/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { NonnullRefPtr TextDocument::create(Client* client) { return adopt_ref(*new TextDocument(client)); } TextDocument::TextDocument(Client* client) { if (client) m_clients.set(client); append_line(make(*this)); set_unmodified(); m_undo_stack.on_state_change = [this] { if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_update_undo_stack(); } }; } TextDocument::~TextDocument() { } bool TextDocument::set_text(const StringView& text, AllowCallback allow_callback) { m_client_notifications_enabled = false; m_undo_stack.clear(); m_spans.clear(); remove_all_lines(); ArmedScopeGuard clear_text_guard([this]() { set_text({}); }); size_t start_of_current_line = 0; auto add_line = [&](size_t current_position) -> bool { size_t line_length = current_position - start_of_current_line; auto line = make(*this); bool success = true; if (line_length) success = line->set_text(*this, text.substring_view(start_of_current_line, current_position - start_of_current_line)); if (!success) return false; append_line(move(line)); start_of_current_line = current_position + 1; return true; }; size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { if (text[i] != '\n') continue; auto success = add_line(i); if (!success) return false; } auto success = add_line(i); if (!success) return false; // Don't show the file's trailing newline as an actual new line. if (line_count() > 1 && line(line_count() - 1).is_empty()) m_lines.take_last(); m_client_notifications_enabled = true; for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_set_text(allow_callback); clear_text_guard.disarm(); // FIXME: Should the modified state be cleared on some of the earlier returns as well? set_unmodified(); return true; } size_t TextDocumentLine::first_non_whitespace_column() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { auto code_point = code_points()[i]; if (!is_ascii_space(code_point)) return i; } return length(); } Optional TextDocumentLine::last_non_whitespace_column() const { for (ssize_t i = length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto code_point = code_points()[i]; if (!is_ascii_space(code_point)) return i; } return {}; } bool TextDocumentLine::ends_in_whitespace() const { if (!length()) return false; return is_ascii_space(code_points()[length() - 1]); } bool TextDocumentLine::can_select() const { if (is_empty()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { auto code_point = code_points()[i]; if (code_point != '\n' && code_point != '\r' && code_point != '\f' && code_point != '\v') return true; } return false; } size_t TextDocumentLine::leading_spaces() const { size_t count = 0; for (; count < m_text.size(); ++count) { if (m_text[count] != ' ') { break; } } return count; } String TextDocumentLine::to_utf8() const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(view()); return builder.to_string(); } TextDocumentLine::TextDocumentLine(TextDocument& document) { clear(document); } TextDocumentLine::TextDocumentLine(TextDocument& document, const StringView& text) { set_text(document, text); } void TextDocumentLine::clear(TextDocument& document) { m_text.clear(); document.update_views({}); } void TextDocumentLine::set_text(TextDocument& document, const Vector text) { m_text = move(text); document.update_views({}); } bool TextDocumentLine::set_text(TextDocument& document, const StringView& text) { if (text.is_empty()) { clear(document); return true; } m_text.clear(); Utf8View utf8_view(text); if (!utf8_view.validate()) { return false; } for (auto code_point : utf8_view) m_text.append(code_point); document.update_views({}); return true; } void TextDocumentLine::append(TextDocument& document, const u32* code_points, size_t length) { if (length == 0) return; m_text.append(code_points, length); document.update_views({}); } void TextDocumentLine::append(TextDocument& document, u32 code_point) { insert(document, length(), code_point); } void TextDocumentLine::prepend(TextDocument& document, u32 code_point) { insert(document, 0, code_point); } void TextDocumentLine::insert(TextDocument& document, size_t index, u32 code_point) { if (index == length()) { m_text.append(code_point); } else { m_text.insert(index, code_point); } document.update_views({}); } void TextDocumentLine::remove(TextDocument& document, size_t index) { if (index == length()) { m_text.take_last(); } else { m_text.remove(index); } document.update_views({}); } void TextDocumentLine::remove_range(TextDocument& document, size_t start, size_t length) { VERIFY(length <= m_text.size()); Vector new_data; new_data.ensure_capacity(m_text.size() - length); for (size_t i = 0; i < start; ++i) new_data.append(m_text[i]); for (size_t i = (start + length); i < m_text.size(); ++i) new_data.append(m_text[i]); m_text = move(new_data); document.update_views({}); } void TextDocumentLine::truncate(TextDocument& document, size_t