/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include namespace JS { // ArrayCreate ( length [ , proto ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arraycreate Array* Array::create(GlobalObject& global_object, size_t length, Object* prototype) { auto& vm = global_object.vm(); if (length > NumericLimits::max()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::InvalidLength, "array"); return nullptr; } if (!prototype) prototype = global_object.array_prototype(); auto* array = global_object.heap().allocate(global_object, *prototype); array->internal_define_own_property(vm.names.length, { .value = Value(length), .writable = true, .enumerable = false, .configurable = false }); return array; } // 7.3.17 CreateArrayFromList ( elements ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-createarrayfromlist Array* Array::create_from(GlobalObject& global_object, Vector const& elements) { // 1. Assert: elements is a List whose elements are all ECMAScript language values. // 2. Let array be ! ArrayCreate(0). auto* array = Array::create(global_object, 0); // 3. Let n be 0. // 4. For each element e of elements, do for (u32 n = 0; n < elements.size(); ++n) { // a. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(array, ! ToString(𝔽(n)), e). array->create_data_property_or_throw(n, elements[n]); // b. Set n to n + 1. } // 5. Return array. return array; } Array::Array(Object& prototype) : Object(prototype) { } void Array::initialize(GlobalObject& global_object) { auto& vm = this->vm(); Object::initialize(global_object); define_native_property(vm.names.length, length_getter, length_setter, Attribute::Writable); } Array::~Array() { } Array* Array::typed_this(VM& vm, GlobalObject& global_object) { auto* this_object = vm.this_value(global_object).to_object(global_object); if (!this_object) return {}; if (!this_object->is_array()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::NotAn, "Array"); return nullptr; } return static_cast(this_object); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_GETTER(Array::length_getter) { auto* this_object = vm.this_value(global_object).to_object(global_object); if (!this_object) return {}; return Value(this_object->indexed_properties().array_like_size()); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_SETTER(Array::length_setter) { auto* this_object = vm.this_value(global_object).to_object(global_object); if (!this_object) return; auto length = value.to_number(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return; u32 val = length.as_double(); if (val != length.as_double() || length.is_nan() || length.is_infinity() || length.as_double() < 0 || length.as_double() > NumericLimits::max()) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, ErrorType::InvalidLength, "array"); return; } this_object->indexed_properties().set_array_like_size(val); } }