rule->block() || !rule->block()->is_curly()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "@font-face rule is malformed."); return {}; } TokenStream tokens { rule->block()->values() }; return parse_font_face_rule(tokens); } if (rule->at_rule_name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("import"sv) && !rule->prelude().is_empty()) { Optional url; for (auto const& token : rule->prelude()) { if (token.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; if (token.is(Token::Type::String)) { url = m_context.complete_url(token.token().string()); } else { url = parse_url_function(token); } // FIXME: Handle list of media queries. https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-3/#conditional-import if (url.has_value()) break; } if (url.has_value()) return CSSImportRule::create(url.value(), const_cast(*m_context.document())).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unable to parse url from @import rule"); return {}; } if (rule->at_rule_name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("media"sv)) { auto media_query_tokens = TokenStream { rule->prelude() }; auto media_query_list = parse_a_media_query_list(media_query_tokens); if (media_query_list.is_empty() || !rule->block()) return {}; auto child_tokens = TokenStream { rule->block()->values() }; auto parser_rules = parse_a_list_of_rules(child_tokens); JS::MarkedVector child_rules(m_context.realm().heap()); for (auto& raw_rule : parser_rules) { if (auto* child_rule = convert_to_rule(raw_rule)) child_rules.append(child_rule); } auto media_list = MediaList::create(m_context.realm(), move(media_query_list)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto rule_list = CSSRuleList::create(m_context.realm(), child_rules).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); return CSSMediaRule::create(m_context.realm(), media_list, rule_list).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } if (rule->at_rule_name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("supports"sv)) { auto supports_tokens = TokenStream { rule->prelude() }; auto supports = parse_a_supports(supports_tokens); if (!supports) { if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @supports rule invalid; discarding."); supports_tokens.dump_all_tokens(); } return {}; } if (!rule->block()) return {}; auto child_tokens = TokenStream { rule->block()->values() }; auto parser_rules = parse_a_list_of_rules(child_tokens); JS::MarkedVector child_rules(m_context.realm().heap()); for (auto& raw_rule : parser_rules) { if (auto* child_rule = convert_to_rule(raw_rule)) child_rules.append(child_rule); } auto rule_list = CSSRuleList::create(m_context.realm(), child_rules).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); return CSSSupportsRule::create(m_context.realm(), supports.release_nonnull(), rule_list).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } // FIXME: More at rules! dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unrecognized CSS at-rule: @{}", rule->at_rule_name()); return {}; } auto prelude_stream = TokenStream(rule->prelude()); auto selectors = parse_a_selector_list(prelude_stream, SelectorType::Standalone); if (selectors.is_error()) { if (selectors.error() == ParseError::SyntaxError) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: style rule selectors invalid; discarding."); if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { prelude_stream.dump_all_tokens(); } } return {}; } if (selectors.value().is_empty()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: empty selector; discarding."); return {}; } if (!rule->block()->is_curly()) return {}; auto stream = TokenStream(rule->block()->values()); auto declarations_and_at_rules = parse_a_style_blocks_contents(stream); auto* declaration = convert_to_style_declaration(declarations_and_at_rules); if (!declaration) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: style rule declaration invalid; discarding."); return {}; } return CSSStyleRule::create(m_context.realm(), move(selectors.value()), *declaration).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } auto Parser::extract_properties(Vector const& declarations_and_at_rules) -> PropertiesAndCustomProperties { PropertiesAndCustomProperties result; for (auto const& declaration_or_at_rule : declarations_and_at_rules) { if (declaration_or_at_rule.is_at_rule()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "!!! CSS at-rule is not allowed here!"); continue; } auto const& declaration = declaration_or_at_rule.declaration(); if (auto maybe_property = convert_to_style_property(declaration); maybe_property.has_value()) { auto property = maybe_property.release_value(); if (property.property_id == PropertyID::Custom) { result.custom_properties.set(property.custom_name, property); } else { result.properties.append(move(property)); } } } return result; } PropertyOwningCSSStyleDeclaration* Parser::convert_to_style_declaration(Vector const& declarations_and_at_rules) { auto [properties, custom_properties] = extract_properties(declarations_and_at_rules); return PropertyOwningCSSStyleDeclaration::create(m_context.realm(), move(properties), move(custom_properties)).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } Optional Parser::convert_to_style_property(Declaration const& declaration) { auto property_name = declaration.name(); auto property_id = property_id_from_string(property_name); if (property_id == PropertyID::Invalid) { if (property_name.starts_with("--"sv)) { property_id = PropertyID::Custom; } else if (has_ignored_vendor_prefix(property_name)) { return {}; } else if (!property_name.starts_with('-')) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unrecognized CSS property '{}'", property_name); return {}; } } auto value_token_stream = TokenStream(declaration.values()); auto value = parse_css_value(property_id, value_token_stream); if (value.is_error()) { if (value.error() == ParseError::SyntaxError) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Unable to parse value for CSS property '{}'.", property_name); if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { value_token_stream.dump_all_tokens(); } } return {}; } if (property_id == PropertyID::Custom) return StyleProperty { declaration.importance(), property_id, value.release_value(), declaration.name() }; return StyleProperty { declaration.importance(), property_id, value.release_value(), {} }; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_builtin_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto ident = component_value.token().ident(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("inherit"sv)) return InheritStyleValue::the(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("initial"sv)) return InitialStyleValue::the(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("unset"sv)) return UnsetStyleValue::the(); // FIXME: Implement `revert` and `revert-layer` keywords, from Cascade4 and Cascade5 respectively } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_calculated_value(Vector const& component_values) { auto calculation_tree = TRY(parse_a_calculation(component_values)); if (calculation_tree == nullptr) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Failed to parse calculation tree"); return nullptr; } else { if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln("Parsed calculation tree:"); StringBuilder builder; TRY(calculation_tree->dump(builder, 0)); dbgln(builder.string_view()); } } auto calc_type = calculation_tree->resolved_type(); if (!calc_type.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "calc() resolved as invalid!!!"); return nullptr; } [[maybe_unused]] auto to_string = [](CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType type) { switch (type) { case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Angle: return "Angle"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Frequency: return "Frequency"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Integer: return "Integer"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Length: return "Length"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Number: return "Number"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Percentage: return "Percentage"sv; case CalculatedStyleValue::ResolvedType::Time: return "Time"sv; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }; dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Deduced calc() resolved type as: {}", to_string(calc_type.value())); return CalculatedStyleValue::create(calculation_tree.release_nonnull(), calc_type.release_value()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_dynamic_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is_function()) { auto const& function = component_value.function(); if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("calc"sv)) return parse_calculated_value(function.values()); if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("var"sv)) { // Declarations using `var()` should already be parsed as an UnresolvedStyleValue before this point. VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } return nullptr; } Optional Parser::parse_dimension(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) { float numeric_value = component_value.token().dimension_value(); auto unit_string = component_value.token().dimension_unit(); if (auto length_type = Length::unit_from_name(unit_string); length_type.has_value()) return Length { numeric_value, length_type.release_value() }; if (auto angle_type = Angle::unit_from_name(unit_string); angle_type.has_value()) return Angle { numeric_value, angle_type.release_value() }; if (auto frequency_type = Frequency::unit_from_name(unit_string); frequency_type.has_value()) return Frequency { numeric_value, frequency_type.release_value() }; if (auto resolution_type = Resolution::unit_from_name(unit_string); resolution_type.has_value()) return Resolution { numeric_value, resolution_type.release_value() }; if (auto time_type = Time::unit_from_name(unit_string); time_type.has_value()) return Time { numeric_value, time_type.release_value() }; } if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Percentage)) return Percentage { static_cast(component_value.token().percentage()) }; if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Number)) { float numeric_value = component_value.token().number_value(); if (numeric_value == 0) return Length::make_px(0); if (m_context.in_quirks_mode() && property_has_quirk(m_context.current_property_id(), Quirk::UnitlessLength)) { // https://quirks.spec.whatwg.org/#quirky-length-value // FIXME: Disallow quirk when inside a CSS sub-expression (like `calc()`) // "The value must not be supported in arguments to CSS expressions other than the rect() // expression, and must not be supported in the supports() static method of the CSS interface." return Length::make_px(numeric_value); } } return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_length(ComponentValue const& component_value) { auto dimension = parse_dimension(component_value); if (!dimension.has_value()) return {}; if (dimension->is_length()) return dimension->length(); return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_ratio(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // ` = [ / ]?` // FIXME: I think either part is allowed to be calc(), which makes everything complicated. auto first_number = tokens.next_token(); if (!first_number.is(Token::Type::Number) || first_number.token().number_value() < 0) return {}; { auto two_value_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto solidus = tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto second_number = tokens.next_token(); if (solidus.is(Token::Type::Delim) && solidus.token().delim() == '/' && second_number.is(Token::Type::Number) && second_number.token().number_value() > 0) { // Two-value ratio two_value_transaction.commit(); transaction.commit(); return Ratio { static_cast(first_number.token().number_value()), static_cast(second_number.token().number_value()) }; } } // Single-value ratio transaction.commit(); return Ratio { static_cast(first_number.token().number_value()) }; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#urange-syntax Optional Parser::parse_unicode_range(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); // = // u '+' '?'* | // u '?'* | // u '?'* | // u | // u | // u '+' '?'+ // (All with no whitespace in between tokens.) // NOTE: Parsing this is different from usual. We take these steps: // 1. Match the grammar above against the tokens, concatenating them into a string using their original representation. // 2. Then, parse that string according to the spec algorithm. // Step 2 is performed by calling the other parse_unicode_range() overload. auto is_question_mark = [](ComponentValue const& component_value) { return component_value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && component_value.token().delim() == '?'; }; auto is_ending_token = [](ComponentValue const& component_value) { return component_value.is(Token::Type::EndOfFile) || component_value.is(Token::Type::Comma) || component_value.is(Token::Type::Semicolon) || component_value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace); }; auto create_unicode_range = [&](StringView text, auto& local_transaction) -> Optional { auto maybe_unicode_range = parse_unicode_range(text); if (maybe_unicode_range.has_value()) { local_transaction.commit(); transaction.commit(); } return maybe_unicode_range; }; // All options start with 'u'/'U'. auto const& u = tokens.next_token(); if (!(u.is(Token::Type::Ident) && u.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("u"sv))) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: does not start with 'u'"); return {}; } auto const& second_token = tokens.next_token(); // u '+' '?'* | // u '+' '?'+ if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Delim) && second_token.token().delim() == '+') { auto local_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); StringBuilder string_builder; string_builder.append(second_token.token().representation()); auto const& third_token = tokens.next_token(); if (third_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) || is_question_mark(third_token)) { string_builder.append(third_token.token().representation()); while (is_question_mark(tokens.peek_token())) string_builder.append(tokens.next_token().token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); } } // u '?'* if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) { auto local_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); StringBuilder string_builder; string_builder.append(second_token.token().representation()); while (is_question_mark(tokens.peek_token())) string_builder.append(tokens.next_token().token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); } // u '?'* | // u | // u if (second_token.is(Token::Type::Number)) { auto local_transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); StringBuilder string_builder; string_builder.append(second_token.token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); auto const& third_token = tokens.next_token(); if (is_question_mark(third_token)) { string_builder.append(third_token.token().representation()); while (is_question_mark(tokens.peek_token())) string_builder.append(tokens.next_token().token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); } else if (third_token.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) { string_builder.append(third_token.token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); } else if (third_token.is(Token::Type::Number)) { string_builder.append(third_token.token().representation()); if (is_ending_token(tokens.peek_token())) return create_unicode_range(string_builder.string_view(), local_transaction); } } if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln("CSSParser: Tokens did not match grammar."); tokens.dump_all_tokens(); } return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_unicode_range(StringView text) { auto make_valid_unicode_range = [&](u32 start_value, u32 end_value) -> Optional { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#maximum-allowed-code-point constexpr u32 maximum_allowed_code_point = 0x10FFFF; // To determine what codepoints the represents: // 1. If end value is greater than the maximum allowed code point, // the is invalid and a syntax error. if (end_value > maximum_allowed_code_point) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: Invalid : end_value ({}) > maximum ({})", end_value, maximum_allowed_code_point); return {}; } // 2. If start value is greater than end value, the is invalid and a syntax error. if (start_value > end_value) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: Invalid : start_value ({}) > end_value ({})", start_value, end_value); return {}; } // 3. Otherwise, the represents a contiguous range of codepoints from start value to end value, inclusive. return UnicodeRange { start_value, end_value }; }; // 1. Skipping the first u token, concatenate the representations of all the tokens in the production together. // Let this be text. // NOTE: The concatenation is already done by the caller. GenericLexer lexer { text }; // 2. If the first character of text is U+002B PLUS SIGN, consume it. // Otherwise, this is an invalid , and this algorithm must exit. if (lexer.next_is('+')) { lexer.consume(); } else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: Second character of was not '+'; got: '{}'", lexer.consume()); return {}; } // 3. Consume as many hex digits from text as possible. // then consume as many U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) code points as possible. auto hex_digits = lexer.consume_while(is_ascii_hex_digit); auto question_marks = lexer.consume_while([](auto it) { return it == '?'; }); // If zero code points were consumed, or more than six code points were consumed, // this is an invalid , and this algorithm must exit. size_t consumed_code_points = hex_digits.length() + question_marks.length(); if (consumed_code_points == 0 || consumed_code_points > 6) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: start value had {} digits/?s, expected between 1 and 6.", consumed_code_points); return {}; } StringView start_value_code_points { hex_digits.characters_without_null_termination(), consumed_code_points }; // If any U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) code points were consumed, then: if (question_marks.length() > 0) { // 1. If there are any code points left in text, this is an invalid , // and this algorithm must exit. if (lexer.tell_remaining() != 0) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: invalid; had {} code points left over.", lexer.tell_remaining()); return {}; } // 2. Interpret the consumed code points as a hexadecimal number, // with the U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) code points replaced by U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) code points. // This is the start value. auto start_value_string = start_value_code_points.replace("?"sv, "0"sv, ReplaceMode::All); auto maybe_start_value = AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(start_value_string); if (!maybe_start_value.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: ?-converted start value did not parse as hex number."); return {}; } u32 start_value = maybe_start_value.release_value(); // 3. Interpret the consumed code points as a hexadecimal number again, // with the U+003F QUESTION MARK (?) code points replaced by U+0046 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F (F) code points. // This is the end value. auto end_value_string = start_value_code_points.replace("?"sv, "F"sv, ReplaceMode::All); auto maybe_end_value = AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(end_value_string); if (!maybe_end_value.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: ?-converted end value did not parse as hex number."); return {}; } u32 end_value = maybe_end_value.release_value(); // 4. Exit this algorithm. return make_valid_unicode_range(start_value, end_value); } // Otherwise, interpret the consumed code points as a hexadecimal number. This is the start value. auto maybe_start_value = AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(start_value_code_points); if (!maybe_start_value.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: start value did not parse as hex number."); return {}; } u32 start_value = maybe_start_value.release_value(); // 4. If there are no code points left in text, The end value is the same as the start value. // Exit this algorithm. if (lexer.tell_remaining() == 0) return make_valid_unicode_range(start_value, start_value); // 5. If the next code point in text is U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS (-), consume it. if (lexer.next_is('-')) { lexer.consume(); } // Otherwise, this is an invalid , and this algorithm must exit. else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: start and end values not separated by '-'."); return {}; } // 6. Consume as many hex digits as possible from text. auto end_hex_digits = lexer.consume_while(is_ascii_hex_digit); // If zero hex digits were consumed, or more than 6 hex digits were consumed, // this is an invalid , and this algorithm must exit. if (end_hex_digits.length() == 0 || end_hex_digits.length() > 6) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: end value had {} digits, expected between 1 and 6.", end_hex_digits.length()); return {}; } // If there are any code points left in text, this is an invalid , and this algorithm must exit. if (lexer.tell_remaining() != 0) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: invalid; had {} code points left over.", lexer.tell_remaining()); return {}; } // 7. Interpret the consumed code points as a hexadecimal number. This is the end value. auto maybe_end_value = AK::StringUtils::convert_to_uint_from_hex(end_hex_digits); if (!maybe_end_value.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: end value did not parse as hex number."); return {}; } u32 end_value = maybe_end_value.release_value(); return make_valid_unicode_range(start_value, end_value); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_dimension_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { // Numbers with no units can be lengths, in two situations: // 1) We're in quirks mode, and it's an integer. // 2) It's a 0. // We handle case 1 here. Case 2 is handled by NumericStyleValue pretending to be a LengthStyleValue if it is 0. if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Number) && !(m_context.in_quirks_mode() && property_has_quirk(m_context.current_property_id(), Quirk::UnitlessLength))) return nullptr; auto dimension = parse_dimension(component_value); if (!dimension.has_value()) return nullptr; if (dimension->is_angle()) return AngleStyleValue::create(dimension->angle()); if (dimension->is_frequency()) return FrequencyStyleValue::create(dimension->frequency()); if (dimension->is_length()) return LengthStyleValue::create(dimension->length()); if (dimension->is_percentage()) return PercentageStyleValue::create(dimension->percentage()); if (dimension->is_resolution()) return ResolutionStyleValue::create(dimension->resolution()); if (dimension->is_time()) return TimeStyleValue::create(dimension->time()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_numeric_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Number)) { auto const& number = component_value.token(); if (number.number().is_integer()) return NumericStyleValue::create_integer(number.to_integer()); return NumericStyleValue::create_float(number.number_value()); } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_identifier_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto value_id = value_id_from_string(component_value.token().ident()); if (value_id != ValueID::Invalid) return IdentifierStyleValue::create(value_id); } return nullptr; } Optional Parser::parse_rgb_or_hsl_color(StringView function_name, Vector const& component_values) { Token params[4]; bool legacy_syntax = false; auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& component1 = tokens.next_token(); if (!component1.is(Token::Type::Number) && !component1.is(Token::Type::Percentage) && !component1.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return {}; params[0] = component1.token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) { legacy_syntax = true; tokens.next_token(); } tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& component2 = tokens.next_token(); if (!component2.is(Token::Type::Number) && !component2.is(Token::Type::Percentage)) return {}; params[1] = component2.token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (legacy_syntax && !tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return {}; tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& component3 = tokens.next_token(); if (!component3.is(Token::Type::Number) && !component3.is(Token::Type::Percentage)) return {}; params[2] = component3.token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& alpha_separator = tokens.peek_token(); bool has_comma = alpha_separator.is(Token::Type::Comma); bool has_slash = alpha_separator.is(Token::Type::Delim) && alpha_separator.token().delim() == '/'; if (legacy_syntax ? has_comma : has_slash) { tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& component4 = tokens.next_token(); if (!component4.is(Token::Type::Number) && !component4.is(Token::Type::Percentage)) return {}; params[3] = component4.token(); } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; if (function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("rgb"sv) || function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("rgba"sv)) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#rgb-functions u8 a_val = 255; if (params[3].is(Token::Type::Number)) a_val = clamp(lroundf(params[3].number_value() * 255.0f), 0, 255); else if (params[3].is(Token::Type::Percentage)) a_val = clamp(lroundf(params[3].percentage() * 2.55f), 0, 255); if (params[0].is(Token::Type::Number) && params[1].is(Token::Type::Number) && params[2].is(Token::Type::Number)) { u8 r_val = clamp(llroundf(params[0].number_value()), 0, 255); u8 g_val = clamp(llroundf(params[1].number_value()), 0, 255); u8 b_val = clamp(llroundf(params[2].number_value()), 0, 255); return Color(r_val, g_val, b_val, a_val); } if (params[0].is(Token::Type::Percentage) && params[1].is(Token::Type::Percentage) && params[2].is(Token::Type::Percentage)) { u8 r_val = lroundf(clamp(params[0].percentage() * 2.55f, 0, 255)); u8 g_val = lroundf(clamp(params[1].percentage() * 2.55f, 0, 255)); u8 b_val = lroundf(clamp(params[2].percentage() * 2.55f, 0, 255)); return Color(r_val, g_val, b_val, a_val); } } else if (function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("hsl"sv) || function_name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("hsla"sv)) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#the-hsl-notation float a_val = 1.0f; if (params[3].is(Token::Type::Number)) a_val = params[3].number_value(); else if (params[3].is(Token::Type::Percentage)) a_val = params[3].percentage() / 100.0f; if (params[0].is(Token::Type::Dimension) && params[1].is(Token::Type::Percentage) && params[2].is(Token::Type::Percentage)) { float numeric_value = params[0].dimension_value(); auto unit_string = params[0].dimension_unit(); auto angle_type = Angle::unit_from_name(unit_string); if (!angle_type.has_value()) return {}; auto angle = Angle { numeric_value, angle_type.release_value() }; float h_val = fmodf(angle.to_degrees(), 360.0f); float s_val = params[1].percentage() / 100.0f; float l_val = params[2].percentage() / 100.0f; return Color::from_hsla(h_val, s_val, l_val, a_val); } if (params[0].is(Token::Type::Number) && params[1].is(Token::Type::Percentage) && params[2].is(Token::Type::Percentage)) { float h_val = fmodf(params[0].number_value(), 360.0f); float s_val = params[1].percentage() / 100.0f; float l_val = params[2].percentage() / 100.0f; return Color::from_hsla(h_val, s_val, l_val, a_val); } } return {}; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visufx.html#value-def-shape ErrorOr> Parser::parse_rect_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (!component_value.is_function()) return nullptr; auto const& function = component_value.function(); if (!function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("rect"sv)) return nullptr; Vector params; auto tokens = TokenStream { function.values() }; enum class CommaRequirement { Unknown, RequiresCommas, RequiresNoCommas }; enum class Side { Top = 0, Right = 1, Bottom = 2, Left = 3 }; auto comma_requirement = CommaRequirement::Unknown; // In CSS 2.1, the only valid value is: rect(, , , ) where // and specify offsets from the top border edge of the box, and , and // specify offsets from the left border edge of the box. for (size_t side = 0; side < 4; side++) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); // , , , and may either have a value or 'auto'. // Negative lengths are permitted. auto current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); if (current_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && current_token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv)) { params.append(Length::make_auto()); } else { auto maybe_length = parse_length(current_token); if (!maybe_length.has_value()) return nullptr; params.append(maybe_length.value()); } tokens.skip_whitespace(); // The last side, should be no more tokens following it. if (static_cast(side) == Side::Left) { if (tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; break; } bool next_is_comma = tokens.peek_token().is(Token::Type::Comma); // Authors should separate offset values with commas. User agents must support separation // with commas, but may also support separation without commas (but not a combination), // because a previous revision of this specification was ambiguous in this respect. if (comma_requirement == CommaRequirement::Unknown) comma_requirement = next_is_comma ? CommaRequirement::RequiresCommas : CommaRequirement::RequiresNoCommas; if (comma_requirement == CommaRequirement::RequiresCommas) { if (next_is_comma) tokens.next_token(); else return nullptr; } else if (comma_requirement == CommaRequirement::RequiresNoCommas) { if (next_is_comma) return nullptr; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } return RectStyleValue::create(EdgeRect { params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3] }); } Optional Parser::parse_color(ComponentValue const& component_value) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/ if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto ident = component_value.token().ident(); auto color = Color::from_string(ident); if (color.has_value()) return color; } else if (component_value.is(Token::Type::Hash)) { auto color = Color::from_string(DeprecatedString::formatted("#{}", component_value.token().hash_value())); if (color.has_value()) return color; return {}; } else if (component_value.is_function()) { auto const& function = component_value.function(); auto const& values = function.values(); return parse_rgb_or_hsl_color(function.name(), values); } // https://quirks.spec.whatwg.org/#the-hashless-hex-color-quirk if (m_context.in_quirks_mode() && property_has_quirk(m_context.current_property_id(), Quirk::HashlessHexColor)) { // The value of a quirky color is obtained from the possible component values using the following algorithm, // aborting on the first step that returns a value: // 1. Let cv be the component value. auto const& cv = component_value; DeprecatedString serialization; // 2. If cv is a or a , follow these substeps: if (cv.is(Token::Type::Number) || cv.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) { // 1. If cv’s type flag is not "integer", return an error. // This means that values that happen to use scientific notation, e.g., 5e5e5e, will fail to parse. if (!cv.token().number().is_integer()) return {}; // 2. If cv’s value is less than zero, return an error. auto value = cv.is(Token::Type::Number) ? cv.token().to_integer() : cv.token().dimension_value_int(); if (value < 0) return {}; // 3. Let serialization be the serialization of cv’s value, as a base-ten integer using digits 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) in the shortest form possible. StringBuilder serialization_builder; serialization_builder.appendff("{}", value); // 4. If cv is a , append the unit to serialization. if (cv.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) serialization_builder.append(cv.token().dimension_unit()); // 5. If serialization consists of fewer than six characters, prepend zeros (U+0030) so that it becomes six characters. serialization = serialization_builder.to_deprecated_string(); if (serialization_builder.length() < 6) { StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < (6 - serialization_builder.length()); i++) builder.append('0'); builder.append(serialization_builder.string_view()); serialization = builder.to_deprecated_string(); } } // 3. Otherwise, cv is an ; let serialization be cv’s value. else { if (!cv.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return {}; serialization = cv.token().ident(); } // 4. If serialization does not consist of three or six characters, return an error. if (serialization.length() != 3 && serialization.length() != 6) return {}; // 5. If serialization contains any characters not in the range [0-9A-Fa-f] (U+0030 to U+0039, U+0041 to U+0046, U+0061 to U+0066), return an error. for (auto c : serialization) { if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'))) return {}; } // 6. Return the concatenation of "#" (U+0023) and serialization. DeprecatedString concatenation = DeprecatedString::formatted("#{}", serialization); return Color::from_string(concatenation); } return {}; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_color_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { auto color = parse_color(component_value); if (color.has_value()) return ColorStyleValue::create(color.value()); return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_string_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is(Token::Type::String)) return StringStyleValue::create(TRY(String::from_utf8(component_value.token().string()))); return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_image_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { auto url = parse_url_function(component_value, AllowedDataUrlType::Image); if (url.has_value()) return ImageStyleValue::create(url.value()); auto linear_gradient = TRY(parse_linear_gradient_function(component_value)); if (linear_gradient) return linear_gradient; auto conic_gradient = TRY(parse_conic_gradient_function(component_value)); if (conic_gradient) return conic_gradient; return parse_radial_gradient_function(component_value); } template ErrorOr> Parser::parse_comma_separated_value_list(Vector const& component_values, ParseFunction parse_one_value) { auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; auto first = TRY(parse_one_value(tokens)); if (!first || !tokens.has_next_token()) return first; StyleValueVector values; values.append(first.release_nonnull()); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { if (!tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return nullptr; if (auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_one_value(tokens))) { values.append(maybe_value.release_nonnull()); continue; } return nullptr; } return StyleValueList::create(move(values), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_simple_comma_separated_value_list(Vector const& component_values) { return parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [=, this](auto& tokens) -> ErrorOr> { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); value && property_accepts_value(m_context.current_property_id(), *value)) return value; tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); return nullptr; }); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_background_value(Vector const& component_values) { StyleValueVector background_images; StyleValueVector background_positions; StyleValueVector background_sizes; StyleValueVector background_repeats; StyleValueVector background_attachments; StyleValueVector background_clips; StyleValueVector background_origins; RefPtr background_color; // Per-layer values RefPtr background_image; RefPtr background_position; RefPtr background_size; RefPtr background_repeat; RefPtr background_attachment; RefPtr background_clip; RefPtr background_origin; bool has_multiple_layers = false; auto background_layer_is_valid = [&](bool allow_background_color) -> bool { if (allow_background_color) { if (background_color) return true; } else { if (background_color) return false; } return background_image || background_position || background_size || background_repeat || background_attachment || background_clip || background_origin; }; auto complete_background_layer = [&]() -> ErrorOr { TRY(background_images.try_append(background_image ? background_image.release_nonnull() : TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundImage)))); TRY(background_positions.try_append(background_position ? background_position.release_nonnull() : TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundPosition)))); TRY(background_sizes.try_append(background_size ? background_size.release_nonnull() : TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundSize)))); TRY(background_repeats.try_append(background_repeat ? background_repeat.release_nonnull() : TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat)))); TRY(background_attachments.try_append(background_attachment ? background_attachment.release_nonnull() : TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundAttachment)))); if (!background_origin && !background_clip) { background_origin = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundOrigin)); background_clip = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundClip)); } else if (!background_clip) { background_clip = background_origin; } TRY(background_origins.try_append(background_origin.release_nonnull())); TRY(background_clips.try_append(background_clip.release_nonnull())); background_image = nullptr; background_position = nullptr; background_size = nullptr; background_repeat = nullptr; background_attachment = nullptr; background_clip = nullptr; background_origin = nullptr; return {}; }; auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& part = tokens.next_token(); if (part.is(Token::Type::Comma)) { has_multiple_layers = true; if (!background_layer_is_valid(false)) return nullptr; TRY(complete_background_layer()); continue; } auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (!value) return nullptr; if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundAttachment, *value)) { if (background_attachment) return nullptr; background_attachment = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundColor, *value)) { if (background_color) return nullptr; background_color = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundImage, *value)) { if (background_image) return nullptr; background_image = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundOrigin, *value)) { // background-origin and background-clip accept the same values. From the spec: // "If one value is present then it sets both background-origin and background-clip to that value. // If two values are present, then the first sets background-origin and the second background-clip." // - https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/#background // So, we put the first one in background-origin, then if we get a second, we put it in background-clip. // If we only get one, we copy the value before creating the BackgroundStyleValue. if (!background_origin) { background_origin = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (!background_clip) { background_clip = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundPosition, *value)) { if (background_position) return nullptr; tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); if (auto maybe_background_position = TRY(parse_single_background_position_value(tokens))) { background_position = maybe_background_position.release_nonnull(); // Attempt to parse `/ ` auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); auto& maybe_slash = tokens.next_token(); if (maybe_slash.is(Token::Type::Delim) && maybe_slash.token().delim() == '/') { if (auto maybe_background_size = TRY(parse_single_background_size_value(tokens))) { transaction.commit(); background_size = maybe_background_size.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } continue; } return nullptr; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat, *value)) { if (background_repeat) return nullptr; tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); if (auto maybe_repeat = TRY(parse_single_background_repeat_value(tokens))) { background_repeat = maybe_repeat.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } return nullptr; } if (!background_layer_is_valid(true)) return nullptr; // We only need to create StyleValueLists if there are multiple layers. // Otherwise, we can pass the single StyleValues directly. if (has_multiple_layers) { TRY(complete_background_layer()); if (!background_color) background_color = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundColor)); return BackgroundStyleValue::create( background_color.release_nonnull(), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_images), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_positions), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_sizes), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_repeats), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_attachments), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_origins), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma)), TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(background_clips), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma))); } if (!background_color) background_color = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundColor)); if (!background_image) background_image = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundImage)); if (!background_position) background_position = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundPosition)); if (!background_size) background_size = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundSize)); if (!background_repeat) background_repeat = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat)); if (!background_attachment) background_attachment = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundAttachment)); if (!background_origin && !background_clip) { background_origin = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundOrigin)); background_clip = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BackgroundClip)); } else if (!background_clip) { background_clip = background_origin; } return BackgroundStyleValue::create( background_color.release_nonnull(), background_image.release_nonnull(), background_position.release_nonnull(), background_size.release_nonnull(), background_repeat.release_nonnull(), background_attachment.release_nonnull(), background_origin.release_nonnull(), background_clip.release_nonnull()); } static Optional identifier_to_edge(ValueID identifier) { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Top: return PositionEdge::Top; case ValueID::Bottom: return PositionEdge::Bottom; case ValueID::Left: return PositionEdge::Left; case ValueID::Right: return PositionEdge::Right; default: return {}; } }; static Optional style_value_to_length_percentage(auto value) { if (value->is_percentage()) return LengthPercentage { value->as_percentage().percentage() }; if (value->has_length()) return LengthPercentage { value->to_length() }; if (value->is_calculated()) return LengthPercentage { value->as_calculated() }; return {}; }; ErrorOr> Parser::parse_single_background_position_value(TokenStream& tokens) { // NOTE: This *looks* like it parses a , but it doesn't. From the spec: // "Note: The background-position property also accepts a three-value syntax. // This has been disallowed generically because it creates parsing ambiguities // when combined with other length or percentage components in a property value." // - https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#typedef-position // So, we'll need a separate function to parse later. auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); auto is_horizontal = [](ValueID identifier) -> bool { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Left: case ValueID::Right: return true; default: return false; } }; auto is_vertical = [](ValueID identifier) -> bool { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Top: case ValueID::Bottom: return true; default: return false; } }; struct EdgeOffset { PositionEdge edge; LengthPercentage offset; bool edge_provided; bool offset_provided; }; Optional horizontal; Optional vertical; bool found_center = false; auto const center_offset = Percentage { 50 }; auto const zero_offset = Length::make_px(0); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { // Check if we're done auto seen_items = (horizontal.has_value() ? 1 : 0) + (vertical.has_value() ? 1 : 0) + (found_center ? 1 : 0); if (seen_items == 2) break; auto const& token = tokens.peek_token(); auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); if (!maybe_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundPosition, *maybe_value)) break; tokens.next_token(); auto value = maybe_value.release_nonnull(); auto offset = style_value_to_length_percentage(value); if (offset.has_value()) { if (!horizontal.has_value()) { horizontal = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Left, *offset, false, true }; } else if (!vertical.has_value()) { vertical = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Top, *offset, false, true }; } else { return nullptr; } continue; } auto try_parse_offset = [&](bool& offset_provided) -> ErrorOr { if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& token = tokens.peek_token(); auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); if (!maybe_value) return zero_offset; auto offset = style_value_to_length_percentage(maybe_value.release_nonnull()); if (offset.has_value()) { offset_provided = true; tokens.next_token(); return *offset; } } return zero_offset; }; if (value->is_identifier()) { auto identifier = value->to_identifier(); if (is_horizontal(identifier)) { bool offset_provided = false; auto offset = TRY(try_parse_offset(offset_provided)); horizontal = EdgeOffset { *identifier_to_edge(identifier), offset, true, offset_provided }; } else if (is_vertical(identifier)) { bool offset_provided = false; auto offset = TRY(try_parse_offset(offset_provided)); vertical = EdgeOffset { *identifier_to_edge(identifier), offset, true, offset_provided }; } else if (identifier == ValueID::Center) { found_center = true; } else { return nullptr; } continue; } tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } if (found_center) { if (horizontal.has_value() && vertical.has_value()) return nullptr; if (!horizontal.has_value()) horizontal = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Left, center_offset, true, false }; if (!vertical.has_value()) vertical = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Top, center_offset, true, false }; } if (!horizontal.has_value() && !vertical.has_value()) return nullptr; // Unpack ` `: // The loop above reads this pattern as a single EdgeOffset, when actually, it should be treated // as `x y` if the edge is horizontal, and `y` (with the second token reconsumed) otherwise. if (!vertical.has_value() && horizontal->edge_provided && horizontal->offset_provided) { // Split into `x y` vertical = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Top, horizontal->offset, false, true }; horizontal->offset = zero_offset; horizontal->offset_provided = false; } else if (!horizontal.has_value() && vertical->edge_provided && vertical->offset_provided) { // `y`, reconsume vertical->offset = zero_offset; vertical->offset_provided = false; tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); } // If only one value is specified, the second value is assumed to be center. if (!horizontal.has_value()) horizontal = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Left, center_offset, false, false }; if (!vertical.has_value()) vertical = EdgeOffset { PositionEdge::Top, center_offset, false, false }; transaction.commit(); return PositionStyleValue::create( TRY(EdgeStyleValue::create(horizontal->edge, horizontal->offset)), TRY(EdgeStyleValue::create(vertical->edge, vertical->offset))); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_single_background_position_x_or_y_value(TokenStream& tokens, PropertyID property) { PositionEdge relative_edge {}; if (property == PropertyID::BackgroundPositionX) { // [ center | [ [ left | right | x-start | x-end ]? ? ]! ]# relative_edge = PositionEdge::Left; } else if (property == PropertyID::BackgroundPositionY) { // [ center | [ [ top | bottom | y-start | y-end ]? ? ]! ]# relative_edge = PositionEdge::Top; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; auto parse_value = [&](auto& token) -> ErrorOr> { auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); if (!maybe_value || !property_accepts_value(property, *maybe_value)) return nullptr; return maybe_value.release_nonnull(); }; auto value = TRY(parse_value(tokens.next_token())); if (value->is_identifier()) { auto identifier = value->to_identifier(); if (identifier == ValueID::Center) { transaction.commit(); return EdgeStyleValue::create(relative_edge, Percentage { 50 }); } if (auto edge = identifier_to_edge(identifier); edge.has_value()) { relative_edge = *edge; } else { return nullptr; } if (tokens.has_next_token()) { value = TRY(parse_value(tokens.peek_token())); if (!value) { transaction.commit(); return EdgeStyleValue::create(relative_edge, Length::make_px(0)); } tokens.next_token(); } } auto offset = style_value_to_length_percentage(value); if (offset.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return EdgeStyleValue::create(relative_edge, *offset); } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_single_background_repeat_value(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); auto is_directional_repeat = [](StyleValue const& value) -> bool { auto value_id = value.to_identifier(); return value_id == ValueID::RepeatX || value_id == ValueID::RepeatY; }; auto as_repeat = [](ValueID identifier) -> Optional { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::NoRepeat: return Repeat::NoRepeat; case ValueID::Repeat: return Repeat::Repeat; case ValueID::Round: return Repeat::Round; case ValueID::Space: return Repeat::Space; default: return {}; } }; auto const& token = tokens.next_token(); auto maybe_x_value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); if (!maybe_x_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat, *maybe_x_value)) return nullptr; auto x_value = maybe_x_value.release_nonnull(); if (is_directional_repeat(*x_value)) { auto value_id = x_value->to_identifier(); transaction.commit(); return BackgroundRepeatStyleValue::create( value_id == ValueID::RepeatX ? Repeat::Repeat : Repeat::NoRepeat, value_id == ValueID::RepeatX ? Repeat::NoRepeat : Repeat::Repeat); } auto x_repeat = as_repeat(x_value->to_identifier()); if (!x_repeat.has_value()) return nullptr; // See if we have a second value for Y auto const& second_token = tokens.peek_token(); auto maybe_y_value = TRY(parse_css_value(second_token)); if (!maybe_y_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat, *maybe_y_value)) { // We don't have a second value, so use x for both transaction.commit(); return BackgroundRepeatStyleValue::create(x_repeat.value(), x_repeat.value()); } tokens.next_token(); auto y_value = maybe_y_value.release_nonnull(); if (is_directional_repeat(*y_value)) return nullptr; auto y_repeat = as_repeat(y_value->to_identifier()); if (!y_repeat.has_value()) return nullptr; transaction.commit(); return BackgroundRepeatStyleValue::create(x_repeat.value(), y_repeat.value()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_single_background_size_value(TokenStream& tokens) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); auto get_length_percentage = [](StyleValue& style_value) -> Optional { if (style_value.has_auto()) return LengthPercentage { Length::make_auto() }; if (style_value.is_percentage()) return LengthPercentage { style_value.as_percentage().percentage() }; if (style_value.has_length()) return LengthPercentage { style_value.to_length() }; return {}; }; auto maybe_x_value = TRY(parse_css_value(tokens.next_token())); if (!maybe_x_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundSize, *maybe_x_value)) return nullptr; auto x_value = maybe_x_value.release_nonnull(); if (x_value->to_identifier() == ValueID::Cover || x_value->to_identifier() == ValueID::Contain) { transaction.commit(); return x_value; } auto maybe_y_value = TRY(parse_css_value(tokens.peek_token())); if (!maybe_y_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BackgroundSize, *maybe_y_value)) { auto x_size = get_length_percentage(*x_value); if (!x_size.has_value()) return nullptr; transaction.commit(); return BackgroundSizeStyleValue::create(x_size.value(), x_size.value()); } tokens.next_token(); auto y_value = maybe_y_value.release_nonnull(); auto x_size = get_length_percentage(*x_value); auto y_size = get_length_percentage(*y_value); if (!x_size.has_value() || !y_size.has_value()) return nullptr; transaction.commit(); return BackgroundSizeStyleValue::create(x_size.release_value(), y_size.release_value()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_border_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() > 3) return nullptr; RefPtr border_width; RefPtr border_color; RefPtr border_style; for (auto const& part : component_values) { auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (!value) return nullptr; if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BorderWidth, *value)) { if (border_width) return nullptr; border_width = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BorderColor, *value)) { if (border_color) return nullptr; border_color = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::BorderStyle, *value)) { if (border_style) return nullptr; border_style = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } if (!border_width) border_width = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BorderWidth)); if (!border_style) border_style = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BorderStyle)); if (!border_color) border_color = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::BorderColor)); return BorderStyleValue::create(border_width.release_nonnull(), border_style.release_nonnull(), border_color.release_nonnull()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_border_radius_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() == 2) { auto horizontal = parse_dimension(component_values[0]); auto vertical = parse_dimension(component_values[1]); if (horizontal.has_value() && horizontal->is_length_percentage() && vertical.has_value() && vertical->is_length_percentage()) return BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(horizontal->length_percentage(), vertical->length_percentage()); return nullptr; } if (component_values.size() == 1) { auto radius = parse_dimension(component_values[0]); if (radius.has_value() && radius->is_length_percentage()) return BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(radius->length_percentage(), radius->length_percentage()); return nullptr; } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_border_radius_shorthand_value(Vector const& component_values) { auto top_left = [&](Vector& radii) { return radii[0]; }; auto top_right = [&](Vector& radii) { switch (radii.size()) { case 4: case 3: case 2: return radii[1]; case 1: return radii[0]; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } }; auto bottom_right = [&](Vector& radii) { switch (radii.size()) { case 4: case 3: return radii[2]; case 2: case 1: return radii[0]; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } }; auto bottom_left = [&](Vector& radii) { switch (radii.size()) { case 4: return radii[3]; case 3: case 2: return radii[1]; case 1: return radii[0]; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } }; Vector horizontal_radii; Vector vertical_radii; bool reading_vertical = false; for (auto const& value : component_values) { if (value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && value.token().delim() == '/') { if (reading_vertical || horizontal_radii.is_empty()) return nullptr; reading_vertical = true; continue; } auto maybe_dimension = parse_dimension(value); if (!maybe_dimension.has_value() || !maybe_dimension->is_length_percentage()) return nullptr; if (reading_vertical) { vertical_radii.append(maybe_dimension->length_percentage()); } else { horizontal_radii.append(maybe_dimension->length_percentage()); } } if (horizontal_radii.size() > 4 || vertical_radii.size() > 4 || horizontal_radii.is_empty() || (reading_vertical && vertical_radii.is_empty())) return nullptr; auto top_left_radius = TRY(BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(top_left(horizontal_radii), vertical_radii.is_empty() ? top_left(horizontal_radii) : top_left(vertical_radii))); auto top_right_radius = TRY(BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(top_right(horizontal_radii), vertical_radii.is_empty() ? top_right(horizontal_radii) : top_right(vertical_radii))); auto bottom_right_radius = TRY(BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(bottom_right(horizontal_radii), vertical_radii.is_empty() ? bottom_right(horizontal_radii) : bottom_right(vertical_radii))); auto bottom_left_radius = TRY(BorderRadiusStyleValue::create(bottom_left(horizontal_radii), vertical_radii.is_empty() ? bottom_left(horizontal_radii) : bottom_left(vertical_radii))); return BorderRadiusShorthandStyleValue::create(move(top_left_radius), move(top_right_radius), move(bottom_right_radius), move(bottom_left_radius)); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_shadow_value(Vector