/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { DataViewConstructor::DataViewConstructor(Realm& realm) : NativeFunction(realm.vm().names.DataView.as_string(), *realm.intrinsics().function_prototype()) { } ThrowCompletionOr DataViewConstructor::initialize(Realm& realm) { auto& vm = this->vm(); MUST_OR_THROW_OOM(NativeFunction::initialize(realm)); // DataView.prototype, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-dataview.prototype define_direct_property(vm.names.prototype, realm.intrinsics().data_view_prototype(), 0); define_direct_property(vm.names.length, Value(1), Attribute::Configurable); return {}; } // DataView ( buffer [ , byteOffset [ , byteLength ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-dataview-buffer-byteoffset-bytelength ThrowCompletionOr DataViewConstructor::call() { auto& vm = this->vm(); // 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::ConstructorWithoutNew, vm.names.DataView); } // DataView ( buffer [ , byteOffset [ , byteLength ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-dataview-buffer-byteoffset-bytelength ThrowCompletionOr> DataViewConstructor::construct(FunctionObject& new_target) { auto& vm = this->vm(); auto buffer = vm.argument(0); auto byte_offset = vm.argument(1); auto byte_length = vm.argument(2); // 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(buffer, [[ArrayBufferData]]). if (!buffer.is_object() || !is(buffer.as_object())) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::IsNotAn, TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, buffer.to_string_without_side_effects()), vm.names.ArrayBuffer); auto& array_buffer = static_cast(buffer.as_object()); // 3. Let offset be ? ToIndex(byteOffset). auto offset = TRY(byte_offset.to_index(vm)); // 4. If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception. if (array_buffer.is_detached()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::DetachedArrayBuffer); // 5. Let bufferByteLength be buffer.[[ArrayBufferByteLength]]. auto buffer_byte_length = array_buffer.byte_length(); // 6. If offset > bufferByteLength, throw a RangeError exception. if (offset > buffer_byte_length) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::DataViewOutOfRangeByteOffset, offset, buffer_byte_length); size_t view_byte_length; // 7. If byteLength is undefined, then if (byte_length.is_undefined()) { // a. Let viewByteLength be bufferByteLength - offset. view_byte_length = buffer_byte_length - offset; } // 8. Else, else { // a. Let viewByteLength be ? ToIndex(byteLength). view_byte_length = TRY(byte_length.to_index(vm)); // b. If offset + viewByteLength > bufferByteLength, throw a RangeError exception. auto const checked_add = AK::make_checked(view_byte_length) + AK::make_checked(offset); if (checked_add.has_overflow() || checked_add.value() > buffer_byte_length) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::InvalidLength, vm.names.DataView); } // 9. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%DataView.prototype%", « [[DataView]], [[ViewedArrayBuffer]], [[ByteLength]], [[ByteOffset]] »). // 11. Set O.[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] to buffer. // 12. Set O.[[ByteLength]] to viewByteLength. // 13. Set O.[[ByteOffset]] to offset. auto data_view = TRY(ordinary_create_from_constructor(vm, new_target, &Intrinsics::data_view_prototype, &array_buffer, view_byte_length, offset)); // 10. If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception. if (array_buffer.is_detached()) return vm.throw_completion(ErrorType::DetachedArrayBuffer); // 14. Return O. return data_view; } }