/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS::Intl { NumberFormatBase::NumberFormatBase(Object& prototype) : Object(prototype) { } // 15 NumberFormat Objects, https://tc39.es/ecma402/#numberformat-objects NumberFormat::NumberFormat(Object& prototype) : NumberFormatBase(prototype) { } void NumberFormat::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); if (m_bound_format) visitor.visit(m_bound_format); } void NumberFormat::set_style(StringView style) { if (style == "decimal"sv) m_style = Style::Decimal; else if (style == "percent"sv) m_style = Style::Percent; else if (style == "currency"sv) m_style = Style::Currency; else if (style == "unit"sv) m_style = Style::Unit; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::style_string() const { switch (m_style) { case Style::Decimal: return "decimal"sv; case Style::Percent: return "percent"sv; case Style::Currency: return "currency"sv; case Style::Unit: return "unit"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormat::set_currency_display(StringView currency_display) { m_resolved_currency_display.clear(); if (currency_display == "code"sv) m_currency_display = CurrencyDisplay::Code; else if (currency_display == "symbol"sv) m_currency_display = CurrencyDisplay::Symbol; else if (currency_display == "narrowSymbol"sv) m_currency_display = CurrencyDisplay::NarrowSymbol; else if (currency_display == "name"sv) m_currency_display = CurrencyDisplay::Name; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::resolve_currency_display() { if (m_resolved_currency_display.has_value()) return *m_resolved_currency_display; switch (currency_display()) { case NumberFormat::CurrencyDisplay::Code: m_resolved_currency_display = currency(); break; case NumberFormat::CurrencyDisplay::Symbol: m_resolved_currency_display = Unicode::get_locale_short_currency_mapping(data_locale(), currency()); break; case NumberFormat::CurrencyDisplay::NarrowSymbol: m_resolved_currency_display = Unicode::get_locale_narrow_currency_mapping(data_locale(), currency()); break; case NumberFormat::CurrencyDisplay::Name: m_resolved_currency_display = Unicode::get_locale_numeric_currency_mapping(data_locale(), currency()); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (!m_resolved_currency_display.has_value()) m_resolved_currency_display = currency(); return *m_resolved_currency_display; } StringView NumberFormat::currency_display_string() const { VERIFY(m_currency_display.has_value()); switch (*m_currency_display) { case CurrencyDisplay::Code: return "code"sv; case CurrencyDisplay::Symbol: return "symbol"sv; case CurrencyDisplay::NarrowSymbol: return "narrowSymbol"sv; case CurrencyDisplay::Name: return "name"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormat::set_currency_sign(StringView currency_sign) { if (currency_sign == "standard"sv) m_currency_sign = CurrencySign::Standard; else if (currency_sign == "accounting"sv) m_currency_sign = CurrencySign::Accounting; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::currency_sign_string() const { VERIFY(m_currency_sign.has_value()); switch (*m_currency_sign) { case CurrencySign::Standard: return "standard"sv; case CurrencySign::Accounting: return "accounting"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } StringView NumberFormatBase::rounding_type_string() const { switch (m_rounding_type) { case RoundingType::SignificantDigits: return "significantDigits"sv; case RoundingType::FractionDigits: return "fractionDigits"sv; case RoundingType::MorePrecision: return "morePrecision"sv; case RoundingType::LessPrecision: return "lessPrecision"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } StringView NumberFormatBase::rounding_mode_string() const { switch (m_rounding_mode) { case RoundingMode::Ceil: return "ceil"sv; case RoundingMode::Expand: return "expand"sv; case RoundingMode::Floor: return "floor"sv; case RoundingMode::HalfCeil: return "halfCeil"sv; case RoundingMode::HalfEven: return "halfEven"sv; case RoundingMode::HalfExpand: return "halfExpand"sv; case RoundingMode::HalfFloor: return "halfFloor"sv; case RoundingMode::HalfTrunc: return "halfTrunc"sv; case RoundingMode::Trunc: return "trunc"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormatBase::set_rounding_mode(StringView rounding_mode) { if (rounding_mode == "ceil"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::Ceil; else if (rounding_mode == "expand"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::Expand; else if (rounding_mode == "floor"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::Floor; else if (rounding_mode == "halfCeil"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::HalfCeil; else if (rounding_mode == "halfEven"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::HalfEven; else if (rounding_mode == "halfExpand"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::HalfExpand; else if (rounding_mode == "halfFloor"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::HalfFloor; else if (rounding_mode == "halfTrunc"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::HalfTrunc; else if (rounding_mode == "trunc"sv) m_rounding_mode = RoundingMode::Trunc; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormatBase::trailing_zero_display_string() const { switch (m_trailing_zero_display) { case TrailingZeroDisplay::Auto: return "auto"sv; case TrailingZeroDisplay::StripIfInteger: return "stripIfInteger"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormatBase::set_trailing_zero_display(StringView trailing_zero_display) { if (trailing_zero_display == "auto"sv) m_trailing_zero_display = TrailingZeroDisplay::Auto; else if (trailing_zero_display == "stripIfInteger"sv) m_trailing_zero_display = TrailingZeroDisplay::StripIfInteger; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } Value NumberFormat::use_grouping_to_value(GlobalObject& global_object) const { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); switch (m_use_grouping) { case UseGrouping::Always: return js_string(vm, "always"sv); case UseGrouping::Auto: return js_string(vm, "auto"sv); case UseGrouping::Min2: return js_string(vm, "min2"sv); case UseGrouping::False: return Value(false); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormat::set_use_grouping(StringOrBoolean const& use_grouping) { use_grouping.visit( [this](StringView grouping) { if (grouping == "always"sv) m_use_grouping = UseGrouping::Always; else if (grouping == "auto"sv) m_use_grouping = UseGrouping::Auto; else if (grouping == "min2"sv) m_use_grouping = UseGrouping::Min2; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }, [this](bool grouping) { VERIFY(!grouping); m_use_grouping = UseGrouping::False; }); } void NumberFormat::set_notation(StringView notation) { if (notation == "standard"sv) m_notation = Notation::Standard; else if (notation == "scientific"sv) m_notation = Notation::Scientific; else if (notation == "engineering"sv) m_notation = Notation::Engineering; else if (notation == "compact"sv) m_notation = Notation::Compact; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::notation_string() const { switch (m_notation) { case Notation::Standard: return "standard"sv; case Notation::Scientific: return "scientific"sv; case Notation::Engineering: return "engineering"sv; case Notation::Compact: return "compact"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormat::set_compact_display(StringView compact_display) { if (compact_display == "short"sv) m_compact_display = CompactDisplay::Short; else if (compact_display == "long"sv) m_compact_display = CompactDisplay::Long; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::compact_display_string() const { VERIFY(m_compact_display.has_value()); switch (*m_compact_display) { case CompactDisplay::Short: return "short"sv; case CompactDisplay::Long: return "long"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void NumberFormat::set_sign_display(StringView sign_display) { if (sign_display == "auto"sv) m_sign_display = SignDisplay::Auto; else if (sign_display == "never"sv) m_sign_display = SignDisplay::Never; else if (sign_display == "always"sv) m_sign_display = SignDisplay::Always; else if (sign_display == "exceptZero"sv) m_sign_display = SignDisplay::ExceptZero; else if (sign_display == "negative"sv) m_sign_display = SignDisplay::Negative; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } StringView NumberFormat::sign_display_string() const { switch (m_sign_display) { case SignDisplay::Auto: return "auto"sv; case SignDisplay::Never: return "never"sv; case SignDisplay::Always: return "always"sv; case SignDisplay::ExceptZero: return "exceptZero"sv; case SignDisplay::Negative: return "negative"sv; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // 15.5.1 CurrencyDigits ( currency ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-currencydigits int currency_digits(StringView currency) { // 1. If the ISO 4217 currency and funds code list contains currency as an alphabetic code, return the minor // unit value corresponding to the currency from the list; otherwise, return 2. if (auto currency_code = Unicode::get_currency_code(currency); currency_code.has_value()) return currency_code->minor_unit.value_or(2); return 2; } // 15.5.3 FormatNumericToString ( intlObject, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-formatnumberstring // 1.1.5 FormatNumericToString ( intlObject, x ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-formatnumberstring FormatResult format_numeric_to_string(NumberFormatBase const& intl_object, MathematicalValue number) { bool is_negative = false; // 1. If x is negative-zero, then if (number.is_negative_zero()) { // a. Let isNegative be true. is_negative = true; // b. Let x be the mathematical value 0. number = MathematicalValue(0.0); } // 2. Assert: x is a mathematical value. VERIFY(number.is_mathematical_value()); // 3. If x < 0, let isNegative be true; else let isNegative be false. // FIXME: Spec issue: this step would override step 1a, see https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/issues/67 if (number.is_negative()) { is_negative = true; // 4. If isNegative, then // a. Let x be -x. number.negate(); } // 5. Let unsignedRoundingMode be GetUnsignedRoundingMode(intlObject.[[RoundingMode]], isNegative). // FIXME: Spec issue: Intl.PluralRules does not have [[RoundingMode]], see https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/issues/103 Optional unsigned_rounding_mode; if (intl_object.rounding_mode() != NumberFormat::RoundingMode::Invalid) unsigned_rounding_mode = get_unsigned_rounding_mode(intl_object.rounding_mode(), is_negative); RawFormatResult result {}; switch (intl_object.rounding_type()) { // 6. If intlObject.[[RoundingType]] is significantDigits, then case NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::SignificantDigits: // a. Let result be ToRawPrecision(x, intlObject.[[MinimumSignificantDigits]], intlObject.[[MaximumSignificantDigits]], unsignedRoundingMode). result = to_raw_precision(number, intl_object.min_significant_digits(), intl_object.max_significant_digits(), unsigned_rounding_mode); break; // 7. Else if intlObject.[[RoundingType]] is fractionDigits, then case NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::FractionDigits: // a. Let result be ToRawFixed(x, intlObject.[[MinimumFractionDigits]], intlObject.[[MaximumFractionDigits]], intlObject.[[RoundingIncrement]], unsignedRoundingMode). result = to_raw_fixed(number, intl_object.min_fraction_digits(), intl_object.max_fraction_digits(), intl_object.rounding_increment(), unsigned_rounding_mode); break; // 8. Else, case NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::MorePrecision: case NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::LessPrecision: { // a. Let sResult be ToRawPrecision(x, intlObject.[[MinimumSignificantDigits]], intlObject.[[MaximumSignificantDigits]], unsignedRoundingMode). auto significant_result = to_raw_precision(number, intl_object.min_significant_digits(), intl_object.max_significant_digits(), unsigned_rounding_mode); // b. Let fResult be ToRawFixed(x, intlObject.[[MinimumFractionDigits]], intlObject.[[MaximumFractionDigits]], intlObject.[[RoundingIncrement]], unsignedRoundingMode). auto fraction_result = to_raw_fixed(number, intl_object.min_fraction_digits(), intl_object.max_fraction_digits(), intl_object.rounding_increment(), unsigned_rounding_mode); // c. If intlObj.[[RoundingType]] is morePrecision, then if (intl_object.rounding_type() == NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::MorePrecision) { // i. If sResult.[[RoundingMagnitude]] ≤ fResult.[[RoundingMagnitude]], then if (significant_result.rounding_magnitude <= fraction_result.rounding_magnitude) { // 1. Let result be sResult. result = move(significant_result); } // ii. Else, else { // 2. Let result be fResult. result = move(fraction_result); } } // d. Else, else { // i. Assert: intlObj.[[RoundingType]] is lessPrecision. VERIFY(intl_object.rounding_type() == NumberFormatBase::RoundingType::LessPrecision); // ii. If sResult.[[RoundingMagnitude]] ≤ fResult.[[RoundingMagnitude]], then if (significant_result.rounding_magnitude <= fraction_result.rounding_magnitude) { // 1. Let result be fResult. result = move(fraction_result); } // iii. Else, else { // 1. Let result be sResult. result = move(significant_result); } } break; } default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } // 9. Let x be result.[[RoundedNumber]]. number = move(result.rounded_number); // 10. Let string be result.[[FormattedString]]. auto string = move(result.formatted_string); // 11. If intlObject.[[TrailingZeroDisplay]] is "stripIfInteger" and x modulo 1 = 0, then if ((intl_object.trailing_zero_display() == NumberFormat::TrailingZeroDisplay::StripIfInteger) && number.modulo_is_zero(1)) { // a. If string contains ".", then if (auto index = string.find('.'); index.has_value()) { // i. Set string to the substring of string from index 0 to the index of ".". string = string.substring(0, *index); } } // 12. Let int be result.[[IntegerDigitsCount]]. int digits = result.digits; // 13. Let minInteger be intlObject.[[MinimumIntegerDigits]]. int min_integer = intl_object.min_integer_digits(); // 14. If int < minInteger, then if (digits < min_integer) { // a. Let forwardZeros be the String consisting of minInteger–int occurrences of the character "0". auto forward_zeros = String::repeated('0', min_integer - digits); // b. Set string to the string-concatenation of forwardZeros and string. string = String::formatted("{}{}", forward_zeros, string); } // 15. If isNegative and x is 0, then if (is_negative && number.is_zero()) { // a. Let x be -0. number = MathematicalValue { MathematicalValue::Symbol::NegativeZero }; } // 16. Else if isNegative, then else if (is_negative) { // b. Let x be -x. number.negate(); } // 17. Return the Record { [[RoundedNumber]]: x, [[FormattedString]]: string }. return { move(string), move(number) }; } // 15.5.4 PartitionNumberPattern ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-partitionnumberpattern // 1.1.6 PartitionNumberPattern ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-partitionnumberpattern Vector partition_number_pattern(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue number) { // 1. Let exponent be 0. int exponent = 0; String formatted_string; // 2. If x is not-a-number, then if (number.is_nan()) { // a. Let n be an implementation- and locale-dependent (ILD) String value indicating the NaN value. formatted_string = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::NaN).value_or("NaN"sv); } // 3. Else if x is positive-infinity, then else if (number.is_positive_infinity()) { // a. Let n be an ILD String value indicating positive infinity. formatted_string = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::Infinity).value_or("infinity"sv); } // 4. Else if x is negative-infinity, then else if (number.is_negative_infinity()) { // a. Let n be an ILD String value indicating negative infinity. // NOTE: The CLDR does not contain unique strings for negative infinity. The negative sign will // be inserted by the pattern returned from GetNumberFormatPattern. formatted_string = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::Infinity).value_or("infinity"sv); } // 5. Else, else { // a. If x is not negative-zero, if (!number.is_negative_zero()) { // i. Assert: x is a mathematical value. VERIFY(number.is_mathematical_value()); // ii. If numberFormat.[[Style]] is "percent", let x be 100 × x. if (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Percent) number = number.multiplied_by(100); // iii. Let exponent be ComputeExponent(numberFormat, x). exponent = compute_exponent(number_format, number); // iv. Let x be x × 10^-exponent. number = number.multiplied_by_power(-exponent); } // b. Let formatNumberResult be FormatNumericToString(numberFormat, x). auto format_number_result = format_numeric_to_string(number_format, move(number)); // c. Let n be formatNumberResult.[[FormattedString]]. formatted_string = move(format_number_result.formatted_string); // d. Let x be formatNumberResult.[[RoundedNumber]]. number = move(format_number_result.rounded_number); } Unicode::NumberFormat found_pattern {}; // 6. Let pattern be GetNumberFormatPattern(numberFormat, x). auto pattern = get_number_format_pattern(global_object, number_format, number, found_pattern); if (!pattern.has_value()) return {}; // 7. Let result be a new empty List. Vector result; // 8. Let patternParts be PartitionPattern(pattern). auto pattern_parts = pattern->visit([](auto const& p) { return partition_pattern(p); }); // 9. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } patternPart of patternParts, do for (auto& pattern_part : pattern_parts) { // a. Let p be patternPart.[[Type]]. auto part = pattern_part.type; // b. If p is "literal", then if (part == "literal"sv) { // i. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "literal", [[Value]]: patternPart.[[Value]] } as the last element of result. result.append({ "literal"sv, move(pattern_part.value) }); } // c. Else if p is equal to "number", then else if (part == "number"sv) { // i. Let notationSubParts be PartitionNotationSubPattern(numberFormat, x, n, exponent). auto notation_sub_parts = partition_notation_sub_pattern(number_format, number, formatted_string, exponent); // ii. Append all elements of notationSubParts to result. result.extend(move(notation_sub_parts)); } // d. Else if p is equal to "plusSign", then else if (part == "plusSign"sv) { // i. Let plusSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the plus sign. auto plus_sign_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::PlusSign).value_or("+"sv); // ii. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "plusSign", [[Value]]: plusSignSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "plusSign"sv, plus_sign_symbol }); } // e. Else if p is equal to "minusSign", then else if (part == "minusSign"sv) { // i. Let minusSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the minus sign. auto minus_sign_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::MinusSign).value_or("-"sv); // ii. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "minusSign", [[Value]]: minusSignSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "minusSign"sv, minus_sign_symbol }); } // f. Else if p is equal to "percentSign" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "percent", then else if ((part == "percentSign"sv) && (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Percent)) { // i. Let percentSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the percent sign. auto percent_sign_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::PercentSign).value_or("%"sv); // ii. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "percentSign", [[Value]]: percentSignSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "percentSign"sv, percent_sign_symbol }); } // g. Else if p is equal to "unitPrefix" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "unit", then // h. Else if p is equal to "unitSuffix" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "unit", then else if ((part.starts_with("unitIdentifier:"sv)) && (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Unit)) { // Note: Our implementation combines "unitPrefix" and "unitSuffix" into one field, "unitIdentifier". auto identifier_index = part.substring_view("unitIdentifier:"sv.length()).to_uint(); VERIFY(identifier_index.has_value()); // i. Let unit be numberFormat.[[Unit]]. // ii. Let unitDisplay be numberFormat.[[UnitDisplay]]. // iii. Let mu be an ILD String value representing unit before x in unitDisplay form, which may depend on x in languages having different plural forms. auto unit_identifier = found_pattern.identifiers[*identifier_index]; // iv. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "unit", [[Value]]: mu } as the last element of result. result.append({ "unit"sv, unit_identifier }); } // i. Else if p is equal to "currencyCode" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "currency", then // j. Else if p is equal to "currencyPrefix" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "currency", then // k. Else if p is equal to "currencySuffix" and numberFormat.[[Style]] is "currency", then // // Note: Our implementation manipulates the format string to inject/remove spacing around the // currency code during GetNumberFormatPattern so that we do not have to do currency // display / plurality lookups more than once. else if ((part == "currency"sv) && (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Currency)) { result.append({ "currency"sv, number_format.resolve_currency_display() }); } // l. Else, else { // i. Let unknown be an ILND String based on x and p. // ii. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "unknown", [[Value]]: unknown } as the last element of result. // LibUnicode doesn't generate any "unknown" patterns. VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // 10. Return result. return result; } static Vector separate_integer_into_groups(Unicode::NumberGroupings const& grouping_sizes, StringView integer, NumberFormat::UseGrouping use_grouping) { Utf8View utf8_integer { integer }; if (utf8_integer.length() <= grouping_sizes.primary_grouping_size) return { integer }; size_t index = utf8_integer.length() - grouping_sizes.primary_grouping_size; switch (use_grouping) { case NumberFormat::UseGrouping::Min2: if (utf8_integer.length() < 5) return { integer }; break; case NumberFormat::UseGrouping::Auto: if (index < grouping_sizes.minimum_grouping_digits) return { integer }; break; case NumberFormat::UseGrouping::Always: break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } Vector groups; auto add_group = [&](size_t index, size_t length) { groups.prepend(utf8_integer.unicode_substring_view(index, length).as_string()); }; add_group(index, grouping_sizes.primary_grouping_size); while (index > grouping_sizes.secondary_grouping_size) { index -= grouping_sizes.secondary_grouping_size; add_group(index, grouping_sizes.secondary_grouping_size); } if (index > 0) add_group(0, index); return groups; } // 15.5.5 PartitionNotationSubPattern ( numberFormat, x, n, exponent ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-partitionnotationsubpattern // 1.1.7 PartitionNotationSubPattern ( numberFormat, x, n, exponent ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-partitionnotationsubpattern Vector partition_notation_sub_pattern(NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue const& number, String formatted_string, int exponent) { // 1. Let result be a new empty List. Vector result; auto grouping_sizes = Unicode::get_number_system_groupings(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system()); if (!grouping_sizes.has_value()) return {}; // 2. If x is NaN, then if (number.is_nan()) { // a. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "nan", [[Value]]: n } as the last element of result. result.append({ "nan"sv, move(formatted_string) }); } // 3. Else if x is a non-finite Number, then else if (number.is_positive_infinity() || number.is_negative_infinity()) { // a. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "infinity", [[Value]]: n } as the last element of result. result.append({ "infinity"sv, move(formatted_string) }); } // 4. Else, else { // a. Let notationSubPattern be GetNotationSubPattern(numberFormat, exponent). auto notation_sub_pattern = get_notation_sub_pattern(number_format, exponent); if (!notation_sub_pattern.has_value()) return {}; // b. Let patternParts be PartitionPattern(notationSubPattern). auto pattern_parts = partition_pattern(*notation_sub_pattern); // c. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } patternPart of patternParts, do for (auto& pattern_part : pattern_parts) { // i. Let p be patternPart.[[Type]]. auto part = pattern_part.type; // ii. If p is "literal", then if (part == "literal"sv) { // 1. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "literal", [[Value]]: patternPart.[[Value]] } as the last element of result. result.append({ "literal"sv, move(pattern_part.value) }); } // iii. Else if p is equal to "number", then else if (part == "number"sv) { // 1. If the numberFormat.[[NumberingSystem]] matches one of the values in the "Numbering System" column of Table 12 below, then // a. Let digits be a List whose 10 String valued elements are the UTF-16 string representations of the 10 digits specified in the "Digits" column of the matching row in Table 12. // b. Replace each digit in n with the value of digits[digit]. // 2. Else use an implementation dependent algorithm to map n to the appropriate representation of n in the given numbering system. formatted_string = Unicode::replace_digits_for_number_system(number_format.numbering_system(), formatted_string); // 3. Let decimalSepIndex be StringIndexOf(n, ".", 0). auto decimal_sep_index = formatted_string.find('.'); StringView integer; Optional fraction; // 4. If decimalSepIndex > 0, then if (decimal_sep_index.has_value() && (*decimal_sep_index > 0)) { // a. Let integer be the substring of n from position 0, inclusive, to position decimalSepIndex, exclusive. integer = formatted_string.substring_view(0, *decimal_sep_index); // b. Let fraction be the substring of n from position decimalSepIndex, exclusive, to the end of n. fraction = formatted_string.substring_view(*decimal_sep_index + 1); } // 5. Else, else { // a. Let integer be n. integer = formatted_string; // b. Let fraction be undefined. } // 6. If the numberFormat.