/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Matthew Olsson * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { JSONObject::JSONObject(Realm& realm) : Object(ConstructWithPrototypeTag::Tag, *realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()) { } void JSONObject::initialize(Realm& realm) { auto& vm = this->vm(); Object::initialize(realm); u8 attr = Attribute::Writable | Attribute::Configurable; define_native_function(realm, vm.names.stringify, stringify, 3, attr); define_native_function(realm, vm.names.parse, parse, 2, attr); // 25.5.3 JSON [ @@toStringTag ], https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json-@@tostringtag define_direct_property(*vm.well_known_symbol_to_string_tag(), PrimitiveString::create(vm, "JSON"), Attribute::Configurable); } // 25.5.2 JSON.stringify ( value [ , replacer [ , space ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.stringify ThrowCompletionOr JSONObject::stringify_impl(VM& vm, Value value, Value replacer, Value space) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); StringifyState state; if (replacer.is_object()) { if (replacer.as_object().is_function()) { state.replacer_function = &replacer.as_function(); } else { auto is_array = TRY(replacer.is_array(vm)); if (is_array) { auto& replacer_object = replacer.as_object(); auto replacer_length = TRY(length_of_array_like(vm, replacer_object)); Vector list; for (size_t i = 0; i < replacer_length; ++i) { auto replacer_value = TRY(replacer_object.get(i)); DeprecatedString item; if (replacer_value.is_string()) { item = TRY(replacer_value.as_string().deprecated_string()); } else if (replacer_value.is_number()) { item = MUST(replacer_value.to_deprecated_string(vm)); } else if (replacer_value.is_object()) { auto& value_object = replacer_value.as_object(); if (is(value_object) || is(value_object)) item = TRY(replacer_value.to_deprecated_string(vm)); } if (!item.is_null() && !list.contains_slow(item)) { list.append(item); } } state.property_list = list; } } } if (space.is_object()) { auto& space_object = space.as_object(); if (is(space_object)) space = TRY(space.to_number(vm)); else if (is(space_object)) space = TRY(space.to_primitive_string(vm)); } if (space.is_number()) { auto space_mv = MUST(space.to_integer_or_infinity(vm)); space_mv = min(10, space_mv); state.gap = space_mv < 1 ? DeprecatedString::empty() : DeprecatedString::repeated(' ', space_mv); } else if (space.is_string()) { auto string = TRY(space.as_string().deprecated_string()); if (string.length() <= 10) state.gap = string; else state.gap = string.substring(0, 10); } else { state.gap = DeprecatedString::empty(); } auto wrapper = Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()); MUST(wrapper->create_data_property_or_throw(DeprecatedString::empty(), value)); return serialize_json_property(vm, state, DeprecatedString::empty(), wrapper); } // 25.5.2 JSON.stringify ( value [ , replacer [ , space ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.stringify JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(JSONObject::stringify) { if (!vm.argument_count()) return js_undefined(); auto value = vm.argument(0); auto replacer = vm.argument(1); auto space = vm.argument(2); auto string = TRY(stringify_impl(vm, value, replacer, space)); if (string.is_null()) return js_undefined(); return PrimitiveString::create(vm, string); } // SerializeJSONProperty ( state, key, holder ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-serializejsonproperty ThrowCompletionOr JSONObject::serialize_json_property(VM& vm, StringifyState& state, PropertyKey const& key, Object* holder) { // 1. Let value be ? Get(holder, key). auto value = TRY(holder->get(key)); // 2. If Type(value) is Object or BigInt, then if (value.is_object() || value.is_bigint()) { // a. Let toJSON be ? GetV(value, "toJSON"). auto to_json = TRY(value.get(vm, vm.names.toJSON)); // b. If IsCallable(toJSON) is true, then if (to_json.is_function()) { // i. Set value to ? Call(toJSON, value, « key »). value = TRY(call(vm, to_json.as_function(), value, PrimitiveString::create(vm, key.to_string()))); } } // 3. If state.[[ReplacerFunction]] is not undefined, then if (state.replacer_function) { // a. Set value to ? Call(state.[[ReplacerFunction]], holder, « key, value »). value = TRY(call(vm, *state.replacer_function, holder, PrimitiveString::create(vm, key.to_string()), value)); } // 4. If Type(value) is Object, then if (value.is_object()) { auto& value_object = value.as_object(); // a. If value has a [[NumberData]] internal slot, then if (is(value_object)) { // i. Set value to ? ToNumber(value). value = TRY(value.to_number(vm)); } // b. Else if value has a [[StringData]] internal slot, then else if (is(value_object)) { // i. Set value to ? ToString(value). value = TRY(value.to_primitive_string(vm)); } // c. Else if value has a [[BooleanData]] internal slot, then else if (is(value_object)) { // i. Set value to value.[[BooleanData]]. value = Value(static_cast(value_object).boolean()); } // d. Else if value has a [[BigIntData]] internal slot, then else if (is(value_object)) { // i. Set value to value.