/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, Timothy Slater * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMATS \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(pbm, ".pbm") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(pgm, ".pgm") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(png, ".png") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(ppm, ".ppm") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(gif, ".gif") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(bmp, ".bmp") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(ico, ".ico") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(jpeg, ".jpg") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(jpeg, ".jpeg") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(dds, ".dds") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(qoi, ".qoi") \ __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(tga, ".tga") namespace Gfx { enum class BitmapFormat { Invalid, Indexed1, Indexed2, Indexed4, Indexed8, BGRx8888, BGRA8888, RGBA8888, }; inline bool is_valid_bitmap_format(unsigned format) { switch (format) { case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::Invalid: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::Indexed1: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::Indexed2: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::Indexed4: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::Indexed8: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::BGRx8888: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::BGRA8888: case (unsigned)BitmapFormat::RGBA8888: return true; } return false; } enum class StorageFormat { Indexed8, BGRx8888, BGRA8888, RGBA8888, }; static StorageFormat determine_storage_format(BitmapFormat format) { switch (format) { case BitmapFormat::BGRx8888: return StorageFormat::BGRx8888; case BitmapFormat::BGRA8888: return StorageFormat::BGRA8888; case BitmapFormat::RGBA8888: return StorageFormat::RGBA8888; case BitmapFormat::Indexed1: case BitmapFormat::Indexed2: case BitmapFormat::Indexed4: case BitmapFormat::Indexed8: return StorageFormat::Indexed8; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } struct BackingStore; enum RotationDirection { CounterClockwise, Clockwise }; class Bitmap : public RefCounted { public: [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> create(BitmapFormat, IntSize, int intrinsic_scale = 1); [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> create_shareable(BitmapFormat, IntSize, int intrinsic_scale = 1); [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> create_wrapper(BitmapFormat, IntSize, int intrinsic_scale, size_t pitch, void*); [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> load_from_file(StringView path, int scale_factor = 1); [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> load_from_file(NonnullOwnPtr, StringView path); [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> create_with_anonymous_buffer(BitmapFormat, Core::AnonymousBuffer, IntSize, int intrinsic_scale, Vector const& palette); static ErrorOr> create_from_serialized_bytes(ReadonlyBytes); static ErrorOr> create_from_serialized_byte_buffer(ByteBuffer&&); static bool is_path_a_supported_image_format(StringView path) { #define __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT(Name, Ext) \ if (path.ends_with(Ext##sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive)) \ return true; ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMATS #undef __ENUMERATE_IMAGE_FORMAT return false; } ErrorOr> clone() const; ErrorOr> rotated(Gfx::RotationDirection) const; ErrorOr> flipped(Gfx::Orientation) const; ErrorOr> scaled(int sx, int sy) const; ErrorOr> scaled(float sx, float sy) const; ErrorOr> cropped(Gfx::IntRect, Optional new_bitmap_format = {}) const; ErrorOr> to_bitmap_backed_by_anonymous_buffer() const; [[nodiscard]] ErrorOr serialize_to_byte_buffer() const; [[nodiscard]] ShareableBitmap to_shareable_bitmap() const; ErrorOr> inverted() const; ~Bitmap(); [[nodiscard]] u8* scanline_u8(int physical_y); [[nodiscard]] u8 const* scanline_u8(int physical_y) const; [[nodiscard]] ARGB32* scanline(int physical_y); [[nodiscard]] ARGB32 const* scanline(int physical_y) const; [[nodiscard]] ARGB32* begin(); [[nodiscard]] ARGB32* end(); [[nodiscard]] IntRect rect() const { return { {}, m_size }; } [[nodiscard]] IntSize size() const { return m_size; } [[nodiscard]] int width() const { return m_size.width(); } [[nodiscard]] int height() const { return m_size.height(); } [[nodiscard]] int scale() const { return m_scale; } [[nodiscard]] IntRect physical_rect() const { return rect() * scale(); } [[nodiscard]] IntSize physical_size() const { return size() * scale(); } [[nodiscard]] int physical_width() const { return physical_size().width(); } [[nodiscard]] int physical_height() const { return physical_size().height(); } [[nodiscard]] size_t pitch() const { return m_pitch; } [[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_indexed() const { return is_indexed(m_format); } [[nodiscard]] ALWAYS_INLINE static bool is_indexed(BitmapFormat format) { return format == BitmapFormat::Indexed8 || format == BitmapFormat::Indexed4 || format == BitmapFormat::Indexed2 || format == BitmapFormat::Indexed1; } [[nodiscard]] static size_t palette_size(BitmapFormat format) { switch (format) { case BitmapFormat::Indexed1: return 2; case BitmapFormat::Indexed2: return 4; case BitmapFormat::Indexed4: return 16; case BitmapFormat::Indexed8: return 256; default: return 0; } } [[nodiscard]] Vector palette_to_vector() const; [[nodiscard]] static unsigned bpp_for_format(BitmapFormat format) { switch (format) { case