/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include namespace SQL { // https://sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html #define ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKENS \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ABORT", Abort, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ACTION", Action, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ADD", Add, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("AFTER", After, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ALL", All, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ALTER", Alter, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ALWAYS", Always, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ANALYZE", Analyze, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("AND", And, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("AS", As, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ASC", Asc, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ATTACH", Attach, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("AUTOINCREMENT", Autoincrement, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("BEFORE", Before, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("BEGIN", Begin, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("BETWEEN", Between, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("BY", By, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CASCADE", Cascade, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CASE", Case, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CAST", Cast, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CHECK", Check, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("COLLATE", Collate, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("COLUMN", Column, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("COMMIT", Commit, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CONFLICT", Conflict, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CONSTRAINT", Constraint, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CREATE", Create, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CROSS", Cross, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CURRENT", Current, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CURRENT_DATE", CurrentDate, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CURRENT_TIME", CurrentTime, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", CurrentTimestamp, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DATABASE", Database, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DEFAULT", Default, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DEFERRABLE", Deferrable, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DEFERRED", Deferred, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DELETE", Delete, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DESC", Desc, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DETACH", Detach, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DISTINCT", Distinct, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DO", Do, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("DROP", Drop, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EACH", Each, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ELSE", Else, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("END", End, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ESCAPE", Escape, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EXCEPT", Except, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EXCLUDE", Exclude, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EXCLUSIVE", Exclusive, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EXISTS", Exists, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("EXPLAIN", Explain, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FAIL", Fail, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FILTER", Filter, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FIRST", First, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FOLLOWING", Following, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FOR", For, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FOREIGN", Foreign, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FROM", From, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("FULL", Full, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("GENERATED", Generated, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("GLOB", Glob, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("GROUP", Group, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("GROUPS", Groups, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("HAVING", Having, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("IF", If, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("IGNORE", Ignore, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("IMMEDIATE", Immediate, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("IN", In, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INDEX", Index, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INDEXED", Indexed, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INITIALLY", Initially, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INNER", Inner, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INSERT", Insert, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INSTEAD", Instead, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INTERSECT", Intersect, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("INTO", Into, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("IS", Is, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ISNULL", Isnull, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("JOIN", Join, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("KEY", Key, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("LAST", Last, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("LEFT", Left, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("LIKE", Like, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("LIMIT", Limit, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("MATCH", Match, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("MATERIALIZED", Materialized, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NATURAL", Natural, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NO", No, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NOT", Not, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NOTHING", Nothing, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NOTNULL", Notnull, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NULL", Null, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("NULLS", Nulls, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OF", Of, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OFFSET", Offset, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ON", On, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OR", Or, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ORDER", Order, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OTHERS", Others, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OUTER", Outer, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("OVER", Over, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("PARTITION", Partition, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("PLAN", Plan, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("PRAGMA", Pragma, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("PRECEDING", Preceding, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("PRIMARY", Primary, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("QUERY", Query, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RAISE", Raise, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RANGE", Range, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RECURSIVE", Recursive, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("REFERENCES", References, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("REGEXP", Regexp, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("REINDEX", Reindex, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RELEASE", Release, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RENAME", Rename, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("REPLACE", Replace, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RESTRICT", Restrict, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RETURNING", Returning, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("RIGHT", Right, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ROLLBACK", Rollback, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ROW", Row, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("ROWS", Rows, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("SAVEPOINT", Savepoint, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("SELECT", Select, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("SET", Set, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TABLE", Table, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TEMP", Temp, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TEMPORARY", Temporary, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("THEN", Then, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TIES", Ties, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TO", To, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TRANSACTION", Transaction, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("TRIGGER", Trigger, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("UNBOUNDED", Unbounded, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("UNION", Union, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("UNIQUE", Unique, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("UPDATE", Update, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("USING", Using, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("VACUUM", Vacuum, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("VALUES", Values, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("VIEW", View, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("VIRTUAL", Virtual, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("WHEN", When, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("WHERE", Where, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("WINDOW", Window, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("WITH", With, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("WITHOUT", Without, Keyword) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("_identifier_", Identifier, Identifier) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("_numeric_", NumericLiteral, Number) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("_eof_", Eof, Invalid) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("_invalid_", Invalid, Invalid) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("&", Ampersand, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("*", Asterisk, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(",", Comma, Punctuation) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("/", Divide, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("||", DoublePipe, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("=", Equals, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("==", EqualsEquals, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(">", GreaterThan, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(">=", GreaterThanEquals, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("<", LessThan, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("<=", LessThanEquals, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("-", Minus, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("%", Modulus, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("!=", NotEquals1, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("<>", NotEquals2, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(")", ParenClose, Punctuation) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("(", ParenOpen, Punctuation) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(".", Period, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("|", Pipe, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("+", Plus, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(";", SemiColon, Punctuation) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("<<", ShiftLeft, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(">>", ShiftRight, Operator) \ __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN("~", Tilde, Operator) enum class TokenType { #define __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN(value, type, category) type, ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKENS #undef __ENUMERATE_SQL_TOKEN _COUNT_OF_TOKENS, }; enum class TokenCategory { Invalid, Keyword, Identifier, Number, Operator, Punctuation, }; class Token { public: Token(TokenType type, StringView value, size_t line_number, size_t line_column) : m_type(type) , m_value(value) , m_line_number(line_number) , m_line_column(line_column) { } static StringView name(TokenType); static TokenCategory category(TokenType); StringView name() const { return name(m_type); } TokenType type() const { return m_type; } TokenCategory category() const { return category(m_type); } StringView value() const { return m_value; } double double_value() const; size_t line_number() const { return m_line_number; } size_t line_column() const { return m_line_column; } private: TokenType m_type; StringView m_value; size_t m_line_number; size_t m_line_column; }; }