/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Ali Mohammad Pur * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include "Certificate.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace TLS { inline void print_buffer(ReadonlyBytes buffer) { dbgln("{:hex-dump}", buffer); } inline void print_buffer(ByteBuffer const& buffer) { print_buffer(buffer.bytes()); } inline void print_buffer(u8 const* buffer, size_t size) { print_buffer(ReadonlyBytes { buffer, size }); } class Socket; #define ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTIONS \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(CloseNotify, 0) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(UnexpectedMessage, 10) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(BadRecordMAC, 20) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(DecryptionFailed, 21) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(RecordOverflow, 22) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(DecompressionFailure, 30) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(HandshakeFailure, 40) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(NoCertificate, 41) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(BadCertificate, 42) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(UnsupportedCertificate, 43) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(CertificateRevoked, 44) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(CertificateExpired, 45) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(CertificateUnknown, 46) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(IllegalParameter, 47) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(UnknownCA, 48) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(AccessDenied, 49) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(DecodeError, 50) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(DecryptError, 51) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(ExportRestriction, 60) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(ProtocolVersion, 70) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(InsufficientSecurity, 71) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(InternalError, 80) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(InappropriateFallback, 86) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(UserCanceled, 90) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(NoRenegotiation, 100) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(UnsupportedExtension, 110) \ ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(NoError, 255) enum class AlertDescription : u8 { #define ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(name, value) name = value, ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTIONS #undef ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION }; constexpr static StringView alert_name(AlertDescription descriptor) { #define ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION(name, value) \ case AlertDescription::name: \ return #name##sv; switch (descriptor) { ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTIONS } return "Unknown"sv; #undef ENUMERATE_ALERT_DESCRIPTION } enum class Error : i8 { NoError = 0, UnknownError = -1, BrokenPacket = -2, NotUnderstood = -3, NoCommonCipher = -5, UnexpectedMessage = -6, CloseConnection = -7, CompressionNotSupported = -8, NotVerified = -9, NotSafe = -10, IntegrityCheckFailed = -11, ErrorAlert = -12, BrokenConnection = -13, BadCertificate = -14, UnsupportedCertificate = -15, NoRenegotiation = -16, FeatureNotSupported = -17, DecryptionFailed = -20, NeedMoreData = -21, TimedOut = -22, OutOfMemory = -23, }; enum class AlertLevel : u8 { Warning = 0x01, Critical = 0x02 }; enum HandshakeType { HelloRequest = 0x00, ClientHello = 0x01, ServerHello = 0x02, HelloVerifyRequest = 0x03, CertificateMessage = 0x0b, ServerKeyExchange = 0x0c, CertificateRequest = 0x0d, ServerHelloDone = 0x0e, CertificateVerify = 0x0f, ClientKeyExchange = 0x10, Finished = 0x14 }; enum class HandshakeExtension : u16 { ServerName = 0x00, EllipticCurves = 0x0a, ECPointFormats = 0x0b, SignatureAlgorithms = 0x0d, ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation = 0x10, }; enum class NameType : u8 { HostName = 0x00, }; enum class WritePacketStage { Initial = 0, ClientHandshake = 1, ServerHandshake = 2, Finished = 3, }; enum class ConnectionStatus { Disconnected, Negotiating, KeyExchange, Renegotiating, Established, }; enum ClientVerificationStaus { Verified, VerificationNeeded, }; enum class ECCurveType : u8 { NamedCurve = 3, }; // Note for the 16 iv length instead of 8: // 4 bytes of fixed IV, 8 random (nonce) bytes, 4 bytes for counter // GCM specifically asks us to transmit only the nonce, the counter is zero // and the fixed IV is derived from the premaster key. #define ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_128_CBC, Crypto::Hash::SHA1, 16, false) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_256_CBC, Crypto::Hash::SHA1, 16, false) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_128_CBC, Crypto::Hash::SHA256, 16, false) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_256_CBC, Crypto::Hash::SHA256, 16, false) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA256, 8, true) \ C(true, CipherSuite::RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA384, 8, true) \ C(true, CipherSuite::DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::DHE_RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA256, 8, true) \ C(true, CipherSuite::DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::DHE_RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA384, 8, true) \ C(true, CipherSuite::ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE_RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_128_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA256, 8, true) \ C(true, CipherSuite::ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, KeyExchangeAlgorithm::ECDHE_RSA, CipherAlgorithm::AES_256_GCM, Crypto::Hash::SHA384, 8, true) constexpr KeyExchangeAlgorithm get_key_exchange_algorithm(CipherSuite suite) { switch (suite) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return key_exchange; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return KeyExchangeAlgorithm::Invalid; } } constexpr CipherAlgorithm get_cipher_algorithm(CipherSuite suite) { switch (suite) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return cipher; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return CipherAlgorithm::Invalid; } } struct Options { static Vector default_usable_cipher_suites() { Vector cipher_suites; #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ if constexpr (is_supported) \ cipher_suites.empend(suite); ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C return cipher_suites; } Vector usable_cipher_suites = default_usable_cipher_suites(); #define OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(typ, name, ...) \ static typ default_##name() \ { \ return typ { __VA_ARGS__ }; \ } \ typ name = default_##name(); \ Options& set_##name(typ new_value)& \ { \ name = move(new_value); \ return *this; \ } \ Options&& set_##name(typ new_value)&& \ { \ name = move(new_value); \ return move(*this); \ } OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Version, version, Version::V12) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Vector, supported_signature_algorithms, { HashAlgorithm::SHA512, SignatureAlgorithm::RSA }, { HashAlgorithm::SHA384, SignatureAlgorithm::RSA }, { HashAlgorithm::SHA256, SignatureAlgorithm::RSA }, { HashAlgorithm::SHA1, SignatureAlgorithm::RSA }); OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Vector, elliptic_curves, NamedCurve::x25519, NamedCurve::secp256r1, NamedCurve::x448) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Vector, supported_ec_point_formats, ECPointFormat::Uncompressed) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(bool, use_sni, true) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(bool, use_compression, false) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(bool, validate_certificates, true) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(bool, allow_self_signed_certificates, false) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Optional>, root_certificates, ) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Function, alert_handler, [](auto) {}) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Function, finish_callback, [] {}) OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS(Function()>, certificate_provider, [] { return Vector {}; }) #undef OPTION_WITH_DEFAULTS }; struct Context { bool verify_chain(StringView host) const; bool verify_certificate_pair(Certificate const& subject, Certificate const& issuer) const; Options options; u8 remote_random[32]; u8 local_random[32]; u8 session_id[32]; u8 session_id_size { 0 }; CipherSuite cipher; bool is_server { false }; Vector certificates; Certificate private_key; Vector client_certificates; ByteBuffer master_key; ByteBuffer premaster_key; u8 cipher_spec_set { 0 }; struct { int created { 0 }; u8 remote_mac[32]; u8 local_mac[32]; u8 local_iv[16]; u8 remote_iv[16]; u8 local_aead_iv[4]; u8 remote_aead_iv[4]; } crypto; Crypto::Hash::Manager handshake_hash; ByteBuffer message_buffer; u64 remote_sequence_number { 0 }; u64 local_sequence_number { 0 }; ConnectionStatus connection_status { ConnectionStatus::Disconnected }; u8 critical_error { 0 }; Error error_code { Error::NoError }; ByteBuffer tls_buffer; ByteBuffer application_buffer; bool is_child { false }; struct { // Server Name Indicator DeprecatedString SNI; // I hate your existence } extensions; u8 request_client_certificate { 0 }; ByteBuffer cached_handshake; ClientVerificationStaus client_verified { Verified }; bool connection_finished { false }; bool close_notify { false }; bool has_invoked_finish_or_error_callback { false }; // message flags u8 handshake_messages[11] { 0 }; ByteBuffer user_data; HashMap root_certificates; Vector alpn; StringView negotiated_alpn; size_t send_retries { 0 }; time_t handshake_initiation_timestamp { 0 }; struct { ByteBuffer p; ByteBuffer g; ByteBuffer Ys; } server_diffie_hellman_params; OwnPtr server_key_exchange_curve; }; class TLSv12 final : public Core::Stream::Socket { private: Core::Stream::Socket& underlying_stream() { return *m_stream.visit([&](auto& stream) -> Core::Stream::Socket* { return stream; }); } Core::Stream::Socket const& underlying_stream() const { return *m_stream.visit([&](auto& stream) -> Core::Stream::Socket const* { return stream; }); } public: virtual bool is_readable() const override { return true; } virtual bool is_writable() const override { return true; } /// Reads into a buffer, with the maximum size being the size of the buffer. /// The amount of bytes read can be smaller than the size of the buffer. /// Returns either the bytes that were read, or an errno in the case of /// failure. virtual ErrorOr read(Bytes) override; /// Tries to write the entire contents of the buffer. It is possible for /// less than the full buffer to be written. Returns either the amount of /// bytes written into the stream, or an errno in the case of failure. virtual ErrorOr write(ReadonlyBytes) override; virtual bool is_eof() const override { return m_context.application_buffer.is_empty() && (m_context.connection_finished || underlying_stream().is_eof()); } virtual bool is_open() const override { return is_established(); } virtual void close() override; virtual ErrorOr pending_bytes() const override { return m_context.application_buffer.size(); } virtual ErrorOr can_read_without_blocking(int = 0) const override { return !m_context.application_buffer.is_empty(); } virtual ErrorOr set_blocking(bool