const& component_values, AllowInsetKeyword allow_inset_keyword) { // "none" if (component_values.size() == 1 && component_values.first().is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto ident = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_values.first())); if (ident && ident->to_identifier() == ValueID::None) return ident; } return parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [this, allow_inset_keyword](auto& tokens) { return parse_single_shadow_value(tokens, allow_inset_keyword); }); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_single_shadow_value(TokenStream& tokens, AllowInsetKeyword allow_inset_keyword) { auto transaction = tokens.begin_transaction(); Optional color; Optional offset_x; Optional offset_y; Optional blur_radius; Optional spread_distance; Optional placement; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& token = tokens.peek_token(); if (auto maybe_color = parse_color(token); maybe_color.has_value()) { if (color.has_value()) return nullptr; color = maybe_color.release_value(); tokens.next_token(); continue; } if (auto maybe_offset_x = parse_length(token); maybe_offset_x.has_value()) { // horizontal offset if (offset_x.has_value()) return nullptr; offset_x = maybe_offset_x.release_value(); tokens.next_token(); // vertical offset if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; auto maybe_offset_y = parse_length(tokens.peek_token()); if (!maybe_offset_y.has_value()) return nullptr; offset_y = maybe_offset_y.release_value(); tokens.next_token(); // blur radius (optional) if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; auto maybe_blur_radius = parse_length(tokens.peek_token()); if (!maybe_blur_radius.has_value()) continue; blur_radius = maybe_blur_radius.release_value(); tokens.next_token(); // spread distance (optional) if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; auto maybe_spread_distance = parse_length(tokens.peek_token()); if (!maybe_spread_distance.has_value()) continue; spread_distance = maybe_spread_distance.release_value(); tokens.next_token(); continue; } if (allow_inset_keyword == AllowInsetKeyword::Yes && token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("inset"sv)) { if (placement.has_value()) return nullptr; placement = ShadowPlacement::Inner; tokens.next_token(); continue; } if (token.is(Token::Type::Comma)) break; return nullptr; } // FIXME: If color is absent, default to `currentColor` if (!color.has_value()) color = Color::NamedColor::Black; // x/y offsets are required if (!offset_x.has_value() || !offset_y.has_value()) return nullptr; // Other lengths default to 0 if (!blur_radius.has_value()) blur_radius = Length::make_px(0); if (!spread_distance.has_value()) spread_distance = Length::make_px(0); // Placement is outer by default if (!placement.has_value()) placement = ShadowPlacement::Outer; transaction.commit(); return ShadowStyleValue::create(color.release_value(), offset_x.release_value(), offset_y.release_value(), blur_radius.release_value(), spread_distance.release_value(), placement.release_value()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_content_value(Vector const& component_values) { // FIXME: `content` accepts several kinds of function() type, which we don't handle in property_accepts_value() yet. auto is_single_value_identifier = [](ValueID identifier) -> bool { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::None: case ValueID::Normal: return true; default: return false; } }; if (component_values.size() == 1) { if (auto identifier = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_values.first()))) { if (is_single_value_identifier(identifier->to_identifier())) return identifier; } } StyleValueVector content_values; StyleValueVector alt_text_values; bool in_alt_text = false; for (auto const& value : component_values) { if (value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && value.token().delim() == '/') { if (in_alt_text || content_values.is_empty()) return nullptr; in_alt_text = true; continue; } auto style_value = TRY(parse_css_value(value)); if (style_value && property_accepts_value(PropertyID::Content, *style_value)) { if (is_single_value_identifier(style_value->to_identifier())) return nullptr; if (in_alt_text) { alt_text_values.append(style_value.release_nonnull()); } else { content_values.append(style_value.release_nonnull()); } continue; } return nullptr; } if (content_values.is_empty()) return nullptr; if (in_alt_text && alt_text_values.is_empty()) return nullptr; RefPtr alt_text; if (!alt_text_values.is_empty()) alt_text = TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(alt_text_values), StyleValueList::Separator::Space)); return ContentStyleValue::create(TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(content_values), StyleValueList::Separator::Space)), move(alt_text)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-display-3/#the-display-properties ErrorOr> Parser::parse_display_value(Vector const& component_values) { auto parse_inside = [](ValueID identifier) -> Optional { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Flow: return Display::Inside::Flow; case ValueID::FlowRoot: return Display::Inside::FlowRoot; case ValueID::Table: return Display::Inside::Table; case ValueID::Flex: return Display::Inside::Flex; case ValueID::Grid: return Display::Inside::Grid; case ValueID::Ruby: return Display::Inside::Ruby; default: return {}; } }; auto parse_outside = [](ValueID identifier) -> Optional { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Block: return Display::Outside::Block; case ValueID::Inline: return Display::Outside::Inline; case ValueID::RunIn: return Display::Outside::RunIn; default: return {}; } }; auto parse_single_component_display = [&](Vector const& component_values) -> ErrorOr> { if (auto identifier = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_values.first()))) { switch (identifier->to_identifier()) { // display-outside case ValueID::Block: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Block); case ValueID::Inline: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Inline); case ValueID::RunIn: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::RunIn); // display-inside case ValueID::Flow: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Flow); case ValueID::FlowRoot: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::FlowRoot); case ValueID::Table: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Table); case ValueID::Flex: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Flex); case ValueID::Grid: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Grid); case ValueID::Ruby: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Ruby); // display-listitem case ValueID::ListItem: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::ListItem); // display-internal case ValueID::TableRowGroup: return Display { Display::Internal::TableRowGroup }; case ValueID::TableHeaderGroup: return Display { Display::Internal::TableHeaderGroup }; case ValueID::TableFooterGroup: return Display { Display::Internal::TableFooterGroup }; case ValueID::TableRow: return Display { Display::Internal::TableRow }; case ValueID::TableCell: return Display { Display::Internal::TableCell }; case ValueID::TableColumnGroup: return Display { Display::Internal::TableColumnGroup }; case ValueID::TableColumn: return Display { Display::Internal::TableColumn }; case ValueID::TableCaption: return Display { Display::Internal::TableCaption }; case ValueID::RubyBase: return Display { Display::Internal::RubyBase }; case ValueID::RubyText: return Display { Display::Internal::RubyText }; case ValueID::RubyBaseContainer: return Display { Display::Internal::RubyBaseContainer }; case ValueID::RubyTextContainer: return Display { Display::Internal::RubyTextContainer }; // display-box case ValueID::Contents: // FIXME this should be Display::Short::Contents but contents is currently not implemented return Display::from_short(Display::Short::Flow); case ValueID::None: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::None); // display-legacy case ValueID::InlineBlock: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::InlineBlock); case ValueID::InlineTable: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::InlineTable); case ValueID::InlineFlex: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::InlineFlex); case ValueID::InlineGrid: return Display::from_short(Display::Short::InlineGrid); default: return OptionalNone {}; } } return OptionalNone {}; }; auto parse_multi_component_display = [&](Vector const& component_values) -> ErrorOr> { auto list_item = Display::ListItem::No; Display::Inside inside = Display::Inside::Flow; Display::Outside outside = Display::Outside::Block; for (size_t i = 0; i < component_values.size(); ++i) { if (auto value = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_values[i]))) { auto identifier = value->to_identifier(); if (ValueID::ListItem == identifier) { list_item = Display::ListItem::Yes; continue; } auto inside_value = parse_inside(identifier); if (inside_value.has_value()) { inside = inside_value.value(); continue; } auto outside_value = parse_outside(identifier); if (outside_value.has_value()) { outside = outside_value.value(); } } } // The spec does not allow any other inside values to be combined with list-item // ? && [ flow | flow-root ]? && list-item if (list_item == Display::ListItem::Yes && inside != Display::Inside::Flow && inside != Display::Inside::FlowRoot) return OptionalNone {}; return Display { outside, inside, list_item }; }; Optional display; if (component_values.size() == 1) display = TRY(parse_single_component_display(component_values)); else display = TRY(parse_multi_component_display(component_values)); if (display.has_value()) return DisplayStyleValue::create(display.value()); return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_filter_value_list_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() == 1 && component_values.first().is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto ident = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_values.first())); if (ident && ident->to_identifier() == ValueID::None) return ident; } TokenStream tokens { component_values }; // FIXME: s are ignored for now // = [ | ]+ enum class FilterToken { // Color filters: Brightness, Contrast, Grayscale, Invert, Opacity, Saturate, Sepia, // Special filters: Blur, DropShadow, HueRotate }; auto filter_token_to_operation = [&](auto filter) { VERIFY(to_underlying(filter) < to_underlying(FilterToken::Blur)); return static_cast(filter); }; auto parse_number_percentage = [&](auto& token) -> Optional { if (token.is(Token::Type::Percentage)) return NumberPercentage(Percentage(token.token().percentage())); if (token.is(Token::Type::Number)) return NumberPercentage(Number(Number::Type::Number, token.token().number_value())); return {}; }; auto parse_filter_function_name = [&](auto name) -> Optional { if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("blur"sv)) return FilterToken::Blur; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("brightness"sv)) return FilterToken::Brightness; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("contrast"sv)) return FilterToken::Contrast; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("drop-shadow"sv)) return FilterToken::DropShadow; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("grayscale"sv)) return FilterToken::Grayscale; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("hue-rotate"sv)) return FilterToken::HueRotate; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("invert"sv)) return FilterToken::Invert; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("opacity"sv)) return FilterToken::Opacity; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("saturate"sv)) return FilterToken::Saturate; if (name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("sepia"sv)) return FilterToken::Sepia; return {}; }; auto parse_filter_function = [&](auto filter_token, auto function_values) -> Optional { TokenStream tokens { function_values }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto if_no_more_tokens_return = [&](auto filter) -> Optional { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; return filter; }; if (filter_token == FilterToken::Blur) { // blur( ? ) if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return Filter::Blur {}; auto blur_radius = parse_length(tokens.next_token()); if (!blur_radius.has_value()) return {}; return if_no_more_tokens_return(Filter::Blur { *blur_radius }); } else if (filter_token == FilterToken::DropShadow) { if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; auto next_token = [&]() -> auto& { auto& token = tokens.next_token(); tokens.skip_whitespace(); return token; }; // drop-shadow( [ ? && {2,3} ] ) // Note: The following code is a little awkward to allow the color to be before or after the lengths. auto& first_param = next_token(); Optional maybe_radius = {}; auto maybe_color = parse_color(first_param); auto x_offset = parse_length(maybe_color.has_value() ? next_token() : first_param); if (!x_offset.has_value() || !tokens.has_next_token()) { return {}; } auto y_offset = parse_length(next_token()); if (!y_offset.has_value()) { return {}; } if (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto& token = next_token(); maybe_radius = parse_length(token); if (!maybe_color.has_value() && (!maybe_radius.has_value() || tokens.has_next_token())) { maybe_color = parse_color(!maybe_radius.has_value() ? token : next_token()); if (!maybe_color.has_value()) { return {}; } } else if (!maybe_radius.has_value()) { return {}; } } return if_no_more_tokens_return(Filter::DropShadow { *x_offset, *y_offset, maybe_radius, maybe_color }); } else if (filter_token == FilterToken::HueRotate) { // hue-rotate( [ | ]? ) if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return Filter::HueRotate {}; auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Number)) { // hue-rotate(0) auto number = token.token().number(); if (number.is_integer() && number.integer_value() == 0) return if_no_more_tokens_return(Filter::HueRotate { Filter::HueRotate::Zero {} }); return {}; } if (!token.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return {}; float angle_value = token.token().dimension_value(); auto angle_unit_name = token.token().dimension_unit(); auto angle_unit = Angle::unit_from_name(angle_unit_name); if (!angle_unit.has_value()) return {}; Angle angle { angle_value, angle_unit.release_value() }; return if_no_more_tokens_return(Filter::HueRotate { angle }); } else { // Simple filters: // brightness( ? ) // contrast( ? ) // grayscale( ? ) // invert( ? ) // opacity( ? ) // sepia( ? ) // saturate( ? ) if (!tokens.has_next_token()) return Filter::Color { filter_token_to_operation(filter_token) }; auto amount = parse_number_percentage(tokens.next_token()); if (!amount.has_value()) return {}; return if_no_more_tokens_return(Filter::Color { filter_token_to_operation(filter_token), *amount }); } }; Vector filter_value_list {}; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; auto& token = tokens.next_token(); if (!token.is_function()) return nullptr; auto filter_token = parse_filter_function_name(token.function().name()); if (!filter_token.has_value()) return nullptr; auto filter_function = parse_filter_function(*filter_token, token.function().values()); if (!filter_function.has_value()) return nullptr; filter_value_list.append(*filter_function); } if (filter_value_list.is_empty()) return nullptr; return FilterValueListStyleValue::create(move(filter_value_list)); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_flex_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() == 1) { // One-value syntax: | | none auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[0])); if (!value) return nullptr; if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexGrow, *value)) { // NOTE: The spec says that flex-basis should be 0 here, but other engines currently use 0%. // https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5742 auto zero_percent = TRY(NumericStyleValue::create_integer(0)); auto one = TRY(NumericStyleValue::create_integer(1)); return FlexStyleValue::create(*value, one, zero_percent); } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexBasis, *value)) { auto one = TRY(NumericStyleValue::create_integer(1)); return FlexStyleValue::create(one, one, *value); } if (value->is_identifier() && property_accepts_value(PropertyID::Flex, *value)) { switch (value->to_identifier()) { case ValueID::None: { auto zero = TRY(NumericStyleValue::create_integer(0)); return FlexStyleValue::create(zero, zero, TRY(IdentifierStyleValue::create(ValueID::Auto))); } default: return value; } } return nullptr; } RefPtr flex_grow; RefPtr flex_shrink; RefPtr flex_basis; for (size_t i = 0; i < component_values.size(); ++i) { auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[i])); if (!value) return nullptr; // Zero is a valid value for basis, but only if grow and shrink are already specified. if (value->has_number() && value->to_number() == 0) { if (flex_grow && flex_shrink && !flex_basis) { flex_basis = TRY(LengthStyleValue::create(Length::make_px(0))); continue; } } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexGrow, *value)) { if (flex_grow) return nullptr; flex_grow = value.release_nonnull(); // Flex-shrink may optionally follow directly after. if (i + 1 < component_values.size()) { auto second_value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[i + 1])); if (second_value && property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexShrink, *second_value)) { flex_shrink = second_value.release_nonnull(); i++; } } continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexBasis, *value)) { if (flex_basis) return nullptr; flex_basis = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } if (!flex_grow) flex_grow = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FlexGrow)); if (!flex_shrink) flex_shrink = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FlexShrink)); if (!flex_basis) flex_basis = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FlexBasis)); return FlexStyleValue::create(flex_grow.release_nonnull(), flex_shrink.release_nonnull(), flex_basis.release_nonnull()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_flex_flow_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() > 2) return nullptr; RefPtr flex_direction; RefPtr flex_wrap; for (auto const& part : component_values) { auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (!value) return nullptr; if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexDirection, *value)) { if (flex_direction) return nullptr; flex_direction = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FlexWrap, *value)) { if (flex_wrap) return nullptr; flex_wrap = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } } if (!flex_direction) flex_direction = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FlexDirection)); if (!flex_wrap) flex_wrap = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FlexWrap)); return FlexFlowStyleValue::create(flex_direction.release_nonnull(), flex_wrap.release_nonnull()); } static bool is_generic_font_family(ValueID identifier) { switch (identifier) { case ValueID::Cursive: case ValueID::Fantasy: case ValueID::Monospace: case ValueID::Serif: case ValueID::SansSerif: case ValueID::UiMonospace: case ValueID::UiRounded: case ValueID::UiSerif: case ValueID::UiSansSerif: return true; default: return false; } } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_font_value(Vector const& component_values) { RefPtr font_stretch; RefPtr font_style; RefPtr font_weight; RefPtr font_size; RefPtr line_height; RefPtr font_families; RefPtr font_variant; // FIXME: Handle system fonts. (caption, icon, menu, message-box, small-caption, status-bar) // Several sub-properties can be "normal", and appear in any order: style, variant, weight, stretch // So, we have to handle that separately. int normal_count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < component_values.size(); ++i) { auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[i])); if (!value) return nullptr; if (value->to_identifier() == ValueID::Normal) { normal_count++; continue; } // FIXME: Handle angle parameter to `oblique`: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-style-prop if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FontStyle, *value)) { if (font_style) return nullptr; font_style = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FontWeight, *value)) { if (font_weight) return nullptr; font_weight = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FontVariant, *value)) { if (font_variant) return nullptr; font_variant = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FontSize, *value)) { if (font_size) return nullptr; font_size = value.release_nonnull(); // Consume `/ line-height` if present if (i + 2 < component_values.size()) { auto const& maybe_solidus = component_values[i + 1]; if (maybe_solidus.is(Token::Type::Delim) && maybe_solidus.token().delim() == '/') { auto maybe_line_height = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[i + 2])); if (!