/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include namespace JS::Intl { // 16 PluralRules Objects, https://tc39.es/ecma402/#pluralrules-objects PluralRules::PluralRules(Object& prototype) : NumberFormatBase(prototype) { } // 16.5.1 GetOperands ( s ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-getoperands ::Locale::PluralOperands get_operands(String const& string) { // 1.Let n be ! ToNumber(s). char* end { nullptr }; auto number = strtod(string.characters(), &end); VERIFY(!*end); // 2. Assert: n is finite. VERIFY(isfinite(number)); // 3. Let dp be StringIndexOf(s, ".", 0). auto decimal_point = string.find('.'); Variant integer_part; StringView fraction_slice; // 4. If dp = -1, then if (!decimal_point.has_value()) { // a. Let intPart be n. integer_part = number; // b. Let fracSlice be "". } // 5. Else, else { // a. Let intPart be the substring of s from 0 to dp. integer_part = string.substring_view(0, *decimal_point); // b. Let fracSlice be the substring of s from dp + 1. fraction_slice = string.substring_view(*decimal_point + 1); } // 6. Let i be abs(! ToNumber(intPart)). auto integer = integer_part.visit( [](Empty) -> u64 { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }, [](double value) { return static_cast(fabs(value)); }, [](StringView value) { auto value_as_int = value.template to_int().value(); return static_cast(value_as_int); }); // 7. Let fracDigitCount be the length of fracSlice. auto fraction_digit_count = fraction_slice.length(); // 8. Let f be ! ToNumber(fracSlice). auto fraction = fraction_slice.is_empty() ? 0u : fraction_slice.template to_uint().value(); // 9. Let significantFracSlice be the value of fracSlice stripped of trailing "0". auto significant_fraction_slice = fraction_slice.trim("0"sv, TrimMode::Right); // 10. Let significantFracDigitCount be the length of significantFracSlice. auto significant_fraction_digit_count = significant_fraction_slice.length(); // 11. Let significantFrac be ! ToNumber(significantFracSlice). auto significant_fraction = significant_fraction_slice.is_empty() ? 0u : significant_fraction_slice.template to_uint().value(); // 12. Return a new Record { [[Number]]: abs(n), [[IntegerDigits]]: i, [[FractionDigits]]: f, [[NumberOfFractionDigits]]: fracDigitCount, [[FractionDigitsWithoutTrailing]]: significantFrac, [[NumberOfFractionDigitsWithoutTrailing]]: significantFracDigitCount }. return ::Locale::PluralOperands { .number = fabs(number), .integer_digits = integer, .fraction_digits = fraction, .number_of_fraction_digits = fraction_digit_count, .fraction_digits_without_trailing = significant_fraction, .number_of_fraction_digits_without_trailing = significant_fraction_digit_count, }; } // 16.5.2 PluralRuleSelect ( locale, type, n, operands ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-pluralruleselect ::Locale::PluralCategory plural_rule_select(StringView locale, ::Locale::PluralForm type, Value, ::Locale::PluralOperands operands) { return ::Locale::determine_plural_category(locale, type, move(operands)); } // 16.5.3 ResolvePlural ( pluralRules, n ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-resolveplural ::Locale::PluralCategory resolve_plural(PluralRules const& plural_rules, Value number) { return resolve_plural(plural_rules, plural_rules.type(), number); } // Non-standard overload of ResolvePlural to allow using the AO without an Intl.PluralRules object. ::Locale::PluralCategory resolve_plural(NumberFormatBase const& number_format, ::Locale::PluralForm type, Value number) { // 1. Assert: Type(pluralRules) is Object. // 2. Assert: pluralRules has an [[InitializedPluralRules]] internal slot. // 3. Assert: Type(n) is Number. // 4. If n is not a finite Number, then if (!number.is_finite_number()) { // a. Return "other". return ::Locale::PluralCategory::Other; } // 5. Let locale be pluralRules.[[Locale]]. auto const& locale = number_format.locale(); // 6. Let type be pluralRules.[[Type]]. // 7. Let res be ! FormatNumericToString(pluralRules, n). auto result = format_numeric_to_string(number_format, number); // 8. Let s be res.[[FormattedString]]. auto const& string = result.formatted_string; // 9. Let operands be ! GetOperands(s). auto operands = get_operands(string); // 10. Return ! PluralRuleSelect(locale, type, n, operands). return plural_rule_select(locale, type, number, move(operands)); } // 1.1.5 PluralRuleSelectRange ( locale, type, xp, yp ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/pluralrules/proposed.html#sec-pluralruleselectrange ::Locale::PluralCategory plural_rule_select_range(StringView locale, ::Locale::PluralForm, ::Locale::PluralCategory start, ::Locale::PluralCategory end) { return ::Locale::determine_plural_range(locale, start, end); } // 1.1.6 ResolvePluralRange ( pluralRules, x, y ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/pluralrules/proposed.html#sec-resolvepluralrange ThrowCompletionOr<::Locale::PluralCategory> resolve_plural_range(VM& vm, PluralRules const& plural_rules, Value start, Value end) { // 1. Assert: Type(pluralRules) is Object. // 2. Assert: pluralRules has an [[InitializedPluralRules]] internal slot. // 3. Assert: Type(x) is Number. // 4. Assert: Type(y) is Number. // 5. If x is NaN or y is NaN, throw a RangeError exception. if (start.is_nan()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::IntlNumberIsNaN, "start"sv); if (end.is_nan()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::IntlNumberIsNaN, "end"sv); // 6. Let xp be ! ResolvePlural(pluralRules, x). auto start_plurality = resolve_plural(plural_rules, start); // 7. Let yp be ! ResolvePlural(pluralRules, y). auto end_plurality = resolve_plural(plural_rules, end); // 8. Let locale be pluralRules.[[Locale]]. auto const& locale = plural_rules.locale(); // 9. Let type be pluralRules.[[Type]]. auto type = plural_rules.type(); // 10. Return ! PluralRuleSelectRange(locale, type, xp, yp). return plural_rule_select_range(locale, type, start_plurality, end_plurality); } }