block) override { VERIFY(!block); return {}; } virtual ErrorOr set_close_on_exec(bool enabled) override { return underlying_stream().set_close_on_exec(enabled); } virtual void set_notifications_enabled(bool enabled) override { underlying_stream().set_notifications_enabled(enabled); } static ErrorOr> connect(DeprecatedString const& host, u16 port, Options = {}); static ErrorOr> connect(DeprecatedString const& host, Core::Stream::Socket& underlying_stream, Options = {}); using StreamVariantType = Variant, Core::Stream::Socket*>; explicit TLSv12(StreamVariantType, Options); bool is_established() const { return m_context.connection_status == ConnectionStatus::Established; } void set_sni(StringView sni) { if (m_context.is_server || m_context.critical_error || m_context.connection_status != ConnectionStatus::Disconnected) { dbgln("invalid state for set_sni"); return; } m_context.extensions.SNI = sni; } bool load_certificates(ReadonlyBytes pem_buffer); bool load_private_key(ReadonlyBytes pem_buffer); void set_root_certificates(Vector); static Vector parse_pem_certificate(ReadonlyBytes certificate_pem_buffer, ReadonlyBytes key_pem_buffer); ByteBuffer finish_build(); StringView alpn() const { return m_context.negotiated_alpn; } void add_alpn(StringView alpn); bool has_alpn(StringView alpn) const; bool supports_cipher(CipherSuite suite) const { switch (suite) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return is_supported; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return false; } } bool supports_version(Version v) const { return v == Version::V12; } void alert(AlertLevel, AlertDescription); bool can_read_line() const { return m_context.application_buffer.size() && memchr(m_context.application_buffer.data(), '\n', m_context.application_buffer.size()); } bool can_read() const { return m_context.application_buffer.size() > 0; } DeprecatedString read_line(size_t max_size); Function on_tls_error; Function on_tls_finished; Function on_tls_certificate_request; Function on_connected; private: void setup_connection(); void consume(ReadonlyBytes record); ByteBuffer hmac_message(ReadonlyBytes buf, Optional const buf2, size_t mac_length, bool local = false); void ensure_hmac(size_t digest_size, bool local); void update_packet(ByteBuffer& packet); void update_hash(ReadonlyBytes in, size_t header_size); void write_packet(ByteBuffer& packet); ByteBuffer build_client_key_exchange(); ByteBuffer build_server_key_exchange(); ByteBuffer build_hello(); ByteBuffer build_handshake_finished(); ByteBuffer build_certificate(); ByteBuffer build_done(); ByteBuffer build_alert(bool critical, u8 code); ByteBuffer build_change_cipher_spec(); ByteBuffer build_verify_request(); void build_rsa_pre_master_secret(PacketBuilder&); void build_dhe_rsa_pre_master_secret(PacketBuilder&); void build_ecdhe_rsa_pre_master_secret(PacketBuilder&); ErrorOr flush(); void write_into_socket(); ErrorOr read_from_socket(); bool check_connection_state(bool read); void notify_client_for_app_data(); ssize_t handle_server_hello(ReadonlyBytes, WritePacketStage&); ssize_t handle_handshake_finished(ReadonlyBytes, WritePacketStage&); ssize_t handle_certificate(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_server_key_exchange(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_dhe_rsa_server_key_exchange(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_ecdhe_rsa_server_key_exchange(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_server_hello_done(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_certificate_verify(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_handshake_payload(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_message(ReadonlyBytes); ssize_t handle_random(ReadonlyBytes); void pseudorandom_function(Bytes output, ReadonlyBytes secret, u8 const* label, size_t label_length, ReadonlyBytes seed, ReadonlyBytes seed_b); ssize_t verify_rsa_server_key_exchange(ReadonlyBytes server_key_info_buffer, ReadonlyBytes signature_buffer); size_t key_length() const { switch (m_context.cipher) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return cipher_key_size(cipher) / 8; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return 128 / 8; } } size_t mac_length() const { switch (m_context.cipher) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return hash ::digest_size(); ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return Crypto::Hash::SHA256::digest_size(); } } Crypto::Hash::HashKind hmac_hash() const { switch (mac_length()) { case Crypto::Hash::SHA512::DigestSize: return Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA512; case Crypto::Hash::SHA384::DigestSize: return Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA384; case Crypto::Hash::SHA256::DigestSize: case Crypto::Hash::SHA1::DigestSize: default: return Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA256; } } size_t iv_length() const { switch (m_context.cipher) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return iv_size; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return 16; } } bool is_aead() const { switch (m_context.cipher) { #define C(is_supported, suite, key_exchange, cipher, hash, iv_size, is_aead) \ case suite: \ return is_aead; ENUMERATE_CIPHERS(C) #undef C default: return false; } } bool expand_key(); bool compute_master_secret_from_pre_master_secret(size_t length); void try_disambiguate_error() const; bool m_eof { false }; StreamVariantType m_stream; Context m_context; OwnPtr> m_hmac_local; OwnPtr> m_hmac_remote; using CipherVariant = Variant< Empty, Crypto::Cipher::AESCipher::CBCMode, Crypto::Cipher::AESCipher::GCMMode>; CipherVariant m_cipher_local {}; CipherVariant m_cipher_remote {}; bool m_has_scheduled_write_flush { false }; bool m_has_scheduled_app_data_flush { false }; i32 m_max_wait_time_for_handshake_in_seconds { 10 }; RefPtr m_handshake_timeout_timer; }; }