/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include namespace JS { FinalizationRegistry::FinalizationRegistry(Realm& realm, JS::JobCallback cleanup_callback, Object& prototype) : Object(prototype) , WeakContainer(heap()) , m_realm(JS::make_handle(realm)) , m_cleanup_callback(move(cleanup_callback)) { } FinalizationRegistry::~FinalizationRegistry() { } void FinalizationRegistry::add_finalization_record(Cell& target, Value held_value, Object* unregister_token) { VERIFY(!held_value.is_empty()); m_records.append({ &target, held_value, unregister_token }); } bool FinalizationRegistry::remove_by_token(Object& unregister_token) { auto removed = false; for (auto it = m_records.begin(); it != m_records.end(); ++it) { if (it->unregister_token == &unregister_token) { it.remove(m_records); removed = true; } } return removed; } void FinalizationRegistry::remove_dead_cells(Badge) { auto any_cells_were_removed = false; for (auto& record : m_records) { if (!record.target || record.target->state() == Cell::State::Live) continue; record.target = nullptr; any_cells_were_removed = true; break; } if (any_cells_were_removed) vm().host_enqueue_finalization_registry_cleanup_job(*this); } // 9.13 CleanupFinalizationRegistry ( finalizationRegistry ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-cleanup-finalization-registry ThrowCompletionOr FinalizationRegistry::cleanup(Optional callback) { auto& vm = this->vm(); auto& global_object = this->global_object(); // 1. Assert: finalizationRegistry has [[Cells]] and [[CleanupCallback]] internal slots. // Note: Ensured by type. // 2. Let callback be finalizationRegistry.[[CleanupCallback]]. auto& cleanup_callback = callback.has_value() ? callback.value() : m_cleanup_callback; // 3. While finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]] contains a Record cell such that cell.[[WeakRefTarget]] is empty, an implementation may perform the following steps: for (auto it = m_records.begin(); it != m_records.end(); ++it) { // a. Choose any such cell. if (it->target != nullptr) continue; // b. Remove cell from finalizationRegistry.[[Cells]]. MarkedVector arguments(vm.heap()); arguments.append(it->held_value); it.remove(m_records); // c. Perform ? HostCallJobCallback(callback, undefined, « cell.[[HeldValue]] »). TRY(vm.host_call_job_callback(global_object, cleanup_callback, js_undefined(), move(arguments))); } // 4. Return NormalCompletion(empty). return {}; } void FinalizationRegistry::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); for (auto& record : m_records) { visitor.visit(record.held_value); visitor.visit(record.unregister_token); } } }