/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace Web::CSS { class InitialValues { public: static float font_size() { return 10; } static int font_weight() { return 400; } static CSS::FontVariant font_variant() { return CSS::FontVariant::Normal; } static CSS::Float float_() { return CSS::Float::None; } static CSS::Clear clear() { return CSS::Clear::None; } static CSS::Clip clip() { return CSS::Clip::make_auto(); } static CSS::Cursor cursor() { return CSS::Cursor::Auto; } static CSS::WhiteSpace white_space() { return CSS::WhiteSpace::Normal; } static CSS::TextAlign text_align() { return CSS::TextAlign::Left; } static CSS::TextJustify text_justify() { return CSS::TextJustify::Auto; } static CSS::Position position() { return CSS::Position::Static; } static CSS::TextDecorationLine text_decoration_line() { return CSS::TextDecorationLine::None; } static CSS::Length text_decoration_thickness() { return Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::TextDecorationStyle text_decoration_style() { return CSS::TextDecorationStyle::Solid; } static CSS::TextTransform text_transform() { return CSS::TextTransform::None; } static CSS::Display display() { return CSS::Display { CSS::Display::Outside::Inline, CSS::Display::Inside::Flow }; } static Color color() { return Color::Black; } static Color background_color() { return Color::Transparent; } static CSS::ListStyleType list_style_type() { return CSS::ListStyleType::Disc; } static CSS::Visibility visibility() { return CSS::Visibility::Visible; } static CSS::FlexDirection flex_direction() { return CSS::FlexDirection::Row; } static CSS::FlexWrap flex_wrap() { return CSS::FlexWrap::Nowrap; } static CSS::ImageRendering image_rendering() { return CSS::ImageRendering::Auto; } static CSS::JustifyContent justify_content() { return CSS::JustifyContent::FlexStart; } static CSS::AlignItems align_items() { return CSS::AlignItems::Stretch; } static CSS::AlignSelf align_self() { return CSS::AlignSelf::Auto; } static CSS::Appearance appearance() { return CSS::Appearance::Auto; } static CSS::Overflow overflow() { return CSS::Overflow::Visible; } static CSS::BoxSizing box_sizing() { return CSS::BoxSizing::ContentBox; } static CSS::PointerEvents pointer_events() { return CSS::PointerEvents::Auto; } static float flex_grow() { return 0.0f; } static float flex_shrink() { return 1.0f; } static int order() { return 0; } static float opacity() { return 1.0f; } static CSS::Length border_radius() { return Length::make_px(0); } static Variant vertical_align() { return CSS::VerticalAlign::Baseline; } static CSS::LengthBox inset() { return { CSS::Length::make_auto(), CSS::Length::make_auto(), CSS::Length::make_auto(), CSS::Length::make_auto() }; } static CSS::LengthBox margin() { return { CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0) }; } static CSS::LengthBox padding() { return { CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0), CSS::Length::make_px(0) }; } static CSS::Length width() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::Length min_width() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::Length max_width() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::Length height() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::Length min_height() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static CSS::Length max_height() { return CSS::Length::make_auto(); } static Vector grid_template_columns() { return Vector {}; } static Vector grid_template_rows() { return Vector {}; } static CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_column_end() { return CSS::GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); } static CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_column_start() { return CSS::GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); } static CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_row_end() { return CSS::GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); } static CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_row_start() { return CSS::GridTrackPlacement::make_auto(); } }; struct BackgroundLayerData { RefPtr background_image { nullptr }; CSS::BackgroundAttachment attachment { CSS::BackgroundAttachment::Scroll }; CSS::BackgroundBox origin { CSS::BackgroundBox::PaddingBox }; CSS::BackgroundBox clip { CSS::BackgroundBox::BorderBox }; CSS::PositionEdge position_edge_x { CSS::PositionEdge::Left }; CSS::LengthPercentage position_offset_x { CSS::Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::PositionEdge position_edge_y { CSS::PositionEdge::Top }; CSS::LengthPercentage position_offset_y { CSS::Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::BackgroundSize size_type { CSS::BackgroundSize::LengthPercentage }; CSS::LengthPercentage size_x { CSS::Length::make_auto() }; CSS::LengthPercentage size_y { CSS::Length::make_auto() }; CSS::Repeat repeat_x { CSS::Repeat::Repeat }; CSS::Repeat repeat_y { CSS::Repeat::Repeat }; }; struct BorderData { public: Color color { Color::Transparent }; CSS::LineStyle line_style { CSS::LineStyle::None }; float width { 0 }; }; using TransformValue = Variant; struct Transformation { CSS::TransformFunction function; Vector values; }; struct TransformOrigin { CSS::LengthPercentage x { Percentage(50) }; CSS::LengthPercentage y { Percentage(50) }; }; struct FlexBasisData { CSS::FlexBasis type { CSS::FlexBasis::Auto }; Optional length_percentage; }; struct ShadowData { Color color {}; CSS::Length offset_x { Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::Length offset_y { Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::Length blur_radius { Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::Length spread_distance { Length::make_px(0) }; CSS::ShadowPlacement placement { CSS::ShadowPlacement::Outer }; }; struct ContentData { enum class Type { Normal, None, String, } type { Type::Normal }; // FIXME: Data is a list of identifiers, strings and image values. String data {}; String alt_text {}; }; struct BorderRadiusData { CSS::LengthPercentage horizontal_radius { InitialValues::border_radius() }; CSS::LengthPercentage vertical_radius { InitialValues::border_radius() }; }; class ComputedValues { public: CSS::Float float_() const { return m_noninherited.float_; } CSS::Clear clear() const { return m_noninherited.clear; } CSS::Clip clip() const { return m_noninherited.clip; } CSS::Cursor cursor() const { return m_inherited.cursor; } CSS::ContentData content() const { return m_noninherited.content; } CSS::PointerEvents pointer_events() const { return m_inherited.pointer_events; } CSS::Display display() const { return m_noninherited.display; } Optional const& z_index() const { return m_noninherited.z_index; } CSS::TextAlign text_align() const { return m_inherited.text_align; } CSS::TextJustify text_justify() const { return m_inherited.text_justify; } Vector text_decoration_line() const { return m_noninherited.text_decoration_line; } CSS::LengthPercentage text_decoration_thickness() const { return m_noninherited.text_decoration_thickness; } CSS::TextDecorationStyle text_decoration_style() const { return m_noninherited.text_decoration_style; } Color text_decoration_color() const { return m_noninherited.text_decoration_color; } CSS::TextTransform text_transform() const { return m_inherited.text_transform; } Vector const& text_shadow() const { return m_noninherited.text_shadow; } CSS::Position position() const { return m_noninherited.position; } CSS::WhiteSpace white_space() const { return m_inherited.white_space; } CSS::FlexDirection flex_direction() const { return m_noninherited.flex_direction; } CSS::FlexWrap flex_wrap() const { return m_noninherited.flex_wrap; } FlexBasisData const& flex_basis() const { return m_noninherited.flex_basis; } float flex_grow() const { return m_noninherited.flex_grow; } float flex_shrink() const { return m_noninherited.flex_shrink; } int order() const { return m_noninherited.order; } CSS::AlignItems align_items() const { return m_noninherited.align_items; } CSS::AlignSelf align_self() const { return m_noninherited.align_self; } CSS::Appearance appearance() const { return m_noninherited.appearance; } float opacity() const { return m_noninherited.opacity; } CSS::Visibility visibility() const { return m_inherited.visibility; } CSS::ImageRendering image_rendering() const { return m_inherited.image_rendering; } CSS::JustifyContent justify_content() const { return m_noninherited.justify_content; } Vector const& box_shadow() const { return m_noninherited.box_shadow; } CSS::BoxSizing box_sizing() const { return m_noninherited.box_sizing; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& width() const { return m_noninherited.width; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& min_width() const { return m_noninherited.min_width; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& max_width() const { return m_noninherited.max_width; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& height() const { return m_noninherited.height; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& min_height() const { return m_noninherited.min_height; } CSS::LengthPercentage const& max_height() const { return m_noninherited.max_height; } Variant const& vertical_align() const { return m_noninherited.vertical_align; } Vector const& grid_template_columns() const { return m_noninherited.grid_template_columns; } Vector const& grid_template_rows() const { return m_noninherited.grid_template_rows; } CSS::GridTrackPlacement const& grid_column_end() const { return m_noninherited.grid_column_end; } CSS::GridTrackPlacement const& grid_column_start() const { return m_noninherited.grid_column_start; } CSS::GridTrackPlacement const& grid_row_end() const { return m_noninherited.grid_row_end; } CSS::GridTrackPlacement const& grid_row_start() const { return m_noninherited.grid_row_start; } CSS::LengthBox const& inset() const { return m_noninherited.inset; } const CSS::LengthBox& margin() const { return m_noninherited.margin; } const CSS::LengthBox& padding() const { return m_noninherited.padding; } BorderData const& border_left() const { return m_noninherited.border_left; } BorderData const& border_top() const { return m_noninherited.border_top; } BorderData const& border_right() const { return m_noninherited.border_right; } BorderData const& border_bottom() const { return m_noninherited.border_bottom; } const CSS::BorderRadiusData& border_bottom_left_radius() const { return m_noninherited.border_bottom_left_radius; } const CSS::BorderRadiusData& border_bottom_right_radius() const { return m_noninherited.border_bottom_right_radius; } const CSS::BorderRadiusData& border_top_left_radius() const { return m_noninherited.border_top_left_radius; } const CSS::BorderRadiusData& border_top_right_radius() const { return m_noninherited.border_top_right_radius; } CSS::Overflow overflow_x() const { return m_noninherited.overflow_x; } CSS::Overflow overflow_y() const { return m_noninherited.overflow_y; } Color color() const { return m_inherited.color; } Color background_color() const { return m_noninherited.background_color; } Vector const& background_layers() const { return m_noninherited.background_layers; } CSS::ListStyleType list_style_type() const { return m_inherited.list_style_type; } Optional fill() const { return m_inherited.fill; } Optional stroke() const { return m_inherited.stroke; } Optional const& stroke_width() const { return m_inherited.stroke_width; } Vector transformations() const { return m_noninherited.transformations; } CSS::TransformOrigin transform_origin() const { return m_noninherited.transform_origin; } float font_size() const { return m_inherited.font_size; } int font_weight() const { return m_inherited.font_weight; } CSS::FontVariant font_variant() const { return m_inherited.font_variant; } ComputedValues clone_inherited_values() const { ComputedValues clone; clone.m_inherited = m_inherited; return clone; } protected: struct { float font_size { InitialValues::font_size() }; int font_weight { InitialValues::font_weight() }; CSS::FontVariant font_variant { InitialValues::font_variant() }; Color color { InitialValues::color() }; CSS::Cursor cursor { InitialValues::cursor() }; CSS::ImageRendering image_rendering { InitialValues::image_rendering() }; CSS::PointerEvents pointer_events { InitialValues::pointer_events() }; CSS::TextAlign text_align { InitialValues::text_align() }; CSS::TextJustify text_justify { InitialValues::text_justify() }; CSS::TextTransform text_transform { InitialValues::text_transform() }; CSS::WhiteSpace white_space { InitialValues::white_space() }; CSS::ListStyleType list_style_type { InitialValues::list_style_type() }; CSS::Visibility visibility { InitialValues::visibility() }; Optional fill; Optional stroke; Optional stroke_width; } m_inherited; struct { CSS::Float float_ { InitialValues::float_() }; CSS::Clear clear { InitialValues::clear() }; CSS::Clip clip { InitialValues::clip() }; CSS::Display display { InitialValues::display() }; Optional z_index; // FIXME: Store this as flags in a u8. Vector text_decoration_line { InitialValues::text_decoration_line() }; CSS::LengthPercentage text_decoration_thickness { InitialValues::text_decoration_thickness() }; CSS::TextDecorationStyle text_decoration_style { InitialValues::text_decoration_style() }; Color text_decoration_color { InitialValues::color() }; Vector text_shadow {}; CSS::Position position { InitialValues::position() }; CSS::LengthPercentage width { InitialValues::width() }; CSS::LengthPercentage min_width { InitialValues::min_width() }; CSS::LengthPercentage max_width { InitialValues::max_width() }; CSS::LengthPercentage height { InitialValues::height() }; CSS::LengthPercentage min_height { InitialValues::min_height() }; CSS::LengthPercentage max_height { InitialValues::max_height() }; CSS::LengthBox inset { InitialValues::inset() }; CSS::LengthBox margin { InitialValues::margin() }; CSS::LengthBox padding { InitialValues::padding() }; BorderData border_left; BorderData border_top; BorderData border_right; BorderData border_bottom; BorderRadiusData border_bottom_left_radius; BorderRadiusData border_bottom_right_radius; BorderRadiusData border_top_left_radius; BorderRadiusData border_top_right_radius; Color background_color { InitialValues::background_color() }; Vector background_layers; CSS::FlexDirection flex_direction { InitialValues::flex_direction() }; CSS::FlexWrap flex_wrap { InitialValues::flex_wrap() }; CSS::FlexBasisData flex_basis {}; float flex_grow { InitialValues::flex_grow() }; float flex_shrink { InitialValues::flex_shrink() }; int order { InitialValues::order() }; CSS::AlignItems align_items { InitialValues::align_items() }; CSS::AlignSelf align_self { InitialValues::align_self() }; CSS::Appearance appearance { InitialValues::appearance() }; CSS::JustifyContent justify_content { InitialValues::justify_content() }; CSS::Overflow overflow_x { InitialValues::overflow() }; CSS::Overflow overflow_y { InitialValues::overflow() }; float opacity { InitialValues::opacity() }; Vector box_shadow {}; Vector transformations {}; CSS::TransformOrigin transform_origin {}; CSS::BoxSizing box_sizing { InitialValues::box_sizing() }; CSS::ContentData content; Variant vertical_align { InitialValues::vertical_align() }; Vector grid_template_columns; Vector grid_template_rows; CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_column_end { InitialValues::grid_column_end() }; CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_column_start { InitialValues::grid_column_start() }; CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_row_end { InitialValues::grid_row_end() }; CSS::GridTrackPlacement grid_row_start { InitialValues::grid_row_start() }; } m_noninherited; }; class ImmutableComputedValues final : public ComputedValues { }; class MutableComputedValues final : public ComputedValues { public: void set_font_size(float font_size) { m_inherited.font_size = font_size; } void set_font_weight(int font_weight) { m_inherited.font_weight = font_weight; } void set_font_variant(CSS::FontVariant font_variant) { m_inherited.font_variant = font_variant; } void set_color(Color const& color) { m_inherited.color = color; } void set_clip(CSS::Clip const& clip) { m_noninherited.clip = clip; } void set_content(ContentData const& content) { m_noninherited.content = content; } void set_cursor(CSS::Cursor cursor) { m_inherited.cursor = cursor; } void set_image_rendering(CSS::ImageRendering value) { m_inherited.image_rendering = value; } void set_pointer_events(CSS::PointerEvents value) { m_inherited.pointer_events = value; } void set_background_color(Color const& color) { m_noninherited.background_color = color; } void set_background_layers(Vector&& layers) { m_noninherited.background_layers = move(layers); } void set_float(CSS::Float value) { m_noninherited.float_ = value; } void set_clear(CSS::Clear value) { m_noninherited.clear = value; } void set_z_index(Optional value) { m_noninherited.z_index = value; } void set_text_align(CSS::TextAlign text_align) { m_inherited.text_align = text_align; } void set_text_justify(CSS::TextJustify text_justify) { m_inherited.text_justify = text_justify; } void set_text_decoration_line(Vector value) { m_noninherited.text_decoration_line = move(value); } void set_text_decoration_thickness(CSS::LengthPercentage value) { m_noninherited.text_decoration_thickness = value; } void set_text_decoration_style(CSS::TextDecorationStyle value) { m_noninherited.text_decoration_style = value; } void set_text_decoration_color(Color