/* * Copyright (c) 2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include namespace Crypto::ASN1 { Result Decoder::read_tag() { auto byte_or_error = read_byte(); if (byte_or_error.is_error()) return byte_or_error.error(); auto byte = byte_or_error.value(); u8 class_ = byte & 0xc0; u8 type = byte & 0x20; u8 kind = byte & 0x1f; if (kind == 0x1f) { kind = 0; while (byte & 0x80) { auto byte_or_error = read_byte(); if (byte_or_error.is_error()) return byte_or_error.error(); byte = byte_or_error.value(); kind = (kind << 7) | (byte & 0x7f); } } return Tag { (Kind)kind, (Class)class_, (Type)type }; } Result Decoder::read_length() { auto byte_or_error = read_byte(); if (byte_or_error.is_error()) return byte_or_error.error(); auto byte = byte_or_error.value(); size_t length = byte; if (byte & 0x80) { auto count = byte & 0x7f; if (count == 0x7f) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; auto data_or_error = read_bytes(count); if (data_or_error.is_error()) return data_or_error.error(); auto data = data_or_error.value(); length = 0; if (data.size() > sizeof(size_t)) return DecodeError::Overflow; for (auto&& byte : data) length = (length << 8) | (size_t)byte; } return length; } Result Decoder::read_byte() { if (m_stack.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NoInput; auto& entry = m_stack.last(); if (entry.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NotEnoughData; auto byte = entry[0]; entry = entry.slice(1); return byte; } Result Decoder::read_bytes(size_t length) { if (m_stack.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NoInput; auto& entry = m_stack.last(); if (entry.size() < length) return DecodeError::NotEnoughData; auto bytes = entry.slice(0, length); entry = entry.slice(length); return bytes; } Result Decoder::decode_boolean(ReadonlyBytes data) { if (data.size() != 1) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; return data[0] == 0; } Result Decoder::decode_arbitrary_sized_integer(ReadonlyBytes data) { if (data.size() < 1) return DecodeError::NotEnoughData; if (data.size() > 1 && ((data[0] == 0xff && data[1] & 0x80) || (data[0] == 0x00 && !(data[1] & 0x80)))) { return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; } bool is_negative = data[0] & 0x80; if (is_negative) return DecodeError::UnsupportedFormat; return UnsignedBigInteger::import_data(data.data(), data.size()); } Result Decoder::decode_octet_string(ReadonlyBytes bytes) { return StringView { bytes.data(), bytes.size() }; } Result Decoder::decode_null(ReadonlyBytes data) { if (data.size() != 0) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; return nullptr; } Result, DecodeError> Decoder::decode_object_identifier(ReadonlyBytes data) { Vector result; result.append(0); // Reserved space. u32 value = 0; for (auto&& byte : data) { if (value == 0 && byte == 0x80) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; value = (value << 7) | (byte & 0x7f); if (!(byte & 0x80)) { result.append(value); value = 0; } } if (result.size() == 1 || result[1] >= 1600) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; result[0] = result[1] / 40; result[1] = result[1] % 40; return result; } Result Decoder::decode_printable_string(ReadonlyBytes data) { Utf8View view { data }; if (!view.validate()) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; return StringView { data }; } Result Decoder::decode_bit_string(ReadonlyBytes data) { if (data.size() < 1) return DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat; auto unused_bits = data[0]; auto total_size_in_bits = data.size() * 8; if (unused_bits > total_size_in_bits) return DecodeError::Overflow; return BitmapView { const_cast(data.offset_pointer(1)), total_size_in_bits - unused_bits }; } Result Decoder::peek() { if (m_stack.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NoInput; if (eof()) return DecodeError::EndOfStream; if (m_current_tag.has_value()) return m_current_tag.value(); auto tag_or_error = read_tag(); if (tag_or_error.is_error()) return tag_or_error.error(); m_current_tag = tag_or_error.value(); return m_current_tag.value(); } bool Decoder::eof() const { return m_stack.is_empty() || m_stack.last().is_empty(); } Optional Decoder::enter() { if (m_stack.