/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS::Intl { struct LocaleAndKeys { String locale; Optional ca; Optional co; Optional hc; Optional kf; Optional kn; Optional nu; }; // Note: This is not an AO in the spec. This just serves to abstract very similar steps in ApplyOptionsToTag and the Intl.Locale constructor. static ThrowCompletionOr> get_string_option(VM& vm, Object const& options, PropertyKey const& property, Function validator, ReadonlySpan values = {}) { auto option = TRY(get_option(vm, options, property, OptionType::String, values, Empty {})); if (option.is_undefined()) return OptionalNone {}; if (validator && !validator(TRY(option.as_string().utf8_string_view()))) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, option, property); return TRY(option.as_string().utf8_string()); } // 14.1.2 ApplyOptionsToTag ( tag, options ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-apply-options-to-tag static ThrowCompletionOr apply_options_to_tag(VM& vm, StringView tag, Object const& options) { // 1. Assert: Type(tag) is String. // 2. Assert: Type(options) is Object. // 3. If ! IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag) is false, throw a RangeError exception. auto locale_id = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(is_structurally_valid_language_tag(vm, tag)); if (!locale_id.has_value()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::IntlInvalidLanguageTag, tag); // 4. Let language be ? GetOption(options, "language", string, empty, undefined). // 5. If language is not undefined, then // a. If language does not match the unicode_language_subtag production, throw a RangeError exception. auto language = TRY(get_string_option(vm, options, vm.names.language, ::Locale::is_unicode_language_subtag)); // 6. Let script be ? GetOption(options, "script", string, empty, undefined). // 7. If script is not undefined, then // a. If script does not match the unicode_script_subtag production, throw a RangeError exception. auto script = TRY(get_string_option(vm, options, vm.names.script, ::Locale::is_unicode_script_subtag)); // 8. Let region be ? GetOption(options, "region", string, empty, undefined). // 9. If region is not undefined, then // a. If region does not match the unicode_region_subtag production, throw a RangeError exception. auto region = TRY(get_string_option(vm, options, vm.names.region, ::Locale::is_unicode_region_subtag)); // 10. Set tag to ! CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId(tag). auto canonicalized_tag = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(canonicalize_unicode_locale_id(vm, *locale_id)); // 11. Assert: tag matches the unicode_locale_id production. locale_id = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ::Locale::parse_unicode_locale_id(canonicalized_tag)); VERIFY(locale_id.has_value()); // 12. Let languageId be the substring of tag corresponding to the unicode_language_id production. auto& language_id = locale_id->language_id; // 13. If language is not undefined, then if (language.has_value()) { // a. Set languageId to languageId with the substring corresponding to the unicode_language_subtag production replaced by the string language. language_id.language = language.release_value(); } // 14. If script is not undefined, then if (script.has_value()) { // a. If languageId does not contain a unicode_script_subtag production, then // i. Set languageId to the string-concatenation of the unicode_language_subtag production of languageId, "-", script, and the rest of languageId. // b. Else, // i. Set languageId to languageId with the substring corresponding to the unicode_script_subtag production replaced by the string script. language_id.script = script.release_value(); } // 15. If region is not undefined, then if (region.has_value()) { // a. If languageId does not contain a unicode_region_subtag production, then // i. Set languageId to the string-concatenation of the unicode_language_subtag production of languageId, the substring corresponding to "-"` and the `unicode_script_subtag` production if present, `"-", region, and the rest of languageId. // b. Else, // i. Set languageId to languageId with the substring corresponding to the unicode_region_subtag production replaced by the string region. language_id.region = region.release_value(); } // 16. Set tag to tag with the substring corresponding to the unicode_language_id production replaced by the string languageId. // 17. Return ! CanonicalizeUnicodeLocaleId(tag). return MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(canonicalize_unicode_locale_id(vm, *locale_id)); } // 14.1.3 ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag ( tag, options, relevantExtensionKeys ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-apply-unicode-extension-to-tag static ThrowCompletionOr apply_unicode_extension_to_tag(VM& vm, StringView tag, LocaleAndKeys options, ReadonlySpan relevant_extension_keys) { // 1. Assert: Type(tag) is String. // 2. Assert: tag matches the unicode_locale_id production. auto locale_id = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, ::Locale::parse_unicode_locale_id(tag)); VERIFY(locale_id.has_value()); Vector attributes; Vector<::Locale::Keyword> keywords; // 3. If tag contains a substring that is a Unicode locale extension sequence, then for (auto& extension : locale_id->extensions) { if (!extension.has<::Locale::LocaleExtension>()) continue; // a. Let extension be the String value consisting of the substring of the Unicode locale extension sequence within tag. // b. Let components be ! UnicodeExtensionComponents(extension). auto& components = extension.get<::Locale::LocaleExtension>(); // c. Let attributes be components.[[Attributes]]. attributes = move(components.attributes); // d. Let keywords be components.[[Keywords]]. keywords = move(components.keywords); break; } // 4. Else, // a. Let attributes be a new empty List. // b. Let keywords be a new empty List. auto field_from_key = [](LocaleAndKeys& value, StringView key) -> Optional& { if (key == "ca"sv) return value.ca; if (key == "co"sv) return value.co; if (key == "hc"sv) return value.hc; if (key == "kf"sv) return value.kf; if (key == "kn"sv) return value.kn; if (key == "nu"sv) return value.nu; VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }; // 5. Let result be a new Record. LocaleAndKeys result {}; // 6. For each element key of relevantExtensionKeys, do for (auto const& key : relevant_extension_keys) { // a. Let value be undefined. Optional value {}; ::Locale::Keyword* entry = nullptr; // b. If keywords contains an element whose [[Key]] is the same as key, then if (auto it = keywords.find_if([&](auto const& k) { return key == k.key; }); it != keywords.end()) { // i. Let entry be the element of keywords whose [[Key]] is the same as key. entry = &(*it); // ii. Let value be entry.[[Value]]. value = entry->value; } // c. Else, // i. Let entry be empty. // d. Assert: options has a field [[]]. // e. Let optionsValue be options.[[]]. auto options_value = field_from_key(options, key); // f. If optionsValue is not undefined, then if (options_value.has_value()) { // i. Assert: Type(optionsValue) is String. // ii. Let value be optionsValue. value = options_value.release_value(); // iii. If entry is not empty, then if (entry != nullptr) { // 1. Set entry.[[Value]] to value. entry->value = *value; } // iv. Else, else { // 1. Append the Record { [[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value } to keywords. TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, keywords.try_append({ TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_utf8(key)), *value })); } } // g. Set result.[[]] to value. field_from_key(result, key) = move(value); } // 7. Let locale be the String value that is tag with any Unicode locale extension sequences removed. locale_id->remove_extension_type<::Locale::LocaleExtension>(); auto locale = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, locale_id->to_string()); // 8. Let newExtension be a Unicode BCP 47 U Extension based on attributes and keywords. ::Locale::LocaleExtension new_extension { move(attributes), move(keywords) }; // 9. If newExtension is not the empty String, then if (!new_extension.attributes.is_empty() || !new_extension.keywords.is_empty()) { // a. Let locale be ! InsertUnicodeExtensionAndCanonicalize(locale, newExtension). locale = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(insert_unicode_extension_and_canonicalize(vm, locale_id.release_value(), move(new_extension))); } // 10. Set result.[[locale]] to locale. result.locale = move(locale); // 11. Return result. return result; } // 14.1 The Intl.Locale Constructor, https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-intl-locale-constructor LocaleConstructor::LocaleConstructor(Realm& realm) : NativeFunction(realm.vm().names.Locale.as_string(), realm.intrinsics().function_prototype()) { } ThrowCompletionOr LocaleConstructor::initialize(Realm& realm) { MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(NativeFunction::initialize(realm)); auto& vm = this->vm(); // 14.2.1 Intl.Locale.prototype, https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-Intl.Locale.prototype define_direct_property(vm.names.prototype, realm.intrinsics().intl_locale_prototype(), 0); define_direct_property(vm.names.length, Value(1), Attribute::Configurable); return {}; } // 14.1.1 Intl.Locale ( tag [ , options ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-Intl.Locale ThrowCompletionOr LocaleConstructor::call() { // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. return vm().throw_completion(ErrorType::ConstructorWithoutNew, "Intl.Locale"); } // 14.1.1 Intl.Locale ( tag [ , options ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-Intl.Locale ThrowCompletionOr> LocaleConstructor::construct(FunctionObject& new_target) { auto& vm = this->vm(); auto tag_value = vm.argument(0); auto options_value = vm.argument(1); // 2. Let relevantExtensionKeys be %Locale%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]]. auto relevant_extension_keys = Locale::relevant_extension_keys(); // 3. Let internalSlotsList be « [[InitializedLocale]], [[Locale]], [[Calendar]], [[Collation]], [[HourCycle]], [[NumberingSystem]] ». // 4. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kf", then // a. Append [[CaseFirst]] as the last element of internalSlotsList. // 5. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kn", then // a. Append [[Numeric]] as the last element of internalSlotsList. // 6. Let locale be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%Locale.prototype%", internalSlotsList). auto locale = TRY(ordinary_create_from_constructor(vm, new_target, &Intrinsics::intl_locale_prototype)); String tag; // 7. If Type(tag) is not String or Object, throw a TypeError exception. if (!tag_value.is_string() && !tag_value.is_object()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::NotAnObjectOrString, "tag"sv); // 8. If Type(tag) is Object and tag has an [[InitializedLocale]] internal slot, then if (tag_value.is_object() && is(tag_value.as_object())) { // a. Let tag be tag.[[Locale]]. auto const& tag_object = static_cast(tag_value.as_object()); tag = tag_object.locale(); } // 9. Else, else { // a. Let tag be ? ToString(tag). tag = TRY(tag_value.to_string(vm)); } // 10. Set options to ? CoerceOptionsToObject(options). auto* options = TRY(coerce_options_to_object(vm, options_value)); // 11. Set tag to ? ApplyOptionsToTag(tag, options). tag = TRY(apply_options_to_tag(vm, tag, *options)); // 12. Let opt be a new Record. LocaleAndKeys opt {}; // 13. Let calendar be ? GetOption(options, "calendar", string, empty, undefined). // 14. If calendar is not undefined, then // a. If calendar does not match the Unicode Locale Identifier type nonterminal, throw a RangeError exception. // 15. Set opt.[[ca]] to calendar. opt.ca = TRY(get_string_option(vm, *options, vm.names.calendar, ::Locale::is_type_identifier)); // 16. Let collation be ? GetOption(options, "collation", string, empty, undefined). // 17. If collation is not undefined, then // a. If collation does not match the Unicode Locale Identifier type nonterminal, throw a RangeError exception. // 18. Set opt.[[co]] to collation. opt.co = TRY(get_string_option(vm, *options, vm.names.collation, ::Locale::is_type_identifier)); // 19. Let hc be ? GetOption(options, "hourCycle", string, « "h11", "h12", "h23", "h24" », undefined). // 20. Set opt.[[hc]] to hc. opt.hc = TRY(get_string_option(vm, *options, vm.names.hourCycle, nullptr, AK::Array { "h11"sv, "h12"sv, "h23"sv, "h24"sv })); // 21. Let kf be ? GetOption(options, "caseFirst", string, « "upper", "lower", "false" », undefined). // 22. Set opt.[[kf]] to kf. opt.kf = TRY(get_string_option(vm, *options, vm.names.caseFirst, nullptr, AK::Array { "upper"sv, "lower"sv, "false"sv })); // 23. Let kn be ? GetOption(options, "numeric", boolean, empty, undefined). auto kn = TRY(get_option(vm, *options, vm.names.numeric, OptionType::Boolean, {}, Empty {})); // 24. If kn is not undefined, set kn to ! ToString(kn). // 25. Set opt.[[kn]] to kn. if (!kn.is_undefined()) opt.kn = TRY(kn.to_string(vm)); // 26. Let numberingSystem be ? GetOption(options, "numberingSystem", string, empty, undefined). // 27. If numberingSystem is not undefined, then // a. If numberingSystem does not match the Unicode Locale Identifier type nonterminal, throw a RangeError exception. // 28. Set opt.[[nu]] to numberingSystem. opt.nu = TRY(get_string_option(vm, *options, vm.names.numberingSystem, ::Locale::is_type_identifier)); // 29. Let r be ! ApplyUnicodeExtensionToTag(tag, opt, relevantExtensionKeys). auto result = MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(apply_unicode_extension_to_tag(vm, tag, move(opt), relevant_extension_keys)); // 30. Set locale.[[Locale]] to r.[[locale]]. locale->set_locale(move(result.locale)); // 31. Set locale.[[Calendar]] to r.[[ca]]. if (result.ca.has_value()) locale->set_calendar(result.ca.release_value()); // 32. Set locale.[[Collation]] to r.[[co]]. if (result.co.has_value()) locale->set_collation(result.co.release_value()); // 33. Set locale.[[HourCycle]] to r.[[hc]]. if (result.hc.has_value()) locale->set_hour_cycle(result.hc.release_value()); // 34. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kf", then if (relevant_extension_keys.span().contains_slow("kf"sv)) { // a. Set locale.[[CaseFirst]] to r.[[kf]]. if (result.kf.has_value()) locale->set_case_first(result.kf.release_value()); } // 35. If relevantExtensionKeys contains "kn", then if (relevant_extension_keys.span().contains_slow("kn"sv)) { // a. If SameValue(r.[[kn]], "true") is true or r.[[kn]] is the empty String, then if (result.kn.has_value() && (result.kn == "true"sv || result.kn->is_empty())) { // i. Set locale.[[Numeric]] to true. locale->set_numeric(true); } // b. Else, else { // i. Set locale.[[Numeric]] to false. locale->set_numeric(false); } } // 36. Set locale.[[NumberingSystem]] to r.[[nu]]. if (result.nu.has_value()) locale->set_numbering_system(result.nu.release_value()); // 37. Return locale. return locale; } }