value) { m_noninherited.text_decoration_color = value; } void set_text_transform(CSS::TextTransform value) { m_inherited.text_transform = value; } void set_text_shadow(Vector&& value) { m_noninherited.text_shadow = move(value); } void set_position(CSS::Position position) { m_noninherited.position = position; } void set_white_space(CSS::WhiteSpace value) { m_inherited.white_space = value; } void set_width(CSS::LengthPercentage const& width) { m_noninherited.width = width; } void set_min_width(CSS::LengthPercentage const& width) { m_noninherited.min_width = width; } void set_max_width(CSS::LengthPercentage const& width) { m_noninherited.max_width = width; } void set_height(CSS::LengthPercentage const& height) { m_noninherited.height = height; } void set_min_height(CSS::LengthPercentage const& height) { m_noninherited.min_height = height; } void set_max_height(CSS::LengthPercentage const& height) { m_noninherited.max_height = height; } void set_inset(CSS::LengthBox const& inset) { m_noninherited.inset = inset; } void set_margin(const CSS::LengthBox& margin) { m_noninherited.margin = margin; } void set_padding(const CSS::LengthBox& padding) { m_noninherited.padding = padding; } void set_overflow_x(CSS::Overflow value) { m_noninherited.overflow_x = value; } void set_overflow_y(CSS::Overflow value) { m_noninherited.overflow_y = value; } void set_list_style_type(CSS::ListStyleType value) { m_inherited.list_style_type = value; } void set_display(CSS::Display value) { m_noninherited.display = value; } void set_border_bottom_left_radius(CSS::BorderRadiusData value) { m_noninherited.border_bottom_left_radius = value; } void set_border_bottom_right_radius(CSS::BorderRadiusData value) { m_noninherited.border_bottom_right_radius = value; } void set_border_top_left_radius(CSS::BorderRadiusData value) { m_noninherited.border_top_left_radius = value; } void set_border_top_right_radius(CSS::BorderRadiusData value) { m_noninherited.border_top_right_radius = value; } BorderData& border_left() { return m_noninherited.border_left; } BorderData& border_top() { return m_noninherited.border_top; } BorderData& border_right() { return m_noninherited.border_right; } BorderData& border_bottom() { return m_noninherited.border_bottom; } void set_flex_direction(CSS::FlexDirection value) { m_noninherited.flex_direction = value; } void set_flex_wrap(CSS::FlexWrap value) { m_noninherited.flex_wrap = value; } void set_flex_basis(FlexBasisData value) { m_noninherited.flex_basis = value; } void set_flex_grow(float value) { m_noninherited.flex_grow = value; } void set_flex_shrink(float value) { m_noninherited.flex_shrink = value; } void set_order(int value) { m_noninherited.order = value; } void set_align_items(CSS::AlignItems value) { m_noninherited.align_items = value; } void set_align_self(CSS::AlignSelf value) { m_noninherited.align_self = value; } void set_appearance(CSS::Appearance value) { m_noninherited.appearance = value; } void set_opacity(float value) { m_noninherited.opacity = value; } void set_justify_content(CSS::JustifyContent value) { m_noninherited.justify_content = value; } void set_box_shadow(Vector&& value) { m_noninherited.box_shadow = move(value); } void set_transformations(Vector value) { m_noninherited.transformations = move(value); } void set_transform_origin(CSS::TransformOrigin value) { m_noninherited.transform_origin = value; } void set_box_sizing(CSS::BoxSizing value) { m_noninherited.box_sizing = value; } void set_vertical_align(Variant value) { m_noninherited.vertical_align = value; } void set_visibility(CSS::Visibility value) { m_inherited.visibility = value; } void set_grid_template_columns(Vector value) { m_noninherited.grid_template_columns = value; } void set_grid_template_rows(Vector value) { m_noninherited.grid_template_rows = value; } void set_grid_column_end(CSS::GridTrackPlacement value) { m_noninherited.grid_column_end = value; } void set_grid_column_start(CSS::GridTrackPlacement value) { m_noninherited.grid_column_start = value; } void set_grid_row_end(CSS::GridTrackPlacement value) { m_noninherited.grid_row_end = value; } void set_grid_row_start(CSS::GridTrackPlacement value) { m_noninherited.grid_row_start = value; } void set_fill(Color value) { m_inherited.fill = value; } void set_stroke(Color value) { m_inherited.stroke = value; } void set_stroke_width(LengthPercentage value) { m_inherited.stroke_width = value; } }; }