/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS::Temporal { // 3 Temporal.PlainDate Objects, https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-plaindate-objects PlainDate::PlainDate(i32 year, u8 month, u8 day, Object& calendar, Object& prototype) : Object(prototype) , m_iso_year(year) , m_iso_month(month) , m_iso_day(day) , m_calendar(calendar) { } void PlainDate::visit_edges(Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); visitor.visit(&m_calendar); } // 3.5.2 CreateISODateRecord ( year, month, day ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-create-iso-date-record ISODateRecord create_iso_date_record(i32 year, u8 month, u8 day) { // 1. Assert: IsValidISODate(year, month, day) is true. VERIFY(is_valid_iso_date(year, month, day)); // 2. Return the Record { [[Year]]: year, [[Month]]: month, [[Day]]: day }. return { .year = year, .month = month, .day = day }; } // 3.5.1 CreateTemporalDate ( isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, calendar [ , newTarget ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-createtemporaldate ThrowCompletionOr create_temporal_date(GlobalObject& global_object, i32 iso_year, u8 iso_month, u8 iso_day, Object& calendar, FunctionObject const* new_target) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: isoYear is an integer. // 2. Assert: isoMonth is an integer. // 3. Assert: isoDay is an integer. // 4. Assert: Type(calendar) is Object. // 5. If IsValidISODate(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!is_valid_iso_date(iso_year, iso_month, iso_day)) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidPlainDate); // 6. If ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!iso_date_time_within_limits(global_object, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidPlainDate); // 7. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to %Temporal.PlainDate%. if (!new_target) new_target = global_object.temporal_plain_date_constructor(); // 8. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%Temporal.PlainDate.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalDate]], [[ISOYear]], [[ISOMonth]], [[ISODay]], [[Calendar]] »). // 9. Set object.[[ISOYear]] to isoYear. // 10. Set object.[[ISOMonth]] to isoMonth. // 11. Set object.[[ISODay]] to isoDay. // 12. Set object.[[Calendar]] to calendar. auto* object = TRY(ordinary_create_from_constructor(global_object, *new_target, &GlobalObject::temporal_plain_date_prototype, iso_year, iso_month, iso_day, calendar)); return object; } // 3.5.2 ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-totemporaldate ThrowCompletionOr to_temporal_date(GlobalObject& global_object, Value item, Object const* options) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. If options is not present, set options to undefined. // 2. Assert: Type(options) is Object or Undefined. // 3. If Type(item) is Object, then if (item.is_object()) { auto& item_object = item.as_object(); // a. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]] internal slot, then if (is(item_object)) { // i. Return item. return static_cast(&item_object); } // b. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then if (is(item_object)) { auto& zoned_date_time = static_cast(item_object); // i. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(options). (void)TRY(to_temporal_overflow(global_object, options)); // ii. Let instant be ! CreateTemporalInstant(item.[[Nanoseconds]]). auto* instant = create_temporal_instant(global_object, zoned_date_time.nanoseconds()).release_value(); // iii. Let plainDateTime be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(item.[[TimeZone]], instant, item.[[Calendar]]). auto* plain_date_time = TRY(builtin_time_zone_get_plain_date_time_for(global_object, &zoned_date_time.time_zone(), *instant, zoned_date_time.calendar())); // iv. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(plainDateTime.[[ISOYear]], plainDateTime.[[ISOMonth]], plainDateTime.[[ISODay]], plainDateTime.[[Calendar]]). return create_temporal_date(global_object, plain_date_time->iso_year(), plain_date_time->iso_month(), plain_date_time->iso_day(), plain_date_time->calendar()); } // c. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]] internal slot, then if (is(item_object)) { auto& date_time_item = static_cast(item_object); // i. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(options). (void)TRY(to_temporal_overflow(global_object, options)); // ii. Return ! CreateTemporalDate(item.[[ISOYear]], item.[[ISOMonth]], item.[[ISODay]], item.[[Calendar]]). return create_temporal_date(global_object, date_time_item.iso_year(), date_time_item.iso_month(), date_time_item.iso_day(), date_time_item.calendar()); } // d. Let calendar be ? GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(item). auto* calendar = TRY(get_temporal_calendar_with_iso_default(global_object, item_object)); // e. Let fieldNames be ? CalendarFields(calendar, « "day", "month", "monthCode", "year" »). auto field_names = TRY(calendar_fields(global_object, *calendar, { "day"sv, "month"sv, "monthCode"sv, "year"sv })); // f. Let fields be ? PrepareTemporalFields(item, fieldNames, «»). auto* fields = TRY(prepare_temporal_fields(global_object, item_object, field_names, Vector {})); // g. Return ? CalendarDateFromFields(calendar, fields, options). return calendar_date_from_fields(global_object, *calendar, *fields, options); } // 4. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(options). (void)TRY(to_temporal_overflow(global_object, options)); // 5. Let string be ? ToString(item). auto string = TRY(item.to_string(global_object)); // 6. Let result be ? ParseTemporalDateString(string). auto result = TRY(parse_temporal_date_string(global_object, string)); // 7. Assert: IsValidISODate(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], result.[[Day]]) is true. VERIFY(is_valid_iso_date(result.year, result.month, result.day)); // 8. Let calendar be ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(result.[[Calendar]]). auto* calendar = TRY(to_temporal_calendar_with_iso_default(global_object, result.calendar.has_value() ? js_string(vm, *result.calendar) : js_undefined())); // 9. Return ? CreateTemporalDate(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], result.[[Day]], calendar). return create_temporal_date(global_object, result.year, result.month, result.day, *calendar); } // 3.5.3 DifferenceISODate ( y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2, largestUnit ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-differenceisodate DateDurationRecord difference_iso_date(GlobalObject& global_object, i32 year1, u8 month1, u8 day1, i32 year2, u8 month2, u8 day2, StringView largest_unit) { VERIFY(largest_unit.is_one_of("year"sv, "month"sv, "week"sv, "day"sv)); // 1. If largestUnit is "year" or "month", then if (largest_unit.is_one_of("year"sv, "month"sv)) { // a. Let sign be -(! CompareISODate(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2)). auto sign = -compare_iso_date(year1, month1, day1, year2, month2, day2); // b. If sign is 0, return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, 0, 0). if (sign == 0) return create_date_duration_record(0, 0, 0, 0); // c. Let start be the Record { [[Year]]: y1, [[Month]]: m1, [[Day]]: d1 }. auto start = ISODateRecord { .year = year1, .month = month1, .day = day1 }; // d. Let end be the Record { [[Year]]: y2, [[Month]]: m2, [[Day]]: d2 }. auto end = ISODateRecord { .year = year2, .month = month2, .day = day2 }; // e. Let years be end.[[Year]] - start.[[Year]]. double years = end.year - start.year; // f. Let mid be ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, 0, 0, 0, "constrain"). auto mid = MUST(add_iso_date(global_object, year1, month1, day1, years, 0, 0, 0, "constrain"sv)); // g. Let midSign be -(! CompareISODate(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]], mid.[[Day]], y2, m2, d2)). auto mid_sign = -compare_iso_date(mid.year, mid.month, mid.day, year2, month2, day2); // h. If midSign is 0, then if (mid_sign == 0) { // i. If largestUnit is "year", return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(years, 0, 0, 0). if (largest_unit == "year"sv) return create_date_duration_record(years, 0, 0, 0); // ii. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, years × 12, 0, 0). return create_date_duration_record(0, years * 12, 0, 0); } // i. Let months be end.[[Month]] - start.[[Month]]. double months = end.month - start.month; // j. If midSign is not equal to sign, then if (mid_sign != sign) { // i. Set years to years - sign. years -= sign; // ii. Set months to months + sign × 12. months += sign * 12; } // k. Set mid to ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, months, 0, 0, "constrain"). mid = MUST(add_iso_date(global_object, year1, month1, day1, years, months, 0, 0, "constrain"sv)); // l. Set midSign to -(! CompareISODate(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]], mid.