/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Emanuel Sprung * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "RegexByteCode.h" #include "AK/StringBuilder.h" #include "RegexDebug.h" #include #include namespace regex { const char* OpCode::name(OpCodeId opcode_id) { switch (opcode_id) { #define __ENUMERATE_OPCODE(x) \ case OpCodeId::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_OPCODES #undef __ENUMERATE_OPCODE default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } const char* OpCode::name() const { return name(opcode_id()); } const char* execution_result_name(ExecutionResult result) { switch (result) { #define __ENUMERATE_EXECUTION_RESULT(x) \ case ExecutionResult::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_EXECUTION_RESULTS #undef __ENUMERATE_EXECUTION_RESULT default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } const char* boundary_check_type_name(BoundaryCheckType ty) { switch (ty) { #define __ENUMERATE_BOUNDARY_CHECK_TYPE(x) \ case BoundaryCheckType::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_BOUNDARY_CHECK_TYPES #undef __ENUMERATE_BOUNDARY_CHECK_TYPE default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } const char* character_compare_type_name(CharacterCompareType ch_compare_type) { switch (ch_compare_type) { #define __ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_COMPARE_TYPE(x) \ case CharacterCompareType::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_COMPARE_TYPES #undef __ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_COMPARE_TYPE default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } static const char* character_class_name(CharClass ch_class) { switch (ch_class) { #define __ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_CLASS(x) \ case CharClass::x: \ return #x; ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_CLASSES #undef __ENUMERATE_CHARACTER_CLASS default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ""; } } OwnPtr ByteCode::s_opcodes[(size_t)OpCodeId::Last + 1]; bool ByteCode::s_opcodes_initialized { false }; void ByteCode::ensure_opcodes_initialized() { if (s_opcodes_initialized) return; for (u32 i = (u32)OpCodeId::First; i <= (u32)OpCodeId::Last; ++i) { switch ((OpCodeId)i) { case OpCodeId::Exit: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::Jump: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::Compare: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::CheckEnd: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::CheckBoundary: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::ForkJump: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::ForkStay: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::FailForks: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::Save: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::Restore: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::GoBack: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::CheckBegin: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::SaveLeftCaptureGroup: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::SaveRightCaptureGroup: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::SaveLeftNamedCaptureGroup: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; case OpCodeId::SaveRightNamedCaptureGroup: s_opcodes[i] = make(); break; } } s_opcodes_initialized = true; } ALWAYS_INLINE OpCode& ByteCode::get_opcode_by_id(OpCodeId id) const { VERIFY(id >= OpCodeId::First && id <= OpCodeId::Last); auto& opcode = s_opcodes[(u32)id]; opcode->set_bytecode(*const_cast(this)); return *opcode; } OpCode& ByteCode::get_opcode(MatchState& state) const { OpCodeId opcode_id; if (state.instruction_position >= size()) opcode_id = OpCodeId::Exit; else opcode_id = (OpCodeId)at(state.instruction_position); auto& opcode = get_opcode_by_id(opcode_id); opcode.set_state(state); return opcode; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_Exit::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { if (state.string_position > input.view.length() || state.instruction_position >= m_bytecode->size()) return ExecutionResult::Succeeded; return ExecutionResult::Failed; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_Save::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { input.saved_positions.append(state.string_position); return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_Restore::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { if (input.saved_positions.is_empty()) return ExecutionResult::Failed; state.string_position = input.saved_positions.take_last(); return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_GoBack::execute(const MatchInput&, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { if (count() > state.string_position) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; state.string_position -= count(); return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_FailForks::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState&, MatchOutput&) const { VERIFY(count() > 0); input.fail_counter += count() - 1; return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_Jump::execute(const MatchInput&, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { state.instruction_position += offset(); return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_ForkJump::execute(const MatchInput&, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { state.fork_at_position = state.instruction_position + size() + offset(); return ExecutionResult::Fork_PrioHigh; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_ForkStay::execute(const MatchInput&, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { state.fork_at_position = state.instruction_position + size() + offset(); return ExecutionResult::Fork_PrioLow; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_CheckBegin::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { if (0 == state.string_position && (input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotBeginOfLine)) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; if ((0 == state.string_position && !