/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Linus Groh * Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS::Temporal { // 8 Temporal.Instant Objects, https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-instant-objects Instant::Instant(BigInt& nanoseconds, Object& prototype) : Object(prototype) , m_nanoseconds(nanoseconds) { } void Instant::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); visitor.visit(&m_nanoseconds); } // 8.5.1 IsValidEpochNanoseconds ( epochNanoseconds ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-isvalidepochnanoseconds bool is_valid_epoch_nanoseconds(BigInt const& epoch_nanoseconds) { // 1. Assert: Type(epochNanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. If epochNanoseconds < −86400ℤ × 10^17ℤ or epochNanoseconds > 86400ℤ × 10^17ℤ, then if (epoch_nanoseconds.big_integer() < INSTANT_NANOSECONDS_MIN || epoch_nanoseconds.big_integer() > INSTANT_NANOSECONDS_MAX) { // a. Return false. return false; } // 3. Return true. return true; } // 8.5.2 CreateTemporalInstant ( epochNanoseconds [ , newTarget ] ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-createtemporalinstant Instant* create_temporal_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, BigInt& epoch_nanoseconds, FunctionObject* new_target) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: Type(epochNanoseconds) is BigInt. // 2. Assert: ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(epochNanoseconds) is true. VERIFY(is_valid_epoch_nanoseconds(epoch_nanoseconds)); // 3. If newTarget is not present, set it to %Temporal.Instant%. if (!new_target) new_target = global_object.temporal_instant_constructor(); // 4. Let object be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%Temporal.Instant.prototype%", « [[InitializedTemporalInstant]], [[Nanoseconds]] »). // 5. Set object.[[Nanoseconds]] to epochNanoseconds. auto* object = ordinary_create_from_constructor(global_object, *new_target, &GlobalObject::temporal_instant_prototype, epoch_nanoseconds); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 6. Return object. return object; } // 8.5.3 ToTemporalInstant ( item ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-totemporalinstant Instant* to_temporal_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, Value item) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. If Type(item) is Object, then if (item.is_object()) { // a. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalInstant]] internal slot, then if (is(item.as_object())) { // i. Return item. return &static_cast(item.as_object()); } // b. If item has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then if (is(item.as_object())) { auto& zoned_date_time = static_cast(item.as_object()); // i. Return ! CreateTemporalInstant(item.[[Nanoseconds]]). return create_temporal_instant(global_object, zoned_date_time.nanoseconds()); } } // 2. Let string be ? ToString(item). auto string = item.to_string(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Let epochNanoseconds be ? ParseTemporalInstant(string). auto* epoch_nanoseconds = parse_temporal_instant(global_object, string); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 4. Return ! CreateTemporalInstant(ℤ(epochNanoseconds)). return create_temporal_instant(global_object, *epoch_nanoseconds); } // 8.5.4 ParseTemporalInstant ( isoString ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-parsetemporalinstant BigInt* parse_temporal_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, String const& iso_string) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: Type(isoString) is String. // 2. Let result be ? ParseTemporalInstantString(isoString). auto result = parse_temporal_instant_string(global_object, iso_string); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Let offsetString be result.[[TimeZoneOffsetString]]. auto& offset_string = result->time_zone_offset; // 4. Assert: offsetString is not undefined. VERIFY(offset_string.has_value()); // 5. Let utc be ? GetEpochFromISOParts(result.[[Year]], result.[[Month]], result.[[Day]], result.[[Hour]], result.[[Minute]], result.[[Second]], result.[[Millisecond]], result.[[Microsecond]], result.[[Nanosecond]]). auto* utc = get_epoch_from_iso_parts(global_object, result->year, result->month, result->day, result->hour, result->minute, result->second, result->millisecond, result->microsecond, result->nanosecond); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 6. If utc < −8.64 × 10^21 or utc > 8.64 × 10^21, then if (utc->big_integer() < INSTANT_NANOSECONDS_MIN || utc->big_integer() > INSTANT_NANOSECONDS_MAX) { // a. Throw a RangeError exception. vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidEpochNanoseconds); return {}; } // 7. Let offsetNanoseconds be ? ParseTimeZoneOffsetString(offsetString). auto offset_nanoseconds = parse_time_zone_offset_string(global_object, *offset_string); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 8. Return utc − offsetNanoseconds. return js_bigint(vm, utc->big_integer().minus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from(offset_nanoseconds))); } // 8.5.5 CompareEpochNanoseconds ( epochNanosecondsOne, epochNanosecondsTwo ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-compareepochnanoseconds i32 compare_epoch_nanoseconds(BigInt const& epoch_nanoseconds_one, BigInt const& epoch_nanoseconds_two) { // 1. If epochNanosecondsOne > epochNanosecondsTwo, return 1. if (epoch_nanoseconds_one.big_integer() > epoch_nanoseconds_two.big_integer()) return 1; // 2. If epochNanosecondsOne < epochNanosecondsTwo, return -1. if (epoch_nanoseconds_one.big_integer() < epoch_nanoseconds_two.big_integer()) return -1; // 3. Return 0. return 0; } // 8.5.6 AddInstant ( epochNanoseconds, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-addinstant BigInt* add_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, BigInt const& epoch_nanoseconds, double hours, double minutes, double seconds, double milliseconds, double microseconds, double nanoseconds) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds are integer Number values. VERIFY(hours == trunc(hours) && minutes == trunc(minutes) && seconds == trunc(seconds) && milliseconds == trunc(milliseconds) && microseconds == trunc(microseconds) && nanoseconds == trunc(nanoseconds)); // 2. Let result be epochNanoseconds + ℤ(nanoseconds) + ℤ(microseconds) × 1000ℤ + ℤ(milliseconds) × 10^6ℤ + ℤ(seconds) × 10^9ℤ + ℤ(minutes) × 60ℤ × 10^9ℤ + ℤ(hours) × 3600ℤ × 10^9ℤ. // FIXME: Pretty sure i64's are not sufficient for the extreme cases. auto* result = js_bigint(vm, epoch_nanoseconds.big_integer() .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)nanoseconds)) .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)microseconds).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1'000 })) .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)milliseconds).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1'000'000 })) .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)seconds).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1'000'000'000 })) .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)minutes).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 60 }).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1'000'000'000 })) .plus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger::create_from((i64)hours).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 3600 }).multiplied_by(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1'000'000'000 }))); // If ! IsValidEpochNanoseconds(result) is false, throw a RangeError exception. if (!is_valid_epoch_nanoseconds(*result)) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::TemporalInvalidEpochNanoseconds); return {}; } // 4. Return result. return result; } // 8.5.7 DifferenceInstant ( ns1, ns2, roundingIncrement, smallestUnit, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-differenceinstant BigInt* difference_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, BigInt const& nanoseconds1, BigInt const& nanoseconds2, u64 rounding_increment, StringView smallest_unit, StringView rounding_mode) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: Type(ns1) is BigInt. // 2. Assert: Type(ns2) is BigInt. // 3. Return ! RoundTemporalInstant(ns2 − ns1, roundingIncrement, smallestUnit, roundingMode). return round_temporal_instant(global_object, *js_bigint(vm, nanoseconds2.big_integer().minus(nanoseconds1.big_integer())), rounding_increment, smallest_unit, rounding_mode); } // 8.5.8 RoundTemporalInstant ( ns, increment, unit, roundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-roundtemporalinstant BigInt* round_temporal_instant(GlobalObject& global_object, BigInt const& nanoseconds, u64 increment, StringView unit, StringView rounding_mode) { // 1. Assert: Type(ns) is BigInt. u64 increment_nanoseconds; // 2. If unit is "hour", then if (unit == "hour"sv) { // a. Let incrementNs be increment × 3.6 × 10^12. increment_nanoseconds = increment * 3600000000000; } // 3. Else if unit is "minute", then else if (unit == "minute"sv) { // a. Let incrementNs be increment × 6 × 10^10. increment_nanoseconds = increment * 60000000000; } // 4. Else if unit is "second", then else if (unit == "second"sv) { // a. Let incrementNs be increment × 10^9. increment_nanoseconds = increment * 1000000000; } // 5. Else if unit is "millisecond", then else if (unit == "millisecond"sv) { // a. Let incrementNs be increment × 10^6. increment_nanoseconds = increment * 1000000; } // 6. Else if unit is "microsecond", then else if (unit == "microsecond"sv) { // a. Let incrementNs be increment × 10^3. increment_nanoseconds = increment * 1000; } // 7. Else, else { // a. Assert: unit is "nanosecond". VERIFY(unit == "nanosecond"sv); // b. Let incrementNs be increment. increment_nanoseconds = increment; } // 8. Return ! RoundNumberToIncrement(ℝ(ns), incrementNs, roundingMode). return round_number_to_increment(global_object, nanoseconds, increment_nanoseconds, rounding_mode); } // 8.5.9 TemporalInstantToString ( instant, timeZone, precision ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-temporalinstanttostring Optional temporal_instant_to_string(GlobalObject& global_object, Instant& instant, Value time_zone, Variant const& precision) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. Assert: Type(instant) is Object. // 2. Assert: instant has an [[InitializedTemporalInstant]] internal slot. // 3. Let outputTimeZone be timeZone. auto output_time_zone = time_zone; // 4. If outputTimeZone is undefined, then if (output_time_zone.is_undefined()) { // a. Set outputTimeZone to ? CreateTemporalTimeZone("UTC"). output_time_zone = create_temporal_time_zone(global_object, "UTC"sv); // TODO: Can this really throw...? if (vm.exception()) return {}; } // 5. Let isoCalendar be ! GetISO8601Calendar(). auto* iso_calendar = get_iso8601_calendar(global_object); // 6. Let dateTime be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetPlainDateTimeFor(outputTimeZone, instant, isoCalendar). auto* date_time = builtin_time_zone_get_plain_date_time_for(global_object, output_time_zone, instant, *iso_calendar); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 7. Let dateTimeString be ? TemporalDateTimeToString(dateTime.[[ISOYear]], dateTime.[[ISOMonth]], dateTime.[[ISODay]], dateTime.[[ISOHour]], dateTime.[[ISOMinute]], dateTime.[[ISOSecond]], dateTime.[[ISOMillisecond]], dateTime.[[ISOMicrosecond]], dateTime.[[ISONanosecond]], undefined, precision, "never"). auto date_time_string = temporal_date_time_to_string(global_object, date_time->iso_year(), date_time->iso_month(), date_time->iso_day(), date_time->iso_hour(), date_time->iso_minute(), date_time->iso_second(), date_time->iso_millisecond(), date_time->iso_microsecond(), date_time->iso_nanosecond(), js_undefined(), precision, "never"sv); if (vm.exception()) return {}; Optional time_zone_string; // 8. If timeZone is undefined, then if (time_zone.is_undefined()) { // a. Let timeZoneString be "Z". time_zone_string = "Z"sv; } // 9. Else, else { // a. Let timeZoneString be ? BuiltinTimeZoneGetOffsetStringFor(timeZone, instant). time_zone_string = builtin_time_zone_get_offset_string_for(global_object, time_zone, instant); if (vm.exception()) return {}; } // 10. Return the string-concatenation of dateTimeString and timeZoneString. return String::formatted("{}{}", *date_time_string, *time_zone_string); } }