/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, sin-ack * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include namespace GUI { Model::Model() = default; Model::~Model() = default; void Model::register_view(Badge, AbstractView& view) { m_views.set(&view); m_clients.set(&view); } void Model::unregister_view(Badge, AbstractView& view) { m_views.remove(&view); m_clients.remove(&view); } void Model::invalidate() { m_persistent_handles.clear(); did_update(); } void Model::for_each_view(Function callback) { for (auto* view : m_views) callback(*view); } void Model::for_each_client(Function callback) { for (auto* client : m_clients) callback(*client); } void Model::did_update(unsigned flags) { for_each_client([flags](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_update(flags); }); } ModelIndex Model::create_index(int row, int column, void const* data) const { return ModelIndex(*this, row, column, const_cast(data)); } ModelIndex Model::index(int row, int column, ModelIndex const&) const { return create_index(row, column); } bool Model::accepts_drag(ModelIndex const&, Vector const&) const { return false; } void Model::register_client(ModelClient& client) { m_clients.set(&client); } void Model::unregister_client(ModelClient& client) { m_clients.remove(&client); } WeakPtr Model::register_persistent_index(Badge, ModelIndex const& index) { if (!index.is_valid()) return {}; auto it = m_persistent_handles.find(index); // Easy modo: we already have a handle for this model index. if (it != m_persistent_handles.end()) { return it->value->make_weak_ptr(); } // Hard modo: create a new persistent handle. auto handle = adopt_own(*new PersistentHandle(index)); auto weak_handle = handle->make_weak_ptr(); m_persistent_handles.set(index, move(handle)); return weak_handle; } RefPtr Model::mime_data(ModelSelection const& selection) const { auto mime_data = Core::MimeData::construct(); RefPtr bitmap; StringBuilder text_builder; StringBuilder data_builder; bool first = true; selection.for_each_index([&](auto& index) { auto text_data = index.data(); if (!first) text_builder.append(", "sv); text_builder.append(text_data.to_string()); if (!first) data_builder.append('\n'); auto data = index.data(ModelRole::MimeData); data_builder.append(data.to_string()); first = false; if (!bitmap) { Variant icon_data = index.data(ModelRole::Icon); if (icon_data.is_icon()) bitmap = icon_data.as_icon().bitmap_for_size(32); } }); mime_data->set_data(drag_data_type(), data_builder.to_byte_buffer()); mime_data->set_text(text_builder.to_string()); if (bitmap) mime_data->set_data("image/x-raw-bitmap", bitmap->serialize_to_byte_buffer()); return mime_data; } void Model::begin_insert_rows(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Insert, Direction::Row, parent, first, last); } void Model::begin_insert_columns(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Insert, Direction::Column, parent, first, last); } void Model::begin_move_rows(ModelIndex const& source_parent, int first, int last, ModelIndex const& target_parent, int target_index) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); VERIFY(target_index >= 0); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Move, Direction::Row, source_parent, first, last, target_parent, target_index); } void Model::begin_move_columns(ModelIndex const& source_parent, int first, int last, ModelIndex const& target_parent, int target_index) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); VERIFY(target_index >= 0); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Move, Direction::Column, source_parent, first, last, target_parent, target_index); } void Model::begin_delete_rows(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); VERIFY(last < row_count(parent)); save_deleted_indices(parent, first, last); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Delete, Direction::Row, parent, first, last); } void Model::begin_delete_columns(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last) { VERIFY(first >= 0); VERIFY(first <= last); VERIFY(last < column_count(parent)); save_deleted_indices(parent, first, last); m_operation_stack.empend(OperationType::Delete, Direction::Column, parent, first, last); } template void Model::save_deleted_indices(ModelIndex const& parent, int first, int last) { Vector deleted_indices; for (auto& entry : m_persistent_handles) { auto current_index = entry.key; // Walk up the persistent handle's parents to see if it is contained // within the range that is being deleted. while (current_index.is_valid()) { auto current_parent = current_index.parent(); if (current_parent == parent) { if constexpr (IsRow) { if (current_index.row() >= first && current_index.row() <= last) deleted_indices.append(current_index); } else { if (current_index.column() >= first && current_index.column() <= last) deleted_indices.append(current_index); } } current_index = current_parent; } } m_deleted_indices_stack.append(move(deleted_indices)); } void Model::end_insert_rows() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Insert); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Row); handle_insert(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_insert_rows(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last); }); } void Model::end_insert_columns() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Insert); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Column); handle_insert(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_insert_columns(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last); }); } void Model::end_move_rows() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Move); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Row); handle_move(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_move_rows(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last, operation.target_parent, operation.target); }); } void Model::end_move_columns() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Move); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Column); handle_move(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_move_columns(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last, operation.target_parent, operation.target); }); } void Model::end_delete_rows() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Delete); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Row); handle_delete(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_delete_rows(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last); }); } void Model::end_delete_columns() { auto operation = m_operation_stack.take_last(); VERIFY(operation.type == OperationType::Delete); VERIFY(operation.direction == Direction::Column); handle_delete(operation); for_each_client([&operation](ModelClient& client) { client.model_did_delete_columns(operation.source_parent, operation.first, operation.last); }); } void Model::change_persistent_index_list(Vector const& old_indices, Vector const& new_indices) { VERIFY(old_indices.size() == new_indices.