(maybe_line_height && property_accepts_value(PropertyID::LineHeight, *maybe_line_height))) return nullptr; line_height = maybe_line_height.release_nonnull(); i += 2; } } // Consume font-families auto maybe_font_families = TRY(parse_font_family_value(component_values, i + 1)); if (!maybe_font_families) return nullptr; font_families = maybe_font_families.release_nonnull(); break; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::FontStretch, *value)) { if (font_stretch) return nullptr; font_stretch = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } // Since normal is the default value for all the properties that can have it, we don't have to actually // set anything to normal here. It'll be set when we create the FontStyleValue below. // We just need to make sure we were not given more normals than will fit. int unset_value_count = (font_style ? 0 : 1) + (font_weight ? 0 : 1); if (unset_value_count < normal_count) return nullptr; if (!font_size || !font_families) return nullptr; if (!font_stretch) font_stretch = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FontStretch)); if (!font_style) font_style = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FontStyle)); if (!font_weight) font_weight = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::FontWeight)); if (!line_height) line_height = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::LineHeight)); return FontStyleValue::create(font_stretch.release_nonnull(), font_style.release_nonnull(), font_weight.release_nonnull(), font_size.release_nonnull(), line_height.release_nonnull(), font_families.release_nonnull()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_font_family_value(Vector const& component_values, size_t start_index) { auto is_comma_or_eof = [&](size_t i) -> bool { if (i < component_values.size()) { auto const& maybe_comma = component_values[i]; if (!maybe_comma.is(Token::Type::Comma)) return false; } return true; }; // Note: Font-family names can either be a quoted string, or a keyword, or a series of custom-idents. // eg, these are equivalent: // font-family: my cool font\!, serif; // font-family: "my cool font!", serif; StyleValueVector font_families; Vector current_name_parts; for (size_t i = start_index; i < component_values.size(); ++i) { auto const& part = component_values[i]; if (part.is(Token::Type::String)) { // `font-family: my cool "font";` is invalid. if (!current_name_parts.is_empty()) return nullptr; if (!is_comma_or_eof(i + 1)) return nullptr; font_families.append(TRY(StringStyleValue::create(TRY(String::from_utf8(part.token().string()))))); i++; continue; } if (part.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { // If this is a valid identifier, it's NOT a custom-ident and can't be part of a larger name. auto maybe_ident = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (maybe_ident) { // CSS-wide keywords are not allowed if (maybe_ident->is_builtin()) return nullptr; if (is_generic_font_family(maybe_ident->to_identifier())) { // Can't have a generic-font-name as a token in an unquoted font name. if (!current_name_parts.is_empty()) return nullptr; if (!is_comma_or_eof(i + 1)) return nullptr; font_families.append(maybe_ident.release_nonnull()); i++; continue; } } current_name_parts.append(part.token().ident()); continue; } if (part.is(Token::Type::Comma)) { if (current_name_parts.is_empty()) return nullptr; font_families.append(TRY(StringStyleValue::create(TRY(String::from_utf8(DeprecatedString::join(' ', current_name_parts)))))); current_name_parts.clear(); // Can't have a trailing comma if (i + 1 == component_values.size()) return nullptr; continue; } } if (!current_name_parts.is_empty()) { font_families.append(TRY(StringStyleValue::create(TRY(String::from_utf8(DeprecatedString::join(' ', current_name_parts)))))); current_name_parts.clear(); } if (font_families.is_empty()) return nullptr; return StyleValueList::create(move(font_families), StyleValueList::Separator::Comma); } CSSRule* Parser::parse_font_face_rule(TokenStream& tokens) { auto declarations_and_at_rules = parse_a_list_of_declarations(tokens); Optional font_family; Vector src; Vector unicode_range; for (auto& declaration_or_at_rule : declarations_and_at_rules) { if (declaration_or_at_rule.is_at_rule()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: CSS at-rules are not allowed in @font-family; discarding."); continue; } auto const& declaration = declaration_or_at_rule.declaration(); if (declaration.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("font-family"sv)) { // FIXME: This is very similar to, but different from, the logic in parse_font_family_value(). // Ideally they could share code. Vector font_family_parts; bool had_syntax_error = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < declaration.values().size(); ++i) { auto const& part = declaration.values()[i]; if (part.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; if (part.is(Token::Type::String)) { if (!font_family_parts.is_empty()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face font-family format invalid; discarding."); had_syntax_error = true; break; } font_family_parts.append(part.token().string()); continue; } if (part.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { if (is_builtin(part.token().ident())) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face font-family format invalid; discarding."); had_syntax_error = true; break; } auto value_id = value_id_from_string(part.token().ident()); if (is_generic_font_family(value_id)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face font-family format invalid; discarding."); had_syntax_error = true; break; } font_family_parts.append(part.token().ident()); continue; } dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face font-family format invalid; discarding."); had_syntax_error = true; break; } if (had_syntax_error || font_family_parts.is_empty()) continue; font_family = String::join(' ', font_family_parts).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); continue; } if (declaration.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("src"sv)) { TokenStream token_stream { declaration.values() }; Vector supported_sources = parse_font_face_src(token_stream); if (!supported_sources.is_empty()) src = move(supported_sources); continue; } if (declaration.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("unicode-range"sv)) { Vector unicode_ranges; bool unicode_range_invalid = false; TokenStream all_tokens { declaration.values() }; auto range_token_lists = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(all_tokens); for (auto& range_tokens : range_token_lists) { TokenStream range_token_stream { range_tokens }; auto maybe_unicode_range = parse_unicode_range(range_token_stream); if (!maybe_unicode_range.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face unicode-range format invalid; discarding."); unicode_range_invalid = true; break; } unicode_ranges.append(maybe_unicode_range.release_value()); } if (unicode_range_invalid || unicode_ranges.is_empty()) continue; unicode_range = move(unicode_ranges); continue; } dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: Unrecognized descriptor '{}' in @font-family; discarding.", declaration.name()); } if (!font_family.has_value()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: Failed to parse @font-face: no font-family!"); return {}; } if (unicode_range.is_empty()) { unicode_range.empend(0x0u, 0x10FFFFu); } return CSSFontFaceRule::create(m_context.realm(), FontFace { font_family.release_value(), move(src), move(unicode_range) }).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } Vector Parser::parse_font_face_src(TokenStream& component_values) { // FIXME: Get this information from the system somehow? // Format-name table: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#font-format-definitions auto font_format_is_supported = [](StringView name) { // The spec requires us to treat opentype and truetype as synonymous. if (name.is_one_of_ignoring_ascii_case("opentype"sv, "truetype"sv, "woff"sv)) return true; return false; }; Vector supported_sources; auto list_of_source_token_lists = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(component_values); for (auto const& source_token_list : list_of_source_token_lists) { TokenStream source_tokens { source_token_list }; source_tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first = source_tokens.next_token(); // [ format()]? // FIXME: Implement optional tech() function from CSS-Fonts-4. if (auto maybe_url = parse_url_function(first, AllowedDataUrlType::Font); maybe_url.has_value()) { auto url = maybe_url.release_value(); if (!url.is_valid()) { continue; } Optional format; source_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!source_tokens.has_next_token()) { supported_sources.empend(move(url), format); continue; } auto maybe_function = source_tokens.next_token(); if (!maybe_function.is_function()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src invalid (token after `url()` that isn't a function: {}); discarding.", maybe_function.to_debug_string()); return {}; } auto const& function = maybe_function.function(); if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("format"sv)) { TokenStream format_tokens { function.values() }; format_tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& format_name_token = format_tokens.next_token(); StringView format_name; if (format_name_token.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { format_name = format_name_token.token().ident(); } else if (format_name_token.is(Token::Type::String)) { format_name = format_name_token.token().string(); } else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src invalid (`format()` parameter not an ident or string; is: {}); discarding.", format_name_token.to_debug_string()); return {}; } if (!font_format_is_supported(format_name)) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src format({}) not supported; skipping.", format_name); continue; } format = FlyString::from_utf8(format_name).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } else { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src invalid (unrecognized function token `{}`); discarding.", function.name()); return {}; } source_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (source_tokens.has_next_token()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src invalid (extra token `{}`); discarding.", source_tokens.peek_token().to_debug_string()); return {}; } supported_sources.empend(move(url), format); continue; } // FIXME: Implement `local()`. dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "CSSParser: @font-face src invalid (failed to parse url from: {}); discarding.", first.to_debug_string()); return {}; } return supported_sources; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_list_style_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() > 3) return nullptr; RefPtr list_position; RefPtr list_image; RefPtr list_type; int found_nones = 0; for (auto const& part : component_values) { auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (!value) return nullptr; if (value->to_identifier() == ValueID::None) { found_nones++; continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::ListStylePosition, *value)) { if (list_position) return nullptr; list_position = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::ListStyleImage, *value)) { if (list_image) return nullptr; list_image = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::ListStyleType, *value)) { if (list_type) return nullptr; list_type = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } } if (found_nones > 2) return nullptr; if (found_nones == 2) { if (list_image || list_type) return nullptr; auto none = TRY(IdentifierStyleValue::create(ValueID::None)); list_image = none; list_type = none; } else if (found_nones == 1) { if (list_image && list_type) return nullptr; auto none = TRY(IdentifierStyleValue::create(ValueID::None)); if (!list_image) list_image = none; if (!list_type) list_type = none; } if (!list_position) list_position = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::ListStylePosition)); if (!list_image) list_image = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::ListStyleImage)); if (!list_type) list_type = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::ListStyleType)); return ListStyleStyleValue::create(list_position.release_nonnull(), list_image.release_nonnull(), list_type.release_nonnull()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_overflow_value(Vector const& component_values) { if (component_values.size() == 1) { auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values.first())); if (!maybe_value) return nullptr; auto value = maybe_value.release_nonnull(); if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::Overflow, *value)) return OverflowStyleValue::create(value, value); return nullptr; } if (component_values.size() == 2) { auto maybe_x_value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[0])); auto maybe_y_value = TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[1])); if (!maybe_x_value || !maybe_y_value) return nullptr; auto x_value = maybe_x_value.release_nonnull(); auto y_value = maybe_y_value.release_nonnull(); if (!property_accepts_value(PropertyID::OverflowX, x_value) || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::OverflowY, y_value)) { return nullptr; } return OverflowStyleValue::create(x_value, y_value); } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_text_decoration_value(Vector const& component_values) { RefPtr decoration_line; RefPtr decoration_thickness; RefPtr decoration_style; RefPtr decoration_color; auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& part = tokens.next_token(); auto value = TRY(parse_css_value(part)); if (!value) return nullptr; if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::TextDecorationColor, *value)) { if (decoration_color) return nullptr; decoration_color = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::TextDecorationLine, *value)) { if (decoration_line) return nullptr; tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); auto parsed_decoration_line = TRY(parse_text_decoration_line_value(tokens)); if (!parsed_decoration_line) return nullptr; decoration_line = parsed_decoration_line.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::TextDecorationThickness, *value)) { if (decoration_thickness) return nullptr; decoration_thickness = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } if (property_accepts_value(PropertyID::TextDecorationStyle, *value)) { if (decoration_style) return nullptr; decoration_style = value.release_nonnull(); continue; } return nullptr; } if (!decoration_line) decoration_line = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::TextDecorationLine)); if (!decoration_thickness) decoration_thickness = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::TextDecorationThickness)); if (!decoration_style) decoration_style = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::TextDecorationStyle)); if (!decoration_color) decoration_color = TRY(property_initial_value(m_context.realm(), PropertyID::TextDecorationColor)); return TextDecorationStyleValue::create(decoration_line.release_nonnull(), decoration_thickness.release_nonnull(), decoration_style.release_nonnull(), decoration_color.release_nonnull()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_text_decoration_line_value(TokenStream& tokens) { StyleValueVector style_values; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& token = tokens.next_token(); auto maybe_value = TRY(parse_css_value(token)); if (!maybe_value || !property_accepts_value(PropertyID::TextDecorationLine, *maybe_value)) { tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } auto value = maybe_value.release_nonnull(); if (auto maybe_line = value_id_to_text_decoration_line(value->to_identifier()); maybe_line.has_value()) { auto line = maybe_line.release_value(); if (line == TextDecorationLine::None) { if (!style_values.is_empty()) { tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } return value; } if (style_values.contains_slow(value)) { tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } style_values.append(move(value)); continue; } tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } if (style_values.is_empty()) return nullptr; return StyleValueList::create(move(style_values), StyleValueList::Separator::Space); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_transform_value(Vector const& component_values) { StyleValueVector transformations; auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); while (tokens.has_next_token()) { tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto const& part = tokens.next_token(); if (part.is(Token::Type::Ident) && part.