/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Ali Mohammad Pur * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Wasm::Wasi::ABI { template Wasm::Value CompatibleValue::to_wasm_value() const { return Wasm::Value(value); } template T deserialize(CompatibleValue const& data) { return deserialize(Array { ReadonlyBytes { &data.value, sizeof(data.value) } }); } template void serialize(T const& value, Array bytes) { if constexpr (IsEnum) return serialize(to_underlying(value), move(bytes)); else if constexpr (IsIntegral) ReadonlyBytes { &value, sizeof(value) }.copy_to(bytes[0]); else if constexpr (IsSpecializationOf) return serialize(value.value(), move(bytes)); else return value.serialize_into(move(bytes)); } template T deserialize(Array const& bytes) { if constexpr (IsEnum) { return static_cast(deserialize>(bytes)); } else if constexpr (IsIntegral) { T value; ByteReader::load(bytes[0].data(), value); return value; } else if constexpr (IsSpecializationOf) { return deserialize>(bytes); } else { return T::read_from(bytes); } } template CompatibleValue to_compatible_value(Wasm::Value const& value) { using Type = typename ToCompatibleValue::Type; // Note: the type can't be something else, we've already checked before through the function type's runtime checker. auto converted_value = *value.template to(); return { .value = converted_value }; } } namespace Wasm::Wasi { void ArgsSizes::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(count, Array { bytes[0] }); ABI::serialize(size, Array { bytes[1] }); } void EnvironSizes::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(count, Array { bytes[0] }); ABI::serialize(size, Array { bytes[1] }); } void SockRecvResult::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(size, Array { bytes[0] }); ABI::serialize(roflags, Array { bytes[1] }); } void ROFlags::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(data, Array { bytes[0] }); } template void LittleEndian::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(m_value, move(bytes)); } template LittleEndian LittleEndian::read_from(Array const& bytes) { auto swapped = ABI::deserialize(bytes); return bit_cast>(swapped); } Rights Rights::read_from(Array const& bytes) { Rights rights { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(rights.data.bytes()); return rights; } void Rights::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { data.bytes().copy_to(bytes[0]); } void FDFlags::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ReadonlyBytes { &data, sizeof(data) }.copy_to(bytes[0]); } FDFlags FDFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { FDFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } FSTFlags FSTFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { FSTFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } OFlags OFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { OFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } SDFlags SDFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { SDFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } void FDStat::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { auto data = bytes[0]; ABI::serialize(fs_filetype, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FDStat, fs_filetype), sizeof(fs_filetype)) }); ABI::serialize(fs_flags, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FDStat, fs_flags), sizeof(fs_flags)) }); ABI::serialize(fs_rights_base, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FDStat, fs_rights_base), sizeof(fs_rights_base)) }); ABI::serialize(fs_rights_inheriting, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FDStat, fs_rights_inheriting), sizeof(fs_rights_inheriting)) }); } void PreStat::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { auto data = bytes[0]; ABI::serialize(tag, Array { data.slice(0, sizeof(tag)) }); if (tag == 0) ABI::serialize(dir, Array { data.slice(offsetof(PreStat, dir), sizeof(dir)) }); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void PreStatDir::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { ABI::serialize(pr_name_len, move(bytes)); } void FileStat::serialize_into(Array bytes) const { auto data = bytes[0]; ABI::serialize(dev, Array { data.slice(0, sizeof(dev)) }); ABI::serialize(ino, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, ino), sizeof(ino)) }); ABI::serialize(filetype, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, filetype), sizeof(filetype)) }); ABI::serialize(nlink, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, nlink), sizeof(nlink)) }); ABI::serialize(size, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, size), sizeof(size)) }); ABI::serialize(atim, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, atim), sizeof(atim)) }); ABI::serialize(mtim, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, mtim), sizeof(mtim)) }); ABI::serialize(ctim, Array { data.slice(offsetof(FileStat, ctim), sizeof(ctim)) }); } RIFlags RIFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { RIFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } LookupFlags LookupFlags::read_from(Array const& bytes) { LookupFlags flags { .data = 0 }; bytes[0].copy_to(flags.data.bytes()); return flags; } CIOVec CIOVec::read_from(Array const& bytes) { return CIOVec { .buf = ABI::deserialize(Array { bytes[0].slice(offsetof(CIOVec, buf), sizeof(buf)) }), .buf_len = ABI::deserialize(Array { bytes[0].slice(offsetof(CIOVec, buf_len), sizeof(buf_len)) }), }; } IOVec IOVec::read_from(Array const& bytes) { return IOVec { .buf = ABI::deserialize(Array { bytes[0].slice(offsetof(IOVec, buf), sizeof(buf)) }), .buf_len = ABI::deserialize(Array { bytes[0].slice(offsetof(IOVec, buf_len), sizeof(buf_len)) }), }; } template ErrorOr> copy_typed_array(Configuration& configuration, Pointer source, Size count) { Vector values; TRY(values.try_ensure_capacity(count)); auto* memory = configuration.store().get(MemoryAddress { 0 }); if (!memory) return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); UnderlyingPointerType address = source.value(); auto size = sizeof(T); if (memory->size() < address || memory->size() <= address + (size * count)) { return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS); } for (Size i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { values.unchecked_append(T::read_from(Array { ReadonlyBytes { memory->data().bytes().slice(address, size) } })); address += size; } return values; } template ErrorOr copy_typed_value_to(Configuration& configuration, T const& value, Pointer destination) { auto* memory = configuration.store().get(MemoryAddress { 0 }); if (!memory) return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); UnderlyingPointerType address = destination.value(); auto size = sizeof(T); if (memory->size() < address || memory->size() <= address + size) { return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS); } ABI::serialize(value, Array { Bytes { memory->data().bytes().slice(address, size) } }); return {}; } template ErrorOr> slice_typed_memory(Configuration& configuration, Pointer source, Size count) { auto* memory = configuration.store().get(MemoryAddress { 0 }); if (!memory) return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); auto address = source.value(); auto size = sizeof(T); if (memory->size() < address || memory->size() <= address + (size * count)) return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS); auto untyped_slice = memory->data().bytes().slice(address, size * count); return Span(untyped_slice.data(), count); } template ErrorOr> slice_typed_memory(Configuration& configuration, ConstPointer source, Size count) { auto* memory = configuration.store().get(MemoryAddress { 0 }); if (!memory) return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); auto address = source.value(); auto size = sizeof(T); if (memory->size() < address || memory->size() <= address + (size * count)) return Error::from_errno(ENOBUFS); auto untyped_slice = memory->data().bytes().slice(address, size * count); return Span(untyped_slice.data(), count); } static ErrorOr copy_string_including_terminating_null(Configuration& configuration, StringView string, Pointer target) { auto slice = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, target, string.bytes().size() + 1)); string.bytes().copy_to(slice); slice[string.bytes().size()] = 0; return slice.size(); } static ErrorOr copy_string_excluding_terminating_null(Configuration& configuration, StringView string, Pointer target, Size target_length) { auto