length) { m_text.resize(length); document.update_views({}); } void TextDocument::append_line(NonnullOwnPtr line) { lines().append(move(line)); if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_append_line(); } } void TextDocument::insert_line(size_t line_index, NonnullOwnPtr line) { lines().insert((int)line_index, move(line)); if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_insert_line(line_index); } } void TextDocument::remove_line(size_t line_index) { lines().remove((int)line_index); if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_remove_line(line_index); } } void TextDocument::remove_all_lines() { lines().clear(); if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_remove_all_lines(); } } TextDocument::Client::~Client() { } void TextDocument::register_client(Client& client) { m_clients.set(&client); } void TextDocument::unregister_client(Client& client) { m_clients.remove(&client); } void TextDocument::update_views(Badge) { notify_did_change(); } void TextDocument::notify_did_change() { if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_change(); } m_regex_needs_update = true; } void TextDocument::set_all_cursors(const TextPosition& position) { if (m_client_notifications_enabled) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->document_did_set_cursor(position); } } String TextDocument::text() const { StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < line_count(); ++i) { auto& line = this->line(i); builder.append(line.view()); if (i != line_count() - 1) builder.append('\n'); } return builder.to_string(); } String TextDocument::text_in_range(const TextRange& a_range) const { auto range = a_range.normalized(); if (is_empty() || line_count() < range.end().line() - range.start().line()) return String(""); StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = range.start().line(); i <= range.end().line(); ++i) { auto& line = this->line(i); size_t selection_start_column_on_line = range.start().line() == i ? range.start().column() : 0; size_t selection_end_column_on_line = range.end().line() == i ? range.end().column() : line.length(); if (!line.is_empty()) { builder.append( Utf32View( line.code_points() + selection_start_column_on_line, selection_end_column_on_line - selection_start_column_on_line)); } if (i != range.end().line()) builder.append('\n'); } return builder.to_string(); } u32 TextDocument::code_point_at(const TextPosition& position) const { VERIFY(position.line() < line_count()); auto& line = this->line(position.line()); if (position.column() == line.length()) return '\n'; return line.code_points()[position.column()]; } TextPosition TextDocument::next_position_after(const TextPosition& position, SearchShouldWrap should_wrap) const { auto& line = this->line(position.line()); if (position.column() == line.length()) { if (position.line() == line_count() - 1) { if (should_wrap == SearchShouldWrap::Yes) return { 0, 0 }; return {}; } return { position.line() + 1, 0 }; } return { position.line(), position.column() + 1 }; } TextPosition TextDocument::previous_position_before(const TextPosition& position, SearchShouldWrap should_wrap) const { if (position.column() == 0) { if (position.line() == 0) { if (should_wrap == SearchShouldWrap::Yes) { auto& last_line = this->line(line_count() - 1); return { line_count() - 1, last_line.length() }; } return {}; } auto& prev_line = this->line(position.line() - 1); return { position.line() - 1, prev_line.length() }; } return { position.line(), position.column() - 1 }; } void TextDocument::update_regex_matches(const StringView& needle) { if (m_regex_needs_update || needle != m_regex_needle) { Regex re(needle); Vector views; for (size_t line = 0; line < m_lines.size(); ++line) { views.append(m_lines.at(line).view()); } re.search(views, m_regex_result); m_regex_needs_update = false; m_regex_needle = String { needle }; m_regex_result_match_index = -1; m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index = -1; } } TextRange TextDocument::find_next(const StringView& needle, const TextPosition& start, SearchShouldWrap should_wrap, bool regmatch, bool match_case) { if (needle.is_empty()) return {}; if (regmatch) { if (!m_regex_result.matches.size()) return {}; regex::Match match; bool use_whole_match { false }; auto next_match = [&] { m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index = 0; if (m_regex_result_match_index == m_regex_result.matches.size() - 1) { if (should_wrap == SearchShouldWrap::Yes) m_regex_result_match_index = 0; else ++m_regex_result_match_index; } else ++m_regex_result_match_index; }; if (m_regex_result.n_capture_groups) { if (m_regex_result_match_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.size()) next_match(); else { // check if last capture group has been reached if (m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) { next_match(); } else { // get to the next capture group item ++m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index; } } // use