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("none"sv)) { if (!transformations.is_empty()) return nullptr; tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; return IdentifierStyleValue::create(ValueID::None); } if (!part.is_function()) return nullptr; auto maybe_function = transform_function_from_string(part.function().name()); if (!maybe_function.has_value()) return nullptr; auto function = maybe_function.release_value(); auto function_metadata = transform_function_metadata(function); StyleValueVector values; auto argument_tokens = TokenStream { part.function().values() }; argument_tokens.skip_whitespace(); size_t argument_index = 0; while (argument_tokens.has_next_token()) { if (argument_index == function_metadata.parameters.size()) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Too many arguments to {}. max: {}", part.function().name(), function_metadata.parameters.size()); return nullptr; } auto const& value = argument_tokens.next_token(); RefPtr maybe_calc_value; if (auto maybe_dynamic_value = TRY(parse_dynamic_value(value))) { // TODO: calc() is the only dynamic value we support for now, but more will come later. // FIXME: Actually, calc() should probably be parsed inside parse_dimension_value() etc, // so that it affects every use instead of us having to manually implement it. VERIFY(maybe_dynamic_value->is_calculated()); maybe_calc_value = maybe_dynamic_value->as_calculated(); } switch (function_metadata.parameters[argument_index].type) { case TransformFunctionParameterType::Angle: { // These are ` | ` in the spec, so we have to check for both kinds. if (maybe_calc_value && maybe_calc_value->resolves_to_angle()) { values.append(maybe_calc_value.release_nonnull()); } else if (value.is(Token::Type::Number) && value.token().number_value() == 0) { values.append(TRY(AngleStyleValue::create(Angle::make_degrees(0)))); } else { auto dimension_value = TRY(parse_dimension_value(value)); if (!dimension_value || !dimension_value->is_angle()) return nullptr; values.append(dimension_value.release_nonnull()); } break; } case TransformFunctionParameterType::Length: { if (maybe_calc_value && maybe_calc_value->resolves_to_length()) { values.append(maybe_calc_value.release_nonnull()); } else { auto dimension_value = TRY(parse_dimension_value(value)); if (!dimension_value) return nullptr; if (dimension_value->is_length()) values.append(dimension_value.release_nonnull()); else return nullptr; } break; } case TransformFunctionParameterType::LengthPercentage: { if (maybe_calc_value && maybe_calc_value->resolves_to_length()) { values.append(maybe_calc_value.release_nonnull()); } else { auto dimension_value = TRY(parse_dimension_value(value)); if (!dimension_value) return nullptr; if (dimension_value->is_percentage() || dimension_value->is_length()) values.append(dimension_value.release_nonnull()); else return nullptr; } break; } case TransformFunctionParameterType::Number: { if (maybe_calc_value && maybe_calc_value->resolves_to_number()) { values.append(maybe_calc_value.release_nonnull()); } else { auto number = TRY(parse_numeric_value(value)); if (!number) return nullptr; values.append(number.release_nonnull()); } break; } } argument_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (argument_tokens.has_next_token()) { // Arguments must be separated by commas. if (!argument_tokens.next_token().is(Token::Type::Comma)) return nullptr; argument_tokens.skip_whitespace(); // If there are no more parameters after the comma, this is invalid. if (!argument_tokens.has_next_token()) return nullptr; } argument_index++; } if (argument_index < function_metadata.parameters.size() && function_metadata.parameters[argument_index].required) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Required parameter at position {} is missing", argument_index); return nullptr; } transformations.append(TRY(TransformationStyleValue::create(function, move(values)))); } return StyleValueList::create(move(transformations), StyleValueList::Separator::Space); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/#propdef-transform-origin // FIXME: This only supports a 2D position ErrorOr> Parser::parse_transform_origin_value(Vector const& component_values) { enum class Axis { None, X, Y, }; struct AxisOffset { Axis axis; NonnullRefPtr offset; }; auto to_axis_offset = [](RefPtr value) -> ErrorOr> { if (value->is_percentage()) return AxisOffset { Axis::None, value->as_percentage() }; if (value->is_length()) return AxisOffset { Axis::None, value->as_length() }; if (value->has_length()) return AxisOffset { Axis::None, TRY(LengthStyleValue::create(value->to_length())) }; if (value->is_identifier()) { switch (value->to_identifier()) { case ValueID::Top: return AxisOffset { Axis::Y, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(0))) }; case ValueID::Left: return AxisOffset { Axis::X, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(0))) }; case ValueID::Center: return AxisOffset { Axis::None, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(50))) }; case ValueID::Bottom: return AxisOffset { Axis::Y, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(100))) }; case ValueID::Right: return AxisOffset { Axis::X, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(100))) }; default: return OptionalNone {}; } } return OptionalNone {}; }; auto make_list = [](NonnullRefPtr const& x_value, NonnullRefPtr const& y_value) -> ErrorOr> { StyleValueVector values; values.append(x_value); values.append(y_value); return StyleValueList::create(move(values), StyleValueList::Separator::Space); }; switch (component_values.size()) { case 1: { auto single_value = TRY(to_axis_offset(TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[0])))); if (!single_value.has_value()) return nullptr; // If only one value is specified, the second value is assumed to be center. // FIXME: If one or two values are specified, the third value is assumed to be 0px. switch (single_value->axis) { case Axis::None: case Axis::X: return make_list(single_value->offset, TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(50)))); case Axis::Y: return make_list(TRY(PercentageStyleValue::create(Percentage(50))), single_value->offset); } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } case 2: { auto first_value = TRY(to_axis_offset(TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[0])))); auto second_value = TRY(to_axis_offset(TRY(parse_css_value(component_values[1])))); if (!first_value.has_value() || !second_value.has_value()) return nullptr; RefPtr x_value; RefPtr y_value; if (first_value->axis == Axis::X) { x_value = first_value->offset; } else if (first_value->axis == Axis::Y) { y_value = first_value->offset; } if (second_value->axis == Axis::X) { if (x_value) return nullptr; x_value = second_value->offset; // Put the other in Y since its axis can't have been X y_value = first_value->offset; } else if (second_value->axis == Axis::Y) { if (y_value) return nullptr; y_value = second_value->offset; // Put the other in X since its axis can't have been Y x_value = first_value->offset; } else { if (x_value) { VERIFY(!y_value); y_value = second_value->offset; } else { VERIFY(!x_value); x_value = second_value->offset; } } // If two or more values are defined and either no value is a keyword, or the only used keyword is center, // then the first value represents the horizontal position (or offset) and the second represents the vertical position (or offset). // FIXME: A third value always represents the Z position (or offset) and must be of type . if (first_value->axis == Axis::None && second_value->axis == Axis::None) { x_value = first_value->offset; y_value = second_value->offset; } return make_list(x_value.release_nonnull(), y_value.release_nonnull()); } } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_as_css_value(PropertyID property_id) { auto component_values = parse_a_list_of_component_values(m_token_stream); auto tokens = TokenStream(component_values); auto parsed_value = parse_css_value(property_id, tokens); if (parsed_value.is_error()) return nullptr; return parsed_value.release_value(); } Optional Parser::parse_grid_size(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (component_value.is_function()) { auto const& function = component_value.function(); if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("calc"sv)) { auto calculated_style_value = parse_calculated_value(function.values()); if (calculated_style_value.is_error()) { // FIXME: Propagate error return {}; } return GridSize(LengthPercentage { *calculated_style_value.release_value() }); } return {}; } auto token = component_value.token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Dimension) && token.dimension_unit().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("fr"sv)) { float numeric_value = token.dimension_value(); if (numeric_value) return GridSize(numeric_value); } if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv)) return GridSize::make_auto(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("max-content"sv)) return GridSize(GridSize::Type::MaxContent); if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("min-content"sv)) return GridSize(GridSize::Type::MinContent); auto dimension = parse_dimension(token); if (!dimension.has_value()) return {}; if (dimension->is_length()) return GridSize(dimension->length()); else if (dimension->is_percentage()) return GridSize(dimension->percentage()); return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_min_max(Vector const& component_values) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#valdef-grid-template-columns-minmax // 'minmax(min, max)' // Defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max. If the max is // less than the min, then the max will be floored by the min (essentially yielding minmax(min, // min)). As a maximum, a value sets the track’s flex factor; it is invalid as a minimum. auto function_tokens = TokenStream(component_values); auto comma_separated_list = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(function_tokens); if (comma_separated_list.size() != 2) return {}; TokenStream part_one_tokens { comma_separated_list[0] }; part_one_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!part_one_tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; auto current_token = part_one_tokens.next_token(); auto min_grid_size = parse_grid_size(current_token); TokenStream part_two_tokens { comma_separated_list[1] }; part_two_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!part_two_tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; current_token = part_two_tokens.next_token(); auto max_grid_size = parse_grid_size(current_token); if (min_grid_size.has_value() && max_grid_size.has_value()) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#valdef-grid-template-columns-minmax // As a maximum, a value sets the track’s flex factor; it is invalid as a minimum. if (min_grid_size.value().is_flexible_length()) return {}; return CSS::GridMinMax(min_grid_size.value(), max_grid_size.value()); } return {}; } Optional Parser::parse_repeat(Vector const& component_values) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#repeat-syntax // Syntax of repeat() // The generic form of the repeat() syntax is, approximately, // repeat( [ | auto-fill | auto-fit ] , ) auto is_auto_fill = false; auto is_auto_fit = false; auto function_tokens = TokenStream(component_values); auto comma_separated_list = parse_a_comma_separated_list_of_component_values(function_tokens); if (comma_separated_list.size() != 2) return {}; // The first argument specifies the number of repetitions. TokenStream part_one_tokens { comma_separated_list[0] }; part_one_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!part_one_tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; auto current_token = part_one_tokens.next_token().token(); auto repeat_count = 0; if (current_token.is(Token::Type::Number) && current_token.number().is_integer() && current_token.number_value() > 0) repeat_count = current_token.number_value(); else if (current_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && current_token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto-fill"sv)) is_auto_fill = true; else if (current_token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && current_token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto-fit"sv)) is_auto_fit = true; // The second argument is a track list, which is repeated that number of times. TokenStream part_two_tokens { comma_separated_list[1] }; part_two_tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!part_two_tokens.has_next_token()) return {}; Vector repeat_params; Vector> line_names_list; auto last_object_was_line_names = false; while (part_two_tokens.has_next_token()) { auto token = part_two_tokens.next_token(); Vector line_names; if (token.is_block()) { if (last_object_was_line_names) return {}; last_object_was_line_names = true; if (!token.block().is_square()) return {}; TokenStream block_tokens { token.block().values() }; while (block_tokens.has_next_token()) { auto current_block_token = block_tokens.next_token(); auto maybe_string = String::from_utf8(current_block_token.token().ident()); if (maybe_string.is_error()) return {}; line_names.append(maybe_string.value()); block_tokens.skip_whitespace(); } line_names_list.append(line_names); part_two_tokens.skip_whitespace(); } else { last_object_was_line_names = false; auto track_sizing_function = parse_track_sizing_function(token); if (!track_sizing_function.has_value()) return {}; // However, there are some restrictions: // The repeat() notation can’t be nested. if (track_sizing_function.value().is_repeat()) return {}; // Automatic repetitions (auto-fill or auto-fit) cannot be combined with intrinsic or flexible sizes. if (track_sizing_function.value().is_default() && track_sizing_function.value().grid_size().is_flexible_length() && (is_auto_fill || is_auto_fit)) return {}; repeat_params.append(track_sizing_function.value()); part_two_tokens.skip_whitespace(); } } while (line_names_list.size() <= repeat_params.size()) line_names_list.append({}); // Thus the precise syntax of the repeat() notation has several forms: // = repeat( [ ] , [ ? ]+ ? ) // = repeat( [ auto-fill | auto-fit ] , [ ? ]+ ? ) // = repeat( [ ] , [ ? ]+ ? ) // = repeat( [ | auto-fill ], +) // The variant can represent the repetition of any , but is limited to a // fixed number of repetitions. // The variant can repeat automatically to fill a space, but requires definite track // sizes so that the number of repetitions can be calculated. It can only appear once in the track // list, but the same track list can also contain s. // The variant is for adding line names to subgrids. It can only be used with the // subgrid keyword and cannot specify track sizes, only line names. // If a repeat() function that is not a ends up placing two adjacent to // each other, the name lists are merged. For example, repeat(2, [a] 1fr [b]) is equivalent to [a] // 1fr [b a] 1fr [b]. if (is_auto_fill) return CSS::GridRepeat(CSS::GridTrackSizeList(repeat_params, line_names_list), CSS::GridRepeat::Type::AutoFill); else if (is_auto_fit) return CSS::GridRepeat(CSS::GridTrackSizeList(repeat_params, line_names_list), CSS::GridRepeat::Type::AutoFit); else return CSS::GridRepeat(CSS::GridTrackSizeList(repeat_params, line_names_list), repeat_count); } Optional Parser::parse_track_sizing_function(ComponentValue const& token) { if (token.is_function()) { auto const& function_token = token.function(); if (function_token.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("repeat"sv)) { auto maybe_repeat = parse_repeat(function_token.values()); if (maybe_repeat.has_value()) return CSS::ExplicitGridTrack(maybe_repeat.value()); else return {}; } else if (function_token.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("minmax"sv)) { auto maybe_min_max_value = parse_min_max(function_token.values()); if (maybe_min_max_value.has_value()) return CSS::ExplicitGridTrack(maybe_min_max_value.value()); else return {}; } else if (function_token.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("calc"sv)) { auto grid_size = parse_grid_size(token); if (!grid_size.has_value()) return {}; return CSS::ExplicitGridTrack(grid_size.value()); } return {}; } else if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv)) { return CSS::ExplicitGridTrack(GridSize(Length::make_auto())); } else if (token.is_block()) { return {}; } else { auto grid_size = parse_grid_size(token); if (!grid_size.has_value()) return {}; return CSS::ExplicitGridTrack(grid_size.value()); } } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_track_size_list(Vector const& component_values, bool allow_separate_line_name_blocks) { Vector track_list; Vector> line_names_list; auto last_object_was_line_names = false; TokenStream tokens { component_values }; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto token = tokens.next_token(); if (token.is_block()) { if (last_object_was_line_names && !allow_separate_line_name_blocks) return GridTrackSizeListStyleValue::make_auto(); last_object_was_line_names = true; Vector line_names; if (!token.block().is_square()) return GridTrackSizeListStyleValue::make_auto(); TokenStream block_tokens { token.block().values() }; while (block_tokens.has_next_token()) { auto current_block_token = block_tokens.next_token(); auto maybe_string = String::from_utf8(current_block_token.token().ident()); if (maybe_string.is_error()) return nullptr; line_names.append(maybe_string.value()); block_tokens.skip_whitespace(); } line_names_list.append(line_names); } else { last_object_was_line_names = false; auto track_sizing_function = parse_track_sizing_function(token); if (!track_sizing_function.has_value()) return GridTrackSizeListStyleValue::make_auto(); // FIXME: Handle multiple repeat values (should combine them here, or remove // any other ones if the first one is auto-fill, etc.) track_list.append(track_sizing_function.value()); } } while (line_names_list.size() <= track_list.size()) line_names_list.append({}); return GridTrackSizeListStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackSizeList(track_list, line_names_list)); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_track_placement(Vector const& component_values) { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#line-placement // Line-based Placement: the grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end properties // = // auto | // | // [ && ? ] | // [ span && [ || ] ] auto is_auto = [](Token token) -> bool { if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv)) return true; return false; }; auto is_span = [](Token token) -> bool { if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("span"sv)) return true; return false; }; auto is_valid_integer = [](Token token) -> bool { // An value of zero makes the declaration invalid. if (token.is(Token::Type::Number) && token.number().is_integer() && token.number_value() != 0) return true; return false; }; auto is_line_name = [](Token token) -> bool { // The additionally excludes the keywords span and auto. if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && !token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("span"sv) && !token.ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("auto"sv)) return true; return false; }; auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; tokens.skip_whitespace(); auto current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) { if (is_auto(current_token)) return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement()); if (is_span(current_token)) return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement(1, true)); if (is_valid_integer(current_token)) return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement(static_cast(current_token.number_value()))); if (is_line_name(current_token)) { auto maybe_string = String::from_utf8(current_token.ident()); if (!maybe_string.is_error()) return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement(maybe_string.value())); } return nullptr; } auto span_value = false; auto span_or_position_value = 0; String line_name_value; while (true) { if (is_auto(current_token)) return nullptr; if (is_span(current_token)) { if (span_value == false) span_value = true; else return nullptr; } if (is_valid_integer(current_token)) { if (span_or_position_value == 0) span_or_position_value = static_cast(current_token.number_value()); else return nullptr; } if (is_line_name(current_token)) { if (line_name_value.is_empty()) { auto maybe_string = String::from_utf8(current_token.ident()); if (maybe_string.is_error()) return nullptr; line_name_value = maybe_string.release_value(); } else { return nullptr; } } tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (tokens.has_next_token()) current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); else break; } // Negative integers or zero are invalid. if (span_value && span_or_position_value < 1) return nullptr; // If the is omitted, it defaults to 1. if (span_or_position_value == 0) span_or_position_value = 1; if (!line_name_value.is_empty()) return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement(line_name_value, span_or_position_value, span_value)); return GridTrackPlacementStyleValue::create(CSS::GridTrackPlacement(span_or_position_value, span_value)); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_track_placement_shorthand_value(Vector const& component_values) { auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; auto current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); Vector track_start_placement_tokens; while (true) { if (current_token.is(Token::Type::Delim) && current_token.delim() == "/"sv) break; track_start_placement_tokens.append(current_token); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); } Vector track_end_placement_tokens; if (tokens.has_next_token()) { current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); while (true) { track_end_placement_tokens.append(current_token); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); } } auto parsed_start_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(track_start_placement_tokens)); if (parsed_start_value && track_end_placement_tokens.is_empty()) return GridTrackPlacementShorthandStyleValue::create(parsed_start_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement().grid_track_placement()); auto parsed_end_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(track_end_placement_tokens)); if (parsed_start_value && parsed_end_value) return GridTrackPlacementShorthandStyleValue::create(parsed_start_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement(), parsed_end_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement()); return nullptr; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#explicit-grid-shorthand // 7.4. Explicit Grid Shorthand: the grid-template property ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_track_size_list_shorthand_value(Vector const& component_values) { // The grid-template property is a shorthand for setting grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, // and grid-template-areas in a single declaration. It has several distinct syntax forms: // none // - Sets all three properties to their initial values (none). // <'grid-template-rows'> / <'grid-template-columns'> // - Sets grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns to the specified values, respectively, and sets grid-template-areas to none. // [ ? ? ? ]+ [ / ]? // - Sets grid-template-areas to the strings listed. // - Sets grid-template-rows to the s following each string (filling in auto for any missing sizes), // and splicing in the named lines defined before/after each size. // - Sets grid-template-columns to the track listing specified after the slash (or none, if not specified). Vector template_rows_tokens; Vector template_columns_tokens; Vector template_area_tokens; int forward_slash_index = -1; for (size_t x = 0; x < component_values.size(); x++) { if (component_values[x].is_token() && component_values[x].token().is(Token::Type::Delim) && component_values[x].token().delim() == "/"sv) { forward_slash_index = x; break; } } for (size_t x = 0; x < (forward_slash_index > -1 ? forward_slash_index : component_values.size()); x++) { if (component_values[x].is_token() && component_values[x].token().is(Token::Type::String)) template_area_tokens.append(component_values[x]); else template_rows_tokens.append(component_values[x]); } if (forward_slash_index > -1) { for (size_t x = forward_slash_index + 1; x < component_values.size(); x++) template_columns_tokens.append(component_values[x]); } auto parsed_template_areas_values = TRY(parse_grid_template_areas_value(template_area_tokens)); auto parsed_template_rows_values = TRY(parse_grid_track_size_list(template_rows_tokens, true)); auto parsed_template_columns_values = TRY(parse_grid_track_size_list(template_columns_tokens)); return GridTrackSizeListShorthandStyleValue::create( parsed_template_areas_values.release_nonnull()->as_grid_template_area(), parsed_template_rows_values.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_size_list(), parsed_template_columns_values.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_size_list()); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_area_shorthand_value(Vector const& component_values) { auto tokens = TokenStream { component_values }; Token current_token; auto parse_placement_tokens = [&](Vector& placement_tokens, bool check_for_delimiter = true) -> void { current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); while (true) { if (check_for_delimiter && current_token.is(Token::Type::Delim) && current_token.delim() == "/"sv) break; placement_tokens.append(current_token); tokens.skip_whitespace(); if (!tokens.has_next_token()) break; current_token = tokens.next_token().token(); } }; Vector row_start_placement_tokens; parse_placement_tokens(row_start_placement_tokens); Vector column_start_placement_tokens; if (tokens.has_next_token()) parse_placement_tokens(column_start_placement_tokens); Vector row_end_placement_tokens; if (tokens.has_next_token()) parse_placement_tokens(row_end_placement_tokens); Vector column_end_placement_tokens; if (tokens.has_next_token()) parse_placement_tokens(column_end_placement_tokens, false); // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-grid-2/#placement-shorthands // The grid-area property is a shorthand for grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end and // grid-column-end. auto row_start_style_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(row_start_placement_tokens)); auto column_start_style_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(column_start_placement_tokens)); auto row_end_style_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(row_end_placement_tokens)); auto column_end_style_value = TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(column_end_placement_tokens)); // If four values are specified, grid-row-start is set to the first value, grid-column-start // is set to the second value, grid-row-end is set to the third value, and grid-column-end is set to the // fourth value. auto row_start = GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); auto column_start = GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); auto row_end = GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); auto column_end = GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); if (row_start_style_value) row_start = row_start_style_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement().grid_track_placement(); // When grid-column-start is omitted, if grid-row-start is a , all four longhands are set to // that value. Otherwise, it is set to auto. if (column_start_style_value) column_start = column_start_style_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement().grid_track_placement(); else column_start = row_start; // When grid-row-end is omitted, if grid-row-start is a , grid-row-end is set to that // ; otherwise, it is set to auto. if (row_end_style_value) row_end = row_end_style_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement().grid_track_placement(); else row_end = column_start; // When grid-column-end is omitted, if grid-column-start is a , grid-column-end is set to // that ; otherwise, it is set to auto. if (column_end_style_value) column_end = column_end_style_value.release_nonnull()->as_grid_track_placement().grid_track_placement(); else column_end = row_end; return GridAreaShorthandStyleValue::create(row_start, column_start, row_end, column_end); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_grid_template_areas_value(Vector const& component_values) { Vector> grid_area_rows; for (auto& component_value : component_values) { Vector grid_area_columns; if (component_value.is(Token::Type::String)) { auto const parts = TRY(TRY(String::from_utf8(component_value.token().string())).split(' ')); for (auto& part : parts) { grid_area_columns.append(part); } } grid_area_rows.append(move(grid_area_columns)); } return GridTemplateAreaStyleValue::create(grid_area_rows); } Parser::ParseErrorOr> Parser::parse_css_value(PropertyID property_id, TokenStream& tokens) { // FIXME: This is a hack. Until we can reasonably combine the error types, just log the error // and return ParseError::InternalError if we get an AK::Error result. #define FIXME_TRY(expression) \ ({ \ /* Ignore -Wshadow to allow nesting the macro. */ \ AK_IGNORE_DIAGNOSTIC("-Wshadow", \ auto&& _temporary_result = (expression)); \ if (_temporary_result.is_error()) [[unlikely]] { \ dbgln("System error when parsing style value: {}", _temporary_result.release_error()); \ return ParseError::InternalError; \ } \ _temporary_result.release_value(); \ }) auto function_contains_var_or_attr = [](Function const& function, auto&& recurse) -> bool { if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("var"sv) || function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("attr"sv)) return true; for (auto const& token : function.values()) { if (token.is_function() && recurse(token.function(), recurse)) return true; } return false; }; auto block_contains_var_or_attr = [function_contains_var_or_attr](Block const& block, auto&& recurse) -> bool { for (auto const& token : block.values()) { if (token.is_function() && function_contains_var_or_attr(token.function(), function_contains_var_or_attr)) return true; if (token.is_block() && recurse(token.block(), recurse)) return true; } return false; }; m_context.set_current_property_id(property_id); Vector component_values; bool contains_var_or_attr = false; while (tokens.has_next_token()) { auto const& token = tokens.next_token(); if (token.is(Token::Type::Semicolon)) { tokens.reconsume_current_input_token(); break; } if (property_id != PropertyID::Custom) { if (token.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; if (token.is(Token::Type::Ident) && has_ignored_vendor_prefix(token.token().ident())) return ParseError::IncludesIgnoredVendorPrefix; } if (!contains_var_or_attr) { if (token.is_function() && function_contains_var_or_attr(token.function(), function_contains_var_or_attr)) contains_var_or_attr = true; else if (token.is_block() && block_contains_var_or_attr(token.block(), block_contains_var_or_attr)) contains_var_or_attr = true; } component_values.append(token); } if (property_id == PropertyID::Custom || contains_var_or_attr) return FIXME_TRY(UnresolvedStyleValue::create(move(component_values), contains_var_or_attr)); if (component_values.is_empty()) return ParseError::SyntaxError; if (component_values.size() == 1) { if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_builtin_value(component_values.first()))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); } // Special-case property handling switch (property_id) { case PropertyID::BackdropFilter: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_filter_value_list_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Background: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_background_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BackgroundAttachment: case PropertyID::BackgroundClip: case PropertyID::BackgroundImage: case PropertyID::BackgroundOrigin: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_simple_comma_separated_value_list(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BackgroundPosition: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [this](auto& tokens) { return parse_single_background_position_value(tokens); }))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BackgroundPositionX: case PropertyID::BackgroundPositionY: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [this, property_id](auto& tokens) { return parse_single_background_position_x_or_y_value(tokens, property_id); }))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BackgroundRepeat: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [this](auto& tokens) { return parse_single_background_repeat_value(tokens); }))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BackgroundSize: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_comma_separated_value_list(component_values, [this](auto& tokens) { return parse_single_background_size_value(tokens); }))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Border: case PropertyID::BorderBottom: case PropertyID::BorderLeft: case PropertyID::BorderRight: case PropertyID::BorderTop: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_border_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BorderTopLeftRadius: case PropertyID::BorderTopRightRadius: case PropertyID::BorderBottomRightRadius: case PropertyID::BorderBottomLeftRadius: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_border_radius_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BorderRadius: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_border_radius_shorthand_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::BoxShadow: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_shadow_value(component_values, AllowInsetKeyword::Yes))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Content: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_content_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Display: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_display_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Flex: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_flex_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::FlexFlow: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_flex_flow_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Font: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_font_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::FontFamily: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_font_family_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridColumn: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement_shorthand_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridArea: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_area_shorthand_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridTemplateAreas: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_template_areas_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridColumnEnd: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridColumnStart: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridRow: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement_shorthand_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridRowEnd: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridRowStart: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_placement(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridTemplate: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_size_list_shorthand_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridTemplateColumns: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_size_list(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::GridTemplateRows: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_grid_track_size_list(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::ListStyle: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_list_style_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Overflow: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_overflow_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::TextDecoration: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_text_decoration_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::TextDecorationLine: { TokenStream value_tokens { component_values }; auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_text_decoration_line_value(value_tokens)); if (parsed_value && !value_tokens.has_next_token()) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; } case PropertyID::TextShadow: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_shadow_value(component_values, AllowInsetKeyword::No))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Transform: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_transform_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::TransformOrigin: if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_transform_origin_value(component_values))) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); return ParseError ::SyntaxError; case PropertyID::Fill: if (component_values.size() == 1) { if (auto parsed_url = FIXME_TRY(parse_url_value(component_values.first()))) return parsed_url.release_nonnull(); } // Allow normal value parsing to continue. // URL is done here to avoid ambiguity with images. break; default: break; } if (component_values.size() == 1) { if (auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_css_value(component_values.first()))) { if (property_accepts_value(property_id, *parsed_value)) return parsed_value.release_nonnull(); } return ParseError::SyntaxError; } // We have multiple values, so treat them as a StyleValueList. if (property_maximum_value_count(property_id) > 1) { StyleValueVector parsed_values; for (auto& component_value : component_values) { auto parsed_value = FIXME_TRY(parse_css_value(component_value)); if (!parsed_value || !property_accepts_value(property_id, *parsed_value)) return ParseError::SyntaxError; parsed_values.append(parsed_value.release_nonnull()); } if (!parsed_values.is_empty() && parsed_values.size() <= property_maximum_value_count(property_id)) return FIXME_TRY(StyleValueList::create(move(parsed_values), StyleValueList::Separator::Space)); } return ParseError::SyntaxError; #undef FIXME_TRY } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_css_value(ComponentValue const& component_value) { if (auto builtin = TRY(parse_builtin_value(component_value))) return builtin; if (auto dynamic = TRY(parse_dynamic_value(component_value))) return dynamic; // We parse colors before numbers, to catch hashless hex colors. if (auto color = TRY(parse_color_value(component_value))) return color; if (auto dimension = TRY(parse_dimension_value(component_value))) return dimension; if (auto numeric = TRY(parse_numeric_value(component_value))) return numeric; if (auto identifier = TRY(parse_identifier_value(component_value))) return identifier; if (auto string = TRY(parse_string_value(component_value))) return string; if (auto image = TRY(parse_image_value(component_value))) return image; if (auto rect = TRY(parse_rect_value(component_value))) return rect; return nullptr; } Optional Parser::parse_a_n_plus_b_pattern(TokenStream& values) { auto transaction = values.begin_transaction(); auto syntax_error = [&]() -> Optional { if constexpr (CSS_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln_if(CSS_PARSER_DEBUG, "Invalid An+B value:"); values.dump_all_tokens(); } return {}; }; auto is_n = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Ident) && value.