byte_count = min(string.bytes().size(), target_length); auto slice = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, target, byte_count)); string.bytes().copy_trimmed_to(slice); return byte_count; } static Errno errno_value_from_errno(int value); Vector const& Implementation::arguments() const { if (!cache.cached_arguments.has_value()) { cache.cached_arguments.lazy_emplace([&] { if (provide_arguments) return provide_arguments(); return Vector {}; }); } return *cache.cached_arguments; } Vector const& Implementation::environment() const { if (!cache.cached_environment.has_value()) { cache.cached_environment.lazy_emplace([&] { if (provide_environment) return provide_environment(); return Vector {}; }); } return *cache.cached_environment; } Vector const& Implementation::preopened_directories() const { if (!cache.cached_preopened_directories.has_value()) { cache.cached_preopened_directories.lazy_emplace([&] { if (provide_preopened_directories) return provide_preopened_directories(); return Vector {}; }); } return *cache.cached_preopened_directories; } Implementation::Descriptor Implementation::map_fd(FD fd) { u32 fd_value = fd.value(); if (auto* value = m_fd_map.find(fd_value)) return value->downcast(); return UnmappedDescriptor(fd_value); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$args_get(Configuration& configuration, Pointer> argv, Pointer argv_buf) { UnderlyingPointerType raw_argv_buffer = argv_buf.value(); UnderlyingPointerType raw_argv = argv.value(); for (auto& entry : arguments()) { auto ptr = Pointer { raw_argv_buffer }; auto byte_count = TRY(copy_string_including_terminating_null(configuration, entry.bytes_as_string_view(), ptr)); raw_argv_buffer += byte_count; TRY(copy_typed_value_to(configuration, ptr, Pointer> { raw_argv })); raw_argv += sizeof(ptr); } return Result {}; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$args_sizes_get(Configuration&) { size_t count = 0; size_t total_size = 0; for (auto& entry : arguments()) { count += 1; total_size += entry.bytes().size() + 1; // 1 extra byte for terminating null. } return Result(ArgsSizes { count, total_size, }); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$environ_get(Configuration& configuration, Pointer> environ, Pointer environ_buf) { UnderlyingPointerType raw_environ_buffer = environ_buf.value(); UnderlyingPointerType raw_environ = environ.value(); for (auto& entry : environment()) { auto ptr = Pointer { raw_environ_buffer }; auto byte_count = TRY(copy_string_including_terminating_null(configuration, entry.bytes_as_string_view(), ptr)); raw_environ_buffer += byte_count; TRY(copy_typed_value_to(configuration, ptr, Pointer> { raw_environ })); raw_environ += sizeof(ptr); } return Result {}; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$environ_sizes_get(Configuration&) { size_t count = 0; size_t total_size = 0; for (auto& entry : environment()) { count += 1; total_size += entry.bytes().size() + 1; // 1 extra byte for terminating null. } return Result(EnvironSizes { count, total_size, }); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$proc_exit(Configuration&, ExitCode exit_code) { exit(exit_code); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_close(Configuration&, FD fd) { return map_fd(fd).visit( [&](u32 fd) -> Result { if (close(bit_cast(fd)) != 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); return {}; }, [&](PreopenedDirectoryDescriptor) -> Result { return errno_value_from_errno(EISDIR); }, [&](UnmappedDescriptor) -> Result { return errno_value_from_errno(EBADF); }); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_write(Configuration& configuration, FD fd, Pointer iovs, Size iovs_len) { auto mapped_fd = map_fd(fd); if (!mapped_fd.has()) return errno_value_from_errno(EBADF); u32 fd_value = mapped_fd.get(); Size bytes_written = 0; for (auto& iovec : TRY(copy_typed_array(configuration, iovs, iovs_len))) { auto slice = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, iovec.buf, iovec.buf_len)); auto result = write(fd_value, slice.data(), slice.size()); if (result < 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); bytes_written += static_cast(result); } return bytes_written; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_prestat_get(Configuration&, FD