whole match, if there is no capture group for current index if (m_regex_result_match_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.size()) use_whole_match = true; else if (m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) next_match(); } else { next_match(); } if (use_whole_match || !m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) match = m_regex_result.matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index); else match = m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).at(m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index); return TextRange { { match.line, match.column }, { match.line, match.column + match.view.length() } }; } TextPosition position = start.is_valid() ? start : TextPosition(0, 0); TextPosition original_position = position; TextPosition start_of_potential_match; size_t needle_index = 0; do { auto ch = code_point_at(position); // FIXME: This is not the right way to use a Unicode needle! if (match_case ? ch == (u32)needle[needle_index] : tolower(ch) == tolower((u32)needle[needle_index])) { if (needle_index == 0) start_of_potential_match = position; ++needle_index; if (needle_index >= needle.length()) return { start_of_potential_match, next_position_after(position, should_wrap) }; } else { if (needle_index > 0) position = start_of_potential_match; needle_index = 0; } position = next_position_after(position, should_wrap); } while (position.is_valid() && position != original_position); return {}; } TextRange TextDocument::find_previous(const StringView& needle, const TextPosition& start, SearchShouldWrap should_wrap, bool regmatch, bool match_case) { if (needle.is_empty()) return {}; if (regmatch) { if (!m_regex_result.matches.size()) return {}; regex::Match match; bool use_whole_match { false }; auto next_match = [&] { if (m_regex_result_match_index == 0) { if (should_wrap == SearchShouldWrap::Yes) m_regex_result_match_index = m_regex_result.matches.size() - 1; else --m_regex_result_match_index; } else --m_regex_result_match_index; m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index = m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size() - 1; }; if (m_regex_result.n_capture_groups) { if (m_regex_result_match_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.size()) next_match(); else { // check if last capture group has been reached if (m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) { next_match(); } else { // get to the next capture group item --m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index; } } // use whole match, if there is no capture group for current index if (m_regex_result_match_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.size()) use_whole_match = true; else if (m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index >= m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) next_match(); } else { next_match(); } if (use_whole_match || !m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).size()) match = m_regex_result.matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index); else match = m_regex_result.capture_group_matches.at(m_regex_result_match_index).at(m_regex_result_match_capture_group_index); return TextRange { { match.line, match.column }, { match.line, match.column + match.view.length() } }; } TextPosition position = start.is_valid() ? start : TextPosition(0, 0); position = previous_position_before(position, should_wrap); if (position.line() >= line_count()) return {}; TextPosition original_position = position; TextPosition end_of_potential_match; size_t needle_index = needle.length() - 1; do { auto ch = code_point_at(position); // FIXME: This is not the right way to use a Unicode needle! if (match_case ? ch == (u32)needle[needle_index] : tolower(ch) == tolower((u32)needle[needle_index])) { if (needle_index == needle.length() - 1) end_of_potential_match = position; if (needle_index == 0) return { position, next_position_after(end_of_potential_match, should_wrap) }; --needle_index; } else { if (needle_index < needle.length() - 1) position = end_of_potential_match; needle_index = needle.length() - 1; } position = previous_position_before(position, should_wrap); } while (position.is_valid() && position != original_position); return {}; } Vector TextDocument::find_all(const StringView& needle, bool regmatch) { Vector ranges; TextPosition position; for (;;) { auto range = find_next(needle, position, SearchShouldWrap::No, regmatch); if (!range.is_valid()) break; ranges.append(range); position = range.end(); } return ranges; } Optional TextDocument::first_non_skippable_span_before(const TextPosition& position) const { for (int i = m_spans.