/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Jesse Buhagiar * Copyright (c) 2021, Stephan Unverwerth * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using AK::dbgln; namespace GL { static constexpr size_t MODELVIEW_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT = 64; static constexpr size_t PROJECTION_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT = 8; static constexpr size_t TEXTURE_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT = 8; #define APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(name, ...) \ if (should_append_to_listing()) { \ append_to_listing<&SoftwareGLContext::name>(__VA_ARGS__); \ if (!should_execute_after_appending_to_listing()) \ return; \ } #define APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_WITH_ARG_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(name, arg) \ if (should_append_to_listing()) { \ auto ptr = store_in_listing(arg); \ append_to_listing<&SoftwareGLContext::name>(*ptr); \ if (!should_execute_after_appending_to_listing()) \ return; \ } #define RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(condition, error) \ if (condition) { \ if (m_error == GL_NO_ERROR) \ m_error = error; \ return; \ } #define RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(condition, error, return_value) \ if (condition) { \ if (m_error == GL_NO_ERROR) \ m_error = error; \ return return_value; \ } SoftwareGLContext::SoftwareGLContext(Gfx::Bitmap& frontbuffer) : m_frontbuffer(frontbuffer) , m_rasterizer(frontbuffer.size()) { } Optional SoftwareGLContext::get_context_parameter(GLenum name) { switch (name) { case GL_ALPHA_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_ALPHA_TEST: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_alpha_test_enabled } }; case GL_BLEND: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_blend_enabled } }; case GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = static_cast(m_blend_destination_factor) } }; case GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = static_cast(m_blend_source_factor) } }; case GL_BLUE_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_CULL_FACE: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_cull_faces } }; case GL_DEPTH_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_depth_test_enabled } }; case GL_DITHER: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_dither_enabled } }; case GL_DOUBLEBUFFER: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = true } }; case GL_GREEN_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_LIGHTING: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_lighting_enabled } }; case GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = MODELVIEW_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT } }; case GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = PROJECTION_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT } }; case GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = 4096 } }; case GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = TEXTURE_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT } }; case GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = static_cast(m_texture_units.size()) } }; case GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = m_pack_alignment } }; case GL_RED_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_SCISSOR_BOX: { auto scissor_box = m_rasterizer.options().scissor_box; return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .count = 4, .value = { .integer_list = { scissor_box.x(), scissor_box.y(), scissor_box.width(), scissor_box.height(), } } }; } break; case GL_STENCIL_BITS: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = sizeof(float) * 8 } }; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_stencil_test_enabled } }; case GL_TEXTURE_1D: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_active_texture_unit->texture_1d_enabled() } }; case GL_TEXTURE_2D: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_active_texture_unit->texture_2d_enabled() } }; case GL_TEXTURE_3D: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_active_texture_unit->texture_3d_enabled() } }; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_BOOL, .value = { .boolean_value = m_active_texture_unit->texture_cube_map_enabled() } }; case GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = m_unpack_alignment } }; case GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: return ContextParameter { .type = GL_INT, .value = { .integer_value = m_unpack_row_length } }; default: dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "get_context_parameter({:#x}): unknown context parameter", name); return {}; } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_begin(GLenum mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_begin, mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode < GL_TRIANGLES || mode > GL_POLYGON, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_current_draw_mode = mode; m_in_draw_state = true; // Certain commands will now generate an error } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_clear(GLbitfield mask) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_clear, mask); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mask & ~(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); if (mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) m_rasterizer.clear_color(m_clear_color); if (mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) m_rasterizer.clear_depth(static_cast(m_clear_depth)); // FIXME: implement GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_clear_color(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_clear_color, red, green, blue, alpha); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_clear_color = { red, green, blue, alpha }; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_clear_depth(GLdouble depth) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_clear_depth, depth); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_clear_depth = depth; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_clear_stencil(GLint s) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_clear_stencil, s); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: "s is masked with 2^m - 1 , where m is the number of bits in the stencil buffer" m_clear_stencil = s; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_color(GLdouble r, GLdouble g, GLdouble b, GLdouble a) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_color, r, g, b, a); m_current_vertex_color = { (float)r, (float)g, (float)b, (float)a }; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_end() { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_end); // Make sure we had a `glBegin` before this call... RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_in_draw_state = false; // FIXME: Add support for the remaining primitive types. if (m_current_draw_mode != GL_TRIANGLES && m_current_draw_mode != GL_TRIANGLE_FAN && m_current_draw_mode != GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP && m_current_draw_mode != GL_QUADS && m_current_draw_mode != GL_POLYGON) { m_vertex_list.clear_with_capacity(); dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "gl_end: draw mode {:#x} unsupported", m_current_draw_mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } Vector enabled_texture_units; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_texture_units.size(); ++i) { if (m_texture_units[i].texture_2d_enabled()) enabled_texture_units.append(i); } sync_device_config(); m_rasterizer.draw_primitives(m_current_draw_mode, m_projection_matrix * m_model_view_matrix, m_texture_matrix, m_vertex_list, enabled_texture_units); m_vertex_list.clear_with_capacity(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_frustum(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble near_val, GLdouble far_val) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_frustum, left, right, bottom, top, near_val, far_val); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // Let's do some math! // FIXME: Are we losing too much precision by doing this? float a = static_cast((right + left) / (right - left)); float b = static_cast((top + bottom) / (top - bottom)); float c = static_cast(-((far_val + near_val) / (far_val - near_val))); float d = static_cast(-((2 * (far_val * near_val)) / (far_val - near_val))); FloatMatrix4x4 frustum { ((2 * (float)near_val) / ((float)right - (float)left)), 0, a, 0, 0, ((2 * (float)near_val) / ((float)top - (float)bottom)), b, 0, 0, 0, c, d, 0, 0, -1, 0 }; if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * frustum; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_projection_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * frustum; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * frustum; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_ortho(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble near_val, GLdouble far_val) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_ortho, left, right, bottom, top, near_val, far_val); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(left == right || bottom == top || near_val == far_val, GL_INVALID_VALUE); auto rl = right - left; auto tb = top - bottom; auto fn = far_val - near_val; auto tx = -(right + left) / rl; auto ty = -(top + bottom) / tb; auto tz = -(far_val + near_val) / fn; FloatMatrix4x4 projection { static_cast(2 / rl), 0, 0, static_cast(tx), 0, static_cast(2 / tb), 0, static_cast(ty), 0, 0, static_cast(-2 / fn), static_cast(tz), 0, 0, 0, 1 }; if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * projection; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_projection_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * projection; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * projection; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } GLenum SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_error() { if (m_in_draw_state) return GL_INVALID_OPERATION; auto last_error = m_error; m_error = GL_NO_ERROR; return last_error; } GLubyte* SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_string(GLenum name) { RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, nullptr); switch (name) { case GL_VENDOR: return reinterpret_cast(const_cast("The