fd) { auto& paths = preopened_directories(); return map_fd(fd).visit( [&](UnmappedDescriptor unmapped_fd) -> Result { // Map the new fd to the next available directory. if (m_first_unmapped_preopened_directory_index >= paths.size()) return errno_value_from_errno(EBADF); auto index = m_first_unmapped_preopened_directory_index++; m_fd_map.insert(unmapped_fd.value(), PreopenedDirectoryDescriptor(index)); return PreStat { .tag = 0, .dir = PreStatDir { .pr_name_len = paths[index].mapped_path.string().bytes().size(), }, }; }, [&](u32) -> Result { return errno_value_from_errno(EBADF); }, [&](PreopenedDirectoryDescriptor fd) -> Result { return PreStat { .tag = 0, .dir = PreStatDir { .pr_name_len = paths[fd.value()].mapped_path.string().bytes().size(), }, }; }); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_prestat_dir_name(Configuration& configuration, FD fd, Pointer path, Size path_len) { auto mapped_fd = map_fd(fd); if (!mapped_fd.has()) return errno_value_from_errno(EBADF); auto& entry = preopened_directories()[mapped_fd.get().value()]; auto byte_count = TRY(copy_string_excluding_terminating_null(configuration, entry.mapped_path.string().view(), path, path_len)); if (byte_count < path_len.value()) return errno_value_from_errno(ENOBUFS); return Result {}; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_filestat_get(Configuration& configuration, FD fd, LookupFlags flags, ConstPointer path, Size path_len) { auto dir_fd = AT_FDCWD; auto mapped_fd = map_fd(fd); if (mapped_fd.has()) { auto& entry = preopened_directories()[mapped_fd.get().value()]; dir_fd = entry.opened_fd.value_or_lazy_evaluated([&] { DeprecatedString path = entry.host_path.string(); return open(path.characters(), O_DIRECTORY, 0755); }); entry.opened_fd = dir_fd; } if (dir_fd < 0 && dir_fd != AT_FDCWD) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); int options = 0; if (!flags.bits.symlink_follow) options |= AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW; auto slice = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, path, path_len)); auto null_terminated_string = DeprecatedString::copy(slice); struct stat stat_buf; if (fstatat(dir_fd, null_terminated_string.characters(), &stat_buf, options) < 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); constexpr auto file_type_of = [](struct stat const& buf) { if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::Directory; if (S_ISCHR(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::CharacterDevice; if (S_ISBLK(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::BlockDevice; if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::RegularFile; if (S_ISFIFO(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::Unknown; // no Pipe? :yakfused: if (S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::SymbolicLink; if (S_ISSOCK(buf.st_mode)) return FileType::SocketDGram; // :shrug: return FileType::Unknown; }; return Result(FileStat { .dev = stat_buf.st_dev, .ino = stat_buf.st_ino, .filetype = file_type_of(stat_buf), .nlink = stat_buf.st_nlink, .size = stat_buf.st_size, .atim = stat_buf.st_atime, .mtim = stat_buf.st_mtime, .ctim = stat_buf.st_ctime, }); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_create_directory(Configuration& configuration, FD fd, Pointer path, Size path_len) { auto dir_fd = AT_FDCWD; auto mapped_fd = map_fd(fd); if (mapped_fd.has()) { auto& entry = preopened_directories()[mapped_fd.get().value()]; dir_fd = entry.opened_fd.value_or_lazy_evaluated([&] { DeprecatedString path = entry.host_path.string(); return open(path.characters(), O_DIRECTORY, 0755); }); entry.opened_fd = dir_fd; } if (dir_fd < 0 && dir_fd != AT_FDCWD) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); auto slice = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, path, path_len)); auto null_terminated_string = DeprecatedString::copy(slice); if (mkdirat(dir_fd, null_terminated_string.characters(), 0755) < 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); return Result {}; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_open(Configuration& configuration, FD fd, LookupFlags lookup_flags, Pointer path, Size path_len, OFlags o_flags, Rights, Rights, FDFlags fd_flags) { auto dir_fd = AT_FDCWD; auto mapped_fd = map_fd(fd); if (mapped_fd.has()) { auto& entry = preopened_directories()[mapped_fd.get().value()]; dir_fd = entry.opened_fd.value_or_lazy_evaluated([&] { DeprecatedString path = entry.host_path.string(); return open(path.characters(), O_DIRECTORY, 0755); }); entry.opened_fd = dir_fd; } if (dir_fd < 0 && dir_fd != AT_FDCWD) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); // FIXME: What should we do with dsync/rsync? int open_flags = 0; if (fd_flags.bits.append) open_flags |= O_APPEND; if (fd_flags.bits.nonblock) open_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fd_flags.bits.sync) open_flags |= O_SYNC; if (o_flags.bits.trunc) open_flags |= O_TRUNC; if (o_flags.bits.creat) open_flags |= O_CREAT; if (o_flags.bits.directory) open_flags |= O_DIRECTORY; if (o_flags.bits.excl) open_flags |= O_EXCL; if (!lookup_flags.bits.symlink_follow) open_flags |= O_NOFOLLOW; auto path_data = TRY(slice_typed_memory(configuration, path, path_len)); auto path_string = DeprecatedString::copy(path_data); int opened_fd = openat(dir_fd, path_string.characters(), open_flags, 0644); if (opened_fd < 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); // FIXME: Implement Rights and RightsInheriting. return FD(opened_fd); } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$clock_time_get(Configuration&, ClockID id, Timestamp precision) { constexpr u64 nanoseconds_in_millisecond = 1000'000ull; constexpr u64 nanoseconds_in_second = 1000'000'000ull; clockid_t clock_id; switch (id) { case ClockID::Realtime: if (precision >= nanoseconds_in_millisecond) clock_id = CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE; else clock_id = CLOCK_REALTIME; break; case ClockID::Monotonic: if (precision >= nanoseconds_in_millisecond) clock_id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE; else clock_id = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; break; case ClockID::ProcessCPUTimeID: case ClockID::ThreadCPUTimeID: return Errno::NoSys; break; } struct timespec ts; if (clock_gettime(clock_id, &ts) < 0) return errno_value_from_errno(errno); return Result { static_cast(ts.tv_sec) * nanoseconds_in_second + static_cast(ts.tv_nsec) }; } #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$clock_res_get(Configuration&, ClockID id) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_advise(Configuration&, FD, FileSize offset, FileSize len, Advice) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_allocate(Configuration&, FD, FileSize offset, FileSize len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_datasync(Configuration&, FD) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_fdstat_get(Configuration&, FD) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_fdstat_set_flags(Configuration&, FD, FDFlags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_fdstat_set_rights(Configuration&, FD, Rights fs_rights_base, Rights fs_rights_inheriting) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_filestat_get(Configuration&, FD) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_filestat_set_size(Configuration&, FD, FileSize) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_filestat_set_times(Configuration&, FD, Timestamp atim, Timestamp mtim, FSTFlags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_pread(Configuration&, FD, Pointer iovs, Size iovs_len, FileSize offset) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_pwrite(Configuration&, FD, Pointer iovs, Size iovs_len, FileSize offset) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_read(Configuration&, FD, Pointer iovs, Size iovs_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_readdir(Configuration&, FD, Pointer buf, Size buf_len, DirCookie cookie) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_renumber(Configuration&, FD from, FD to) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_seek(Configuration&, FD, FileDelta offset, Whence whence) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_sync(Configuration&, FD) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$fd_tell(Configuration&, FD) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_filestat_set_times(Configuration&, FD, LookupFlags, Pointer path, Size path_len, Timestamp atim, Timestamp