/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { NonnullGCPtr new_declarative_environment(Environment&); NonnullGCPtr new_object_environment(Object&, bool is_with_environment, Environment*); NonnullGCPtr new_function_environment(ECMAScriptFunctionObject&, Object* new_target); NonnullGCPtr new_private_environment(VM& vm, PrivateEnvironment* outer); NonnullGCPtr get_this_environment(VM&); bool can_be_held_weakly(Value); Object* get_super_constructor(VM&); ThrowCompletionOr make_super_property_reference(VM&, Value actual_this, PropertyKey const&, bool strict); ThrowCompletionOr require_object_coercible(VM&, Value); ThrowCompletionOr call_impl(VM&, Value function, Value this_value, Optional> = {}); ThrowCompletionOr call_impl(VM&, FunctionObject& function, Value this_value, Optional> = {}); ThrowCompletionOr> construct_impl(VM&, FunctionObject&, Optional> = {}, FunctionObject* new_target = nullptr); ThrowCompletionOr length_of_array_like(VM&, Object const&); ThrowCompletionOr> create_list_from_array_like(VM&, Value, Function(Value)> = {}); ThrowCompletionOr species_constructor(VM&, Object const&, FunctionObject& default_constructor); ThrowCompletionOr get_function_realm(VM&, FunctionObject const&); ThrowCompletionOr initialize_bound_name(VM&, DeprecatedFlyString const&, Value, Environment*); bool is_compatible_property_descriptor(bool extensible, PropertyDescriptor const&, Optional const& current); bool validate_and_apply_property_descriptor(Object*, PropertyKey const&, bool extensible, PropertyDescriptor const&, Optional const& current); ThrowCompletionOr get_prototype_from_constructor(VM&, FunctionObject const& constructor, Object* (Intrinsics::*intrinsic_default_prototype)()); Object* create_unmapped_arguments_object(VM&, Span arguments); Object* create_mapped_arguments_object(VM&, FunctionObject&, Vector const&, Span arguments, Environment&); struct DisposableResource { Value resource_value; NonnullGCPtr dispose_method; }; ThrowCompletionOr add_disposable_resource(VM&, Vector& disposable, Value, Environment::InitializeBindingHint, FunctionObject* = nullptr); ThrowCompletionOr create_disposable_resource(VM&, Value, Environment::InitializeBindingHint, FunctionObject* method = nullptr); ThrowCompletionOr> get_dispose_method(VM&, Value, Environment::InitializeBindingHint); Completion dispose(VM& vm, Value, NonnullGCPtr method); Completion dispose_resources(VM& vm, Vector const& disposable, Completion completion); Completion dispose_resources(VM& vm, GCPtr disposable, Completion completion); enum class CanonicalIndexMode { DetectNumericRoundtrip, IgnoreNumericRoundtrip, }; CanonicalIndex canonical_numeric_index_string(PropertyKey const&, CanonicalIndexMode needs_numeric); ThrowCompletionOr get_substitution(VM&, Utf16View const& matched, Utf16View const& str, size_t position, Span captures, Value named_captures, Value replacement); enum class CallerMode { Strict, NonStrict }; enum class EvalMode { Direct, Indirect }; ThrowCompletionOr perform_eval(VM&, Value, CallerMode, EvalMode); ThrowCompletionOr eval_declaration_instantiation(VM& vm, Program const& program, Environment* variable_environment, Environment* lexical_environment, PrivateEnvironment* private_environment, bool strict); // 7.3.14 Call ( F, V [ , argumentsList ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-call ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, Value function, Value this_value, MarkedVector arguments_list) { return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, Value function, Value this_value, Optional> arguments_list) { return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } template ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, Value function, Value this_value, Args&&... args) { if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) { MarkedVector arguments_list { vm.heap() }; (..., arguments_list.append(forward(args))); return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } return call_impl(vm, function, this_value); } ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, Value this_value, MarkedVector arguments_list) { return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, Value this_value, Optional> arguments_list) { return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } template ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr call(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, Value this_value, Args&&... args) { if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) { MarkedVector arguments_list { vm.heap() }; (..., arguments_list.append(forward(args))); return call_impl(vm, function, this_value, move(arguments_list)); } return call_impl(vm, function, this_value); } // 7.3.15 Construct ( F [ , argumentsList [ , newTarget ] ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-construct template ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr> construct(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, Args&&... args) { if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) { MarkedVector arguments_list { vm.heap() }; (..., arguments_list.append(forward(args))); return construct_impl(vm, function, move(arguments_list)); } return construct_impl(vm, function); } ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr> construct(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, MarkedVector arguments_list, FunctionObject* new_target = nullptr) { return construct_impl(vm, function, move(arguments_list), new_target); } ALWAYS_INLINE ThrowCompletionOr> construct(VM& vm, FunctionObject& function, Optional> arguments_list, FunctionObject* new_target = nullptr) { return construct_impl(vm, function, move(arguments_list), new_target); } // 10.1.13 OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ordinarycreatefromconstructor template ThrowCompletionOr> ordinary_create_from_constructor(VM& vm, FunctionObject const& constructor, Object* (Intrinsics::*intrinsic_default_prototype)(), Args&&... args) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); auto* prototype = TRY(get_prototype_from_constructor(vm, constructor, intrinsic_default_prototype)); return realm.heap().allocate(realm, forward(args)..., *prototype); } // 14.1 MergeLists ( a, b ), https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/#sec-temporal-mergelists template Vector merge_lists(Vector const& a, Vector const& b) { // 1. Let merged be a new empty List. Vector merged; // 2. For each element element of a, do for (auto const& element : a) { // a. If merged does not contain element, then if (!merged.contains_slow(element)) { // i. Append element to merged. merged.append(element); } } // 3. For each element element of b, do for (auto const& element : b) { // a. If merged does not contain element, then if (!merged.contains_slow(element)) { // i. Append element to merged. merged.append(element); } } // 4. Return merged. return merged; } // x modulo y, https://tc39.es/ecma262/#eqn-modulo template auto modulo(T x, U y) { // The notation “x modulo y” (y must be finite and non-zero) computes a value k of the same sign as y (or zero) such that abs(k) < abs(y) and x - k = q × y for some integer q. VERIFY(y != 0); if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint || IsFloatingPoint) { if constexpr (IsFloatingPoint) VERIFY(isfinite(y)); return fmod(fmod(x, y) + y, y); } else { return ((x % y) + y) % y; } } auto modulo(Crypto::BigInteger auto const& x, Crypto::BigInteger auto const& y) { VERIFY(!y.is_zero()); auto result = x.divided_by(y).remainder; if (result.is_negative()) result = result.plus(y); return result; } }