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NoInput; auto tag_or_error = peek(); if (tag_or_error.is_error()) return tag_or_error.error(); auto tag = tag_or_error.value(); if (tag.type != Type::Constructed) return DecodeError::EnteringNonConstructedTag; auto length_or_error = read_length(); if (length_or_error.is_error()) return length_or_error.error(); auto length = length_or_error.value(); auto data_or_error = read_bytes(length); if (data_or_error.is_error()) return data_or_error.error(); m_current_tag.clear(); auto data = data_or_error.value(); m_stack.append(data); return {}; } Optional Decoder::leave() { if (m_stack.is_empty()) return DecodeError::NoInput; if (m_stack.size() == 1) return DecodeError::LeavingMainContext; m_stack.take_last(); m_current_tag.clear(); return {}; } void pretty_print(Decoder& decoder, OutputStream& stream, int indent) { while (!decoder.eof()) { auto tag = decoder.peek(); if (tag.is_error()) { dbgln("PrettyPrint error: {}", tag.error()); return; } StringBuilder builder; for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) builder.append(' '); builder.appendff("<{}> ", class_name(tag.value().class_)); if (tag.value().type == Type::Constructed) { builder.appendff("[{}] {} ({})", type_name(tag.value().type), static_cast(tag.value().kind), kind_name(tag.value().kind)); if (auto error = decoder.enter(); error.has_value()) { dbgln("Constructed PrettyPrint error: {}", error.value()); return; } builder.append('\n'); stream.write(builder.string_view().bytes()); pretty_print(decoder, stream, indent + 2); if (auto error = decoder.leave(); error.has_value()) { dbgln("Constructed PrettyPrint error: {}", error.value()); return; } continue; } else { if (tag.value().class_ != Class::Universal) builder.appendff("[{}] {} {}", type_name(tag.value().type), static_cast(tag.value().kind), kind_name(tag.value().kind)); else builder.appendff("[{}] {}", type_name(tag.value().type), kind_name(tag.value().kind)); switch (tag.value().kind) { case Kind::Eol: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("EOL PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } break; } case Kind::Boolean: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("Bool PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.appendff(" {}", value.value()); break; } case Kind::Integer: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("Integer PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.append(" 0x"); for (auto ch : value.value()) builder.appendff("{:0>2x}", ch); break; } case Kind::BitString: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("BitString PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.append(" 0b"); for (size_t i = 0; i < value.value().size(); ++i) builder.append(value.value().get(i) ? '1' : '0'); break; } case Kind::OctetString: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("OctetString PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.append(" 0x"); for (auto ch : value.value()) builder.appendff("{:0>2x}", ch); break; } case Kind::Null: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("Bool PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } break; } case Kind::ObjectIdentifier: { auto value = decoder.read>(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("Identifier PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } for (auto& id : value.value()) builder.appendff(" {}", id); break; } case Kind::UTCTime: case Kind::GeneralizedTime: case Kind::IA5String: case Kind::PrintableString: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("String PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.append(' '); builder.append(value.value()); break; } case Kind::Utf8String: { auto value = decoder.read(); if (value.is_error()) { dbgln("UTF8 PrettyPrint error: {}", value.error()); return; } builder.append(' '); for (auto cp : value.value()) builder.append_code_point(cp); break; } case Kind::Sequence: case Kind::Set: dbgln("Seq/Sequence PrettyPrint error: Unexpected Primtive"); return; } } builder.append('\n'); stream.write(builder.string_view().bytes()); } } } void AK::Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& fmtbuilder, Crypto::ASN1::DecodeError error) { using Crypto::ASN1::DecodeError; switch (error) { case DecodeError::NoInput: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(No input provided)"); case DecodeError::NonConformingType: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Tried to read with a non-conforming type)"); case DecodeError::EndOfStream: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(End of stream)"); case DecodeError::NotEnoughData: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Not enough data)"); case DecodeError::EnteringNonConstructedTag: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Tried to enter a primitive tag)"); case DecodeError::LeavingMainContext: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Tried to leave the main context)"); case DecodeError::InvalidInputFormat: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Input data contained invalid syntax/data)"); case DecodeError::Overflow: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Construction would overflow)"); case DecodeError::UnsupportedFormat: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Input data format not supported by this parser)"); default: return Formatter::format(fmtbuilder, "DecodeError(Unknown)"); } }