[[Day]], y2, m2, d2)). mid_sign = -compare_iso_date(mid.year, mid.month, mid.day, year2, month2, day2); // m. If midSign is 0, then if (mid_sign == 0) { // i. If largestUnit is "year", return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, 0). if (largest_unit == "year"sv) return create_date_duration_record(years, months, 0, 0); // ii. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, months + years × 12, 0, 0). return create_date_duration_record(0, months + years * 12, 0, 0); } // n. If midSign is not equal to sign, then if (mid_sign != sign) { // i. Set months to months - sign. months -= sign; // ii. If months is equal to -sign, then if (months == -sign) { // 1. Set years to years - sign. years -= sign; // 2. Set months to 11 × sign. months = 11 * sign; } // iii. Set mid to ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, months, 0, 0, "constrain"). mid = MUST(add_iso_date(global_object, year1, month1, day1, years, months, 0, 0, "constrain"sv)); } double days; // o. If mid.[[Month]] = end.[[Month]], then if (mid.month == end.month) { // i. Assert: mid.[[Year]] = end.[[Year]]. VERIFY(mid.year == end.year); // ii. Let days be end.[[Day]] - mid.[[Day]]. days = end.day - mid.day; } // p. Else if sign < 0, let days be -mid.[[Day]] - (! ISODaysInMonth(end.[[Year]], end.[[Month]]) - end.[[Day]]). else if (sign < 0) { days = -mid.day - (iso_days_in_month(end.year, end.month) - end.day); } // q. Else, let days be end.[[Day]] + (! ISODaysInMonth(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]]) - mid.[[Day]]). else { days = end.day + (iso_days_in_month(mid.year, mid.month) - mid.day); } // r. If largestUnit is "month", then if (largest_unit == "month"sv) { // i. Set months to months + years × 12. months += years * 12; // ii. Set years to 0. years = 0; } // s. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, days). return create_date_duration_record(years, months, 0, days); } // 2. Else, else { // a. Assert: largestUnit is "day" or "week". VERIFY(largest_unit.is_one_of("day"sv, "week"sv)); // b. Let epochDays1 be MakeDay(𝔽(y1), 𝔽(m1 - 1), 𝔽(d1)). auto epoch_days_1 = make_day(year1, month1 - 1, day1); // c. Assert: epochDays1 is finite. VERIFY(isfinite(epoch_days_1)); // d. Let epochDays2 be MakeDay(𝔽(y2), 𝔽(m2 - 1), 𝔽(d2)). auto epoch_days_2 = make_day(year2, month2 - 1, day2); // e. Assert: epochDays2 is finite. VERIFY(isfinite(epoch_days_2)); // f. Let days be ℝ(epochDays2) - ℝ(epochDays1). auto days = epoch_days_2 - epoch_days_1; // g. Let weeks be 0. double weeks = 0; // h. If largestUnit is "week", then if (largest_unit == "week"sv) { // i. Set weeks to RoundTowardsZero(days / 7). weeks = trunc(days / 7); // ii. Set days to remainder(days, 7). days = fmod(days, 7); } // i. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, weeks, days). return create_date_duration_record(0, 0, weeks, days); } } // 3.5.4 RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-regulateisodate ThrowCompletionOr regulate_iso_date(GlobalObject& global_object, double year, double month, double day, StringView overflow) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); VERIFY(year == trunc(year) && month == trunc(month) && day == trunc(day)); // 1. If overflow is "constrain", then if (overflow == "constrain"sv) { // IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: This is an optimization that allows us to treat this double as normal integer from this point onwards. This // does not change the exposed behavior as the parent's call to CreateTemporalDate will immediately check that this value is a valid // ISO value for years: -273975 - 273975, which is a subset of this check. if (!AK::is_within_range(year)) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidPlainDate); // a. Set month to the result of clamping month between 1 and 12. month = clamp(month, 1, 12); // b. Let daysInMonth be ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month). auto days_in_month = iso_days_in_month(static_cast(year), static_cast(month)); // c. Set day to the result of clamping day between 1 and daysInMonth. day = clamp(day, 1, days_in_month); // d. Return CreateISODateRecord(year, month, day). return create_iso_date_record(static_cast(year), static_cast(month), static_cast(day)); } // 2. Else, else { // a. Assert: overflow is "reject". VERIFY(overflow == "reject"sv); // IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED: This is an optimization that allows us to treat these doubles as normal integers from this point onwards. // This does not change the exposed behavior as the call to IsValidISODate will immediately check that these values are valid ISO // values (for years: -273975 - 273975, for months: 1 - 12, for days: 1 - 31) all of which are subsets of this check. if (!AK::is_within_range(year) || !AK::is_within_range(month) || !AK::is_within_range(day)) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidPlainDate); auto y = static_cast(year); auto m = static_cast(month); auto d = static_cast(day); // b. If IsValidISODate(year, month, day) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!is_valid_iso_date(y, m, d)) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidPlainDate); // c. Return the Record { [[Year]]: year, [[Month]]: month, [[Day]]: day }. return ISODateRecord { .year = y, .month = m, .day = d }; } } // 3.5.5 IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-isvalidisodate bool is_valid_iso_date(i32 year, u8 month, u8 day) { // 1. If month < 1 or month > 12, then if (month < 1 || month > 12) { // a. Return false. return false; } // 2. Let daysInMonth be ! ISODaysInMonth(year, month). auto days_in_month = iso_days_in_month(year, month); // 3. If day < 1 or day > daysInMonth, then if (day < 1 || day > days_in_month) { // a. Return false. return false; } // 4. Return true. return true; } // 3.5.6 BalanceISODate ( year, month, day ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-balanceisodate ISODateRecord balance_iso_date(double year, double month, double day) { // 1. Let epochDays be MakeDay(𝔽(year), 𝔽(month - 1), 𝔽(day)). auto epoch_days = make_day(year, month - 1, day); // 2. Assert: epochDays is finite. VERIFY(isfinite(epoch_days)); // 3. Let ms be MakeDate(epochDays, +0𝔽). auto ms = make_date(epoch_days, 0); // 4. Return CreateISODateRecord(ℝ(YearFromTime(ms)), ℝ(MonthFromTime(ms)) + 1, ℝ(DateFromTime(ms))). return create_iso_date_record(year_from_time(ms), static_cast(month_from_time(ms) + 1), date_from_time(ms)); } // 3.5.7 PadISOYear ( y ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-padisoyear String pad_iso_year(i32 y) { // 1. Assert: y is an integer. // 2. If y ≥ 0 and y ≤ 9999, then if (y >= 0 && y <= 9999) { // a. Return ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(y, 4). return String::formatted("{:04}", y); } // 3. If y > 0, let yearSign be "+"; otherwise, let yearSign be "-". auto year_sign = y > 0 ? '+' : '-'; // 4. Let year be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(abs(y), 6). // 5. Return the string-concatenation of yearSign and year. return String::formatted("{}{:06}", year_sign, abs(y)); } // 3.5.8 TemporalDateToString ( temporalDate, showCalendar ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-temporaldatetostring ThrowCompletionOr temporal_date_to_string(GlobalObject& global_object, PlainDate& temporal_date, StringView show_calendar) { // 1. Assert: Type(temporalDate) is Object. // 2. Assert: temporalDate has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]] internal slot. // 3. Let year be ! PadISOYear(temporalDate.[[ISOYear]]). auto year = pad_iso_year(temporal_date.iso_year()); // 4. Let month be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(monthDay.[[ISOMonth]], 2). auto month = String::formatted("{:02}", temporal_date.iso_month()); // 5. Let day be ToZeroPaddedDecimalString(monthDay.[[ISODay]], 2). auto day = String::formatted("{:02}", temporal_date.iso_day()); // 6. Let calendarID be ? ToString(temporalDate.[[Calendar]]). auto calendar_id = TRY(Value(&temporal_date.calendar()).to_string(global_object)); // 7. Let calendar be ! FormatCalendarAnnotation(calendarID, showCalendar). auto calendar = format_calendar_annotation(calendar_id, show_calendar); // 8. Return the string-concatenation of year, the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), month, the code unit 0x002D (HYPHEN-MINUS), day, and calendar. return String::formatted("{}-{}-{}{}", year, month, day, calendar); } // 3.5.9 AddISODate ( year, month, day, years, months, weeks, days, overflow ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-addisodate ThrowCompletionOr add_iso_date(GlobalObject& global_object, i32 year, u8 month, u8 day, double years, double months, double weeks, double days, StringView overflow) { // 1. Assert: year, month, day, years, months, weeks, and days are integers. VERIFY(years == trunc(years) && months == trunc(months) && weeks == trunc(weeks) && days == trunc(days)); // 2. Assert: overflow is either "constrain" or "reject". VERIFY(overflow == "constrain"sv || overflow == "reject"sv); // 3. Let intermediate be ! BalanceISOYearMonth(year + years, month + months). auto intermediate_year_month = balance_iso_year_month(year + years, month + months); // 4. Let intermediate be ? RegulateISODate(intermediate.