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("n"sv); }; auto is_ndash = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Ident) && value.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("n-"sv); }; auto is_dashn = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Ident) && value.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-n"sv); }; auto is_dashndash = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Ident) && value.token().ident().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("-n-"sv); }; auto is_delim = [](ComponentValue const& value, u32 delim) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && value.token().delim() == delim; }; auto is_sign = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Delim) && (value.token().delim() == '+' || value.token().delim() == '-'); }; auto is_n_dimension = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { if (!value.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return false; if (!value.token().number().is_integer()) return false; if (!value.token().dimension_unit().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("n"sv)) return false; return true; }; auto is_ndash_dimension = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { if (!value.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return false; if (!value.token().number().is_integer()) return false; if (!value.token().dimension_unit().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("n-"sv)) return false; return true; }; auto is_ndashdigit_dimension = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { if (!value.is(Token::Type::Dimension)) return false; if (!value.token().number().is_integer()) return false; auto dimension_unit = value.token().dimension_unit(); if (!dimension_unit.starts_with("n-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) return false; for (size_t i = 2; i < dimension_unit.length(); ++i) { if (!is_ascii_digit(dimension_unit[i])) return false; } return true; }; auto is_ndashdigit_ident = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { if (!value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return false; auto ident = value.token().ident(); if (!ident.starts_with("n-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) return false; for (size_t i = 2; i < ident.length(); ++i) { if (!is_ascii_digit(ident[i])) return false; } return true; }; auto is_dashndashdigit_ident = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { if (!value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) return false; auto ident = value.token().ident(); if (!ident.starts_with("-n-"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) return false; if (ident.length() == 3) return false; for (size_t i = 3; i < ident.length(); ++i) { if (!is_ascii_digit(ident[i])) return false; } return true; }; auto is_integer = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Number) && value.token().number().is_integer(); }; auto is_signed_integer = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Number) && value.token().number().is_integer_with_explicit_sign(); }; auto is_signless_integer = [](ComponentValue const& value) -> bool { return value.is(Token::Type::Number) && !value.token().number().is_integer_with_explicit_sign(); }; // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#the-anb-type // Unfortunately these can't be in the same order as in the spec. values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& first_value = values.next_token(); // odd | even if (first_value.is(Token::Type::Ident)) { auto ident = first_value.token().ident(); if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("odd"sv)) { transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 2, 1 }; } if (ident.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("even"sv)) { transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 2, 0 }; } } // if (is_integer(first_value)) { int b = first_value.token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 0, b }; } // // // ['+' | '-'] if (is_n_dimension(first_value)) { int a = first_value.token().dimension_value_int(); values.skip_whitespace(); // if (is_signed_integer(values.peek_token())) { int b = values.next_token().token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { a, b }; } // ['+' | '-'] { auto child_transaction = transaction.create_child(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& third_value = values.next_token(); if (is_sign(second_value) && is_signless_integer(third_value)) { int b = third_value.token().to_integer() * (is_delim(second_value, '+') ? 1 : -1); child_transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { a, b }; } } // transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { a, 0 }; } // if (is_ndash_dimension(first_value)) { values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); if (is_signless_integer(second_value)) { int a = first_value.token().dimension_value_int(); int b = -second_value.token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { a, b }; } return syntax_error(); } // if (is_ndashdigit_dimension(first_value)) { auto const& dimension = first_value.token(); int a = dimension.dimension_value_int(); auto maybe_b = dimension.dimension_unit().substring_view(1).to_int(); if (maybe_b.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { a, maybe_b.value() }; } return syntax_error(); } // if (is_dashndashdigit_ident(first_value)) { auto maybe_b = first_value.token().ident().substring_view(2).to_int(); if (maybe_b.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { -1, maybe_b.value() }; } return syntax_error(); } // -n // -n // -n ['+' | '-'] if (is_dashn(first_value)) { values.skip_whitespace(); // -n if (is_signed_integer(values.peek_token())) { int b = values.next_token().token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { -1, b }; } // -n ['+' | '-'] { auto child_transaction = transaction.create_child(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& third_value = values.next_token(); if (is_sign(second_value) && is_signless_integer(third_value)) { int b = third_value.token().to_integer() * (is_delim(second_value, '+') ? 1 : -1); child_transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { -1, b }; } } // -n transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { -1, 0 }; } // -n- if (is_dashndash(first_value)) { values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); if (is_signless_integer(second_value)) { int b = -second_value.token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { -1, b }; } return syntax_error(); } // All that's left now are these: // '+'?† n // '+'?† n // '+'?† n ['+' | '-'] // '+'?† n- // '+'?† // In all of these cases, the + is optional, and has no effect. // So, we just skip the +, and carry on. if (!is_delim(first_value, '+')) { values.reconsume_current_input_token(); // We do *not* skip whitespace here. } auto const& first_after_plus = values.next_token(); // '+'?† n // '+'?† n // '+'?† n ['+' | '-'] if (is_n(first_after_plus)) { values.skip_whitespace(); // '+'?† n if (is_signed_integer(values.peek_token())) { int b = values.next_token().token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 1, b }; } // '+'?† n ['+' | '-'] { auto child_transaction = transaction.create_child(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& third_value = values.next_token(); if (is_sign(second_value) && is_signless_integer(third_value)) { int b = third_value.token().to_integer() * (is_delim(second_value, '+') ? 1 : -1); child_transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 1, b }; } } // '+'?† n transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 1, 0 }; } // '+'?† n- if (is_ndash(first_after_plus)) { values.skip_whitespace(); auto const& second_value = values.next_token(); if (is_signless_integer(second_value)) { int b = -second_value.token().to_integer(); transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 1, b }; } return syntax_error(); } // '+'?† if (is_ndashdigit_ident(first_after_plus)) { auto maybe_b = first_after_plus.token().ident().substring_view(1).to_int(); if (maybe_b.has_value()) { transaction.commit(); return Selector::SimpleSelector::ANPlusBPattern { 1, maybe_b.value() }; } return syntax_error(); } return syntax_error(); } class UnparsedCalculationNode final : public CalculationNode { public: static ErrorOr> create(ComponentValue component_value) { return adopt_nonnull_own_or_enomem(new (nothrow) UnparsedCalculationNode(move(component_value))); } virtual ~UnparsedCalculationNode() = default; ComponentValue& component_value() { return m_component_value; } virtual ErrorOr to_string() const override { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual Optional resolved_type() const override { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual bool contains_percentage() const override { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual CalculatedStyleValue::CalculationResult resolve(Layout::Node const*, CalculatedStyleValue::PercentageBasis const&) const override { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } virtual ErrorOr dump(StringBuilder& builder, int indent) const override { return builder.try_appendff("{: >{}}UNPARSED({})\n", "", indent, TRY(m_component_value.to_debug_string())); } private: UnparsedCalculationNode(ComponentValue component_value) : CalculationNode(Type::Unparsed) , m_component_value(move(component_value)) { } ComponentValue m_component_value; }; // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#parse-a-calculation ErrorOr> Parser::parse_a_calculation(Vector const& original_values) { // 1. Discard any s from values. // 2. An item in values is an “operator” if it’s a with the value "+", "-", "*", or "/". Otherwise, it’s a “value”. struct Operator { char delim; }; using Value = Variant, Operator>; Vector values; for (auto& value : original_values) { if (value.is(Token::Type::Whitespace)) continue; if (value.is(Token::Type::Delim)) { if (first_is_one_of(value.token().delim(), static_cast('+'), static_cast('-'), static_cast('*'), static_cast('/'))) { // NOTE: Sequential operators are invalid syntax. if (!values.is_empty() && values.last().has()) return nullptr; TRY(values.try_append(Operator { static_cast(value.token().delim()) })); continue; } } if (value.is(Token::Type::Number)) { TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(value.token().number())) })); continue; } if (auto dimension = parse_dimension(value); dimension.has_value()) { if (dimension->is_angle()) TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(dimension->angle())) })); else if (dimension->is_frequency()) TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(dimension->frequency())) })); else if (dimension->is_length()) TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(dimension->length())) })); else if (dimension->is_percentage()) TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(dimension->percentage())) })); // FIXME: Resolutions, once calc() supports them. else if (dimension->is_time()) TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(NumericCalculationNode::create(dimension->time())) })); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); continue; } TRY(values.try_append({ TRY(UnparsedCalculationNode::create(value)) })); } // If we have no values, the syntax is invalid. if (values.is_empty()) return nullptr; // NOTE: If the first or last value is an operator, the syntax is invalid. if (values.first().has() || values.last().has()) return nullptr; // 3. Collect children into Product and Invert nodes. // For every consecutive run of value items in values separated by "*" or "/" operators: while (true) { Optional first_product_operator = values.find_first_index_if([](auto const& item) { return item.template has() && first_is_one_of(item.template get().delim, '*', '/'); }); if (!first_product_operator.has_value()) break; auto start_of_run = first_product_operator.value() - 1; auto end_of_run = first_product_operator.value() + 1; for (auto i = start_of_run + 1; i < values.size(); i += 2) { auto& item = values[i]; if (!item.has()) { end_of_run = i - 1; break; } auto delim = item.get().delim; if (!first_is_one_of(delim, '*', '/')) { end_of_run = i - 1; break; } } // 1. For each "/" operator in the run, replace its right-hand value item rhs with an Invert node containing rhs as its child. Vector> run_values; TRY(run_values.try_append(move(values[start_of_run].get>()))); for (auto i = start_of_run + 1; i <= end_of_run; i += 2) { auto& operator_ = values[i].get().delim; auto& rhs = values[i + 1]; if (operator_ == '/') { TRY(run_values.try_append(TRY(InvertCalculationNode::create(move(rhs.get>()))))); continue; } VERIFY(operator_ == '*'); TRY(run_values.try_append(move(rhs.get>()))); } // 2. Replace the entire run with a Product node containing the value items of the run as its children. auto product_node = TRY(ProductCalculationNode::create(move(run_values))); values.remove(start_of_run, end_of_run - start_of_run + 1); TRY(values.try_insert(start_of_run, { move(product_node) })); } // 4. Collect children into Sum and Negate nodes. Optional> single_value; { // 1. For each "-" operator item in values, replace its right-hand value item rhs with a Negate node containing rhs as its child. for (auto i = 0u; i < values.size(); ++i) { auto& maybe_minus_operator = values[i]; if (!maybe_minus_operator.has() || maybe_minus_operator.get().delim != '-') continue; auto rhs_index = ++i; auto& rhs = values[rhs_index]; NonnullOwnPtr negate_node = TRY(NegateCalculationNode::create(move(rhs.get>()))); values.remove(rhs_index); values.insert(rhs_index, move(negate_node)); } // 2. If values has only one item, and it is a Product node or a parenthesized simple block, replace values with that item. if (values.size() == 1) { TRY(values.first().visit( [&](ComponentValue& component_value) -> ErrorOr { if (component_value.is_block() && component_value.block().is_paren()) single_value = TRY(UnparsedCalculationNode::create(component_value)); return {}; }, [&](NonnullOwnPtr& node) -> ErrorOr { if (node->type() == CalculationNode::Type::Product) single_value = move(node); return {}; }, [](auto&) -> ErrorOr { return {}; })); } // Otherwise, replace values with a Sum node containing the value items of values as its children. if (!single_value.has_value()) { values.remove_all_matching([](Value& value) { return value.has(); }); Vector> value_items; TRY(value_items.try_ensure_capacity(values.size())); for (auto& value : values) { if (value.has()) continue; value_items.unchecked_append(move(value.get>())); } single_value = TRY(SumCalculationNode::create(move(value_items))); } } // 5. At this point values is a tree of Sum, Product, Negate, and Invert nodes, with other types of values at the leaf nodes. Process the leaf nodes. // For every leaf node leaf in values: bool parsing_failed_for_child_node = false; TRY(single_value.value()->for_each_child_node([&](NonnullOwnPtr& node) -> ErrorOr { if (node->type() != CalculationNode::Type::Unparsed) return {}; auto& unparsed_node = static_cast(*node); auto& component_value = unparsed_node.component_value(); // 1. If leaf is a parenthesized simple block, replace leaf with the result of parsing a calculation from leaf’s contents. if (component_value.is_block() && component_value.block().is_paren()) { auto leaf_calculation = TRY(parse_a_calculation(component_value.block().values())); if (!leaf_calculation) { parsing_failed_for_child_node = true; return {}; } node = leaf_calculation.release_nonnull(); } // 2. If leaf is a math function, replace leaf with the internal representation of that math function. // NOTE: All function tokens at this point should be math functions. else if (component_value.is_function()) { auto& function = component_value.function(); if (function.name().equals_ignoring_ascii_case("calc"sv)) { auto leaf_calculation = TRY(parse_a_calculation(function.values())); if (!leaf_calculation) { parsing_failed_for_child_node = true; return {}; } node = leaf_calculation.release_nonnull(); } else { // FIXME: Parse more math functions once we have them. parsing_failed_for_child_node = true; return {}; } } return {}; })); if (parsing_failed_for_child_node) return nullptr; // FIXME: 6. Return the result of simplifying a calculation tree from values. return single_value.release_value(); } bool Parser::has_ignored_vendor_prefix(StringView string) { if (!string.starts_with('-')) return false; if (string.starts_with("--"sv)) return false; if (string.starts_with("-libweb-"sv)) return false; return true; } bool Parser::is_builtin(StringView name) { return name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("inherit"sv) || name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("initial"sv) || name.equals_ignoring_ascii_case("unset"sv); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_calculated_value(Badge, ParsingContext const& context, Vector const& tokens) { if (tokens.is_empty()) return nullptr; auto parser = TRY(Parser::create(context, ""sv)); return parser.parse_calculated_value(tokens); } ErrorOr> Parser::parse_css_value(Badge, ParsingContext const& context, PropertyID property_id, Vector const& tokens) { if (tokens.is_empty() || property_id == CSS::PropertyID::Invalid || property_id == CSS::PropertyID::Custom) return nullptr; auto parser = TRY(Parser::create(context, ""sv)); TokenStream token_stream { tokens }; auto result = parser.parse_css_value(property_id, token_stream); if (result.is_error()) return nullptr; return result.release_value(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_angle() const { return m_value.has(); } Angle Parser::Dimension::angle() const { return m_value.get(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_angle_percentage() const { return is_angle() || is_percentage(); } AnglePercentage Parser::Dimension::angle_percentage() const { if (is_angle()) return angle(); if (is_percentage()) return percentage(); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_frequency() const { return m_value.has(); } Frequency Parser::Dimension::frequency() const { return m_value.get(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_frequency_percentage() const { return is_frequency() || is_percentage(); } FrequencyPercentage Parser::Dimension::frequency_percentage() const { if (is_frequency()) return frequency(); if (is_percentage()) return percentage(); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_length() const { return m_value.has(); } Length Parser::Dimension::length() const { return m_value.get(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_length_percentage() const { return is_length() || is_percentage(); } LengthPercentage Parser::Dimension::length_percentage() const { if (is_length()) return length(); if (is_percentage()) return percentage(); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_percentage() const { return m_value.has(); } Percentage Parser::Dimension::percentage() const { return m_value.get(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_resolution() const { return m_value.has(); } Resolution Parser::Dimension::resolution() const { return m_value.get(); } bool Parser::Dimension::is_time() const { return m_value.has