const testObjSpread = obj => { expect(obj).toEqual({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3, }); }; const testObjStrSpread = obj => { expect(obj).toEqual(["a", "b", "c", "d"]); }; test("spread object literal inside object literal", () => { const obj = { foo: 0, ...{ bar: 1, baz: 2 }, qux: 3, }; testObjSpread(obj); }); test("spread object with assigned property inside object literal", () => { const obj = { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2 }; obj.qux = 3; testObjSpread({ ...obj }); }); test("spread object inside object literal", () => { let a = { bar: 1, baz: 2 }; const obj = { foo: 0, ...a, qux: 3 }; testObjSpread(obj); }); test("complex nested object spreading", () => { const obj = { ...{}, ...{ ...{ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2 }, }, qux: 3, }; testObjSpread(obj); }); test("spread string in object literal", () => { const obj = { ..."abcd" }; testObjStrSpread(obj); }); test("spread array in object literal", () => { const obj = { ...["a", "b", "c", "d"] }; testObjStrSpread(obj); }); test("spread array with holes in object literal", () => { const obj = { ...[, , "a", , , , "b", "c", , "d", , ,] }; expect(obj).toEqual({ 2: "a", 6: "b", 7: "c", 9: "d" }); }); test("spread string object in object literal", () => { const obj = { ...String("abcd") }; testObjStrSpread(obj); }); test("spread object with non-enumerable property", () => { const a = { foo: 0 }; Object.defineProperty(a, "bar", { value: 1, enumerable: false, }); const obj = { ...a }; expect(; expect(obj).not.toHaveProperty("bar"); }); test("spread object with symbol keys", () => { const s = Symbol("baz"); const a = { foo: "bar", [s]: "qux", }; const obj = { ...a }; expect("bar"); expect(obj[s]).toBe("qux"); }); test("spreading non-spreadable values", () => { let empty = { ...undefined, ...null, ...1, ...true, ...function () {}, ...Date, }; expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(empty)).toHaveLength(0); }); test("respects custom Symbol.iterator method", () => { let o = { [Symbol.iterator]() { return { i: 0, next() { if (this.i++ == 3) { return { done: true }; } return { value: this.i, done: false }; }, }; }, }; let a = [...o]; expect(a).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); });