test("assignment to function call", () => { expect(() => { function foo() {} foo() = "foo"; }).toThrowWithMessage(ReferenceError, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"); }); test("assignment to function call in strict mode", () => { expect("'use strict'; foo() = 'foo'").not.toEval(); }); test("assignment to inline function call", () => { expect(() => { (function () {})() = "foo"; }).toThrowWithMessage(ReferenceError, "Invalid left-hand side in assignment"); }); test("assignment to invalid LHS is syntax error", () => { expect("1 += 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 -= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 *= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 /= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 %= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 **= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 &= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 |= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 ^= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 <<= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 >>= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 >>>= 1").not.toEval(); expect("1 = 1").not.toEval(); });