mtim, FSTFlags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_link(Configuration&, FD, LookupFlags, Pointer old_path, Size old_path_len, FD, Pointer new_path, Size new_path_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_readlink(Configuration&, FD, LookupFlags, Pointer path, Size path_len, Pointer buf, Size buf_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_remove_directory(Configuration&, FD, Pointer path, Size path_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_rename(Configuration&, FD, Pointer old_path, Size old_path_len, FD, Pointer new_path, Size new_path_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_symlink(Configuration&, Pointer old_path, Size old_path_len, FD, Pointer new_path, Size new_path_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$path_unlink_file(Configuration&, FD, Pointer path, Size path_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$poll_oneoff(Configuration&, ConstPointer in, Pointer out, Size nsubscriptions) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$proc_raise(Configuration&, Signal) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$sched_yield(Configuration&) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$random_get(Configuration&, Pointer buf, Size buf_len) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$sock_accept(Configuration&, FD fd, FDFlags fd_flags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$sock_recv(Configuration&, FD fd, Pointer ri_data, Size ri_data_len, RIFlags ri_flags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$sock_send(Configuration&, FD fd, Pointer si_data, Size si_data_len, SIFlags si_flags) { return Errno::NoSys; } ErrorOr> Implementation::impl$sock_shutdown(Configuration&, FD fd, SDFlags how) { return Errno::NoSys; } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop template static Array address_spans(Span values, Configuration& configuration) { Array result; auto memory = configuration.store().get(MemoryAddress { 0 })->data().span(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) result[i] = memory.slice(*values[i].to()); return result; } #define ENUMERATE_FUNCTION_NAMES(M) \ M(args_get) \ M(args_sizes_get) \ M(environ_get) \ M(environ_sizes_get) \ M(clock_res_get) \ M(clock_time_get) \ M(fd_advise) \ M(fd_allocate) \ M(fd_close) \ M(fd_datasync) \ M(fd_fdstat_get) \ M(fd_fdstat_set_flags) \ M(fd_fdstat_set_rights) \ M(fd_filestat_get) \ M(fd_filestat_set_size) \ M(fd_filestat_set_times) \ M(fd_pread) \ M(fd_prestat_get) \ M(fd_prestat_dir_name) \ M(fd_pwrite) \ M(fd_read) \ M(fd_readdir) \ M(fd_renumber) \ M(fd_seek) \ M(fd_sync) \ M(fd_tell) \ M(fd_write) \ M(path_create_directory) \ M(path_filestat_get) \ M(path_filestat_set_times) \ M(path_link) \ M(path_open) \ M(path_readlink) \ M(path_remove_directory) \ M(path_rename) \ M(path_symlink) \ M(path_unlink_file) \ M(poll_oneoff) \ M(proc_exit) \ M(proc_raise) \ M(sched_yield) \ M(random_get) \ M(sock_accept) \ M(sock_recv) \ M(sock_send) \ M(sock_shutdown) struct Names { #define NAME(x) FlyString x; ENUMERATE_FUNCTION_NAMES(NAME) #undef NAME static ErrorOr construct() { return Names { #define NAME(x) .x = TRY(FlyString::from_utf8(#x##sv)), ENUMERATE_FUNCTION_NAMES(NAME) #undef NAME }; } }; ErrorOr Implementation::function_by_name(StringView name) { auto name_for_comparison = TRY(FlyString::from_utf8(name)); static auto names = TRY(Names::construct()); #define IMPL(x) \ if (name_for_comparison == names.x) \ return invocation_of<&Implementation::impl$##x>(#x##sv); ENUMERATE_FUNCTION_NAMES(IMPL) #undef IMPL return Error::from_string_literal("No such host function"); } namespace ABI { template auto CompatibleValueType = IsOneOf ? Wasm::ValueType(Wasm::ValueType::I32) : Wasm::ValueType(Wasm::ValueType::I64); template> (Implementation::*impl)(Configuration&, Args...)> struct InvocationOf { HostFunction operator()(Implementation& self, StringView function_name) { Vector arguments_types { CompatibleValueType::Type>... }; if constexpr (!IsVoid) { if constexpr (requires { declval(); }) { for_each_type([&](TypeWrapper) { arguments_types.append(CompatibleValueType>::Type>); }); } else { arguments_types.append(CompatibleValueType>::Type>); } } return HostFunction( [&self, function_name](Configuration& configuration, Vector& arguments) -> Wasm::Result { Tuple args = [&](IndexSequence) { return Tuple { ABI::deserialize(ABI::to_compatible_value(arguments[Is]))... }; } .template operator()(MakeIndexSequence()); auto result = args.apply_as_args([&](auto&&... impl_args) { return (self.