(input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotBeginOfLine)) || (0 != state.string_position && (input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotBeginOfLine)) || (0 == state.string_position && (input.regex_options & AllFlags::Global))) return ExecutionResult::Continue; return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_CheckBoundary::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { auto isword = [](auto ch) { return is_ascii_alphanumeric(ch) || ch == '_'; }; auto is_word_boundary = [&] { if (state.string_position == input.view.length()) { if (state.string_position > 0 && isword(input.view[state.string_position - 1])) return true; return false; } if (state.string_position == 0) { if (isword(input.view[0])) return true; return false; } return !!(isword(input.view[state.string_position]) ^ isword(input.view[state.string_position - 1])); }; switch (type()) { case BoundaryCheckType::Word: { if (is_word_boundary()) return ExecutionResult::Continue; return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } case BoundaryCheckType::NonWord: { if (!is_word_boundary()) return ExecutionResult::Continue; return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_CheckEnd::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput&) const { if (state.string_position == input.view.length() && (input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotEndOfLine)) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; if ((state.string_position == input.view.length() && !(input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotEndOfLine)) || (state.string_position != input.view.length() && (input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotEndOfLine || input.regex_options & AllFlags::MatchNotBeginOfLine))) return ExecutionResult::Continue; return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_SaveLeftCaptureGroup::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput& output) const { if (input.match_index >= output.capture_group_matches.size()) { output.capture_group_matches.ensure_capacity(input.match_index); auto capacity = output.capture_group_matches.capacity(); for (size_t i = output.capture_group_matches.size(); i <= capacity; ++i) output.capture_group_matches.empend(); } if (id() >= output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).size()) { output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).ensure_capacity(id()); auto capacity = output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).capacity(); for (size_t i = output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).size(); i <= capacity; ++i) output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).empend(); } output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).at(id()).left_column = state.string_position; return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_SaveRightCaptureGroup::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput& output) const { auto& match = output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).at(id()); auto start_position = match.left_column; auto length = state.string_position - start_position; if (start_position < match.column) return ExecutionResult::Continue; VERIFY(start_position + length <= input.view.length()); auto view = input.view.substring_view(start_position, length); if (input.regex_options & AllFlags::StringCopyMatches) { match = { view.to_string(), input.line, start_position, input.global_offset + start_position }; // create a copy of the original string } else { match = { view, input.line, start_position, input.global_offset + start_position }; // take view to original string } return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_SaveLeftNamedCaptureGroup::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput& output) const { if (input.match_index >= output.named_capture_group_matches.size()) { output.named_capture_group_matches.ensure_capacity(input.match_index); auto capacity = output.named_capture_group_matches.capacity(); for (size_t i = output.named_capture_group_matches.size(); i <= capacity; ++i) output.named_capture_group_matches.empend(); } output.named_capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).ensure(name()).column = state.string_position; return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_SaveRightNamedCaptureGroup::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput& output) const { StringView capture_group_name = name(); if (output.named_capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).contains(capture_group_name)) { auto start_position = output.named_capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).ensure(capture_group_name).column; auto length = state.string_position - start_position; auto& map = output.named_capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index); if constexpr (REGEX_DEBUG) { VERIFY(start_position + length <= input.view.length()); dbgln("Save named capture group with name={} and content='{}'", capture_group_name, input.view.substring_view(start_position, length)); } VERIFY(start_position + length <= input.view.length()); auto view = input.view.substring_view(start_position, length); if (input.regex_options & AllFlags::StringCopyMatches) { map.set(capture_group_name, { view.to_string(), input.line, start_position, input.global_offset + start_position }); // create a copy of the original string } else { map.set(capture_group_name, { view, input.line, start_position, input.global_offset + start_position }); // take view to original string } } else { warnln("Didn't find corresponding capture group match for name={}, match_index={}", capture_group_name.to_string(), input.match_index); } return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE ExecutionResult OpCode_Compare::execute(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, MatchOutput& output) const { bool inverse { false }; bool temporary_inverse { false }; bool reset_temp_inverse { false }; auto current_inversion_state = [&]() -> bool { return temporary_inverse ^ inverse; }; size_t string_position = state.string_position; bool inverse_matched { false }; bool had_zero_length_match { false }; state.string_position_before_match = state.string_position; size_t offset { state.instruction_position + 3 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments_count(); ++i) { if (state.string_position > string_position) break; if (reset_temp_inverse) { reset_temp_inverse = false; temporary_inverse = false; } else { reset_temp_inverse = true; } auto compare_type = (CharacterCompareType)m_bytecode->at(offset++); if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::Inverse) inverse = true; else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::TemporaryInverse) { // If "TemporaryInverse" is given, negate the current inversion state only for the next opcode. // it follows that this cannot be the last compare element. VERIFY(i != arguments_count() - 1); temporary_inverse = true; reset_temp_inverse = false; } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::Char) { u32 ch = m_bytecode->at(offset++); // We want to compare a string that is longer or equal in length to the available string if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < 1) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; compare_char(input, state, ch, current_inversion_state(), inverse_matched); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::AnyChar) { // We want to compare a string that is definitely longer than the available string if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < 1) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; VERIFY(!current_inversion_state()); ++state.string_position; } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::String) { VERIFY(!current_inversion_state()); const auto& length = m_bytecode->at(offset++); StringBuilder str_builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) str_builder.append(m_bytecode->at(offset++)); // We want to compare a string that is definitely longer than the available string if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < length) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; if (!compare_string(input, state, str_builder.string_view().characters_without_null_termination(), length, had_zero_length_match)) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::CharClass) { if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < 1) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; auto character_class = (CharClass)m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto ch = input.view[state.string_position]; compare_character_class(input, state, character_class, ch, current_inversion_state(), inverse_matched); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::CharRange) { auto value = (CharRange)m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto from = value.from; auto to = value.to; auto ch = input.view[state.string_position]; compare_character_range(input, state, from, to, ch, current_inversion_state(), inverse_matched); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::Reference) { auto reference_number = (size_t)m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto& groups = output.capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index); if (groups.size() <= reference_number) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; auto str = groups.at(reference_number).view; // We want to compare a string that is definitely longer than the available string if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < str.length()) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; if (!compare_string(input, state, str.characters_without_null_termination(), str.length(), had_zero_length_match)) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::NamedReference) { auto ptr = (const char*)m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto length = (size_t)m_bytecode->at(offset++); StringView name { ptr, length }; auto group = output.named_capture_group_matches.at(input.match_index).get(name); if (!group.has_value()) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; auto str = group.value().view; // We want to compare a string that is definitely longer than the available string if (input.view.length() - state.string_position < str.length()) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; if (!compare_string(input, state, str.characters_without_null_termination(), str.length(), had_zero_length_match)) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; } else { warnln("Undefined comparison: {}", (int)compare_type); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); break; } } if (current_inversion_state() && !inverse_matched) ++state.string_position; if ((!had_zero_length_match && string_position == state.string_position) || state.string_position > input.view.length()) return ExecutionResult::Failed_ExecuteLowPrioForks; return ExecutionResult::Continue; } ALWAYS_INLINE void OpCode_Compare::compare_char(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, u32 ch1, bool inverse, bool& inverse_matched) { u32 ch2 = input.view[state.string_position]; if (input.regex_options & AllFlags::Insensitive) { ch1 = to_ascii_lowercase(ch1); ch2 = to_ascii_lowercase(ch2); } if (ch1 == ch2) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } } ALWAYS_INLINE bool OpCode_Compare::compare_string(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, const char* str, size_t length, bool& had_zero_length_match) { if (input.view.is_u8_view()) { auto str_view1 = StringView(str, length); auto str_view2 = StringView(&input.view.u8view()[state.string_position], length); bool string_equals; if (input.regex_options & AllFlags::Insensitive) string_equals = str_view1.equals_ignoring_case(str_view2); else string_equals = str_view1 == str_view2; if (string_equals) { state.string_position += length; if (length == 0) had_zero_length_match = true; return true; } } return false; } ALWAYS_INLINE void OpCode_Compare::compare_character_class(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, CharClass character_class, u32 ch, bool inverse, bool& inverse_matched) { switch (character_class) { case CharClass::Alnum: if (is_ascii_alphanumeric(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Alpha: if (is_ascii_alpha(ch)) ++state.string_position; break; case CharClass::Blank: if (is_ascii_blank(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Cntrl: if (is_ascii_control(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Digit: if (is_ascii_digit(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Graph: if (is_ascii_graphical(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Lower: if (is_ascii_lower_alpha(ch) || ((input.regex_options & AllFlags::Insensitive) && is_ascii_upper_alpha(ch))) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Print: if (is_ascii_printable(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Punct: if (is_ascii_punctuation(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Space: if (is_ascii_space(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Upper: if (is_ascii_upper_alpha(ch) || ((input.regex_options & AllFlags::Insensitive) && is_ascii_lower_alpha(ch))) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Word: if (is_ascii_alphanumeric(ch) || ch == '_') { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; case CharClass::Xdigit: if (is_ascii_hex_digit(ch)) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } break; } } ALWAYS_INLINE void OpCode_Compare::compare_character_range(const MatchInput& input, MatchState& state, u32 from, u32 to, u32 ch, bool inverse, bool& inverse_matched) { if (input.regex_options & AllFlags::Insensitive) { from = to_ascii_lowercase(from); to = to_ascii_lowercase(to); ch = to_ascii_lowercase(ch); } if (ch >= from && ch <= to) { if (inverse) inverse_matched = true; else ++state.string_position; } } const String OpCode_Compare::arguments_string() const { return String::formatted("argc={}, args={} ", arguments_count(), arguments_size()); } const Vector OpCode_Compare::variable_arguments_to_string(Optional input) const { Vector result; size_t offset { state().instruction_position + 3 }; RegexStringView view = ((input.has_value()) ? input.value().view : nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments_count(); ++i) { auto compare_type = (CharacterCompareType)m_bytecode->at(offset++); result.empend(String::formatted("type={} [{}]", (size_t)compare_type, character_compare_type_name(compare_type))); auto string_start_offset = state().string_position_before_match; if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::Char) { auto ch = m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto is_ascii = is_ascii_printable(ch); if (is_ascii) result.empend(String::formatted("value='{:c}'", static_cast(ch))); else result.empend(String::formatted("value={:x}", ch)); if (!view.is_null() && view.length() > string_start_offset) { if (is_ascii) { result.empend(String::formatted( "compare against: '{}'", view.substring_view(string_start_offset, string_start_offset > view.length() ? 0 : 1).to_string())); } else { auto str = view.substring_view(string_start_offset, string_start_offset > view.length() ? 0 : 1).to_string(); u8 buf[8] { 0 }; __builtin_memcpy(buf, str.characters(), min(str.length(), sizeof(buf))); result.empend(String::formatted("compare against: {:x},{:x},{:x},{:x},{:x},{:x},{:x},{:x}", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[7])); } } } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::NamedReference) { auto ptr = (const char*)m_bytecode->at(offset++); auto length = m_bytecode->at(offset++); result.empend(String::formatted("name='{}'", StringView { ptr, (size_t)length })); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::Reference) { auto ref = m_bytecode->at(offset++); result.empend(String::formatted("number={}", ref)); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::String) { auto& length = m_bytecode->at(offset++); StringBuilder str_builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) str_builder.append(m_bytecode->at(offset++)); result.empend(String::formatted("value=\"{}\"", str_builder.string_view().substring_view(0, length))); if (!view.is_null() && view.length() > state().string_position) result.empend(String::formatted( "compare against: \"{}\"", input.value().view.substring_view(string_start_offset, string_start_offset + length > view.length() ? 0 : length).to_string())); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::CharClass) { auto character_class = (CharClass)m_bytecode->at(offset++); result.empend(String::formatted("ch_class={} [{}]", (size_t)character_class, character_class_name(character_class))); if (!view.is_null() && view.length() > state().string_position) result.empend(String::formatted( "compare against: '{}'", input.value().view.substring_view(string_start_offset, state().string_position > view.length() ? 0 : 1).to_string())); } else if (compare_type == CharacterCompareType::CharRange) { auto value = (CharRange)m_bytecode->at(offset++); result.empend(String::formatted("ch_range='{:c}'-'{:c}'", value.from, value.to)); if (!view.is_null() && view.length() > state().string_position) result.empend(String::formatted( "compare against: '{}'", input.value().view.substring_view(string_start_offset, state().string_position > view.length() ? 0 : 1).to_string())); } } return result; } }