[[Year]], intermediate.[[Month]], day, overflow). auto intermediate = TRY(regulate_iso_date(global_object, intermediate_year_month.year, intermediate_year_month.month, day, overflow)); // 5. Set days to days + 7 × weeks. days += 7 * weeks; // 6. Let d be intermediate.[[Day]] + days. auto d = intermediate.day + days; // 7. Return BalanceISODate(intermediate.[[Year]], intermediate.[[Month]], d). return balance_iso_date(intermediate.year, intermediate.month, d); } // 3.5.10 CompareISODate ( y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2 ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-compareisodate i8 compare_iso_date(i32 year1, u8 month1, u8 day1, i32 year2, u8 month2, u8 day2) { // 1. Assert: y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, and d2 are integers. // 2. If y1 > y2, return 1. if (year1 > year2) return 1; // 3. If y1 < y2, return -1. if (year1 < year2) return -1; // 4. If m1 > m2, return 1. if (month1 > month2) return 1; // 5. If m1 < m2, return -1. if (month1 < month2) return -1; // 6. If d1 > d2, return 1. if (day1 > day2) return 1; // 7. If d1 < d2, return -1. if (day1 < day2) return -1; // 8. Return 0. return 0; } // 3.5.11 DifferenceTemporalPlainDate ( operation, temporalDate, other, options ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-differencetemporalplaindate ThrowCompletionOr difference_temporal_plain_date(GlobalObject& global_object, DifferenceOperation operation, PlainDate& temporal_date, Value other_value, Value options_value) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. If operation is since, let sign be -1. Otherwise, let sign be 1. i8 sign = operation == DifferenceOperation::Since ? -1 : 1; // 2. Set other to ? ToTemporalDate(other). auto* other = TRY(to_temporal_date(global_object, other_value)); // 3. If ? CalendarEquals(temporalDate.[[Calendar]], other.[[Calendar]]) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!TRY(calendar_equals(global_object, temporal_date.calendar(), other->calendar()))) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalDifferentCalendars); // 4. Let settings be ? GetDifferenceSettings(operation, options, date, « », "day", "day"). auto settings = TRY(get_difference_settings(global_object, operation, options_value, UnitGroup::Date, {}, { "day"sv }, "day"sv)); // 5. Let untilOptions be ? MergeLargestUnitOption(settings.[[Options]], settings.[[LargestUnit]]). auto* until_options = TRY(merge_largest_unit_option(global_object, settings.options, settings.largest_unit)); // 6. Let result be ? CalendarDateUntil(temporalDate.[[Calendar]], temporalDate, other, untilOptions). auto* duration = TRY(calendar_date_until(global_object, temporal_date.calendar(), &temporal_date, other, *until_options)); auto result = DurationRecord { duration->years(), duration->months(), duration->weeks(), duration->days(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // 7. If settings.[[SmallestUnit]] is not "day" or settings.[[RoundingIncrement]] ≠ 1, then if (settings.smallest_unit != "day"sv || settings.rounding_increment != 1) { // a. Set result to (? RoundDuration(result.[[Years]], result.[[Months]], result.[[Weeks]], result.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, settings.[[RoundingIncrement]], settings.[[SmallestUnit]], settings.[[RoundingMode]], temporalDate)).[[DurationRecord]]. result = TRY(round_duration(global_object, result.years, result.months, result.weeks, result.days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, settings.rounding_increment, settings.smallest_unit, settings.rounding_mode, &temporal_date)).duration_record; } // 16. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(sign × result.[[Years]], sign × result.[[Months]], sign × result.[[Weeks]], sign × result.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). return TRY(create_temporal_duration(global_object, sign * result.years, sign * result.months, sign * result.weeks, sign * result.days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); } }