BitmapFormat::Indexed1: return 1; case BitmapFormat::Indexed2: return 2; case BitmapFormat::Indexed4: return 4; case BitmapFormat::Indexed8: return 8; case BitmapFormat::BGRx8888: case BitmapFormat::BGRA8888: return 32; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); case BitmapFormat::Invalid: return 0; } } [[nodiscard]] static size_t minimum_pitch(size_t physical_width, BitmapFormat); [[nodiscard]] unsigned bpp() const { return bpp_for_format(m_format); } void fill(Color); [[nodiscard]] bool has_alpha_channel() const { return m_format == BitmapFormat::BGRA8888 || m_format == BitmapFormat::RGBA8888; } [[nodiscard]] BitmapFormat format() const { return m_format; } void set_mmap_name(DeprecatedString const&); [[nodiscard]] static constexpr size_t size_in_bytes(size_t pitch, int physical_height) { return pitch * physical_height; } [[nodiscard]] size_t size_in_bytes() const { return size_in_bytes(m_pitch, physical_height()); } [[nodiscard]] Color palette_color(u8 index) const { return Color::from_argb(m_palette[index]); } void set_palette_color(u8 index, Color color) { m_palette[index] = color.value(); } template [[nodiscard]] Color get_pixel(int physical_x, int physical_y) const; [[nodiscard]] Color get_pixel(int physical_x, int physical_y) const; [[nodiscard]] Color get_pixel(IntPoint physical_position) const { return get_pixel(physical_position.x(), physical_position.y()); } template void set_pixel(int physical_x, int physical_y, Color); void set_pixel(int physical_x, int physical_y, Color); void set_pixel(IntPoint physical_position, Color color) { set_pixel(physical_position.x(), physical_position.y(), color); } [[nodiscard]] bool is_volatile() const { return m_volatile; } void set_volatile(); // Returns true if making the bitmap non-volatile succeeded. `was_purged` indicates status of contents. // Returns false if there was not enough memory. [[nodiscard]] bool set_nonvolatile(bool& was_purged); [[nodiscard]] Core::AnonymousBuffer& anonymous_buffer() { return m_buffer; } [[nodiscard]] Core::AnonymousBuffer const& anonymous_buffer() const { return m_buffer; } [[nodiscard]] bool visually_equals(Bitmap const&) const; [[nodiscard]] Optional solid_color(u8 alpha_threshold = 0) const; void flood_visit_from_point(Gfx::IntPoint start_point, int threshold, Function pixel_reached); private: Bitmap(BitmapFormat, IntSize, int, BackingStore const&); Bitmap(BitmapFormat, IntSize, int, size_t pitch, void*); Bitmap(BitmapFormat, Core::AnonymousBuffer, IntSize, int, Vector const& palette); static ErrorOr allocate_backing_store(BitmapFormat format, IntSize size, int scale_factor); void allocate_palette_from_format(BitmapFormat, Vector const& source_palette); IntSize m_size; int m_scale; void* m_data { nullptr }; ARGB32* m_palette { nullptr }; size_t m_pitch { 0 }; BitmapFormat m_format { BitmapFormat::Invalid }; bool m_needs_munmap { false }; bool m_volatile { false }; Core::AnonymousBuffer m_buffer; }; ALWAYS_INLINE u8* Bitmap::scanline_u8(int y) { VERIFY(y >= 0); VERIFY(y < physical_height()); return reinterpret_cast(m_data) + (y * m_pitch); } ALWAYS_INLINE u8 const* Bitmap::scanline_u8(int y) const { VERIFY(y >= 0); VERIFY(y < physical_height()); return reinterpret_cast(m_data) + (y * m_pitch); } ALWAYS_INLINE ARGB32* Bitmap::scanline(int y) { return reinterpret_cast(scanline_u8(y)); } ALWAYS_INLINE ARGB32 const* Bitmap::scanline(int y) const { return reinterpret_cast(scanline_u8(y)); } ALWAYS_INLINE ARGB32* Bitmap::begin() { return scanline(0); } ALWAYS_INLINE ARGB32* Bitmap::end() { return reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(m_data) + (m_size.height() * m_pitch)); } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE Color Bitmap::get_pixel(int x, int y) const { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); return Color::from_rgb(scanline(y)[x]); } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE Color Bitmap::get_pixel(int x, int y) const { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); return Color::from_argb(scanline(y)[x]); } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE Color Bitmap::get_pixel(int x, int y) const { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); return Color::from_rgb(m_palette[scanline_u8(y)[x]]); } ALWAYS_INLINE Color Bitmap::get_pixel(int x, int y) const { switch (determine_storage_format(m_format)) { case StorageFormat::BGRx8888: return get_pixel(x, y); case StorageFormat::BGRA8888: return get_pixel(x, y); case StorageFormat::Indexed8: return get_pixel(x, y); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE void Bitmap::set_pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); scanline(y)[x] = color.value(); } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE void Bitmap::set_pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); scanline(y)[x] = color.value(); // drop alpha } template<> ALWAYS_INLINE void Bitmap::set_pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { VERIFY(x >= 0); VERIFY(x < physical_width()); // FIXME: There's a lot of inaccurately named functions in the Color class right now (RGBA vs BGRA), // clear those up and then make this more convenient. auto rgba = (color.alpha() << 24) | (color.blue() << 16) | (color.green() << 8) | color.red(); scanline(y)[x] = rgba; } ALWAYS_INLINE void Bitmap::set_pixel(int x, int y, Color color) { switch (determine_storage_format(m_format)) { case StorageFormat::BGRx8888: set_pixel(x, y, color); break; case StorageFormat::BGRA8888: set_pixel(x, y, color); break; case StorageFormat::RGBA8888: set_pixel(x, y, color); break; case StorageFormat::Indexed8: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } }