/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Itamar S. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "UnsignedBigInteger.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Crypto { UnsignedBigInteger::UnsignedBigInteger(const u8* ptr, size_t length) { m_words.resize_and_keep_capacity((length + sizeof(u32) - 1) / sizeof(u32)); size_t in = length, out = 0; while (in >= sizeof(u32)) { in -= sizeof(u32); u32 word = ((u32)ptr[in] << 24) | ((u32)ptr[in + 1] << 16) | ((u32)ptr[in + 2] << 8) | (u32)ptr[in + 3]; m_words[out++] = word; } if (in > 0) { u32 word = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < in; i++) { word <<= 8; word |= (u32)ptr[i]; } m_words[out++] = word; } } UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::create_invalid() { UnsignedBigInteger invalid(0); invalid.invalidate(); return invalid; } size_t UnsignedBigInteger::export_data(Bytes data, bool remove_leading_zeros) const { size_t word_count = trimmed_length(); size_t out = 0; if (word_count > 0) { ssize_t leading_zeros = -1; if (remove_leading_zeros) { UnsignedBigInteger::Word word = m_words[word_count - 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(u32); i++) { u8 byte = (u8)(word >> ((sizeof(u32) - i - 1) * 8)); data[out++] = byte; if (leading_zeros < 0 && byte != 0) leading_zeros = (int)i; } } for (size_t i = word_count - (remove_leading_zeros ? 1 : 0); i > 0; i--) { auto word = m_words[i - 1]; data[out++] = (u8)(word >> 24); data[out++] = (u8)(word >> 16); data[out++] = (u8)(word >> 8); data[out++] = (u8)word; } if (leading_zeros > 0) out -= leading_zeros; } return out; } UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::from_base(u16 N, const String& str) { VERIFY(N <= 36); UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigInteger base { N }; for (auto& c : str) { if (c == '_') continue; result = result.multiplied_by(base).plus(parse_ascii_base36_digit(c)); } return result; } String UnsignedBigInteger::to_base(u16 N) const { VERIFY(N <= 36); if (*this == UnsignedBigInteger { 0 }) return "0"; StringBuilder builder; UnsignedBigInteger temp(*this); UnsignedBigInteger quotient; UnsignedBigInteger remainder; while (temp != UnsignedBigInteger { 0 }) { UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::divide_u16_without_allocation(temp, N, quotient, remainder); VERIFY(remainder.words()[0] < N); builder.append(to_ascii_base36_digit(remainder.words()[0])); temp.set_to(quotient); } return builder.to_string().reverse(); } u64 UnsignedBigInteger::to_u64() const { VERIFY(sizeof(Word) == 4); if (!length()) return 0; u64 value = m_words[0]; if (length() > 1) value |= static_cast(m_words[1]) << 32; return value; } void UnsignedBigInteger::set_to_0() { m_words.clear_with_capacity(); m_is_invalid = false; m_cached_trimmed_length = {}; m_cached_hash = 0; } void UnsignedBigInteger::set_to(UnsignedBigInteger::Word other) { m_is_invalid = false; m_words.resize_and_keep_capacity(1); m_words[0] = other; m_cached_trimmed_length = {}; m_cached_hash = 0; } void UnsignedBigInteger::set_to(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) { m_is_invalid = other.m_is_invalid; m_words.resize_and_keep_capacity(other.m_words.size()); __builtin_memcpy(m_words.data(), other.m_words.data(), other.m_words.size() * sizeof(u32)); m_cached_trimmed_length = {}; m_cached_hash = 0; } size_t UnsignedBigInteger::trimmed_length() const { if (!m_cached_trimmed_length.has_value()) { size_t num_leading_zeroes = 0; for (int i = length() - 1; i >= 0; --i, ++num_leading_zeroes) { if (m_words[i] != 0) break; } m_cached_trimmed_length = length() - num_leading_zeroes; } return m_cached_trimmed_length.value(); } void UnsignedBigInteger::clamp_to_trimmed_length() { auto length = trimmed_length(); if (m_words.size() > length) m_words.resize(length); } void UnsignedBigInteger::resize_with_leading_zeros(size_t new_length) { size_t old_length = length(); if (old_length < new_length) { m_words.resize_and_keep_capacity(new_length); __builtin_memset(&m_words.data()[old_length], 0, (new_length - old_length) * sizeof(u32)); } } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::plus(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::add_without_allocation(*this, other, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::minus(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::subtract_without_allocation(*this, other, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::bitwise_or(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::bitwise_or_without_allocation(*this, other, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::bitwise_and(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::bitwise_and_without_allocation(*this, other, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::bitwise_xor(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::bitwise_xor_without_allocation(*this, other, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::bitwise_not() const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::bitwise_not_without_allocation(*this, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::shift_left(size_t num_bits) const { UnsignedBigInteger output; UnsignedBigInteger temp_result; UnsignedBigInteger temp_plus; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::shift_left_without_allocation(*this, num_bits, temp_result, temp_plus, output); return output; } FLATTEN UnsignedBigInteger UnsignedBigInteger::multiplied_by(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { UnsignedBigInteger result; UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift_result; UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift_plus; UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::multiply_without_allocation(*this, other, temp_shift_result, temp_shift_plus, temp_shift, result); return result; } FLATTEN UnsignedDivisionResult UnsignedBigInteger::divided_by(const UnsignedBigInteger& divisor) const { UnsignedBigInteger quotient; UnsignedBigInteger remainder; // If we actually have a u16-compatible divisor, short-circuit to the // less computationally-intensive "divide_u16_without_allocation" method. if (divisor.trimmed_length() == 1 && divisor.m_words[0] < (1 << 16)) { UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::divide_u16_without_allocation(*this, divisor.m_words[0], quotient, remainder); return UnsignedDivisionResult { quotient, remainder }; } UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift_result; UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift_plus; UnsignedBigInteger temp_shift; UnsignedBigInteger temp_minus; UnsignedBigIntegerAlgorithms::divide_without_allocation(*this, divisor, temp_shift_result, temp_shift_plus, temp_shift, temp_minus, quotient, remainder); return UnsignedDivisionResult { quotient, remainder }; } u32 UnsignedBigInteger::hash() const { if (m_cached_hash != 0) return m_cached_hash; return m_cached_hash = string_hash((const char*)m_words.data(), sizeof(Word) * m_words.size()); } void UnsignedBigInteger::set_bit_inplace(size_t bit_index) { const size_t word_index = bit_index / UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD; const size_t inner_word_index = bit_index % UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD; m_words.ensure_capacity(word_index + 1); for (size_t i = length(); i <= word_index; ++i) { m_words.unchecked_append(0); } m_words[word_index] |= (1 << inner_word_index); m_cached_trimmed_length = {}; m_cached_hash = 0; } bool UnsignedBigInteger::operator==(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { if (is_invalid() != other.is_invalid()) return false; auto length = trimmed_length(); if (length != other.trimmed_length()) return false; return !__builtin_memcmp(m_words.data(), other.words().data(), length * (BITS_IN_WORD / 8)); } bool UnsignedBigInteger::operator!=(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool UnsignedBigInteger::operator<(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { auto length = trimmed_length(); auto other_length = other.trimmed_length(); if (length < other_length) { return true; } if (length > other_length) { return false; } if (length == 0) { return false; } for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (m_words[i] == other.m_words[i]) continue; return m_words[i] < other.m_words[i]; } return false; } bool UnsignedBigInteger::operator>(const UnsignedBigInteger& other) const { return *this != other && !(*this < other); } bool UnsignedBigInteger::operator>=(UnsignedBigInteger const& other) const { return *this > other || *this == other; } } void AK::Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& fmtbuilder, const Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger& value) { if (value.is_invalid()) return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "invalid"); StringBuilder builder; for (int i = value.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) builder.appendff("{}|", value.words()[i]); return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, builder.string_view()); }