/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, Luke Wilde * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JS { struct ExecutingASTNodeChain { ExecutingASTNodeChain* previous { nullptr }; const ASTNode& node; }; class Interpreter : public Weakable { public: // 9.6 InitializeHostDefinedRealm ( ), https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-initializehostdefinedrealm template static NonnullOwnPtr create(VM& vm, Args&&... args) requires(IsBaseOf&& IsBaseOf) { DeferGC defer_gc(vm.heap()); auto interpreter = adopt_own(*new Interpreter(vm)); VM::InterpreterExecutionScope scope(*interpreter); // 1. Let realm be CreateRealm(). auto* realm = Realm::create(vm); // 2. Let newContext be a new execution context. (This was done in the Interpreter constructor) // 3. Set the Function of newContext to null. (This is done for us when the execution context is constructed) // 4. Set the Realm of newContext to realm. interpreter->m_global_execution_context.realm = realm; // 5. Set the ScriptOrModule of newContext to null. (This was done during execution context construction) // 7. If the host requires use of an exotic object to serve as realm's global object, let global be such an object created in a host-defined manner. // Otherwise, let global be undefined, indicating that an ordinary object should be created as the global object. auto* global_object = static_cast(interpreter->heap().allocate_without_global_object(forward(args)...)); // 6. Push newContext onto the execution context stack; newContext is now the running execution context. // NOTE: This is out of order from the spec, but it shouldn't matter here. vm.push_execution_context(interpreter->m_global_execution_context, *global_object); // 8. If the host requires that the this binding in realm's global scope return an object other than the global object, let thisValue be such an object created // in a host-defined manner. Otherwise, let thisValue be undefined, indicating that realm's global this binding should be the global object. if constexpr (IsSame) { // 9. Perform SetRealmGlobalObject(realm, global, thisValue). realm->set_global_object(*global_object, global_object); } else { // FIXME: Should we pass args in here? Let's er on the side of caution and say yes. auto* global_this_value = static_cast(interpreter->heap().allocate_without_global_object(forward(args)...)); // 9. Perform SetRealmGlobalObject(realm, global, thisValue). realm->set_global_object(*global_object, global_this_value); } // NOTE: These are not in the spec. static FlyString global_execution_context_name = "(global execution context)"; interpreter->m_global_execution_context.function_name = global_execution_context_name; interpreter->m_global_object = make_handle(global_object); interpreter->m_realm = make_handle(realm); // 10. Let globalObj be ? SetDefaultGlobalBindings(realm). // 11. Create any host-defined global object properties on globalObj. static_cast(global_object)->initialize_global_object(); // 12. Return NormalCompletion(empty). return interpreter; } template static NonnullOwnPtr create(VM& vm, Args&&... args) requires IsBaseOf { // NOTE: This function is here to facilitate step 8 of InitializeHostDefinedRealm. (Callers don't have to specify the same type twice if not necessary) return create(vm, args...); } static NonnullOwnPtr create_with_existing_realm(Realm&); ~Interpreter(); ThrowCompletionOr run(Script&); ThrowCompletionOr run(SourceTextModule&); GlobalObject& global_object(); const GlobalObject& global_object() const; Realm& realm(); Realm const& realm() const; ALWAYS_INLINE VM& vm() { return *m_vm; } ALWAYS_INLINE const VM& vm() const { return *m_vm; } ALWAYS_INLINE Heap& heap() { return vm().heap(); } Environment* lexical_environment() { return vm().lexical_environment(); } void push_ast_node(ExecutingASTNodeChain& chain_node) { chain_node.previous = m_ast_node_chain; m_ast_node_chain = &chain_node; } void pop_ast_node() { VERIFY(m_ast_node_chain); m_ast_node_chain = m_ast_node_chain->previous; } const ASTNode* current_node() const { return m_ast_node_chain ? &m_ast_node_chain->node : nullptr; } private: explicit Interpreter(VM&); ExecutingASTNodeChain* m_ast_node_chain { nullptr }; NonnullRefPtr m_vm; Handle m_global_object; Handle m_realm; // This is here to keep the global execution context alive for the entire lifespan of the Interpreter. ExecutionContext m_global_execution_context; }; }