/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { ReflectObject::ReflectObject(GlobalObject& global_object) : Object(*global_object.object_prototype()) { } void ReflectObject::initialize(GlobalObject& global_object) { auto& vm = this->vm(); Object::initialize(global_object); u8 attr = Attribute::Writable | Attribute::Configurable; define_native_function(vm.names.apply, apply, 3, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.construct, construct, 2, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.defineProperty, define_property, 3, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.deleteProperty, delete_property, 2, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.get, get, 2, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, get_own_property_descriptor, 2, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.getPrototypeOf, get_prototype_of, 1, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.has, has, 2, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.isExtensible, is_extensible, 1, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.ownKeys, own_keys, 1, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.preventExtensions, prevent_extensions, 1, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.set, set, 3, attr); define_native_function(vm.names.setPrototypeOf, set_prototype_of, 2, attr); // 28.1.14 Reflect [ @@toStringTag ], https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect-@@tostringtag define_direct_property(*vm.well_known_symbol_to_string_tag(), js_string(vm.heap(), vm.names.Reflect.as_string()), Attribute::Configurable); } ReflectObject::~ReflectObject() { } // 28.1.1 Reflect.apply ( target, thisArgument, argumentsList ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.apply JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::apply) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto this_argument = vm.argument(1); auto arguments_list = vm.argument(2); // 1. If IsCallable(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_function()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAFunction, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let args be ? CreateListFromArrayLike(argumentsList). auto args = create_list_from_array_like(global_object, arguments_list); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Perform PrepareForTailCall(). // 4. Return ? Call(target, thisArgument, args). return vm.call(target.as_function(), this_argument, move(args)); } // 28.1.2 Reflect.construct ( target, argumentsList [ , newTarget ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.construct JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::construct) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto arguments_list = vm.argument(1); auto new_target = vm.argument(2); // 1. If IsConstructor(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_constructor()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAConstructor, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to target. if (vm.argument_count() < 3) { new_target = target; } // 3. Else if IsConstructor(newTarget) is false, throw a TypeError exception. else if (!new_target.is_constructor()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAConstructor, new_target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 4. Let args be ? CreateListFromArrayLike(argumentsList). auto args = create_list_from_array_like(global_object, arguments_list); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 5. Return ? Construct(target, args, newTarget). return vm.construct(target.as_function(), new_target.as_function(), move(args)); } // 28.1.3 Reflect.defineProperty ( target, propertyKey, attributes ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.defineproperty JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::define_property) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); auto attributes = vm.argument(2); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Let desc be ? ToPropertyDescriptor(attributes). auto descriptor = to_property_descriptor(global_object, attributes); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 4. Return ? target.[[DefineOwnProperty]](key, desc). return Value(target.as_object().internal_define_own_property(key, descriptor)); } // 28.1.4 Reflect.deleteProperty ( target, propertyKey ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.deleteproperty JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::delete_property) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Return ? target.[[Delete]](key). return Value(target.as_object().internal_delete(key)); } // 28.1.5 Reflect.get ( target, propertyKey [ , receiver ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.get JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::get) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); auto receiver = vm.argument(2); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. If receiver is not present, then if (vm.argument_count() < 3) { // a. Set receiver to target. receiver = target; } // 4. Return ? target.[[Get]](key, receiver). return target.as_object().internal_get(key, receiver); } // 28.1.6 Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( target, propertyKey ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.getownpropertydescriptor JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::get_own_property_descriptor) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Let desc be ? target.[[GetOwnProperty]](key). auto descriptor = target.as_object().internal_get_own_property(key); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 4. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(desc). return from_property_descriptor(global_object, descriptor); } // 28.1.7 Reflect.getPrototypeOf ( target ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.getprototypeof JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::get_prototype_of) { auto target = vm.argument(0); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Return ? target.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). return target.as_object().internal_get_prototype_of(); } // 28.1.8 Reflect.has ( target, propertyKey ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.has JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::has) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Return ? target.[[HasProperty]](key). return Value(target.as_object().internal_has_property(key)); } // 28.1.9 Reflect.isExtensible ( target ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.isextensible JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::is_extensible) { auto target = vm.argument(0); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Return ? target.[[IsExtensible]](). return Value(target.as_object().internal_is_extensible()); } // 28.1.10 Reflect.ownKeys ( target ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.ownkeys JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::own_keys) { auto target = vm.argument(0); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let keys be ? target.[[OwnPropertyKeys]](). auto keys = target.as_object().internal_own_property_keys(); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. Return CreateArrayFromList(keys). return Array::create_from(global_object, keys); } // 28.1.11 Reflect.preventExtensions ( target ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.preventextensions JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::prevent_extensions) { auto target = vm.argument(0); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Return ? target.[[PreventExtensions]](). return Value(target.as_object().internal_prevent_extensions()); } // 28.1.12 Reflect.set ( target, propertyKey, V [ , receiver ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.set JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::set) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto property_key = vm.argument(1); auto value = vm.argument(2); auto receiver = vm.argument(3); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). auto key = property_key.to_property_key(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; // 3. If receiver is not present, then if (vm.argument_count() < 4) { // a. Set receiver to target. receiver = target; } // 4. Return ? target.[[Set]](key, V, receiver). return Value(target.as_object().internal_set(key, value, receiver)); } // 28.1.13 Reflect.setPrototypeOf ( target, proto ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-reflect.setprototypeof JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReflectObject::set_prototype_of) { auto target = vm.argument(0); auto proto = vm.argument(1); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!target.is_object()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAnObject, target.to_string_without_side_effects()); return {}; } // 2. If Type(proto) is not Object and proto is not null, throw a TypeError exception. if (!proto.is_object() && !proto.is_null()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::ObjectPrototypeWrongType); return {}; } // 3. Return ? target.[[SetPrototypeOf]](proto). return Value(target.as_object().internal_set_prototype_of(proto.is_null() ? nullptr : &proto.as_object())); } }