[[UseGrouping]] is false, then if (number_format.use_grouping() == NumberFormat::UseGrouping::False) { // a. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "integer", [[Value]]: integer } as the last element of result. result.append({ "integer"sv, integer }); } // 7. Else, else { // a. Let groupSepSymbol be the implementation-, locale-, and numbering system-dependent (ILND) String representing the grouping separator. auto group_sep_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::Group).value_or(","sv); // b. Let groups be a List whose elements are, in left to right order, the substrings defined by ILND set of locations within the integer, which may depend on the value of numberFormat.[[UseGrouping]]. auto groups = separate_integer_into_groups(*grouping_sizes, integer, number_format.use_grouping()); // c. Assert: The number of elements in groups List is greater than 0. VERIFY(!groups.is_empty()); // d. Repeat, while groups List is not empty, while (!groups.is_empty()) { // i. Remove the first element from groups and let integerGroup be the value of that element. auto integer_group = groups.take_first(); // ii. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "integer", [[Value]]: integerGroup } as the last element of result. result.append({ "integer"sv, integer_group }); // iii. If groups List is not empty, then if (!groups.is_empty()) { // i. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "group", [[Value]]: groupSepSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "group"sv, group_sep_symbol }); } } } // 8. If fraction is not undefined, then if (fraction.has_value()) { // a. Let decimalSepSymbol be the ILND String representing the decimal separator. auto decimal_sep_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::Decimal).value_or("."sv); // b. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "decimal", [[Value]]: decimalSepSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "decimal"sv, decimal_sep_symbol }); // c. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "fraction", [[Value]]: fraction } as the last element of result. result.append({ "fraction"sv, fraction.release_value() }); } } // iv. Else if p is equal to "compactSymbol", then // v. Else if p is equal to "compactName", then else if (part.starts_with("compactIdentifier:"sv)) { // Note: Our implementation combines "compactSymbol" and "compactName" into one field, "compactIdentifier". auto identifier_index = part.substring_view("compactIdentifier:"sv.length()).to_uint(); VERIFY(identifier_index.has_value()); // 1. Let compactSymbol be an ILD string representing exponent in short form, which may depend on x in languages having different plural forms. The implementation must be able to provide this string, or else the pattern would not have a "{compactSymbol}" placeholder. auto compact_identifier = number_format.compact_format().identifiers[*identifier_index]; // 2. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "compact", [[Value]]: compactSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "compact"sv, compact_identifier }); } // vi. Else if p is equal to "scientificSeparator", then else if (part == "scientificSeparator"sv) { // 1. Let scientificSeparator be the ILND String representing the exponent separator. auto scientific_separator = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::Exponential).value_or("E"sv); // 2. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "exponentSeparator", [[Value]]: scientificSeparator } as the last element of result. result.append({ "exponentSeparator"sv, scientific_separator }); } // vii. Else if p is equal to "scientificExponent", then else if (part == "scientificExponent"sv) { // 1. If exponent < 0, then if (exponent < 0) { // a. Let minusSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the minus sign. auto minus_sign_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::MinusSign).value_or("-"sv); // b. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "exponentMinusSign", [[Value]]: minusSignSymbol } as the last element of result. result.append({ "exponentMinusSign"sv, minus_sign_symbol }); // c. Let exponent be -exponent. exponent *= -1; } // 2. Let exponentResult be ToRawFixed(exponent, 0, 0, 1, undefined). auto exponent_value = MathematicalValue { static_cast(exponent) }; auto exponent_result = to_raw_fixed(exponent_value, 0, 0, 1, {}); // FIXME: The spec does not say to do this, but all of major engines perform this replacement. // Without this, formatting with non-Latin numbering systems will produce non-localized results. exponent_result.formatted_string = Unicode::replace_digits_for_number_system(number_format.numbering_system(), exponent_result.formatted_string); // 3. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "exponentInteger", [[Value]]: exponentResult.[[FormattedString]] } as the last element of result. result.append({ "exponentInteger"sv, move(exponent_result.formatted_string) }); } // viii. Else, else { // 1. Let unknown be an ILND String based on x and p. // 2. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "unknown", [[Value]]: unknown } as the last element of result. // LibUnicode doesn't generate any "unknown" patterns. VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } } // 5. Return result. return result; } // 15.5.6 FormatNumeric ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-formatnumber String format_numeric(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue number) { // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x). // Note: Our implementation of PartitionNumberPattern does not throw. auto parts = partition_number_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(number)); // 2. Let result be the empty String. StringBuilder result; // 3. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } part in parts, do for (auto& part : parts) { // a. Set result to the string-concatenation of result and part.[[Value]]. result.append(move(part.value)); } // 4. Return result. return result.build(); } // 15.5.7 FormatNumericToParts ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-formatnumbertoparts Array* format_numeric_to_parts(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue number) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); auto& realm = *global_object.associated_realm(); // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x). // Note: Our implementation of PartitionNumberPattern does not throw. auto parts = partition_number_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(number)); // 2. Let result be ! ArrayCreate(0). auto* result = MUST(Array::create(realm, 0)); // 3. Let n be 0. size_t n = 0; // 4. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } part in parts, do for (auto& part : parts) { // a. Let O be OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). auto* object = Object::create(realm, global_object.object_prototype()); // b. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "type", part.[[Type]]). MUST(object->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.type, js_string(vm, part.type))); // c. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "value", part.[[Value]]). MUST(object->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.value, js_string(vm, move(part.value)))); // d. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(result, ! ToString(n), O). MUST(result->create_data_property_or_throw(n, object)); // e. Increment n by 1. ++n; } // 5. Return result. return result; } static String cut_trailing_zeroes(StringView string, int cut) { // These steps are exactly the same between ToRawPrecision and ToRawFixed. // Repeat, while cut > 0 and the last character of m is "0", while ((cut > 0) && string.ends_with('0')) { // Remove the last character from m. string = string.substring_view(0, string.length() - 1); // Decrease cut by 1. --cut; } // If the last character of m is ".", then if (string.ends_with('.')) { // Remove the last character from m. string = string.substring_view(0, string.length() - 1); } return string.to_string(); } enum class PreferredResult { LessThanNumber, GreaterThanNumber, }; // ToRawPrecisionFn, https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#eqn-ToRawPrecisionFn static auto to_raw_precision_function(MathematicalValue const& number, int precision, PreferredResult mode) { struct { MathematicalValue number; int exponent { 0 }; MathematicalValue rounded; } result {}; result.exponent = number.logarithmic_floor(); if (number.is_number()) { result.number = number.divided_by_power(result.exponent - precision + 1); switch (mode) { case PreferredResult::LessThanNumber: result.number = MathematicalValue { floor(result.number.as_number()) }; break; case PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber: result.number = MathematicalValue { ceil(result.number.as_number()) }; break; } } else { // NOTE: In order to round the BigInt to the proper precision, this computation is initially off by a // factor of 10. This lets us inspect the ones digit and then round up if needed. result.number = number.divided_by_power(result.exponent - precision); // FIXME: Can we do this without string conversion? auto digits = result.number.to_string(); auto digit = digits.substring_view(digits.length() - 1); result.number = result.number.divided_by(10); if (mode == PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber && digit.to_uint().value() != 0) result.number = result.number.plus(1); } result.rounded = result.number.multiplied_by_power(result.exponent - precision + 1); return result; } // 15.5.8 ToRawPrecision ( x, minPrecision, maxPrecision ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-torawprecision // 1.1.10 ToRawPrecision ( x, minPrecision, maxPrecision, unsignedRoundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-torawprecision RawFormatResult to_raw_precision(MathematicalValue const& number, int min_precision, int max_precision, Optional const& unsigned_rounding_mode) { RawFormatResult result {}; // 1. Let p be maxPrecision. int precision = max_precision; int exponent = 0; // 2. If x = 0, then if (number.is_zero()) { // a. Let m be the String consisting of p occurrences of the character "0". result.formatted_string = String::repeated('0', precision); // b. Let e be 0. exponent = 0; // c. Let xFinal be 0. result.rounded_number = MathematicalValue { 0.0 }; } // 3. Else, else { // FIXME: The result of these steps isn't entirely accurate for large values of 'p' (which // defaults to 21, resulting in numbers on the order of 10^21). Either AK::format or // our Number::toString AO (double_to_string in Value.cpp) will need to be improved // to produce more accurate results. // a. Let n1 and e1 each be an integer and r1 a mathematical value, with r1 = ToRawPrecisionFn(n1, e1, p), such that r1 ≤ x and r1 is maximized. auto [number1, exponent1, rounded1] = to_raw_precision_function(number, precision, PreferredResult::LessThanNumber); // b. Let n2 and e2 each be an integer and r2 a mathematical value, with r2 = ToRawPrecisionFn(n2, e2, p), such that r2 ≥ x and r2 is minimized. auto [number2, exponent2, rounded2] = to_raw_precision_function(number, precision, PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber); // c. Let r be ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode(x, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode). auto rounded = apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(number, rounded1, rounded2, unsigned_rounding_mode); MathematicalValue n; // d. If r is r1, then if (rounded == RoundingDecision::LowerValue) { // i. Let n be n1. n = move(number1); // ii. Let e be e1. exponent = exponent1; // iii. Let xFinal be r1. result.rounded_number = move(rounded1); } // e. Else, else { // i. Let n be n2. n = move(number2); // ii. Let e be e2. exponent = exponent2; // iii. Let xFinal be r2. result.rounded_number = move(rounded2); } // f. Let m be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal representation of n (in order, with no leading zeroes). result.formatted_string = n.to_string(); } // 4. If e ≥ p–1, then if (exponent >= (precision - 1)) { // a. Let m be the string-concatenation of m and e–p+1 occurrences of the character "0". result.formatted_string = String::formatted( "{}{}", result.formatted_string, String::repeated('0', exponent - precision + 1)); // b. Let int be e+1. result.digits = exponent + 1; } // 5. Else if e ≥ 0, then else if (exponent >= 0) { // a. Let m be the string-concatenation of the first e+1 characters of m, the character ".", and the remaining p–(e+1) characters of m. result.formatted_string = String::formatted( "{}.{}", result.formatted_string.substring_view(0, exponent + 1), result.formatted_string.substring_view(exponent + 1)); // b. Let int be e+1. result.digits = exponent + 1; } // 6. Else, else { // a. Assert: e < 0. // b. Let m be the string-concatenation of "0.", –(e+1) occurrences of the character "0", and m. result.formatted_string = String::formatted( "0.{}{}", String::repeated('0', -1 * (exponent + 1)), result.formatted_string); // c. Let int be 1. result.digits = 1; } // 7. If m contains the character ".", and maxPrecision > minPrecision, then if (result.formatted_string.contains('.') && (max_precision > min_precision)) { // a. Let cut be maxPrecision – minPrecision. int cut = max_precision - min_precision; // Steps 8b-8c are implemented by cut_trailing_zeroes. result.formatted_string = cut_trailing_zeroes(result.formatted_string, cut); } // 8. Return the Record { [[FormattedString]]: m, [[RoundedNumber]]: xFinal, [[IntegerDigitsCount]]: int, [[RoundingMagnitude]]: e–p+1 }. result.rounding_magnitude = exponent - precision + 1; return result; } // ToRawFixedFn, https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#eqn-ToRawFixedFn static auto to_raw_fixed_function(MathematicalValue const& number, int fraction, int rounding_increment, PreferredResult mode) { struct { MathematicalValue number; MathematicalValue rounded; } result {}; if (number.is_number()) { result.number = number.multiplied_by_power(fraction); switch (mode) { case PreferredResult::LessThanNumber: result.number = MathematicalValue { floor(result.number.as_number()) }; break; case PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber: result.number = MathematicalValue { ceil(result.number.as_number()) }; break; } } else { // NOTE: In order to round the BigInt to the proper precision, this computation is initially off by a // factor of 10. This lets us inspect the ones digit and then round up if needed. result.number = number.multiplied_by_power(fraction - 1); // FIXME: Can we do this without string conversion? auto digits = result.number.to_string(); auto digit = digits.substring_view(digits.length() - 1); result.number = result.number.multiplied_by(10); if (mode == PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber && digit.to_uint().value() != 0) result.number = result.number.plus(1); } while (!result.number.modulo_is_zero(rounding_increment)) { switch (mode) { case PreferredResult::LessThanNumber: result.number = result.number.minus(1); break; case PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber: result.number = result.number.plus(1); break; } } result.rounded = result.number.divided_by_power(fraction); return result; } // 15.5.9 ToRawFixed ( x, minInteger, minFraction, maxFraction ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-torawfixed // 1.1.11 ToRawFixed ( x, minFraction, maxFraction, roundingIncrement, unsignedRoundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-torawfixed RawFormatResult to_raw_fixed(MathematicalValue const& number, int min_fraction, int max_fraction, int rounding_increment, Optional const& unsigned_rounding_mode) { RawFormatResult result {}; // 1. Let f be maxFraction. int fraction = max_fraction; // 2. Let n1 be an integer and r1 a mathematical value, with r1 = ToRawFixedFn(n1, f), such that n1 modulo roundingIncrement = 0, r1 ≤ x, and r1 is maximized. auto [number1, rounded1] = to_raw_fixed_function(number, fraction, rounding_increment, PreferredResult::LessThanNumber); // 3. Let n2 be an integer and r2 a mathematical value, with r2 = ToRawFixedFn(n2, f), such that n2 modulo roundingIncrement = 0, r2 ≥ x, and r2 is minimized. auto [number2, rounded2] = to_raw_fixed_function(number, fraction, rounding_increment, PreferredResult::GreaterThanNumber); // 4. Let r be ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode(x, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode). auto rounded = apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(number, rounded1, rounded2, unsigned_rounding_mode); MathematicalValue n; // 5. If r is r1, then if (rounded == RoundingDecision::LowerValue) { // a. Let n be n1. n = move(number1); // b. Let xFinal be r1. result.rounded_number = move(rounded1); } // 6. Else, else { // a. Let n be n2. n = move(number2); // b. Let xFinal be r2. result.rounded_number = move(rounded2); } // 7. If n = 0, let m be "0". Otherwise, let m be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal representation of n (in order, with no leading zeroes). result.formatted_string = n.is_zero() ? String("0"sv) : n.to_string(); // 8. If f ≠ 0, then if (fraction != 0) { // a. Let k be the number of characters in m. auto decimals = result.formatted_string.length(); // b. If k ≤ f, then if (decimals <= static_cast(fraction)) { // i. Let z be the String value consisting of f+1–k occurrences of the character "0". auto zeroes = String::repeated('0', fraction + 1 - decimals); // ii. Let m be the string-concatenation of z and m. result.formatted_string = String::formatted("{}{}", zeroes, result.formatted_string); // iii. Let k be f+1. decimals = fraction + 1; } // c. Let a be the first k–f characters of m, and let b be the remaining f characters of m. auto a = result.formatted_string.substring_view(0, decimals - fraction); auto b = result.formatted_string.substring_view(decimals - fraction, fraction); // d. Let m be the string-concatenation of a, ".", and b. result.formatted_string = String::formatted("{}.{}", a, b); // e. Let int be the number of characters in a. result.digits = a.length(); } // 9. Else, let int be the number of characters in m. else { result.digits = result.formatted_string.length(); } // 10. Let cut be maxFraction – minFraction. int cut = max_fraction - min_fraction; // Steps 11-12 are implemented by cut_trailing_zeroes. result.formatted_string = cut_trailing_zeroes(result.formatted_string, cut); // 13. Return the Record { [[FormattedString]]: m, [[RoundedNumber]]: xFinal, [[IntegerDigitsCount]]: int, [[RoundingMagnitude]]: –f }. result.rounding_magnitude = -fraction; return result; } // 15.5.11 GetNumberFormatPattern ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-getnumberformatpattern // 1.1.14 GetNumberFormatPattern ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-getnumberformatpattern Optional> get_number_format_pattern(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue const& number, Unicode::NumberFormat& found_pattern) { // 1. Let localeData be %NumberFormat%.[[LocaleData]]. // 2. Let dataLocale be numberFormat.[[DataLocale]]. // 3. Let dataLocaleData be localeData.[[]]. // 4. Let patterns be dataLocaleData.[[patterns]]. // 5. Assert: patterns is a Record (see 15.3.3). Optional patterns; // 6. Let style be numberFormat.[[Style]]. switch (number_format.style()) { // 7. If style is "percent", then case NumberFormat::Style::Percent: // a. Let patterns be patterns.[[percent]]. patterns = Unicode::get_standard_number_system_format(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::StandardNumberFormatType::Percent); break; // 8. Else if style is "unit", then case NumberFormat::Style::Unit: { // a. Let unit be numberFormat.[[Unit]]. // b. Let unitDisplay be numberFormat.[[UnitDisplay]]. // c. Let patterns be patterns.[[unit]]. // d. If patterns doesn't have a field [[]], then // i. Let unit be "fallback". // e. Let patterns be patterns.[[]]. // f. Let patterns be patterns.[[]]. auto formats = Unicode::get_unit_formats(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.unit(), number_format.unit_display()); auto plurality = resolve_plural(number_format, Unicode::PluralForm::Cardinal, number.to_value(global_object)); if (auto it = formats.find_if([&](auto& p) { return p.plurality == plurality; }); it != formats.end()) patterns = move(*it); break; } // 9. Else if style is "currency", then case NumberFormat::Style::Currency: // a. Let currency be numberFormat.[[Currency]]. // b. Let currencyDisplay be numberFormat.[[CurrencyDisplay]]. // c. Let currencySign be numberFormat.[[CurrencySign]]. // d. Let patterns be patterns.[[currency]]. // e. If patterns doesn't have a field [[]], then // i. Let currency be "fallback". // f. Let patterns be patterns.[[]]. // g. Let patterns be patterns.[[]]. // h. Let patterns be patterns.[[]]. // Handling of other [[CurrencyDisplay]] options will occur after [[SignDisplay]]. if (number_format.currency_display() == NumberFormat::CurrencyDisplay::Name) { auto formats = Unicode::get_compact_number_system_formats(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::CompactNumberFormatType::CurrencyUnit); auto plurality = resolve_plural(number_format, Unicode::PluralForm::Cardinal, number.to_value(global_object)); if (auto it = formats.find_if([&](auto& p) { return p.plurality == plurality; }); it != formats.end()) { patterns = move(*it); break; } } switch (number_format.currency_sign()) { case NumberFormat::CurrencySign::Standard: patterns = Unicode::get_standard_number_system_format(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::StandardNumberFormatType::Currency); break; case NumberFormat::CurrencySign::Accounting: patterns = Unicode::get_standard_number_system_format(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::StandardNumberFormatType::Accounting); break; } break; // 10. Else, case NumberFormat::Style::Decimal: // a. Assert: style is "decimal". // b. Let patterns be patterns.[[decimal]]. patterns = Unicode::get_standard_number_system_format(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::StandardNumberFormatType::Decimal); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (!patterns.has_value()) return {}; StringView pattern; // 11. Let signDisplay be numberFormat.[[SignDisplay]]. switch (number_format.sign_display()) { // 12. If signDisplay is "never", then case NumberFormat::SignDisplay::Never: // a. Let pattern be patterns.[[zeroPattern]]. pattern = patterns->zero_format; break; // 13. Else if signDisplay is "auto", then case NumberFormat::SignDisplay::Auto: // a. If x is 0 or x > 0 or x is NaN, then if (number.is_zero() || number.is_positive() || number.is_nan()) { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[zeroPattern]]. pattern = patterns->zero_format; } // b. Else, else { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[negativePattern]]. pattern = patterns->negative_format; } break; // 14. Else if signDisplay is "always", then case NumberFormat::SignDisplay::Always: // a. If x is 0 or x > 0 or x is NaN, then if (number.is_zero() || number.is_positive() || number.is_nan()) { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[positivePattern]]. pattern = patterns->positive_format; } // b. Else, else { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[negativePattern]]. pattern = patterns->negative_format; } break; // 15. Else if signDisplay is "exceptZero", then case NumberFormat::SignDisplay::ExceptZero: // a. If x is 0 or x is -0 or x is NaN, then if (number.is_zero() || number.is_negative_zero() || number.is_nan()) { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[zeroPattern]]. pattern = patterns->zero_format; } // b. Else if x > 0, then else if (number.is_positive()) { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[positivePattern]]. pattern = patterns->positive_format; } // c. Else, else { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[negativePattern]]. pattern = patterns->negative_format; } break; // 16. Else, case NumberFormat::SignDisplay::Negative: // a. Assert: signDisplay is "negative". // b. If x is 0 or x is -0 or x > 0 or x is NaN, then if (number.is_zero() || number.is_negative_zero() || number.is_positive() || number.is_nan()) { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[zeroPattern]]. pattern = patterns->zero_format; } // c. Else, else { // i. Let pattern be patterns.[[negativePattern]]. pattern = patterns->negative_format; } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } found_pattern = patterns.release_value(); // Handling of steps 9b/9g: Depending on the currency display and the format pattern found above, // we might need to mutate the format pattern to inject a space between the currency display and // the currency number. if (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Currency) { auto modified_pattern = Unicode::augment_currency_format_pattern(number_format.resolve_currency_display(), pattern); if (modified_pattern.has_value()) return modified_pattern.release_value(); } // 16. Return pattern. return pattern; } // 15.5.12 GetNotationSubPattern ( numberFormat, exponent ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-getnotationsubpattern Optional get_notation_sub_pattern(NumberFormat& number_format, int exponent) { // 1. Let localeData be %NumberFormat%.[[LocaleData]]. // 2. Let dataLocale be numberFormat.[[DataLocale]]. // 3. Let dataLocaleData be localeData.[[]]. // 4. Let notationSubPatterns be dataLocaleData.[[notationSubPatterns]]. // 5. Assert: notationSubPatterns is a Record (see 15.3.3). // 6. Let notation be numberFormat.