/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Itamar S. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Preprocessor.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Cpp { Preprocessor::Preprocessor(const String& filename, StringView program) : m_filename(filename) , m_program(program) { } Vector Preprocessor::process_and_lex() { Lexer lexer { m_program }; lexer.set_ignore_whitespace(true); auto tokens = lexer.lex(); m_unprocessed_tokens = tokens; for (size_t token_index = 0; token_index < tokens.size(); ++token_index) { auto& token = tokens[token_index]; m_current_line = token.start().line; if (token.type() == Token::Type::PreprocessorStatement) { handle_preprocessor_statement(token.text()); m_processed_tokens.append(tokens[token_index]); continue; } if (m_state != State::Normal) continue; if (token.type() == Token::Type::IncludeStatement) { if (token_index >= tokens.size() - 1 || tokens[token_index + 1].type() != Token::Type::IncludePath) continue; handle_include_statement(tokens[token_index + 1].text()); if (m_options.keep_include_statements) { m_processed_tokens.append(tokens[token_index]); m_processed_tokens.append(tokens[token_index + 1]); } ++token_index; // Also skip IncludePath token continue; } if (token.type() == Token::Type::Identifier) { if (auto defined_value = m_definitions.find(token.text()); defined_value != m_definitions.end()) { auto last_substituted_token_index = do_substitution(tokens, token_index, defined_value->value); token_index = last_substituted_token_index; continue; } } m_processed_tokens.append(token); } return m_processed_tokens; } static void consume_whitespace(GenericLexer& lexer) { auto ignore_line = [&] { for (;;) { if (lexer.consume_specific("\\\n"sv)) { lexer.ignore(2); } else { lexer.ignore_until('\n'); break; } } }; for (;;) { if (lexer.consume_specific("//"sv)) ignore_line(); else if (lexer.consume_specific("/*"sv)) lexer.ignore_until("*/"); else if (lexer.next_is("\\\n"sv)) lexer.ignore(2); else if (lexer.is_eof() || !lexer.next_is(isspace)) break; else lexer.ignore(); } } void Preprocessor::handle_preprocessor_statement(StringView line) { GenericLexer lexer(line); consume_whitespace(lexer); lexer.consume_specific('#'); consume_whitespace(lexer); auto keyword = lexer.consume_until(' '); lexer.ignore(); if (keyword.is_empty() || keyword.is_null() || keyword.is_whitespace()) return; handle_preprocessor_keyword(keyword, lexer); } void Preprocessor::handle_include_statement(StringView include_path) { m_included_paths.append(include_path); if (definitions_in_header_callback) { for (auto& def : definitions_in_header_callback(include_path)) m_definitions.set(def.key, def.value); } } void Preprocessor::handle_preprocessor_keyword(StringView keyword, GenericLexer& line_lexer) { if (keyword == "include") { // Should have called 'handle_include_statement'. VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (keyword == "else") { if (m_options.ignore_invalid_statements && m_current_depth == 0) return; VERIFY(m_current_depth > 0); if (m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth - 1)) { m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.remove_all_matching([this](auto x) { return x == m_current_depth - 1; }); m_state = State::Normal; } if (m_depths_of_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth - 1)) { m_state = State::SkipElseBranch; } return; } if (keyword == "endif") { if (m_options.ignore_invalid_statements && m_current_depth == 0) return; VERIFY(m_current_depth > 0); --m_current_depth; if (m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth)) { m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.remove_all_matching([this](auto x) { return x == m_current_depth; }); } if (m_depths_of_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth)) { m_depths_of_taken_branches.remove_all_matching([this](auto x) { return x == m_current_depth; }); } m_state = State::Normal; return; } if (keyword == "define") { if (m_state == State::Normal) { auto definition = create_definition(line_lexer.consume_all()); if (definition.has_value()) m_definitions.set(definition->key, *definition); } return; } if (keyword == "undef") { if (m_state == State::Normal) { auto key = line_lexer.consume_until(' '); line_lexer.consume_all(); m_definitions.remove(key); } return; } if (keyword == "ifdef") { ++m_current_depth; if (m_state == State::Normal) { auto key = line_lexer.consume_until(' '); line_lexer.ignore(); if (m_definitions.contains(key)) { m_depths_of_taken_branches.append(m_current_depth - 1); return; } else { m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.append(m_current_depth - 1); m_state = State::SkipIfBranch; return; } } return; } if (keyword == "ifndef") { ++m_current_depth; if (m_state == State::Normal) { auto key = line_lexer.consume_until(' '); line_lexer.ignore(); if (!m_definitions.contains(key)) { m_depths_of_taken_branches.append(m_current_depth - 1); return; } else { m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.append(m_current_depth - 1); m_state = State::SkipIfBranch; return; } } return; } if (keyword == "if") { ++m_current_depth; if (m_state == State::Normal) { // FIXME: Implement #if logic // We currently always take #if branches. m_depths_of_taken_branches.append(m_current_depth - 1); } return; } if (keyword == "elif") { if (m_options.ignore_invalid_statements && m_current_depth == 0) return; VERIFY(m_current_depth > 0); // FIXME: Evaluate the elif expression // We currently always treat the expression in #elif as true. if (m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth - 1) /* && should_take*/) { m_depths_of_not_taken_branches.remove_all_matching([this](auto x) { return x == m_current_depth - 1; }); m_state = State::Normal; } if (m_depths_of_taken_branches.contains_slow(m_current_depth - 1)) { m_state = State::SkipElseBranch; } return; } if (keyword == "pragma") { line_lexer.consume_all(); return; } if (!m_options.ignore_unsupported_keywords) { dbgln("Unsupported preprocessor keyword: {}", keyword); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } size_t Preprocessor::do_substitution(Vector const& tokens, size_t token_index, Definition const& defined_value) { if (defined_value.value.is_null()) return token_index; Substitution sub; sub.defined_value = defined_value; auto macro_call = parse_macro_call(tokens, token_index); if (!macro_call.has_value()) return token_index; Vector original_tokens; for (size_t i = token_index; i <= macro_call->end_token_index; ++i) { original_tokens.append(tokens[i]); } VERIFY(!original_tokens.is_empty()); auto processed_value = evaluate_macro_call(*macro_call, defined_value); m_substitutions.append({ original_tokens, defined_value, processed_value }); Lexer lexer(processed_value); lexer.lex_iterable([&](auto token) { if (token.type() == Token::Type::Whitespace) return; token.set_start(original_tokens.first().start()); token.set_end(original_tokens.first().end()); m_processed_tokens.append(token); }); return macro_call->end_token_index; } Optional Preprocessor::parse_macro_call(Vector const& tokens, size_t token_index) { auto name = tokens[token_index]; ++token_index; if (token_index >= tokens.size() || tokens[token_index].type() != