/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { ModelIndex FileSystemModel::Node::index(int column) const { if (!parent) return {}; for (size_t row = 0; row < parent->children.size(); ++row) { if (&parent->children[row] == this) return m_model.create_index(row, column, const_cast(this)); } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool FileSystemModel::Node::fetch_data(const String& full_path, bool is_root) { struct stat st; int rc; if (is_root) rc = stat(full_path.characters(), &st); else rc = lstat(full_path.characters(), &st); if (rc < 0) { m_error = errno; perror("stat/lstat"); return false; } size = st.st_size; mode = st.st_mode; uid = st.st_uid; gid = st.st_gid; inode = st.st_ino; mtime = st.st_mtime; if (S_ISLNK(mode)) { symlink_target = Core::File::read_link(full_path); if (symlink_target.is_null()) perror("readlink"); } if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { is_accessible_directory = access(full_path.characters(), R_OK | X_OK) == 0; } return true; } void FileSystemModel::Node::traverse_if_needed() { if (!is_directory() || has_traversed) return; has_traversed = true; if (m_parent_of_root) { auto root = adopt_own(*new Node(m_model)); root->fetch_data("/", true); root->name = "/"; root->parent = this; children.append(move(root)); return; } total_size = 0; auto full_path = this->full_path(); Core::DirIterator di(full_path, m_model.should_show_dotfiles() ? Core::DirIterator::SkipParentAndBaseDir : Core::DirIterator::SkipDots); if (di.has_error()) { m_error = di.error(); fprintf(stderr, "DirIterator: %s\n", di.error_string()); return; } Vector child_names; while (di.has_next()) { child_names.append(di.next_path()); } quick_sort(child_names); NonnullOwnPtrVector directory_children; NonnullOwnPtrVector file_children; for (auto& child_name : child_names) { String child_path = String::formatted("{}/{}", full_path, child_name); auto child = adopt_own(*new Node(m_model)); bool ok = child->fetch_data(child_path, false); if (!ok) continue; if (m_model.m_mode == DirectoriesOnly && !S_ISDIR(child->mode)) continue; child->name = child_name; child->parent = this; total_size += child->size; if (S_ISDIR(child->mode)) directory_children.append(move(child)); else file_children.append(move(child)); } children.append(move(directory_children)); children.append(move(file_children)); if (!m_file_watcher) { // We are not already watching this file, create a new watcher auto watcher_or_error = Core::FileWatcher::watch(full_path); // Note : the watcher may not be created (e.g. we do not have access rights.) This is expected, just don't watch if that's the case. if (!watcher_or_error.is_error()) { m_file_watcher = watcher_or_error.release_value(); m_file_watcher->on_change = [this](auto) { has_traversed = false; mode = 0; children.clear(); reify_if_needed(); m_model.did_update(); }; } } } void FileSystemModel::Node::reify_if_needed() { traverse_if_needed(); if (mode != 0) return; fetch_data(full_path(), parent == nullptr || parent->m_parent_of_root); } bool FileSystemModel::Node::is_symlink_to_directory() const { if (!S_ISLNK(mode)) return false; struct stat st; if (lstat(symlink_target.characters(), &st) < 0) return false; return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); } String FileSystemModel::Node::full_path() const { Vector lineage; for (auto* ancestor = parent; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent) { lineage.append(ancestor->name); } StringBuilder builder; builder.append(m_model.root_path()); for (int i = lineage.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { builder.append('/'); builder.append(lineage[i]); } builder.append('/'); builder.append(name); return LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(builder.to_string()); } ModelIndex FileSystemModel::index(String path, int column) const { LexicalPath lexical_path(move(path)); const Node* node = m_root->m_parent_of_root ? &m_root->children.first() : m_root; if (lexical_path.string() == "/") return node->index(column); for (size_t i = 0; i < lexical_path.parts().size(); ++i) { auto& part = lexical_path.parts()[i]; bool found = false; for (auto& child : node->children) { if (child.name == part) { const_cast(child).reify_if_needed(); node = &child; found = true; if (i == lexical_path.parts().size() - 1) return child.index(column); break; } } if (!found) return {}; } return {}; } String FileSystemModel::full_path(const ModelIndex& index) const { auto& node = this->node(index); const_cast(node).reify_if_needed(); return node.full_path(); } FileSystemModel::FileSystemModel(String root_path, Mode mode) : m_root_path(LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(move(root_path))) , m_mode(mode) { setpwent(); while (auto* passwd = getpwent()) m_user_names.set(passwd->pw_uid, passwd->pw_name); endpwent(); setgrent(); while (auto* group = getgrent()) m_group_names.set(group->gr_gid, group->gr_name); endgrent(); update(); } FileSystemModel::~FileSystemModel() { } String FileSystemModel::name_for_uid(uid_t uid) const { auto it = m_user_names.find(uid); if (it == m_user_names.end()) return String::number(uid); return (*it).value; } String FileSystemModel::name_for_gid(gid_t gid) const { auto it = m_group_names.find(gid); if (it == m_group_names.end()) return String::number(gid); return (*it).value; } static String permission_string(mode_t mode) { StringBuilder builder; if (S_ISDIR(mode)) builder.append("d"); else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) builder.append("l"); else if (S_ISBLK(mode)) builder.append("b"); else if (S_ISCHR(mode)) builder.append("c"); else if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) builder.append("f"); else if (S_ISSOCK(mode)) builder.append("s"); else if (S_ISREG(mode)) builder.append("-"); else builder.append("?"); builder.append(mode & S_IRUSR ? 'r' : '-'); builder.append(mode & S_IWUSR ? 'w' : '-'); builder.append(mode & S_ISUID ? 's' : (mode & S_IXUSR ? 'x' : '-')); builder.append(mode & S_IRGRP ? 'r' : '-'); builder.append(mode & S_IWGRP ? 'w' : '-'); builder.append(mode & S_ISGID ? 's' : (mode & S_IXGRP ? 'x' : '-')); builder.append(mode & S_IROTH ? 'r' : '-'); builder.append(mode & S_IWOTH ? 'w' : '-'); if (mode & S_ISVTX) builder.append('t'); else builder.append(mode & S_IXOTH ? 'x' : '-'); return builder.to_string(); } void FileSystemModel::Node::set_selected(bool selected) { if (m_selected == selected) return; m_selected = selected; } void FileSystemModel::update_node_on_selection(const ModelIndex& index, const bool selected) { Node& node = const_cast(this->node(index)); node.set_selected(selected); } void FileSystemModel::set_root_path(String root_path) { if (root_path.is_null()) m_root_path = {}; else m_root_path = LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(move(root_path)); update(); if (m_root->has_error()) { if (on_error) on_error(m_root->error(), m_root->error_string()); } else if (on_complete) { on_complete(); } } void FileSystemModel::update() { m_root = adopt_own(*new Node(*this)); if (m_root_path.is_null()) m_root->m_parent_of_root = true; m_root->reify_if_needed(); did_update(); } int FileSystemModel::row_count(const ModelIndex& index) const { Node& node = const_cast(this->node(index)); node.reify_if_needed(); if (node.is_directory()) return node.children.size(); return 0; } const FileSystemModel::Node& FileSystemModel::node(const ModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.is_valid()) return *m_root; VERIFY(index.internal_data()); return *(Node*)index.internal_data(); } ModelIndex FileSystemModel::index(int row, int column, const ModelIndex& parent) const { if (row < 0 || column < 0) return {}; auto& node = this->node(parent); const_cast(node).reify_if_needed(); if (static_cast(row) >= node.children.size()) return {}; return create_index(row, column, &node.children[row]); } ModelIndex FileSystemModel::parent_index(const ModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.is_valid()) return {}; auto& node = this->node(index); if (!node.parent) { VERIFY(&node == m_root); return {}; } return node.parent->index(index.column()); } Variant FileSystemModel::data(const ModelIndex& index, ModelRole role) const { VERIFY(index.is_valid()); if (role == ModelRole::TextAlignment) { switch (index.column()) { case Column::Icon: return Gfx::TextAlignment::Center; case Column::Size: case Column::Inode: return Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterRight; case Column::Name: case Column::Owner: case Column::Group: case Column::ModificationTime: case Column::Permissions: case Column::SymlinkTarget: return Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } auto& node = this->node(index); if (role == ModelRole::Custom) { // For GUI::FileSystemModel, custom role means the full path. VERIFY(index.column() == Column::Name); return node.full_path(); } if (role == ModelRole::MimeData) { if (index.column() == Column::Name) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append("file://"); builder.append(node.full_path()); return builder.to_string(); } return {}; } if (role == ModelRole::Sort) { switch (index.column()) { case Column::Icon: return node.is_directory() ? 0 : 1; case Column::Name: // NOTE: The children of a Node are grouped by directory-or-file and then sorted alphabetically. // Hence, the sort value for the name column is simply the index row. :^) return index.row(); case Column::Size: return (int)node.size; case Column::Owner: return name_for_uid(node.uid); case Column::Group: return name_for_gid(node.gid); case Column::Permissions: return permission_string(node.mode); case Column::ModificationTime: return node.mtime; case Column::Inode: return (int)node.inode; case Column::SymlinkTarget: return node.symlink_target; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (role == ModelRole::Display) { switch (index.column()) { case Column::Icon: return icon_for(node); case Column::Name: return node.name; case Column::Size: return human_readable_size(node.size); case Column::Owner: return name_for_uid(node.uid); case Column::Group: return name_for_gid(node.gid); case Column::Permissions: return permission_string(node.mode); case Column::ModificationTime: return timestamp_string(node.mtime); case Column::Inode: return (int)node.inode; case Column::SymlinkTarget: return node.symlink_target; } } if (role == ModelRole::Icon) { return icon_for(node); } return {}; } Icon FileSystemModel::icon_for(const Node& node) const { if (node.full_path() == "/") return FileIconProvider::icon_for_path("/"); if (Gfx::Bitmap::is_path_a_supported_image_format(node.name)) { if (!node.thumbnail) { if (!const_cast(this)->fetch_thumbnail_for(node)) return FileIconProvider::filetype_image_icon(); } return GUI::Icon(FileIconProvider::filetype_image_icon().bitmap_for_size(16), *node.thumbnail); } if (node.is_directory()) { if (node.full_path() == Core::StandardPaths::home_directory()) { if (node.is_selected()) return FileIconProvider::home_directory_open_icon(); return FileIconProvider::home_directory_icon(); } if (node.full_path() == Core::StandardPaths::desktop_directory()) return FileIconProvider::desktop_directory_icon(); if (node.is_selected() && node.is_accessible_directory) return FileIconProvider::directory_open_icon(); } return FileIconProvider::icon_for_path(node.full_path(), node.mode); } static HashMap> s_thumbnail_cache; static RefPtr render_thumbnail(const StringView& path) { auto png_bitmap = Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file(path); if (!png_bitmap) return nullptr; double scale = min(32 / (double)png_bitmap->width(), 32 / (double)png_bitmap->height()); auto thumbnail = Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888, { 32, 32 }); Gfx::IntRect destination = Gfx::IntRect(0, 0, (int)(png_bitmap->width() * scale), (int)(png_bitmap->height() * scale)); destination.center_within(thumbnail->rect()); Painter painter(*thumbnail); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(destination, *png_bitmap, png_bitmap->rect()); return thumbnail; } bool FileSystemModel::fetch_thumbnail_for(const Node& node) { // See if we already have the thumbnail // we're looking for in the cache. auto path = node.full_path(); auto it = s_thumbnail_cache.find(path); if (it != s_thumbnail_cache.end()) { if (!(*it).value) return false; node.thumbnail = (*it).value; return true; } // Otherwise, arrange to render the thumbnail // in background and make it available later. s_thumbnail_cache.set(path, nullptr); m_thumbnail_progress_total++; auto weak_this = make_weak_ptr(); LibThread::BackgroundAction>::create( [path] { return render_thumbnail(path); }, [this, path, weak_this](auto thumbnail) { s_thumbnail_cache.set(path, move(thumbnail)); // The model was destroyed, no need to update // progress or call any event handlers. if (weak_this.is_null()) return; m_thumbnail_progress++; if (on_thumbnail_progress) on_thumbnail_progress(m_thumbnail_progress, m_thumbnail_progress_total); if (m_thumbnail_progress == m_thumbnail_progress_total) { m_thumbnail_progress = 0; m_thumbnail_progress_total = 0; } did_update(); }); return false; } int FileSystemModel::column_count(const ModelIndex&) const { return Column::__Count; } String FileSystemModel::column_name(int column) const { switch (column) { case Column::Icon: return ""; case Column::Name: return "Name"; case Column::Size: return "Size"; case Column::Owner: return "Owner"; case Column::Group: return "Group"; case Column::Permissions: return "Mode"; case Column::ModificationTime: return "Modified"; case Column::Inode: return "Inode"; case Column::SymlinkTarget: return "Symlink target"; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool FileSystemModel::accepts_drag(const ModelIndex& index, const Vector& mime_types) const { if (!index.is_valid()) return false; if (!mime_types.contains_slow("text/uri-list")) return false; auto& node = this->node(index); return node.is_directory(); } void FileSystemModel::set_should_show_dotfiles(bool show) { if (m_should_show_dotfiles == show) return; m_should_show_dotfiles = show; update(); } bool FileSystemModel::is_editable(const ModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.is_valid()) return false; return index.column() == Column::Name; } void FileSystemModel::set_data(const ModelIndex& index, const Variant& data) { VERIFY(is_editable(index)); Node& node = const_cast(this->node(index)); auto dirname = LexicalPath(node.full_path()).dirname(); auto new_full_path = String::formatted("{}/{}", dirname, data.to_string()); int rc = rename(node.full_path().characters(), new_full_path.characters()); if (rc < 0) { if (on_error) on_error(errno, strerror(errno)); } } Vector FileSystemModel::matches(const StringView& searching, unsigned flags, const ModelIndex& index) { Node& node = const_cast(this->node(index)); node.reify_if_needed(); Vector found_indices; for (auto& child : node.children) { if (string_matches(child.name, searching, flags)) { const_cast(child).reify_if_needed(); found_indices.append(child.index(Column::Name)); if (flags & FirstMatchOnly) break; } } return found_indices; } }