[[BigIntData]]. value = Value(&static_cast(value_object).bigint()); } } // 5. If value is null, return "null". if (value.is_null()) return "null"sv; // 6. If value is true, return "true". // 7. If value is false, return "false". if (value.is_boolean()) return value.as_bool() ? "true"sv : "false"sv; // 8. If Type(value) is String, return QuoteJSONString(value). if (value.is_string()) return quote_json_string(TRY(value.as_string().deprecated_string())); // 9. If Type(value) is Number, then if (value.is_number()) { // a. If value is finite, return ! ToString(value). if (value.is_finite_number()) return MUST(value.to_deprecated_string(vm)); // b. Return "null". return "null"sv; } // 10. If Type(value) is BigInt, throw a TypeError exception. if (value.is_bigint()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::JsonBigInt); // 11. If Type(value) is Object and IsCallable(value) is false, then if (value.is_object() && !value.is_function()) { // a. Let isArray be ? IsArray(value). auto is_array = TRY(value.is_array(vm)); // b. If isArray is true, return ? SerializeJSONArray(state, value). if (is_array) return serialize_json_array(vm, state, value.as_object()); // c. Return ? SerializeJSONObject(state, value). return serialize_json_object(vm, state, value.as_object()); } // 12. Return undefined. return DeprecatedString {}; } // SerializeJSONObject ( state, value ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-serializejsonobject ThrowCompletionOr JSONObject::serialize_json_object(VM& vm, StringifyState& state, Object& object) { if (state.seen_objects.contains(&object)) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::JsonCircular); state.seen_objects.set(&object); DeprecatedString previous_indent = state.indent; state.indent = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}{}", state.indent, state.gap); Vector property_strings; auto process_property = [&](PropertyKey const& key) -> ThrowCompletionOr { if (key.is_symbol()) return {}; auto serialized_property_string = TRY(serialize_json_property(vm, state, key, &object)); if (!serialized_property_string.is_null()) { property_strings.append(DeprecatedString::formatted( "{}:{}{}", quote_json_string(key.to_string()), state.gap.is_empty() ? "" : " ", serialized_property_string)); } return {}; }; if (state.property_list.has_value()) { auto property_list = state.property_list.value(); for (auto& property : property_list) TRY(process_property(property)); } else { auto property_list = TRY(object.enumerable_own_property_names(PropertyKind::Key)); for (auto& property : property_list) TRY(process_property(TRY(property.as_string().deprecated_string()))); } StringBuilder builder; if (property_strings.is_empty()) { builder.append("{}"sv); } else { bool first = true; builder.append('{'); if (state.gap.is_empty()) { for (auto& property_string : property_strings) { if (!first) builder.append(','); first = false; builder.append(property_string); } } else { builder.append('\n'); builder.append(state.indent); auto separator = DeprecatedString::formatted(",\n{}", state.indent); for (auto& property_string : property_strings) { if (!first) builder.append(separator); first = false; builder.append(property_string); } builder.append('\n'); builder.append(previous_indent); } builder.append('}'); } state.seen_objects.remove(&object); state.indent = previous_indent; return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // SerializeJSONArray ( state, value ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-serializejsonarray ThrowCompletionOr JSONObject::serialize_json_array(VM& vm, StringifyState& state, Object& object) { if (state.seen_objects.contains(&object)) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::JsonCircular); state.seen_objects.set(&object); DeprecatedString previous_indent = state.indent; state.indent = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}{}", state.indent, state.gap); Vector property_strings; auto length = TRY(length_of_array_like(vm, object)); // Optimization property_strings.ensure_capacity(length); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { auto serialized_property_string = TRY(serialize_json_property(vm, state, i, &object)); if (serialized_property_string.is_null()) { property_strings.append("null"sv); } else { property_strings.append(serialized_property_string); } } StringBuilder builder; if (property_strings.is_empty()) { builder.append("[]"sv); } else { if (state.gap.is_empty()) { builder.append('['); bool first = true; for (auto& property_string : property_strings) { if (!first) builder.append(','); first = false; builder.append(property_string); } builder.append(']'); } else { builder.append("[\n"sv); builder.append(state.indent); auto separator = DeprecatedString::formatted(",\n{}", state.indent); bool first = true; for (auto& property_string : property_strings) { if (!first) builder.append(separator); first = false; builder.append(property_string); } builder.append('\n'); builder.append(previous_indent); builder.append(']'); } } state.seen_objects.remove(&object); state.indent = previous_indent; return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // QuoteJSONString ( value ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-quotejsonstring DeprecatedString JSONObject::quote_json_string(DeprecatedString string) { // 1. Let product be the String value consisting solely of the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). StringBuilder builder; builder.append('"'); // 2. For each code point C of StringToCodePoints(value), do auto utf_view = Utf8View(string); for (auto code_point : utf_view) { // a. If C is listed in the “Code Point” column of Table 70, then // i. Set product to the string-concatenation of product and the escape sequence for C as specified in the “Escape Sequence” column of the corresponding row. switch (code_point) { case '\b': builder.append("\\b"sv); break; case '\t': builder.append("\\t"sv); break; case '\n': builder.append("\\n"sv); break; case '\f': builder.append("\\f"sv); break; case '\r': builder.append("\\r"sv); break; case '"': builder.append("\\\""sv); break; case '\\': builder.append("\\\\"sv); break; default: // b. Else if C has a numeric value less than 0x0020 (SPACE), or if C has the same numeric value as a leading surrogate or trailing surrogate, then if (code_point < 0x20 || is_unicode_surrogate(code_point)) { // i. Let unit be the code unit whose numeric value is that of C. // ii. Set product to the string-concatenation of product and UnicodeEscape(unit). builder.appendff("\\u{:04x}", code_point); } // c. Else, else { // i. Set product to the string-concatenation of product and UTF16EncodeCodePoint(C). builder.append_code_point(code_point); } } } // 3. Set product to the string-concatenation of product and the code unit 0x0022 (QUOTATION MARK). builder.append('"'); // 4. Return product. return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // 25.5.1 JSON.parse ( text [ , reviver ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-json.parse JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(JSONObject::parse) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); auto string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_deprecated_string(vm)); auto reviver = vm.argument(1); auto json = JsonValue::from_string(string); if (json.is_error()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::JsonMalformed); Value unfiltered = parse_json_value(vm, json.value()); if (reviver.is_function()) { auto root = Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()); auto root_name = DeprecatedString::empty(); MUST(root->create_data_property_or_throw(root_name, unfiltered)); return internalize_json_property(vm, root, root_name, reviver.as_function()); } return unfiltered; } Value JSONObject::parse_json_value(VM& vm, JsonValue const& value) { if (value.is_object()) return Value(parse_json_object(vm, value.as_object())); if (value.is_array()) return Value(parse_json_array(vm, value.as_array())); if (value.is_null()) return js_null(); if (value.is_i32()) return Value(value.as_i32()); if (value.is_number()) return Value(value.to_double(0)); if (value.is_string()) return PrimitiveString::create(vm, value.to_deprecated_string()); if (value.is_bool()) return Value(static_cast(value.as_bool())); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } Object* JSONObject::parse_json_object(VM& vm, JsonObject const& json_object) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); auto object = Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()); json_object.for_each_member([&](auto& key, auto& value) { object->define_direct_property(key, parse_json_value(vm, value), default_attributes); }); return object; } Array* JSONObject::parse_json_array(VM& vm, JsonArray const& json_array) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); auto array = MUST(Array::create(realm, 0)); size_t index = 0; json_array.for_each([&](auto& value) { array->define_direct_property(index++, parse_json_value(vm, value), default_attributes); }); return array; } // InternalizeJSONProperty ( holder, name, reviver ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-internalizejsonproperty ThrowCompletionOr JSONObject::internalize_json_property(VM& vm, Object* holder, PropertyKey const& name, FunctionObject& reviver) { auto value = TRY(holder->get(name)); if (value.is_object()) { auto is_array = TRY(value.is_array(vm)); auto& value_object = value.as_object(); auto process_property = [&](PropertyKey const& key) -> ThrowCompletionOr { auto element = TRY(internalize_json_property(vm, &value_object, key, reviver)); if (element.is_undefined()) TRY(value_object.internal_delete(key)); else TRY(value_object.create_data_property(key, element)); return {}; }; if (is_array) { auto length = TRY(length_of_array_like(vm, value_object)); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) TRY(process_property(i)); } else { auto property_list = TRY(value_object.enumerable_own_property_names(Object::PropertyKind::Key)); for (auto& property_key : property_list) TRY(process_property(TRY(property_key.as_string().deprecated_string()))); } } return TRY(call(vm, reviver, holder, PrimitiveString::create(vm, name.to_string()), value)); } }