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!m_spans[i].range.contains(position)) continue; while ((i - 1) >= 0 && m_spans[i - 1].is_skippable) --i; if (i <= 0) return {}; return m_spans[i - 1]; } return {}; } Optional TextDocument::first_non_skippable_span_after(const TextPosition& position) const { size_t i = 0; // Find the first span containing the cursor for (; i < m_spans.size(); ++i) { if (m_spans[i].range.contains(position)) break; } // Find the first span *after* the cursor // TODO: For a large number of spans, binary search would be faster. for (; i < m_spans.size(); ++i) { if (!m_spans[i].range.contains(position)) break; } // Skip skippable spans for (; i < m_spans.size(); ++i) { if (m_spans[i].is_skippable) break; } if (i < m_spans.size()) return m_spans[i + 1]; return {}; } TextPosition TextDocument::first_word_break_before(const TextPosition& position, bool start_at_column_before) const { if (position.column() == 0) { if (position.line() == 0) { return TextPosition(0, 0); } auto previous_line = this->line(position.line() - 1); return TextPosition(position.line() - 1, previous_line.length()); } auto target = position; auto line = this->line(target.line()); auto modifier = start_at_column_before ? 1 : 0; if (target.column() == line.length()) modifier = 1; auto is_start_alphanumeric = is_ascii_alphanumeric(line.code_points()[target.column() - modifier]); while (target.column() > 0) { auto prev_code_point = line.code_points()[target.column() - 1]; if ((is_start_alphanumeric && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(prev_code_point)) || (!is_start_alphanumeric && is_ascii_alphanumeric(prev_code_point))) break; target.set_column(target.column() - 1); } return target; } TextPosition TextDocument::first_word_break_after(const TextPosition& position) const { auto target = position; auto line = this->line(target.line()); if (position.column() >= line.length()) { if (position.line() >= this->line_count() - 1) { return position; } return TextPosition(position.line() + 1, 0); } auto is_start_alphanumeric = is_ascii_alphanumeric(line.code_points()[target.column()]); while (target.column() < line.length()) { auto next_code_point = line.code_points()[target.column()]; if ((is_start_alphanumeric && !is_ascii_alphanumeric(next_code_point)) || (!is_start_alphanumeric && is_ascii_alphanumeric(next_code_point))) break; target.set_column(target.column() + 1); } return target; } TextPosition TextDocument::first_word_before(const TextPosition& position, bool start_at_column_before) const { if (position.column() == 0) { if (position.line() == 0) { return TextPosition(0, 0); } auto previous_line = this->line(position.line() - 1); return TextPosition(position.line() - 1, previous_line.length()); } auto target = position; auto line = this->line(target.line()); if (target.column() == line.length()) start_at_column_before = 1; auto nonblank_passed = !is_ascii_blank(line.code_points()[target.column() - start_at_column_before]); while (target.column() > 0) { auto prev_code_point = line.code_points()[target.column() - 1]; nonblank_passed |= !is_ascii_blank(prev_code_point); if (nonblank_passed && is_ascii_blank(prev_code_point)) { break; } else if (is_ascii_punctuation(prev_code_point)) { target.set_column(target.column() - 1); break; } target.set_column(target.column() - 1); } return target; } void TextDocument::undo() { if (!can_undo()) return; m_undo_stack.undo(); notify_did_change(); } void TextDocument::redo() { if (!can_redo()) return; m_undo_stack.redo(); notify_did_change(); } void TextDocument::add_to_undo_stack(NonnullOwnPtr undo_command) { m_undo_stack.push(move(undo_command)); } TextDocumentUndoCommand::TextDocumentUndoCommand(TextDocument& document) : m_document(document) { } TextDocumentUndoCommand::~TextDocumentUndoCommand() { } InsertTextCommand::InsertTextCommand(TextDocument& document, const String& text, const TextPosition& position) : TextDocumentUndoCommand(document) , m_text(text) , m_range({ position, position }) { } String InsertTextCommand::action_text() const { return "Insert Text"; } bool InsertTextCommand::merge_with(GUI::Command const& other) { if (!is(other)) return false; auto& typed_other = static_cast(other); if (m_range.end() != typed_other.m_range.start()) return false; if (m_range.start().line() != m_range.end().line()) return false; StringBuilder builder(m_text.length() + typed_other.m_text.length()); builder.append(m_text); builder.append(typed_other.m_text); m_text = builder.to_string(); m_range.set_end(typed_other.m_range.end()); return true; } void InsertTextCommand::perform_formatting(const TextDocument::Client& client) { const size_t tab_width = client.soft_tab_width(); const auto& dest_line = m_document.line(m_range.start().line()); const bool should_auto_indent = client.is_automatic_indentation_enabled(); StringBuilder builder; size_t column = m_range.start().column(); size_t line_indentation = dest_line.leading_spaces(); bool at_start_of_line = line_indentation == column; for (auto input_char : m_text) { if (input_char == '\n') { size_t spaces_at_end = 0; if (column < line_indentation) spaces_at_end = line_indentation - column; line_indentation -= spaces_at_end; builder.append('\n'); column = 0; if (should_auto_indent) { for (; column < line_indentation; ++column) { builder.append(' '); } } at_start_of_line = true; } else if (input_char == '\t') { size_t next_soft_tab_stop = ((column + tab_width) / tab_width) * tab_width; size_t spaces_to_insert = next_soft_tab_stop - column; for (size_t i = 0; i < spaces_to_insert; ++i) { builder.append(' '); } column = next_soft_tab_stop; if (at_start_of_line) { line_indentation = column; } } else { if (input_char == ' ') { if (at_start_of_line) { ++line_indentation; } } else { at_start_of_line = false; } builder.append(input_char); ++column; } } m_text = builder.build(); } void InsertTextCommand::redo() { auto new_cursor = m_document.insert_at(m_range.start(), m_text, m_client); // NOTE: We don't know where the range ends until after doing redo(). // This is okay since we always do redo() after adding this to the undo stack. m_range.set_end(new_cursor); m_document.set_all_cursors(new_cursor); } void InsertTextCommand::undo() { m_document.remove(m_range); m_document.set_all_cursors(m_range.start()); } RemoveTextCommand::RemoveTextCommand(TextDocument& document, const String& text, const TextRange& range) : TextDocumentUndoCommand(document) , m_text(text) , m_range(range) { } String RemoveTextCommand::action_text() const { return "Remove Text"; } bool RemoveTextCommand::merge_with(GUI::Command const& other) { if (!is(other)) return false; auto& typed_other = static_cast(other); if (m_range.start() != typed_other.m_range.end()) return false; if (m_range.start().line() != m_range.end().line()) return false; // Merge backspaces StringBuilder builder(m_text.length() + typed_other.m_text.length()); builder.append(typed_other.m_text); builder.append(m_text); m_text = builder.to_string(); m_range.set_start(typed_other.m_range.start()); return true; } void RemoveTextCommand::redo() { m_document.remove(m_range); m_document.set_all_cursors(m_range.start()); } void RemoveTextCommand::undo() { auto new_cursor = m_document.insert_at(m_range.start(), m_text); m_document.set_all_cursors(new_cursor); } TextPosition TextDocument::insert_at(const TextPosition& position, const StringView& text, const Client* client) { TextPosition cursor = position; Utf8View utf8_view(text); for (auto code_point : utf8_view) cursor = insert_at(cursor, code_point, client); return cursor; } TextPosition TextDocument::insert_at(const TextPosition& position, u32 code_point, const Client*) { if (code_point == '\n') { auto new_line = make(*this); new_line->append(*this, line(position.line()).code_points() + position.column(), line(position.line()).length() - position.column()); line(position.line()).truncate(*this, position.column()); insert_line(position.line() + 1, move(new_line)); notify_did_change(); return { position.line() + 1, 0 }; } else { line(position.line()).insert(*this, position.column(), code_point); notify_did_change(); return { position.line(), position.column() + 1 }; } } void TextDocument::remove(const TextRange& unnormalized_range) { if (!unnormalized_range.is_valid()) return; auto range = unnormalized_range.normalized(); // First delete all the lines in between the first and last one. for (size_t i = range.start().line() + 1; i < range.end().line();) { remove_line(i); range.end().set_line(range.end().line() - 1); } if (range.start().line() == range.end().line()) { // Delete within same line. auto& line = this->line(range.start().line()); if (line.length() == 0) return; bool whole_line_is_selected = range.start().column() == 0 && range.end().column() == line.length(); if (whole_line_is_selected) { line.clear(*this); } else { line.remove_range(*this, range.start().column(), range.end().column() - range.start().column()); } } else { // Delete across a newline, merging lines. VERIFY(range.start().line() == range.end().line() - 1); auto& first_line = line(range.start().line()); auto& second_line = line(range.end().line()); Vector code_points; code_points.append(first_line.code_points(), range.start().column()); if (!second_line.is_empty()) code_points.append(second_line.code_points() + range.end().column(), second_line.length() - range.end().column()); first_line.set_text(*this, move(code_points)); remove_line(range.end().line()); } if (lines().is_empty()) { append_line(make(*this)); } notify_did_change(); } bool TextDocument::is_empty() const { return line_count() == 1 && line(0).is_empty(); } TextRange TextDocument::range_for_entire_line(size_t line_index) const { if (line_index >= line_count()) return {}; return { { line_index, 0 }, { line_index, line(line_index).length() } }; } const TextDocumentSpan* TextDocument::span_at(const TextPosition& position) const { for (auto& span : m_spans) { if (span.range.contains(position)) return &span; } return nullptr; } void TextDocument::set_unmodified() { m_undo_stack.set_current_unmodified(); } }