describe("correct behavior", () => { test("basic functionality", () => { class A { static get x() { return this._x; } static set x(value) { this._x = value * 2; } } expect(A.x).toBeUndefined(); expect(A).not.toHaveProperty("_x"); A.x = 3; expect(A.x).toBe(6); expect(A).toHaveProperty("_x", 6); }); test("name", () => { class A { static set x(v) {} } const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(A, "x"); expect("set x"); }); test("extended name syntax", () => { const s = Symbol("foo"); class A { static set "method with space"(value) { this.a = value; } static set 12(value) { this.b = value; } static set [`he${"llo"}`](value) { this.c = value; } static set [s](value) { this.d = value; } } A["method with space"] = 1; A[12] = 2; A.hello = 3; A[s] = 4; expect(A.a).toBe(1); expect(A.b).toBe(2); expect(A.c).toBe(3); expect(A.d).toBe(4); }); test("inherited static setter", () => { class Parent { static get x() { return this._x; } static set x(value) { this._x = value * 2; } } class Child extends Parent {} expect(Child.x).toBeUndefined(); Child.x = 10; expect(Child.x).toBe(20); }); test("inherited static setter overriding", () => { class Parent { static get x() { return this._x; } static set x(value) { this._x = value * 2; } } class Child extends Parent { static get x() { return this._x; } static set x(value) { this._x = value * 3; } } expect(Child.x).toBeUndefined(); Child.x = 10; expect(Child.x).toBe(30); }); }); describe("errors", () => { test('"set static" is a syntax error', () => { expect(` class A { set static foo(value) {} }`).not.toEval(); }); }); test("static setter named 'async'", () => { let called = false; class A { static set async(value) { called = true; expect(value).toBe("value set on static setter named async"); } } expect("async" in A).toBeTrue(); A.async = "value set on static setter named async"; expect(called).toBeTrue(); });