[[Notation]]. auto notation = number_format.notation(); // 7. If notation is "scientific" or notation is "engineering", then if ((notation == NumberFormat::Notation::Scientific) || (notation == NumberFormat::Notation::Engineering)) { // a. Return notationSubPatterns.[[scientific]]. auto notation_sub_patterns = Unicode::get_standard_number_system_format(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::StandardNumberFormatType::Scientific); if (!notation_sub_patterns.has_value()) return {}; return notation_sub_patterns->zero_format; } // 8. Else if exponent is not 0, then else if (exponent != 0) { // a. Assert: notation is "compact". VERIFY(notation == NumberFormat::Notation::Compact); // b. Let compactDisplay be numberFormat.[[CompactDisplay]]. // c. Let compactPatterns be notationSubPatterns.[[compact]].[[]]. // d. Return compactPatterns.[[]]. if (number_format.has_compact_format()) return number_format.compact_format().zero_format; } // 9. Else, // a. Return "{number}". return "{number}"sv; } // 15.5.13 ComputeExponent ( numberFormat, x ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-computeexponent int compute_exponent(NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue number) { // 1. If x = 0, then if (number.is_zero()) { // a. Return 0. return 0; } // 2. If x < 0, then if (number.is_negative()) { // a. Let x = -x. number.negate(); } // 3. Let magnitude be the base 10 logarithm of x rounded down to the nearest integer. int magnitude = number.logarithmic_floor(); // 4. Let exponent be ComputeExponentForMagnitude(numberFormat, magnitude). int exponent = compute_exponent_for_magnitude(number_format, magnitude); // 5. Let x be x × 10^(-exponent). number = number.multiplied_by_power(-exponent); // 6. Let formatNumberResult be FormatNumericToString(numberFormat, x). auto format_number_result = format_numeric_to_string(number_format, move(number)); // 7. If formatNumberResult.[[RoundedNumber]] = 0, then if (format_number_result.rounded_number.is_zero()) { // a. Return exponent. return exponent; } // 8. Let newMagnitude be the base 10 logarithm of formatNumberResult.[[RoundedNumber]] rounded down to the nearest integer. int new_magnitude = format_number_result.rounded_number.logarithmic_floor(); // 9. If newMagnitude is magnitude – exponent, then if (new_magnitude == magnitude - exponent) { // a. Return exponent. return exponent; } // 10. Return ComputeExponentForMagnitude(numberFormat, magnitude + 1). return compute_exponent_for_magnitude(number_format, magnitude + 1); } // 15.5.14 ComputeExponentForMagnitude ( numberFormat, magnitude ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-computeexponentformagnitude int compute_exponent_for_magnitude(NumberFormat& number_format, int magnitude) { // 1. Let notation be numberFormat.[[Notation]]. switch (number_format.notation()) { // 2. If notation is "standard", then case NumberFormat::Notation::Standard: // a. Return 0. return 0; // 3. Else if notation is "scientific", then case NumberFormat::Notation::Scientific: // a. Return magnitude. return magnitude; // 4. Else if notation is "engineering", then case NumberFormat::Notation::Engineering: { // a. Let thousands be the greatest integer that is not greater than magnitude / 3. double thousands = floor(static_cast(magnitude) / 3.0); // b. Return thousands × 3. return static_cast(thousands) * 3; } // 5. Else, case NumberFormat::Notation::Compact: { // a. Assert: notation is "compact". VERIFY(number_format.has_compact_display()); // b. Let exponent be an implementation- and locale-dependent (ILD) integer by which to scale a number of the given magnitude in compact notation for the current locale. // c. Return exponent. Vector format_rules; if (number_format.style() == NumberFormat::Style::Currency) format_rules = Unicode::get_compact_number_system_formats(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::CompactNumberFormatType::CurrencyShort); else if (number_format.compact_display() == NumberFormat::CompactDisplay::Long) format_rules = Unicode::get_compact_number_system_formats(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::CompactNumberFormatType::DecimalLong); else format_rules = Unicode::get_compact_number_system_formats(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::CompactNumberFormatType::DecimalShort); Unicode::NumberFormat const* best_number_format = nullptr; for (auto const& format_rule : format_rules) { if (format_rule.magnitude > magnitude) break; best_number_format = &format_rule; } if (best_number_format == nullptr) return 0; number_format.set_compact_format(*best_number_format); return best_number_format->exponent; } default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // 1.1.18 ToIntlMathematicalValue ( value ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-tointlmathematicalvalue ThrowCompletionOr to_intl_mathematical_value(GlobalObject& global_object, Value value) { // 1. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(value, number). auto primitive_value = TRY(value.to_primitive(global_object, Value::PreferredType::Number)); // 2. If Type(primValue) is BigInt, return the mathematical value of primValue. if (primitive_value.is_bigint()) return primitive_value.as_bigint().big_integer(); // FIXME: The remaining steps are being refactored into a new Runtime Semantic, StringIntlMV. // We short-circuit some of these steps to avoid known pitfalls. // See: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/pull/82 if (!primitive_value.is_string()) { auto number = TRY(primitive_value.to_number(global_object)); return number.as_double(); } // 3. If Type(primValue) is String, // a. Let str be primValue. auto const& string = primitive_value.as_string().string(); // Step 4 handled separately by the FIXME above. // 5. If the grammar cannot interpret str as an expansion of StringNumericLiteral, return not-a-number. // 6. Let mv be the MV, a mathematical value, of ? ToNumber(str), as described in auto mathematical_value = TRY(primitive_value.to_number(global_object)).as_double(); // 7. If mv is 0 and the first non white space code point in str is -, return negative-zero. if (mathematical_value == 0.0 && string.view().trim_whitespace(TrimMode::Left).starts_with('-')) return MathematicalValue::Symbol::NegativeZero; // 8. If mv is 10^10000 and str contains Infinity, return positive-infinity. if (mathematical_value == pow(10, 10000) && string.contains("Infinity"sv)) return MathematicalValue::Symbol::PositiveInfinity; // 9. If mv is -10^10000 and str contains Infinity, return negative-infinity. if (mathematical_value == pow(-10, 10000) && string.contains("Infinity"sv)) return MathematicalValue::Symbol::NegativeInfinity; // 10. Return mv. return mathematical_value; } // 1.1.19 GetUnsignedRoundingMode ( roundingMode, isNegative ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-getunsignedroundingmode NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode get_unsigned_rounding_mode(NumberFormat::RoundingMode rounding_mode, bool is_negative) { // 1. If isNegative is true, return the specification type in the third column of Table 2 where the first column is roundingMode and the second column is "negative". // 2. Else, return the specification type in the third column of Table 2 where the first column is roundingMode and the second column is "positive". // Table 2: Conversion from rounding mode to unsigned rounding mode, https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#table-intl-unsigned-rounding-modes switch (rounding_mode) { case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::Ceil: return is_negative ? NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero : NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::Floor: return is_negative ? NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity : NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::Expand: return NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::Trunc: return NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::HalfCeil: return is_negative ? NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero : NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::HalfFloor: return is_negative ? NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity : NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::HalfExpand: return NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::HalfTrunc: return NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero; case NumberFormat::RoundingMode::HalfEven: return NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfEven; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }; } // 1.1.20 ApplyUnsignedRoundingMode ( x, r1, r2, unsignedRoundingMode ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-applyunsignedroundingmode RoundingDecision apply_unsigned_rounding_mode(MathematicalValue const& x, MathematicalValue const& r1, MathematicalValue const& r2, Optional const& unsigned_rounding_mode) { // 1. If x is equal to r1, return r1. if (x.is_equal_to(r1)) return RoundingDecision::LowerValue; // FIXME: We skip this assertion due floating point inaccuracies. For example, entering "1.2345" // in the JS REPL results in "1.234499999999999", and may cause this assertion to fail. // // This should be resolved when the "Intl mathematical value" is implemented to support // arbitrarily precise decimals. // https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#intl-mathematical-value // 2. Assert: r1 < x < r2. // 3. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is not undefined. VERIFY(unsigned_rounding_mode.has_value()); // 4. If unsignedRoundingMode is zero, return r1. if (unsigned_rounding_mode == NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Zero) return RoundingDecision::LowerValue; // 5. If unsignedRoundingMode is infinity, return r2. if (unsigned_rounding_mode == NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::Infinity) return RoundingDecision::HigherValue; // 6. Let d1 be x – r1. auto d1 = x.minus(r1); // 7. Let d2 be r2 – x. auto d2 = r2.minus(x); // 8. If d1 < d2, return r1. if (d1.is_less_than(d2)) return RoundingDecision::LowerValue; // 9. If d2 < d1, return r2. if (d2.is_less_than(d1)) return RoundingDecision::HigherValue; // 10. Assert: d1 is equal to d2. VERIFY(d1.is_equal_to(d2)); // 11. If unsignedRoundingMode is half-zero, return r1. if (unsigned_rounding_mode == NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfZero) return RoundingDecision::LowerValue; // 12. If unsignedRoundingMode is half-infinity, return r2. if (unsigned_rounding_mode == NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfInfinity) return RoundingDecision::HigherValue; // 13. Assert: unsignedRoundingMode is half-even. VERIFY(unsigned_rounding_mode == NumberFormat::UnsignedRoundingMode::HalfEven); // 14. Let cardinality be (r1 / (r2 – r1)) modulo 2. auto cardinality = r1.divided_by(r2.minus(r1)); // 15. If cardinality is 0, return r1. if (cardinality.modulo_is_zero(2)) return RoundingDecision::LowerValue; // 16. Return r2. return RoundingDecision::HigherValue; } // 1.1.21 PartitionNumberRangePattern ( numberFormat, x, y ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-partitionnumberrangepattern ThrowCompletionOr> partition_number_range_pattern(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue start, MathematicalValue end) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); // 1. If x is NaN or y is NaN, throw a RangeError exception. if (start.is_nan()) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::IntlNumberIsNaN, "start"sv); if (end.is_nan()) return vm.throw_completion(global_object, ErrorType::IntlNumberIsNaN, "end"sv); // 2. Let result be a new empty List. Vector result; // 3. Let xResult be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x). auto raw_start_result = partition_number_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(start)); auto start_result = PatternPartitionWithSource::create_from_parent_list(move(raw_start_result)); // 4. Let yResult be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, y). auto raw_end_result = partition_number_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(end)); auto end_result = PatternPartitionWithSource::create_from_parent_list(move(raw_end_result)); // 5. If xResult is equal to yResult, return FormatApproximately(numberFormat, xResult). if (start_result == end_result) return format_approximately(number_format, move(start_result)); // 6. For each r in xResult, do for (auto& part : start_result) { // i. Set r.[[Source]] to "startRange". part.source = "startRange"sv; } // 7. Add all elements in xResult to result in order. result = move(start_result); // 8. Let rangeSeparator be an ILND String value used to separate two numbers. auto range_separator_symbol = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::RangeSeparator).value_or("-"sv); auto range_separator = Unicode::augment_range_pattern(range_separator_symbol, result.last().value, end_result[0].value); // 9. Append a new Record { [[Type]]: "literal", [[Value]]: rangeSeparator, [[Source]]: "shared" } element to result. PatternPartitionWithSource part; part.type = "literal"sv; part.value = range_separator.value_or(range_separator_symbol); part.source = "shared"sv; result.append(move(part)); // 10. For each r in yResult, do for (auto& part : end_result) { // a. Set r.[[Source]] to "endRange". part.source = "endRange"sv; } // 11. Add all elements in yResult to result in order. result.extend(move(end_result)); // 12. Return ! CollapseNumberRange(result). return collapse_number_range(move(result)); } // 1.1.22 FormatApproximately ( numberFormat, result ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-formatapproximately Vector format_approximately(NumberFormat& number_format, Vector result) { // 1. Let i be an index into result, determined by an implementation-defined algorithm based on numberFormat and result. // 2. Let approximatelySign be an ILND String value used to signify that a number is approximate. auto approximately_sign = Unicode::get_number_system_symbol(number_format.data_locale(), number_format.numbering_system(), Unicode::NumericSymbol::ApproximatelySign).value_or("~"sv); // 3. Insert a new Record { [[Type]]: "approximatelySign", [[Value]]: approximatelySign } at index i in result. PatternPartitionWithSource partition; partition.type = "approximatelySign"sv; partition.value = approximately_sign; result.insert_before_matching(move(partition), [](auto const& part) { return part.type.is_one_of("integer"sv, "decimal"sv, "plusSign"sv, "minusSign"sv, "percentSign"sv, "currency"sv); }); // 4. Return result. return result; } // 1.1.23 CollapseNumberRange ( result ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-collapsenumberrange Vector collapse_number_range(Vector result) { // Returning result unmodified is guaranteed to be a correct implementation of CollapseNumberRange. return result; } // 1.1.24 FormatNumericRange( numberFormat, x, y ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-formatnumericrange ThrowCompletionOr format_numeric_range(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue start, MathematicalValue end) { // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberRangePattern(numberFormat, x, y). auto parts = TRY(partition_number_range_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(start), move(end))); // 2. Let result be the empty String. StringBuilder result; // 3. For each part in parts, do for (auto& part : parts) { // a. Set result to the string-concatenation of result and part.[[Value]]. result.append(move(part.value)); } // 4. Return result. return result.build(); } // 1.1.25 FormatNumericRangeToParts( numberFormat, x, y ), https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-numberformat-v3/out/numberformat/proposed.html#sec-formatnumericrangetoparts ThrowCompletionOr format_numeric_range_to_parts(GlobalObject& global_object, NumberFormat& number_format, MathematicalValue start, MathematicalValue end) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); auto& realm = *global_object.associated_realm(); // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberRangePattern(numberFormat, x, y). auto parts = TRY(partition_number_range_pattern(global_object, number_format, move(start), move(end))); // 2. Let result be ! ArrayCreate(0). auto* result = MUST(Array::create(realm, 0)); // 3. Let n be 0. size_t n = 0; // 4. For each Record { [[Type]], [[Value]] } part in parts, do for (auto& part : parts) { // a. Let O be OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%). auto* object = Object::create(realm, global_object.object_prototype()); // b. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "type", part.[[Type]]). MUST(object->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.type, js_string(vm, part.type))); // c. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "value", part.[[Value]]). MUST(object->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.value, js_string(vm, move(part.value)))); // d. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "source", part.[[Source]]). MUST(object->create_data_property_or_throw(vm.names.source, js_string(vm, part.source))); // e. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(result, ! ToString(n), O). MUST(result->create_data_property_or_throw(n, object)); // f. Increment n by 1. ++n; } // 5. Return result. return result; } }