/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Matthew Olsson * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace PDF { template static NonnullRefPtr make_object(Args... args) requires(IsBaseOf) { return adopt_ref(*new T(forward(args)...)); } Vector Parser::parse_graphics_commands(const ReadonlyBytes& bytes) { Parser parser(bytes); return parser.parse_graphics_commands(); } Parser::Parser(Badge, const ReadonlyBytes& bytes) : m_reader(bytes) { } Parser::Parser(const ReadonlyBytes& bytes) : m_reader(bytes) { } bool Parser::perform_validation() { return !sloppy_is_linearized() && parse_header(); } Parser::XRefTableAndTrailer Parser::parse_last_xref_table_and_trailer() { m_reader.move_to(m_reader.bytes().size() - 1); VERIFY(navigate_to_before_eof_marker()); navigate_to_after_startxref(); VERIFY(!m_reader.done()); m_reader.set_reading_forwards(); auto xref_offset_value = parse_number(); VERIFY(xref_offset_value.is_int()); auto xref_offset = xref_offset_value.as_int(); m_reader.move_to(xref_offset); auto xref_table = parse_xref_table(); auto trailer = parse_file_trailer(); return { xref_table, trailer }; } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_indirect_value_at_offset(size_t offset) { m_reader.set_reading_forwards(); m_reader.move_to(offset); return parse_indirect_value(); } bool Parser::parse_header() { // FIXME: Do something with the version? m_reader.set_reading_forwards(); m_reader.move_to(0); if (m_reader.remaining() < 8 || !m_reader.matches("%PDF-")) return false; m_reader.move_by(5); char major_ver = m_reader.read(); if (major_ver != '1' && major_ver != '2') return false; if (m_reader.read() != '.') return false; char minor_ver = m_reader.read(); if (minor_ver < '0' || major_ver > '7') return false; consume_eol(); // Parse optional high-byte comment, which signifies a binary file // FIXME: Do something with this? auto comment = parse_comment(); if (!comment.is_empty()) { auto binary = comment.length() >= 4; if (binary) { for (size_t i = 0; i < comment.length() && binary; i++) binary = static_cast(comment[i]) > 128; } } return true; } XRefTable Parser::parse_xref_table() { VERIFY(m_reader.matches("xref")); m_reader.move_by(4); consume_eol(); XRefTable table; while (true) { if (m_reader.matches("trailer")) break; Vector entries; auto starting_index_value = parse_number(); auto starting_index = starting_index_value.as_int(); auto object_count_value = parse_number(); auto object_count = object_count_value.as_int(); for (int i = 0; i < object_count; i++) { auto offset_string = String(m_reader.bytes().slice(m_reader.offset(), 10)); m_reader.move_by(10); consume(' '); auto generation_string = String(m_reader.bytes().slice(m_reader.offset(), 5)); m_reader.move_by(5); consume(' '); auto letter = m_reader.read(); VERIFY(letter == 'n' || letter == 'f'); // The line ending sequence can be one of the following: // SP CR, SP LF, or CR LF if (m_reader.matches(' ')) { consume(); auto ch = consume(); VERIFY(ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'); } else { VERIFY(m_reader.matches("\r\n")); m_reader.move_by(2); } auto offset = strtol(offset_string.characters(), nullptr, 10); auto generation = strtol(generation_string.characters(), nullptr, 10); entries.append({ offset, static_cast(generation), letter == 'n' }); } table.add_section({ starting_index, object_count, entries }); } return table; } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_file_trailer() { VERIFY(m_reader.matches("trailer")); m_reader.move_by(7); consume_whitespace(); auto dict = parse_dict(); VERIFY(m_reader.matches("startxref")); m_reader.move_by(9); consume_whitespace(); m_reader.move_until([&](auto) { return matches_eol(); }); consume_eol(); VERIFY(m_reader.matches("%%EOF")); m_reader.move_by(5); consume_whitespace(); VERIFY(m_reader.done()); return dict; } bool Parser::navigate_to_before_eof_marker() { m_reader.set_reading_backwards(); while (!m_reader.done()) { m_reader.move_until([&](auto) { return matches_eol(); }); if (m_reader.done()) return false; consume_eol(); if (!m_reader.matches("%%EOF")) continue; m_reader.move_by(5); if (!matches_eol()) continue; consume_eol(); return true; } return false; } bool Parser::navigate_to_after_startxref() { m_reader.set_reading_backwards(); while (!m_reader.done()) { m_reader.move_until([&](auto) { return matches_eol(); }); auto offset = m_reader.offset() + 1; consume_eol(); if (!m_reader.matches("startxref")) continue; m_reader.move_by(9); if (!matches_eol()) continue; m_reader.move_to(offset); return true; } return false; } bool Parser::sloppy_is_linearized() { ScopeGuard guard([&] { m_reader.move_to(0); m_reader.set_reading_forwards(); }); auto limit = min(1024ul, m_reader.bytes().size() - 1); m_reader.move_to(limit); m_reader.set_reading_backwards(); while (!m_reader.done()) { m_reader.move_until('/'); if (m_reader.matches("/Linearized")) return true; m_reader.move_by(1); } return false; } String Parser::parse_comment() { if (!m_reader.matches('%')) return {}; consume(); auto comment_start_offset = m_reader.offset(); m_reader.move_until([&](auto) { return matches_eol(); }); String str = StringView(m_reader.bytes().slice(comment_start_offset, m_reader.offset() - comment_start_offset)); consume_eol(); consume_whitespace(); return str; } Value Parser::parse_value() { parse_comment(); if (m_reader.matches("null")) { m_reader.move_by(4); consume_whitespace(); return Value(); } if (m_reader.matches("true")) { m_reader.move_by(4); consume_whitespace(); return Value(true); } if (m_reader.matches("false")) { m_reader.move_by(5); consume_whitespace(); return Value(false); } if (matches_number()) return parse_possible_indirect_value_or_ref(); if (m_reader.matches('/')) return parse_name(); if (m_reader.matches("<<")) { auto dict = parse_dict(); if (m_reader.matches("stream\n")) return parse_stream(dict); return dict; } if (m_reader.matches_any('(', '<')) return parse_string(); if (m_reader.matches('[')) return parse_array(); dbgln("tried to parse value, but found char {} ({}) at offset {}", m_reader.peek(), static_cast(m_reader.peek()), m_reader.offset()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } Value Parser::parse_possible_indirect_value_or_ref() { auto first_number = parse_number(); if (!first_number.is_int() || !matches_number()) return first_number; m_reader.save(); auto second_number = parse_number(); if (!second_number.is_int()) { m_reader.load(); return first_number; } if (m_reader.matches('R')) { m_reader.discard(); consume(); consume_whitespace(); return Value(first_number.as_int(), second_number.as_int()); } if (m_reader.matches("obj")) { m_reader.discard(); return parse_indirect_value(first_number.as_int(), second_number.as_int()); } m_reader.load(); return first_number; } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_indirect_value(int index, int generation) { VERIFY(m_reader.matches("obj")); m_reader.move_by(3); if (matches_eol()) consume_eol(); auto value = parse_value(); VERIFY(m_reader.matches("endobj")); return make_object(index, generation, value); } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_indirect_value() { auto first_number = parse_number(); auto second_number = parse_number(); VERIFY(first_number.is_int() && second_number.is_int()); return parse_indirect_value(first_number.as_int(), second_number.as_int()); } Value Parser::parse_number() { size_t start_offset = m_reader.offset(); bool is_float = false; if (m_reader.matches('+') || m_reader.matches('-')) consume(); while (!m_reader.done()) { if (m_reader.matches('.')) { if (is_float) break; is_float = true; consume(); } else if (isdigit(m_reader.peek())) { consume(); } else { break; } } consume_whitespace(); auto string = String(m_reader.bytes().slice(start_offset, m_reader.offset() - start_offset)); float f = strtof(string.characters(), nullptr); if (is_float) return Value(f); VERIFY(floorf(f) == f); return Value(static_cast(f)); } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_name() { consume('/'); StringBuilder builder; while (true) { if (!matches_regular_character()) break; if (m_reader.matches('#')) { int hex_value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto ch = consume(); VERIFY(isxdigit(ch)); hex_value *= 16; if (ch <= '9') { hex_value += ch - '0'; } else { hex_value += ch - 'A' + 10; } } builder.append(static_cast(hex_value)); continue; } builder.append(consume()); } consume_whitespace(); return make_object(builder.to_string()); } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_string() { ScopeGuard guard([&] { consume_whitespace(); }); String string; bool is_binary_string; if (m_reader.matches('(')) { string = parse_literal_string(); is_binary_string = false; } else { string = parse_hex_string(); is_binary_string = true; } if (string.bytes().starts_with(Array { 0xfe, 0xff })) { // The string is encoded in UTF16-BE string = TextCodec::decoder_for("utf-16be")->to_utf8(string.substring(2)); } else if (string.bytes().starts_with(Array { 239, 187, 191 })) { // The string is encoded in UTF-8. This is the default anyways, but if these bytes // are explicitly included, we have to trim them string = string.substring(3); } return make_object(string, is_binary_string); } String Parser::parse_literal_string() { consume('('); StringBuilder builder; auto opened_parens = 0; while (true) { if (m_reader.matches('(')) { opened_parens++; builder.append(consume()); } else if (m_reader.matches(')')) { consume(); if (opened_parens == 0) break; opened_parens--; builder.append(')'); } else if (m_reader.matches('\\')) { consume(); if (matches_eol()) { consume_eol(); continue; } VERIFY(!m_reader.done()); auto ch = consume(); switch (ch) { case 'n': builder.append('\n'); break; case 'r': builder.append('\r'); break; case 't': builder.append('\t'); break; case 'b': builder.append('\b'); break; case 'f': builder.append('\f'); break; case '(': builder.append('('); break; case ')': builder.append(')'); break; case '\\': builder.append('\\'); break; default: { if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '7') { int octal_value = ch - '0'; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto octal_ch = consume(); if (octal_ch < '0' || octal_ch > '7') break; octal_value = octal_value * 8 + (octal_ch - '0'); } builder.append(static_cast(octal_value)); } else { builder.append(ch); } } } } else if (matches_eol()) { consume_eol(); builder.append('\n'); } else { builder.append(consume()); } } VERIFY(opened_parens == 0); return builder.to_string(); } String Parser::parse_hex_string() { consume('<'); StringBuilder builder; while (true) { if (m_reader.matches('>')) { consume(); return builder.to_string(); } else { int hex_value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto ch = consume(); if (ch == '>') { // The hex string contains an odd number of characters, and the last character // is assumed to be '0' consume(); hex_value *= 16; builder.append(static_cast(hex_value)); return builder.to_string(); } VERIFY(isxdigit(ch)); hex_value *= 16; if (ch <= '9') { hex_value += ch - '0'; } else { hex_value += ch - 'A' + 10; } } builder.append(static_cast(hex_value)); } } } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_array() { consume('['); consume_whitespace(); Vector values; while (!m_reader.matches(']')) values.append(parse_value()); consume(']'); consume_whitespace(); return make_object(values); } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_dict() { consume('<'); consume('<'); consume_whitespace(); HashMap map; while (true) { if (m_reader.matches(">>")) break; auto name = parse_name(); auto value = parse_value(); map.set(name->name(), value); } consume('>'); consume('>'); consume_whitespace(); return make_object(map); } RefPtr Parser::conditionally_parse_page_tree_node_at_offset(size_t offset) { m_reader.move_to(offset); parse_number(); parse_number(); VERIFY(m_reader.matches("obj")); m_reader.move_by(3); consume_whitespace(); consume('<'); consume('<'); consume_whitespace(); HashMap map; while (true) { if (m_reader.matches(">>")) break; auto name = parse_name(); auto name_string = name->name(); if (!name_string.is_one_of(CommonNames::Type, CommonNames::Parent, CommonNames::Kids, CommonNames::Count)) { // This is a page, not a page tree node return {}; } auto value = parse_value(); if (name_string == CommonNames::Type) { if (!value.is_object()) return {}; auto type_object = value.as_object(); if (!type_object->is_name()) return {}; auto type_name = object_cast(type_object); if (type_name->name() != CommonNames::Pages) return {}; } map.set(name->name(), value); } consume('>'); consume('>'); consume_whitespace(); return make_object(map); } NonnullRefPtr Parser::parse_stream(NonnullRefPtr dict) { VERIFY(m_reader.matches("stream")); m_reader.move_by(6); consume_eol(); ReadonlyBytes bytes; auto maybe_length = dict->get(CommonNames::Length); if (maybe_length.has_value()) { // The PDF writer has kindly provided us with the direct length of the stream m_reader.save(); auto length = m_document->resolve_to(maybe_length.value()); m_reader.load(); bytes = m_reader.bytes().slice(m_reader.offset(), length); m_reader.move_by(length); consume_whitespace(); } else { // We have to look for the endstream keyword auto stream_start = m_reader.offset(); while (true) { m_reader.move_until([&](auto) { return matches_eol(); }); auto potential_stream_end = m_reader.offset(); consume_eol(); if (!m_reader.matches("endstream")) continue; bytes = m_reader.bytes().slice(stream_start, potential_stream_end - stream_start); break; } } m_reader.move_by(9); consume_whitespace(); if (dict->contains(CommonNames::Filter)) { auto filter_type = dict->get_name(m_document, CommonNames::Filter)->name(); auto maybe_bytes = Filter::decode(bytes, filter_type); // FIXME: Handle error condition VERIFY(maybe_bytes.has_value()); return make_object(dict, move(maybe_bytes.value())); } return make_object(dict, bytes); } Vector Parser::parse_graphics_commands() { Vector commands; Vector command_args; constexpr static auto is_command_char = [](char ch) { return isalpha(ch) || ch == '*' || ch == '\''; }; while (!m_reader.done()) { auto ch = m_reader.peek(); if (is_command_char(ch)) { auto command_start = m_reader.offset(); while (is_command_char(ch)) { consume(); if (m_reader.done()) break; ch = m_reader.peek(); } auto command_string = StringView(m_reader.bytes().slice(command_start, m_reader.offset() - command_start)); auto command_type = Command::command_type_from_symbol(command_string); commands.append(Command(command_type, move(command_args))); command_args = Vector(); consume_whitespace(); continue; } command_args.append(parse_value()); } return commands; } bool Parser::matches_eol() const { return m_reader.matches_any(0xa, 0xd); } bool Parser::matches_whitespace() const { return matches_eol() || m_reader.matches_any(0, 0x9, 0xc, ' '); } bool Parser::matches_number() const { if (m_reader.done()) return false; auto ch = m_reader.peek(); return isdigit(ch) || ch == '-' || ch == '+'; } bool Parser::matches_delimiter() const { return m_reader.matches_any('(', ')', '<', '>', '[', ']', '{', '}', '/', '%'); } bool Parser::matches_regular_character() const { return !matches_delimiter() && !matches_whitespace(); } void Parser::consume_eol() { if (m_reader.matches("\r\n")) { consume(2); } else { auto consumed = consume(); VERIFY(consumed == 0xd || consumed == 0xa); } } bool Parser::consume_whitespace() { bool consumed = false; while (matches_whitespace()) { consumed = true; consume(); } return consumed; } char Parser::consume() { return m_reader.read(); } void Parser::consume(char ch) { VERIFY(consume() == ch); } }