*impl)(configuration, impl_args...); }); dbgln_if(WASI_DEBUG, "WASI: Called {}", function_name); if (result.is_error()) return Wasm::Trap { DeprecatedString::formatted("Invalid call to {}() = {}", function_name, result.error()) }; auto value = result.release_value(); if (value.is_error()) return Wasm::Result { Vector { Value { ValueType(ValueType::I32), static_cast(to_underlying(value.error().value())) } } }; if constexpr (!IsVoid) { // Return values are passed as pointers, after the arguments if constexpr (requires { &R::serialize_into; }) { constexpr auto ResultCount = [](void(R::*)(Array) const) { return N; } (&R::serialize_into); ABI::serialize(*value.result(), address_spans(arguments.span().slice(sizeof...(Args)), configuration)); } else { ABI::serialize(*value.result(), address_spans<1>(arguments.span().slice(sizeof...(Args)), configuration)); } } // Return value is errno, we have nothing to return. return Wasm::Result { Vector { Value(ValueType(ValueType::I32), 0ull) } }; }, FunctionType { move(arguments_types), { ValueType(ValueType::I32) }, }); } }; }; Errno errno_value_from_errno(int value) { switch (value) { #ifdef ESUCCESS case ESUCCESS: return Errno::Success; #endif case E2BIG: return Errno::TooBig; case EACCES: return Errno::Access; case EADDRINUSE: return Errno::AddressInUse; case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return Errno::AddressNotAvailable; case EAFNOSUPPORT: return Errno::AFNotSupported; case EAGAIN: return Errno::Again; case EALREADY: return Errno::Already; case EBADF: return Errno::BadF; case EBUSY: return Errno::Busy; case ECANCELED: return Errno::Canceled; case ECHILD: return Errno::Child; case ECONNABORTED: return Errno::ConnectionAborted; case ECONNREFUSED: return Errno::ConnectionRefused; case ECONNRESET: return Errno::ConnectionReset; case EDEADLK: return Errno::Deadlock; case EDESTADDRREQ: return Errno::DestinationAddressRequired; case EDOM: return Errno::Domain; case EEXIST: return Errno::Exist; case EFAULT: return Errno::Fault; case EFBIG: return Errno::FBig; case EHOSTUNREACH: return Errno::HostUnreachable; case EILSEQ: return Errno::IllegalSequence; case EINPROGRESS: return Errno::InProgress; case EINTR: return Errno::Interrupted; case EINVAL: return Errno::Invalid; case EIO: return Errno::IO; case EISCONN: return Errno::IsConnected; case EISDIR: return Errno::IsDirectory; case ELOOP: return Errno::Loop; case EMFILE: return Errno::MFile; case EMLINK: return Errno::MLink; case EMSGSIZE: return Errno::MessageSize; case ENAMETOOLONG: return Errno::NameTooLong; case ENETDOWN: return Errno::NetworkDown; case ENETRESET: return Errno::NetworkReset; case ENETUNREACH: return Errno::NetworkUnreachable; case ENFILE: return Errno::NFile; case ENOBUFS: return Errno::NoBufferSpace; case ENODEV: return Errno::NoDevice; case ENOENT: return Errno::NoEntry; case ENOEXEC: return Errno::NoExec; case ENOLCK: return Errno::NoLock; case ENOMEM: return Errno::NoMemory; case ENOPROTOOPT: return Errno::NoProtocolOption; case ENOSPC: return Errno::NoSpace; case ENOSYS: return Errno::NoSys; case ENOTCONN: return Errno::NotConnected; case ENOTDIR: return Errno::NotDirectory; case ENOTEMPTY: return Errno::NotEmpty; case ENOTRECOVERABLE: return Errno::NotRecoverable; case ENOTSOCK: return Errno::NotSocket; case ENOTSUP: return Errno::NotSupported; case ENOTTY: return Errno::NoTTY; case ENXIO: return Errno::NXIO; case EOVERFLOW: return Errno::Overflow; case EPERM: return Errno::Permission; case EPIPE: return Errno::Pipe; case EPROTO: return Errno::Protocol; case EPROTONOSUPPORT: return Errno::ProtocolNotSupported; case EPROTOTYPE: return Errno::ProtocolType; case ERANGE: return Errno::Range; case ESPIPE: return Errno::SPipe; case ESRCH: return Errno::SRCH; case ESTALE: return Errno::Stale; case ETIMEDOUT: return Errno::TimedOut; case ETXTBSY: return Errno::TextBusy; case EXDEV: return Errno::XDev; default: return Errno::Invalid; } } }