SerenityOS Developers")); case GL_RENDERER: return reinterpret_cast(const_cast("SerenityOS OpenGL")); case GL_VERSION: return reinterpret_cast(const_cast("1.5")); case GL_EXTENSIONS: return reinterpret_cast(const_cast("")); case GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: return reinterpret_cast(const_cast("0.0")); default: dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "gl_get_string({:#x}): unknown name", name); break; } RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM, nullptr); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_load_identity() { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_load_identity); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = FloatMatrix4x4::identity(); else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = FloatMatrix4x4::identity(); else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = FloatMatrix4x4::identity(); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_load_matrix(const FloatMatrix4x4& matrix) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_WITH_ARG_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_load_matrix, matrix); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = matrix; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_matrix_mode(GLenum mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_matrix_mode, mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode < GL_MODELVIEW || mode > GL_TEXTURE, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_current_matrix_mode = mode; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_push_matrix() { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_push_matrix); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "glPushMatrix(): Pushing matrix to the matrix stack (matrix_mode {})", m_current_matrix_mode); switch (m_current_matrix_mode) { case GL_PROJECTION: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_projection_matrix_stack.size() >= PROJECTION_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT, GL_STACK_OVERFLOW); m_projection_matrix_stack.append(m_projection_matrix); break; case GL_MODELVIEW: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_model_view_matrix_stack.size() >= MODELVIEW_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT, GL_STACK_OVERFLOW); m_model_view_matrix_stack.append(m_model_view_matrix); break; case GL_TEXTURE: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_texture_matrix_stack.size() >= TEXTURE_MATRIX_STACK_LIMIT, GL_STACK_OVERFLOW); m_texture_matrix_stack.append(m_texture_matrix); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_pop_matrix() { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_pop_matrix); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "glPopMatrix(): Popping matrix from matrix stack (matrix_mode = {})", m_current_matrix_mode); switch (m_current_matrix_mode) { case GL_PROJECTION: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_projection_matrix_stack.size() == 0, GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW); m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix_stack.take_last(); break; case GL_MODELVIEW: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_model_view_matrix_stack.size() == 0, GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW); m_model_view_matrix = m_model_view_matrix_stack.take_last(); break; case GL_TEXTURE: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_texture_matrix_stack.size() == 0, GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW); m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix_stack.take_last(); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_mult_matrix(FloatMatrix4x4 const& matrix) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_WITH_ARG_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_mult_matrix, matrix); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * matrix; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_rotate(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_rotate, angle, x, y, z); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); FloatVector3 axis = { (float)x, (float)y, (float)z }; axis.normalize(); auto rotation_mat = Gfx::rotation_matrix(axis, static_cast(angle * M_PI * 2 / 360)); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * rotation_mat; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * rotation_mat; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * rotation_mat; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_scale(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_scale, x, y, z); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto scale_matrix = Gfx::scale_matrix(FloatVector3 { static_cast(x), static_cast(y), static_cast(z) }); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * scale_matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * scale_matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * scale_matrix; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_translate(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_translate, x, y, z); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto translation_matrix = Gfx::translation_matrix(FloatVector3 { static_cast(x), static_cast(y), static_cast(z) }); if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) m_model_view_matrix = m_model_view_matrix * translation_matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) m_projection_matrix = m_projection_matrix * translation_matrix; else if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_TEXTURE) m_texture_matrix = m_texture_matrix * translation_matrix; else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_vertex(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_vertex, x, y, z, w); SoftGPU::Vertex vertex; vertex.position = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y), static_cast(z), static_cast(w) }; vertex.color = m_current_vertex_color; vertex.tex_coord = m_current_vertex_tex_coord; vertex.normal = m_current_vertex_normal; m_vertex_list.append(vertex); } // FIXME: We need to add `r` and `q` to our GLVertex?! void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_coord(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_tex_coord, s, t, r, q); m_current_vertex_tex_coord = { s, t, r, q }; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_viewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_viewport, x, y, width, height); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); (void)(x); (void)(y); (void)(width); (void)(height); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_enable(GLenum capability) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_enable, capability); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); bool update_rasterizer_options = false; switch (capability) { case GL_CULL_FACE: m_cull_faces = true; rasterizer_options.enable_culling = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: m_depth_test_enabled = true; rasterizer_options.enable_depth_test = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_BLEND: m_blend_enabled = true; rasterizer_options.enable_blending = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_ALPHA_TEST: m_alpha_test_enabled = true; rasterizer_options.enable_alpha_test = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_DITHER: m_dither_enabled = true; break; case GL_FOG: rasterizer_options.fog_enabled = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_LIGHTING: m_lighting_enabled = true; break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: rasterizer_options.scissor_enabled = true; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: m_stencil_test_enabled = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_1D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_1d_enabled(true); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_2d_enabled(true); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_3D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_3d_enabled(true); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_cube_map_enabled(true); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } if (update_rasterizer_options) m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_disable(GLenum capability) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_disable, capability); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); bool update_rasterizer_options = false; switch (capability) { case GL_CULL_FACE: m_cull_faces = false; rasterizer_options.enable_culling = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: m_depth_test_enabled = false; rasterizer_options.enable_depth_test = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_BLEND: m_blend_enabled = false; rasterizer_options.enable_blending = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_ALPHA_TEST: m_alpha_test_enabled = false; rasterizer_options.enable_alpha_test = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_DITHER: m_dither_enabled = false; break; case GL_FOG: rasterizer_options.fog_enabled = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_LIGHTING: m_lighting_enabled = false; break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: rasterizer_options.scissor_enabled = false; update_rasterizer_options = true; break; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: m_stencil_test_enabled = false; break; case GL_TEXTURE_1D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_1d_enabled(false); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_2d_enabled(false); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_3D: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_3d_enabled(false); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: m_active_texture_unit->set_texture_cube_map_enabled(false); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } if (update_rasterizer_options) m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } GLboolean SoftwareGLContext::gl_is_enabled(GLenum capability) { RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, 0); auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); switch (capability) { case GL_CULL_FACE: return m_cull_faces; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: return m_depth_test_enabled; case GL_BLEND: return m_blend_enabled; case GL_ALPHA_TEST: return m_alpha_test_enabled; case GL_DITHER: return m_dither_enabled; case GL_FOG: return rasterizer_options.fog_enabled; case GL_LIGHTING: return m_lighting_enabled; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: return rasterizer_options.scissor_enabled; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: return m_stencil_test_enabled; } RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM, 0); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_gen_textures(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(n < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_name_allocator.allocate(n, textures); // Initialize all texture names with a nullptr for (auto i = 0; i < n; i++) { GLuint name = textures[i]; m_allocated_textures.set(name, nullptr); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_delete_textures(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(n < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); for (auto i = 0; i < n; i++) { GLuint name = textures[i]; if (name == 0) continue; m_name_allocator.free(name); auto texture_object = m_allocated_textures.find(name); if (texture_object == m_allocated_textures.end() || texture_object->value.is_null()) continue; // Check all texture units for (auto& texture_unit : m_texture_units) { if (texture_object->value == texture_unit.bound_texture()) texture_unit.bind_texture_to_target(GL_TEXTURE_2D, nullptr); } m_allocated_textures.remove(name); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_image_2d(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internal_format, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* data) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // We only support GL_TEXTURE_2D for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // Check if there is actually a texture bound RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target == GL_TEXTURE_2D && m_active_texture_unit->currently_bound_target() != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // Internal format can also be a number between 1 and 4. Symbolic formats were only added with EXT_texture, promoted to core in OpenGL 1.1 if (internal_format == 1) internal_format = GL_ALPHA; else if (internal_format == 2) internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; else if (internal_format == 3) internal_format = GL_RGB; else if (internal_format == 4) internal_format = GL_RGBA; // We only support symbolic constants for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(internal_format == GL_RGB || internal_format == GL_RGBA), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(level < 0 || level > Texture2D::LOG2_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width < 0 || height < 0 || width > (2 + Texture2D::MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) || height > (2 + Texture2D::MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), GL_INVALID_VALUE); // Check if width and height are a power of 2 RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF((width & (width - 1)) != 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF((height & (height - 1)) != 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(border < 0 || border > 1, GL_INVALID_VALUE); if (level == 0) { // FIXME: OpenGL has the concept of texture and mipmap completeness. A texture has to fulfill certain criteria to be considered complete. // Trying to render while an incomplete texture is bound will result in an error. // Here we simply create a complete device image when mipmap level 0 is attached to the texture object. This has the unfortunate side effect // that constructing GL textures in any but the default mipmap order, going from level 0 upwards will cause mip levels to stay uninitialized. // To be spec compliant we should create the device image once the texture has become complete and is used for rendering the first time. // All images that were attached before the device image was created need to be stored somewhere to be used to initialize the device image once complete. SoftGPU::ImageFormat device_format; switch (internal_format) { case GL_RGB: device_format = SoftGPU::ImageFormat::RGB888; break; case GL_RGBA: device_format = SoftGPU::ImageFormat::RGBA8888; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_active_texture_unit->bound_texture_2d()->set_device_image(m_rasterizer.create_image(device_format, width, height, 1, 999, 1)); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; } m_active_texture_unit->bound_texture_2d()->upload_texture_data(level, internal_format, width, height, border, format, type, data, m_unpack_row_length, m_unpack_alignment); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_sub_image_2d(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* data) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // We only support GL_TEXTURE_2D for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // Check if there is actually a texture bound RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target == GL_TEXTURE_2D && m_active_texture_unit->currently_bound_target() != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // We only support symbolic constants for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(format == GL_RGBA || format == GL_RGB), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(level < 0 || level > Texture2D::LOG2_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width < 0 || height < 0 || width > (2 + Texture2D::MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) || height > (2 + Texture2D::MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), GL_INVALID_VALUE); auto texture = m_active_texture_unit->bound_texture_2d(); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(xoffset < 0 || yoffset < 0 || xoffset + width > texture->width_at_lod(level) || yoffset + height > texture->height_at_lod(level), GL_INVALID_VALUE); texture->replace_sub_texture_data(level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, data, m_unpack_row_length, m_unpack_alignment); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_parameter(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_tex_parameter, target, pname, param); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: We currently only support GL_TETXURE_2D targets. 1D, 3D and CUBE should also be supported (https://docs.gl/gl2/glTexParameter) RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // FIXME: implement the remaining parameters. (https://docs.gl/gl2/glTexParameter) RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(pname == GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER || pname == GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER || pname == GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S || pname == GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T), GL_INVALID_ENUM); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_2D) { auto texture2d = m_active_texture_unit->bound_texture_2d(); if (texture2d.is_null()) return; switch (pname) { case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(param == GL_NEAREST || param == GL_LINEAR || param == GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST || param == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST || param == GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR || param == GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR), GL_INVALID_ENUM); texture2d->sampler().set_min_filter(param); break; case GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(param == GL_NEAREST || param == GL_LINEAR), GL_INVALID_ENUM); texture2d->sampler().set_mag_filter(param); break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(param == GL_CLAMP || param == GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER || param == GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE || param == GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT || param == GL_REPEAT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); texture2d->sampler().set_wrap_s_mode(param); break; case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(param == GL_CLAMP || param == GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER || param == GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE || param == GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT || param == GL_REPEAT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); texture2d->sampler().set_wrap_t_mode(param); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_front_face(GLenum face) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_front_face, face); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(face < GL_CW || face > GL_CCW, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_front_face = face; auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); rasterizer_options.front_face = (face == GL_CW) ? SoftGPU::WindingOrder::Clockwise : SoftGPU::WindingOrder::CounterClockwise; m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_cull_face(GLenum cull_mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_cull_face, cull_mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(cull_mode < GL_FRONT || cull_mode > GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_culled_sides = cull_mode; auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); rasterizer_options.culled_sides = cull_mode; m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } GLuint SoftwareGLContext::gl_gen_lists(GLsizei range) { RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(range <= 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE, 0); RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, 0); auto initial_entry = m_listings.size(); m_listings.resize(range + initial_entry); return initial_entry + 1; } void SoftwareGLContext::invoke_list(size_t list_index) { auto& listing = m_listings[list_index - 1]; for (auto& entry : listing.entries) { entry.function.visit([&](auto& function) { entry.arguments.visit([&](auto& arguments) { auto apply = [&](Args && ... args) { if constexpr (requires { (this->*function)(forward(args)...); }) (this->*function)(forward(args)...); }; arguments.apply_as_args(apply); }); }); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_call_list(GLuint list) { if (m_gl_call_depth > max_allowed_gl_call_depth) return; APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_call_list, list); if (m_listings.size() < list) return; TemporaryChange change { m_gl_call_depth, m_gl_call_depth + 1 }; invoke_list(list); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_call_lists(GLsizei n, GLenum type, void const* lists) { if (m_gl_call_depth > max_allowed_gl_call_depth) return; APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_call_lists, n, type, lists); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(n < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_SHORT || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT || type == GL_INT || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT || type == GL_FLOAT || type == GL_2_BYTES || type == GL_3_BYTES || type == GL_4_BYTES), GL_INVALID_ENUM); TemporaryChange change { m_gl_call_depth, m_gl_call_depth + 1 }; auto invoke_all_lists = [&](T const* lists) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto list = static_cast(lists[i]); invoke_list(m_list_base + list); } }; switch (type) { case GL_BYTE: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_SHORT: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_INT: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_FLOAT: invoke_all_lists(static_cast(lists)); break; case GL_2_BYTES: case GL_3_BYTES: case GL_4_BYTES: dbgln("SoftwareGLContext FIXME: unimplemented glCallLists() with type {}", type); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_delete_lists(GLuint list, GLsizei range) { if (m_listings.size() < list || m_listings.size() <= list + range) return; for (auto& entry : m_listings.span().slice(list - 1, range)) entry.entries.clear_with_capacity(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_list_base(GLuint base) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_list_base, base); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_list_base = base; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_end_list() { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!m_current_listing_index.has_value(), GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_listings[m_current_listing_index->index] = move(m_current_listing_index->listing); m_current_listing_index.clear(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_new_list(GLuint list, GLenum mode) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(list == 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode != GL_COMPILE && mode != GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE, GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_current_listing_index.has_value(), GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (m_listings.size() < list) return; m_current_listing_index = CurrentListing { {}, static_cast(list - 1), mode }; } GLboolean SoftwareGLContext::gl_is_list(GLuint list) { RETURN_VALUE_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, GL_FALSE); return list < m_listings.size() ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_flush() { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // No-op since SoftwareGLContext is completely synchronous at the moment } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_finish() { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // No-op since SoftwareGLContext is completely synchronous at the moment } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_blend_func(GLenum src_factor, GLenum dst_factor) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_blend_func, src_factor, dst_factor); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: The list of allowed enums differs between API versions // This was taken from the 2.0 spec on https://docs.gl/gl2/glBlendFunc RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(src_factor == GL_ZERO || src_factor == GL_ONE || src_factor == GL_SRC_COLOR || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR || src_factor == GL_DST_COLOR || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR || src_factor == GL_SRC_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_DST_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_CONSTANT_COLOR || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR || src_factor == GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA || src_factor == GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(dst_factor == GL_ZERO || dst_factor == GL_ONE || dst_factor == GL_SRC_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_DST_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_SRC_ALPHA || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA || dst_factor == GL_DST_ALPHA || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA || dst_factor == GL_CONSTANT_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR || dst_factor == GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA || dst_factor == GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA), GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_blend_source_factor = src_factor; m_blend_destination_factor = dst_factor; auto map_gl_blend_factor_to_device = [](GLenum factor) constexpr { switch (factor) { case GL_ZERO: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::Zero; case GL_ONE: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::One; case GL_SRC_ALPHA: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::OneMinusSrcAlpha; case GL_SRC_COLOR: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::SrcColor; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::OneMinusSrcColor; case GL_DST_ALPHA: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::DstAlpha; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::OneMinusDstAlpha; case GL_DST_COLOR: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::DstColor; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::OneMinusDstColor; case GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: return SoftGPU::BlendFactor::SrcAlphaSaturate; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } }; auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.blend_source_factor = map_gl_blend_factor_to_device(m_blend_source_factor); options.blend_destination_factor = map_gl_blend_factor_to_device(m_blend_destination_factor); m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_shade_model(GLenum mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_shade_model, mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode != GL_FLAT && mode != GL_SMOOTH, GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.shade_smooth = (mode == GL_SMOOTH); m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_alpha_func(GLenum func, GLclampf ref) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_alpha_func, func, ref); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(func < GL_NEVER || func > GL_ALWAYS, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_alpha_test_func = func; m_alpha_test_ref_value = ref; auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); switch (func) { case GL_NEVER: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::Never; break; case GL_ALWAYS: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::Always; break; case GL_LESS: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::Less; break; case GL_LEQUAL: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::LessOrEqual; break; case GL_EQUAL: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::Equal; break; case GL_NOTEQUAL: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::NotEqual; break; case GL_GEQUAL: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::GreaterOrEqual; break; case GL_GREATER: options.alpha_test_func = SoftGPU::AlphaTestFunction::Greater; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } options.alpha_test_ref_value = m_alpha_test_ref_value; m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_hint(GLenum target, GLenum mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_hint, target, mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target != GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT && target != GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT && target != GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT && target != GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT && target != GL_FOG_HINT && target != GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT && target != GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT, GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode != GL_DONT_CARE && mode != GL_FASTEST && mode != GL_NICEST, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // According to the spec implementors are free to ignore glHint. So we do. } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_read_buffer(GLenum mode) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_read_buffer, mode); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: Also allow aux buffers GL_AUX0 through GL_AUX3 here // plus any aux buffer between 0 and GL_AUX_BUFFERS RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode != GL_FRONT_LEFT && mode != GL_FRONT_RIGHT && mode != GL_BACK_LEFT && mode != GL_BACK_RIGHT && mode != GL_FRONT && mode != GL_BACK && mode != GL_LEFT && mode != GL_RIGHT, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // FIXME: We do not currently have aux buffers, so make it an invalid // operation to select anything but front or back buffers. Also we do // not allow selecting the stereoscopic RIGHT buffers since we do not // have them configured. RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(mode != GL_FRONT_LEFT && mode != GL_FRONT && mode != GL_BACK_LEFT && mode != GL_BACK && mode != GL_FRONT && mode != GL_BACK && mode != GL_LEFT, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_current_read_buffer = mode; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_draw_buffer(GLenum buffer) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_draw_buffer, buffer); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: Also allow aux buffers GL_AUX0 through GL_AUX3 here // plus any aux buffer between 0 and GL_AUX_BUFFERS RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(buffer != GL_NONE && buffer != GL_FRONT_LEFT && buffer != GL_FRONT_RIGHT && buffer != GL_BACK_LEFT && buffer != GL_BACK_RIGHT && buffer != GL_FRONT && buffer != GL_BACK && buffer != GL_LEFT && buffer != GL_RIGHT, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // FIXME: We do not currently have aux buffers, so make it an invalid // operation to select anything but front or back buffers. Also we do // not allow selecting the stereoscopic RIGHT buffers since we do not // have them configured. RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(buffer != GL_NONE && buffer != GL_FRONT_LEFT && buffer != GL_FRONT && buffer != GL_BACK_LEFT && buffer != GL_BACK && buffer != GL_FRONT && buffer != GL_BACK && buffer != GL_LEFT, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_current_draw_buffer = buffer; auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); rasterizer_options.draw_buffer = m_current_draw_buffer; m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_read_pixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* pixels) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width < 0 || height < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(format != GL_COLOR_INDEX && format != GL_STENCIL_INDEX && format != GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT && format != GL_RED && format != GL_GREEN && format != GL_BLUE && format != GL_ALPHA && format != GL_RGB && format != GL_RGBA && format != GL_LUMINANCE && format != GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(type != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE && type != GL_BYTE && type != GL_BITMAP && type != GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT && type != GL_SHORT && type != GL_BLUE && type != GL_UNSIGNED_INT && type != GL_INT && type != GL_FLOAT, GL_INVALID_ENUM); // FIXME: We only support RGBA buffers for now. // Once we add support for indexed color modes do the correct check here RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(format == GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: We do not have stencil buffers yet // Once we add support for stencil buffers do the correct check here RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(format == GL_STENCIL_INDEX, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) { // FIXME: This check needs to be a bit more sophisticated. Currently the buffers // are hardcoded. Once we add proper structures for them we need to correct this check // Error because only back buffer has a depth buffer RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_current_read_buffer == GL_FRONT || m_current_read_buffer == GL_FRONT_LEFT || m_current_read_buffer == GL_FRONT_RIGHT, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); } // Some helper functions for converting float values to integer types auto float_to_i8 = [](float f) -> GLchar { return static_cast((0x7f * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f) - 1) / 2); }; auto float_to_i16 = [](float f) -> GLshort { return static_cast((0x7fff * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f) - 1) / 2); }; auto float_to_i32 = [](float f) -> GLint { return static_cast((0x7fffffff * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f) - 1) / 2); }; auto float_to_u8 = [](float f) -> GLubyte { return static_cast(0xff * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f)); }; auto float_to_u16 = [](float f) -> GLushort { return static_cast(0xffff * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f)); }; auto float_to_u32 = [](float f) -> GLuint { return static_cast(0xffffffff * min(max(f, 0.0f), 1.0f)); }; u8 component_size = 0; switch (type) { case GL_BYTE: case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: component_size = 1; break; case GL_SHORT: case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: component_size = 2; break; case GL_INT: case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: case GL_FLOAT: component_size = 4; break; } if (format == GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) { auto const row_stride = (width * component_size + m_pack_alignment - 1) / m_pack_alignment * m_pack_alignment; // Read from depth buffer for (GLsizei i = 0; i < height; ++i) { for (GLsizei j = 0; j < width; ++j) { float depth = m_rasterizer.get_depthbuffer_value(x + j, y + i); auto char_ptr = reinterpret_cast(pixels) + i * row_stride + j * component_size; switch (type) { case GL_BYTE: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_i8(depth); break; case GL_SHORT: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_i16(depth); break; case GL_INT: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_i32(depth); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_u8(depth); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_u16(depth); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = float_to_u32(depth); break; case GL_FLOAT: *reinterpret_cast(char_ptr) = min(max(depth, 0.0f), 1.0f); break; } } } return; } bool write_red = false; bool write_green = false; bool write_blue = false; bool write_alpha = false; size_t component_count = 0; size_t red_offset = 0; size_t green_offset = 0; size_t blue_offset = 0; size_t alpha_offset = 0; char* red_ptr = nullptr; char* green_ptr = nullptr; char* blue_ptr = nullptr; char* alpha_ptr = nullptr; switch (format) { case GL_RGB: write_red = true; write_green = true; write_blue = true; component_count = 3; red_offset = 2; green_offset = 1; blue_offset = 0; break; case GL_RGBA: write_red = true; write_green = true; write_blue = true; write_alpha = true; component_count = 4; red_offset = 3; green_offset = 2; blue_offset = 1; alpha_offset = 0; break; case GL_RED: write_red = true; component_count = 1; red_offset = 0; break; case GL_GREEN: write_green = true; component_count = 1; green_offset = 0; break; case GL_BLUE: write_blue = true; component_count = 1; blue_offset = 0; break; case GL_ALPHA: write_alpha = true; component_count = 1; alpha_offset = 0; break; } auto const pixel_bytes = component_size * component_count; auto const row_alignment_bytes = (m_pack_alignment - ((width * pixel_bytes) % m_pack_alignment)) % m_pack_alignment; char* out_ptr = reinterpret_cast(pixels); for (int i = 0; i < (int)height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)width; ++j) { Gfx::RGBA32 color {}; if (m_current_read_buffer == GL_FRONT || m_current_read_buffer == GL_LEFT || m_current_read_buffer == GL_FRONT_LEFT) { if (y + i >= m_frontbuffer->width() || x + j >= m_frontbuffer->height()) color = 0; else color = m_frontbuffer->scanline(y + i)[x + j]; } else { color = m_rasterizer.get_backbuffer_pixel(x + j, y + i); } float red = ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0f; float green = ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0f; float blue = ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0f; float alpha = (color & 0xff) / 255.0f; // FIXME: Set up write pointers based on selected endianness (glPixelStore) red_ptr = out_ptr + (component_size * red_offset); green_ptr = out_ptr + (component_size * green_offset); blue_ptr = out_ptr + (component_size * blue_offset); alpha_ptr = out_ptr + (component_size * alpha_offset); switch (type) { case GL_BYTE: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_i8(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_i8(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_i8(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_i8(alpha); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_u8(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_u8(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_u8(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_u8(alpha); break; case GL_SHORT: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_i16(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_i16(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_i16(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_i16(alpha); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_u16(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_u16(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_u16(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_u16(alpha); break; case GL_INT: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_i32(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_i32(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_i32(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_i32(alpha); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = float_to_u32(red); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = float_to_u32(green); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = float_to_u32(blue); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = float_to_u32(alpha); break; case GL_FLOAT: if (write_red) *reinterpret_cast(red_ptr) = min(max(red, 0.0f), 1.0f); if (write_green) *reinterpret_cast(green_ptr) = min(max(green, 0.0f), 1.0f); if (write_blue) *reinterpret_cast(blue_ptr) = min(max(blue, 0.0f), 1.0f); if (write_alpha) *reinterpret_cast(alpha_ptr) = min(max(alpha, 0.0f), 1.0f); break; } out_ptr += pixel_bytes; } out_ptr += row_alignment_bytes; } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_bind_texture(GLenum target, GLuint texture) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: We only support GL_TEXTURE_2D for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target != GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_INVALID_ENUM); if (texture == 0) { switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_active_texture_unit->bind_texture_to_target(target, nullptr); m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; return; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return; } } auto it = m_allocated_textures.find(texture); // The texture name does not exist RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(it == m_allocated_textures.end(), GL_INVALID_VALUE); auto texture_object = it->value; // Binding a texture to a different target than it was first bound is an invalid operation // FIXME: We only support GL_TEXTURE_2D for now RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(target == GL_TEXTURE_2D && !texture_object.is_null() && !texture_object->is_texture_2d(), GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (!texture_object) { // This is the first time the texture is bound. Allocate an actual texture object switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: texture_object = adopt_ref(*new Texture2D()); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_allocated_textures.set(texture, texture_object); } switch (target) { case GL_TEXTURE_2D: m_active_texture_unit->bind_texture_to_target(target, texture_object); break; } m_sampler_config_is_dirty = true; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_active_texture(GLenum texture) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(texture < GL_TEXTURE0 || texture > GL_TEXTURE31, GL_INVALID_ENUM); m_active_texture_unit = &m_texture_units.at(texture - GL_TEXTURE0); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_booleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean* data) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto optional_parameter = get_context_parameter(pname); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!optional_parameter.has_value(), GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto parameter = optional_parameter.release_value(); switch (parameter.type) { case GL_BOOL: *data = parameter.value.boolean_value ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GL_DOUBLE: *data = (parameter.value.double_value == 0.0) ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE; break; case GL_INT: *data = (parameter.value.integer_value == 0) ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_doublev(GLenum pname, GLdouble* params) { get_floating_point(pname, params); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_floatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) { get_floating_point(pname, params); } template void SoftwareGLContext::get_floating_point(GLenum pname, T* params) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // Handle special matrix cases first auto flatten_and_assign_matrix = [¶ms](const FloatMatrix4x4& matrix) { auto elements = matrix.elements(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) params[i * 4 + j] = static_cast(elements[i][j]); }; switch (pname) { case GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX: if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_MODELVIEW) flatten_and_assign_matrix(m_model_view_matrix); else if (m_model_view_matrix_stack.is_empty()) flatten_and_assign_matrix(FloatMatrix4x4::identity()); else flatten_and_assign_matrix(m_model_view_matrix_stack.last()); return; case GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX: if (m_current_matrix_mode == GL_PROJECTION) flatten_and_assign_matrix(m_projection_matrix); else if (m_projection_matrix_stack.is_empty()) flatten_and_assign_matrix(FloatMatrix4x4::identity()); else flatten_and_assign_matrix(m_projection_matrix_stack.last()); return; } // Regular parameters auto optional_parameter = get_context_parameter(pname); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!optional_parameter.has_value(), GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto parameter = optional_parameter.release_value(); switch (parameter.type) { case GL_BOOL: *params = parameter.value.boolean_value ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GL_DOUBLE: for (size_t i = 0; i < parameter.count; ++i) { params[i] = parameter.value.double_list[i]; } break; case GL_INT: for (size_t i = 0; i < parameter.count; ++i) { params[i] = parameter.value.integer_list[i]; } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_get_integerv(GLenum pname, GLint* data) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto optional_parameter = get_context_parameter(pname); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!optional_parameter.has_value(), GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto parameter = optional_parameter.release_value(); switch (parameter.type) { case GL_BOOL: *data = parameter.value.boolean_value ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GL_DOUBLE: { double const int_range = static_cast(NumericLimits::max()) - NumericLimits::min(); for (size_t i = 0; i < parameter.count; ++i) { double const result_factor = (clamp(parameter.value.double_list[i], -1.0, 1.0) + 1.0) / 2.0; data[i] = static_cast(NumericLimits::min() + result_factor * int_range); } break; } case GL_INT: for (size_t i = 0; i < parameter.count; ++i) { data[i] = parameter.value.integer_list[i]; } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_depth_mask(GLboolean flag) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_depth_mask, flag); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.enable_depth_write = (flag != GL_FALSE); m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_enable_client_state(GLenum cap) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); switch (cap) { case GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: m_client_side_vertex_array_enabled = true; break; case GL_COLOR_ARRAY: m_client_side_color_array_enabled = true; break; case GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: m_client_side_texture_coord_array_enabled = true; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_disable_client_state(GLenum cap) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); switch (cap) { case GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: m_client_side_vertex_array_enabled = false; break; case GL_COLOR_ARRAY: m_client_side_color_array_enabled = false; break; case GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY: m_client_side_texture_coord_array_enabled = false; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_vertex_pointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void* pointer) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(size == 2 || size == 3 || size == 4), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_SHORT || type == GL_INT || type == GL_FLOAT || type == GL_DOUBLE), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(stride < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_client_vertex_pointer.size = size; m_client_vertex_pointer.type = type; m_client_vertex_pointer.stride = stride; m_client_vertex_pointer.pointer = pointer; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_color_pointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void* pointer) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(size == 3 || size == 4), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_SHORT || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT || type == GL_INT || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT || type == GL_FLOAT || type == GL_DOUBLE), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(stride < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_client_color_pointer.size = size; m_client_color_pointer.type = type; m_client_color_pointer.stride = stride; m_client_color_pointer.pointer = pointer; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_coord_pointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void* pointer) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(size == 1 || size == 2 || size == 3 || size == 4), GL_INVALID_VALUE); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_SHORT || type == GL_INT || type == GL_FLOAT || type == GL_DOUBLE), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(stride < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_client_tex_coord_pointer.size = size; m_client_tex_coord_pointer.type = type; m_client_tex_coord_pointer.stride = stride; m_client_tex_coord_pointer.pointer = pointer; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_tex_env(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_tex_env, target, pname, param); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); if (target == GL_TEXTURE_ENV) { if (pname == GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE) { auto param_enum = static_cast(param); switch (param_enum) { case GL_MODULATE: case GL_REPLACE: case GL_DECAL: m_active_texture_unit->set_env_mode(param_enum); break; default: // FIXME: We currently only support a subset of possible param values. Implement the rest! RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); break; } } else { // FIXME: We currently only support a subset of possible pname values. Implement the rest! RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } } else { // FIXME: We currently only support a subset of possible target values. Implement the rest! RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_draw_arrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_draw_arrays, mode, first, count); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: Some modes are still missing (GL_POINTS, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_LINES,GL_QUAD_STRIP) RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(mode == GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP || mode == GL_TRIANGLE_FAN || mode == GL_TRIANGLES || mode == GL_QUADS || mode == GL_POLYGON), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(count < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); // At least the vertex array needs to be enabled if (!m_client_side_vertex_array_enabled) return; auto last = first + count; gl_begin(mode); for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { if (m_client_side_texture_coord_array_enabled) { float tex_coords[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_tex_coord_pointer, i, tex_coords, false); gl_tex_coord(tex_coords[0], tex_coords[1], tex_coords[2], tex_coords[3]); } if (m_client_side_color_array_enabled) { float color[4] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_color_pointer, i, color, true); glColor4fv(color); } float vertex[4] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_vertex_pointer, i, vertex, false); glVertex4fv(vertex); } gl_end(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_draw_elements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const void* indices) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_draw_elements, mode, count, type, indices); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: Some modes are still missing (GL_POINTS, GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_LINES,GL_QUAD_STRIP) RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(mode == GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP || mode == GL_TRIANGLE_FAN || mode == GL_TRIANGLES || mode == GL_QUADS || mode == GL_POLYGON), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(count < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); // At least the vertex array needs to be enabled if (!m_client_side_vertex_array_enabled) return; gl_begin(mode); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { int i = 0; switch (type) { case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: i = reinterpret_cast(indices)[index]; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: i = reinterpret_cast(indices)[index]; break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: i = reinterpret_cast(indices)[index]; break; } if (m_client_side_texture_coord_array_enabled) { float tex_coords[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_tex_coord_pointer, i, tex_coords, false); gl_tex_coord(tex_coords[0], tex_coords[1], tex_coords[2], tex_coords[3]); } if (m_client_side_color_array_enabled) { float color[4] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_color_pointer, i, color, true); glColor4fv(color); } float vertex[4] { 0, 0, 0, 1 }; read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(m_client_vertex_pointer, i, vertex, false); glVertex4fv(vertex); } gl_end(); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_draw_pixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* data) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_draw_pixels, width, height, format, type, data); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(format < GL_COLOR_INDEX || format > GL_BGRA, GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF((type < GL_BYTE || type > GL_FLOAT) && (type < GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 || type > GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2) && (type < GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV || type > GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(type == GL_BITMAP && !(format == GL_COLOR_INDEX || format == GL_STENCIL_INDEX), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width < 0 || height < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); // FIXME: GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if format is GL_STENCIL_INDEX and there is no stencil buffer // FIXME: GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if format is GL_RED, GL_GREEN, GL_BLUE, GL_ALPHA, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, // GL_BGR, GL_BGRA, GL_LUMINANCE, or GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, and the GL is in color index mode RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(format != GL_RGB && (type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV), GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(format == GL_RGBA || format == GL_BGRA) && (type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV), GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER // target and the buffer object's data store is currently mapped. // FIXME: GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER // target and the data would be unpacked from the buffer object such that the memory reads required would // exceed the data store size. // FIXME: GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a non-zero buffer object name is bound to the GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER // target and data is not evenly divisible into the number of bytes needed to store in memory a datum // indicated by type. RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: we only support RGBA + GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, implement all the others! if (format != GL_RGBA) { dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "gl_draw_pixels(): support for format {:#x} not implemented", format); return; } else if (type != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "gl_draw_pixels(): support for type {:#x} not implemented", type); return; } auto bitmap_or_error = Gfx::Bitmap::try_create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888, { width, height }); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(bitmap_or_error.is_error(), GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); auto bitmap = bitmap_or_error.release_value(); // FIXME: implement support for GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT and other pixel parameters auto pixel_data = static_cast(data); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) bitmap->set_pixel(x, y, Color::from_rgba(*(pixel_data++))); m_rasterizer.blit( bitmap, static_cast(m_current_raster_position.window_coordinates.x()), static_cast(m_current_raster_position.window_coordinates.y())); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_depth_range(GLdouble min, GLdouble max) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_depth_range, min, max); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.depth_min = clamp(min, 0.f, 1.f); options.depth_max = clamp(max, 0.f, 1.f); m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_depth_func(GLenum func) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_depth_func, func); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(func == GL_NEVER || func == GL_LESS || func == GL_EQUAL || func == GL_LEQUAL || func == GL_GREATER || func == GL_NOTEQUAL || func == GL_GEQUAL || func == GL_ALWAYS), GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.depth_func = func; m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } // General helper function to read arbitrary vertex attribute data into a float array void SoftwareGLContext::read_from_vertex_attribute_pointer(VertexAttribPointer const& attrib, int index, float* elements, bool normalize) { auto byte_ptr = reinterpret_cast(attrib.pointer); size_t stride = attrib.stride; switch (attrib.type) { case GL_BYTE: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLbyte) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0x80; } break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLubyte) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0xff; } break; } case GL_SHORT: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLshort) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0x8000; } break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLushort) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0xffff; } break; } case GL_INT: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLint) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0x80000000; } break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLuint) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); if (normalize) elements[i] /= 0xffffffff; } break; } case GL_FLOAT: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLfloat) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = *(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i); } break; } case GL_DOUBLE: { if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(GLdouble) * attrib.size; for (int i = 0; i < attrib.size; i++) { elements[i] = static_cast(*(reinterpret_cast(byte_ptr + stride * index) + i)); } break; } } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_color_mask(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) { auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); auto mask = options.color_mask; if (!red) mask &= ~0x000000ff; else mask |= 0x000000ff; if (!green) mask &= ~0x0000ff00; else mask |= 0x0000ff00; if (!blue) mask &= ~0x00ff0000; else mask |= 0x00ff0000; if (!alpha) mask &= ~0xff000000; else mask |= 0xff000000; options.color_mask = mask; m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_polygon_mode(GLenum face, GLenum mode) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(mode == GL_POINT || mode == GL_LINE || mode == GL_FILL), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.polygon_mode = mode; m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_polygon_offset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_polygon_offset, factor, units); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto rasterizer_options = m_rasterizer.options(); rasterizer_options.depth_offset_factor = factor; rasterizer_options.depth_offset_constant = units; m_rasterizer.set_options(rasterizer_options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_fogfv(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); switch (pname) { case GL_FOG_COLOR: // Set rasterizer options fog color // NOTE: We purposefully don't check for `nullptr` here (as with other calls). The spec states nothing // about us checking for such things. If the programmer does so and hits SIGSEGV, that's on them. options.fog_color = FloatVector4 { params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3] }; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_fogf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(param < 0.0f, GL_INVALID_VALUE); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); switch (pname) { case GL_FOG_DENSITY: options.fog_density = param; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_fogi(GLenum pname, GLint param) { RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(param == GL_EXP || param == GL_EXP2 || param != GL_LINEAR), GL_INVALID_ENUM); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); switch (pname) { case GL_FOG_MODE: options.fog_mode = param; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); } m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_pixel_storei(GLenum pname, GLint param) { // FIXME: Implement missing parameters switch (pname) { case GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(param != 1 && param != 2 && param != 4 && param != 8, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_pack_alignment = param; break; case GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(param < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_unpack_row_length = static_cast(param); break; case GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(param != 1 && param != 2 && param != 4 && param != 8, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_unpack_alignment = param; break; default: RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(true, GL_INVALID_ENUM); break; } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_scissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_scissor, x, y, width, height); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width < 0 || height < 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); auto options = m_rasterizer.options(); options.scissor_box = { x, y, width, height }; m_rasterizer.set_options(options); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_stencil_func_separate(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_stencil_func_separate, face, func, ref, mask); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(func == GL_NEVER || func == GL_LESS || func == GL_LEQUAL || func == GL_GREATER || func == GL_GEQUAL || func == GL_EQUAL || func == GL_NOTEQUAL || func == GL_ALWAYS), GL_INVALID_ENUM); // FIXME: "ref is clamped to the range 02^n - 1 , where n is the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer" StencilFunctionOptions new_options = { func, ref, mask }; if (face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) m_stencil_frontfacing_func = new_options; if (face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) m_stencil_backfacing_func = new_options; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_stencil_op_separate(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum dpfail, GLenum dppass) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_stencil_op_separate, face, sfail, dpfail, dppass); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(sfail == GL_KEEP || sfail == GL_ZERO || sfail == GL_REPLACE || sfail == GL_INCR || sfail == GL_INCR_WRAP || sfail == GL_DECR || sfail == GL_DECR_WRAP || sfail == GL_INVERT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(dpfail == GL_KEEP || dpfail == GL_ZERO || dpfail == GL_REPLACE || dpfail == GL_INCR || dpfail == GL_INCR_WRAP || dpfail == GL_DECR || dpfail == GL_DECR_WRAP || dpfail == GL_INVERT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(dppass == GL_KEEP || dppass == GL_ZERO || dppass == GL_REPLACE || dppass == GL_INCR || dppass == GL_INCR_WRAP || dppass == GL_DECR || dppass == GL_DECR_WRAP || dppass == GL_INVERT), GL_INVALID_ENUM); StencilOperationOptions new_options = { sfail, dpfail, dppass }; if (face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) m_stencil_frontfacing_op = new_options; if (face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) m_stencil_backfacing_op = new_options; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_normal(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_normal, nx, ny, nz); m_current_vertex_normal = { nx, ny, nz }; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_raster_pos(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_raster_pos, x, y, z, w); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); m_current_raster_position.window_coordinates = { x, y, z }; m_current_raster_position.clip_coordinate_value = w; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_materialv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat const* params) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_materialv, face, pname, params); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(face == GL_FRONT || face == GL_BACK || face == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK), GL_INVALID_ENUM); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(pname == GL_AMBIENT || pname == GL_DIFFUSE || pname == GL_SPECULAR || pname == GL_EMISSION || pname == GL_SHININESS || pname == GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE || pname == GL_COLOR_INDEXES), GL_INVALID_ENUM); GLfloat x, y, z, w; switch (pname) { case GL_SHININESS: x = params[0]; y = 0.0f; z = 0.0f; w = 0.0f; break; case GL_COLOR_INDEXES: x = params[0]; y = params[1]; z = params[2]; w = 0.0f; break; default: x = params[0]; y = params[1]; z = params[2]; w = params[3]; } // FIXME: implement this method dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "SoftwareGLContext FIXME: gl_materialv({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})", face, pname, x, y, z, w); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_line_width(GLfloat width) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_line_width, width); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(width <= 0, GL_INVALID_VALUE); m_line_width = width; } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_push_attrib(GLbitfield mask) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_push_attrib, mask); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: implement dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "SoftwareGLContext FIXME: implement gl_push_attrib({})", mask); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_pop_attrib() { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_pop_attrib); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: implement dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "SoftwareGLContext FIXME: implement gl_pop_attrib()"); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_light_model(GLenum pname, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_light_model, pname, x, y, z, w); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(!(pname == GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT || pname == GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE), GL_INVALID_ENUM); switch (pname) { case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT: m_light_model_ambient = { x, y, z, w }; break; case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE: VERIFY(y == 0.0f && z == 0.0f && w == 0.0f); m_light_model_two_side = x; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_bitmap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, GLubyte const* bitmap) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_bitmap, width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: implement dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "SoftwareGLContext FIXME: implement gl_bitmap({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})", width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap); } void SoftwareGLContext::gl_copy_tex_image_2d(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) { APPEND_TO_CALL_LIST_AND_RETURN_IF_NEEDED(gl_copy_tex_image_2d, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); RETURN_WITH_ERROR_IF(m_in_draw_state, GL_INVALID_OPERATION); // FIXME: implement dbgln_if(GL_DEBUG, "SoftwareGLContext FIXME: implement gl_copy_tex_image_2d({:#x}, {}, {:#x}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})", target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); } void SoftwareGLContext::present() { m_rasterizer.blit_to(*m_frontbuffer); } void SoftwareGLContext::sync_device_config() { sync_device_sampler_config(); } void SoftwareGLContext::sync_device_sampler_config() { if (!m_sampler_config_is_dirty) return; m_sampler_config_is_dirty = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_texture_units.size(); ++i) { SoftGPU::SamplerConfig config; if (!m_texture_units[i].texture_2d_enabled()) continue; auto texture = m_texture_units[i].bound_texture_2d(); config.bound_image = texture.is_null() ? nullptr : texture->device_image(); auto const& sampler = texture->sampler(); switch (sampler.min_filter()) { case GL_NEAREST: config.texture_min_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Nearest; config.mipmap_filter = SoftGPU::MipMapFilter::None; break; case GL_LINEAR: config.texture_min_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Linear; config.mipmap_filter = SoftGPU::MipMapFilter::None; break; case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: config.texture_min_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Nearest; config.mipmap_filter = SoftGPU::MipMapFilter::Nearest; break; case GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: config.texture_min_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Linear; config.mipmap_filter = SoftGPU::MipMapFilter::Nearest; break; case GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: config.texture_min_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Linear; config.mipmap_filter = SoftGPU::MipMapFilter::Linear; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } switch (sampler.mag_filter()) { case GL_NEAREST: config.texture_mag_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Nearest; break; case GL_LINEAR: config.texture_mag_filter = SoftGPU::TextureFilter::Linear; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } switch (sampler.wrap_s_mode()) { case GL_CLAMP: config.texture_wrap_u = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::Clamp; break; case GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: config.texture_wrap_u = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::ClampToBorder; break; case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: config.texture_wrap_u = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::ClampToEdge; break; case GL_REPEAT: config.texture_wrap_u = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::Repeat; break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: config.texture_wrap_u = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::MirroredRepeat; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } switch (sampler.wrap_t_mode()) { case GL_CLAMP: config.texture_wrap_v = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::Clamp; break; case GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER: config.texture_wrap_v = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::ClampToBorder; break; case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: config.texture_wrap_v = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::ClampToEdge; break; case GL_REPEAT: config.texture_wrap_v = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::Repeat; break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: config.texture_wrap_v = SoftGPU::TextureWrapMode::MirroredRepeat; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } switch (m_texture_units[i].env_mode()) { case GL_MODULATE: config.fixed_function_texture_env_mode = SoftGPU::TextureEnvMode::Modulate; break; case GL_REPLACE: config.fixed_function_texture_env_mode = SoftGPU::TextureEnvMode::Replace; break; case GL_DECAL: config.fixed_function_texture_env_mode = SoftGPU::TextureEnvMode::Decal; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_rasterizer.set_sampler_config(i, config); } } }