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < old_indices.size(); i++) { auto it = m_persistent_handles.find(old_indices.at(i)); if (it == m_persistent_handles.end()) continue; auto handle = move(it->value); m_persistent_handles.remove(it); auto new_index = new_indices.at(i); if (new_index.is_valid()) { handle->m_index = new_index; m_persistent_handles.set(new_index, move(handle)); } } } void Model::handle_insert(Operation const& operation) { bool is_row = operation.direction == Direction::Row; Vector to_shift; for (auto& entry : m_persistent_handles) { if (entry.key.parent() == operation.source_parent) { if (is_row && entry.key.row() >= operation.first) { to_shift.append(&entry.key); } else if (!is_row && entry.key.column() >= operation.first) { to_shift.append(&entry.key); } } } int offset = operation.last - operation.first + 1; for (auto current_index : to_shift) { int new_row = is_row ? current_index->row() + offset : current_index->row(); int new_column = is_row ? current_index->column() : current_index->column() + offset; auto new_index = create_index(new_row, new_column, current_index->internal_data()); auto it = m_persistent_handles.find(*current_index); auto handle = move(it->value); handle->m_index = new_index; m_persistent_handles.remove(it); m_persistent_handles.set(move(new_index), move(handle)); } } void Model::handle_delete(Operation const& operation) { bool is_row = operation.direction == Direction::Row; Vector deleted_indices = m_deleted_indices_stack.take_last(); Vector to_shift; // Get rid of all persistent handles which have been marked for death for (auto& deleted_index : deleted_indices) { m_persistent_handles.remove(deleted_index); } for (auto& entry : m_persistent_handles) { if (entry.key.parent() == operation.source_parent) { if (is_row) { if (entry.key.row() > operation.last) { to_shift.append(&entry.key); } } else { if (entry.key.column() > operation.last) { to_shift.append(&entry.key); } } } } int offset = operation.last - operation.first + 1; for (auto current_index : to_shift) { int new_row = is_row ? current_index->row() - offset : current_index->row(); int new_column = is_row ? current_index->column() : current_index->column() - offset; auto new_index = create_index(new_row, new_column, current_index->internal_data()); auto it = m_persistent_handles.find(*current_index); auto handle = move(it->value); handle->m_index = new_index; m_persistent_handles.remove(it); m_persistent_handles.set(move(new_index), move(handle)); } } void Model::handle_move(Operation const& operation) { bool is_row = operation.direction == Direction::Row; bool move_within = operation.source_parent == operation.target_parent; bool moving_down = operation.target > operation.first; if (move_within && operation.first == operation.target) return; if (is_row) { VERIFY(operation.target <= row_count(operation.target_parent)); VERIFY(operation.last < row_count(operation.source_parent)); } else { VERIFY(operation.target <= column_count(operation.target_parent)); VERIFY(operation.last < column_count(operation.source_parent)); } // NOTE: to_shift_down is used as a generic "to shift" when move_within is true. Vector to_move; // Items to be moved between the source and target Vector to_shift_down; // Items to be shifted down after a move-to Vector to_shift_up; // Items to be shifted up after a move-from int count = operation.last - operation.first + 1; // [start, end) int work_area_start = min(operation.first, operation.target); int work_area_end = max(operation.last + 1, operation.target + count); for (auto& entry : m_persistent_handles) { int dimension = is_row ? entry.key.row() : entry.key.column(); if (move_within) { if (entry.key.parent() == operation.source_parent) { if (dimension >= operation.first && dimension <= operation.last) { to_move.append(&entry.key); } else if (moving_down && dimension > operation.last && dimension < work_area_end) { to_shift_down.append(&entry.key); } else if (!moving_down && dimension >= work_area_start && dimension < operation.first) { to_shift_down.append(&entry.key); } } } else { if (entry.key.parent() == operation.source_parent) { if (dimension >= operation.first && dimension <= operation.last) { to_move.append(&entry.key); } else if (dimension > operation.last) { to_shift_up.append(&entry.key); } } else if (entry.key.parent() == operation.target_parent) { if (dimension >= operation.target) { to_shift_down.append(&entry.key); } } } } auto replace_handle = [&](ModelIndex const& current_index, int new_dimension, bool relative) { int new_row = is_row ? (relative ? current_index.row() + new_dimension : new_dimension) : current_index.row(); int new_column = !is_row ? (relative ? current_index.column() + new_dimension : new_dimension) : current_index.column(); auto new_index = index(new_row, new_column, operation.target_parent); auto it = m_persistent_handles.find(current_index); auto handle = move(it->value); handle->m_index = new_index; m_persistent_handles.remove(it); m_persistent_handles.set(move(new_index), move(handle)); }; for (auto current_index : to_move) { int dimension = is_row ? current_index->row() : current_index->column(); int target_offset = dimension - operation.first; int new_dimension = operation.target + target_offset; replace_handle(*current_index, new_dimension, false); } if (move_within) { for (auto current_index : to_shift_down) { int dimension = is_row ? current_index->row() : current_index->column(); int target_offset = moving_down ? dimension - (operation.last + 1) : dimension - work_area_start + count; int new_dimension = work_area_start + target_offset; replace_handle(*current_index, new_dimension, false); } } else { for (auto current_index : to_shift_down) { replace_handle(*current_index, count, true); } for (auto current_index : to_shift_up) { replace_handle(*current_index, count, true); } } } }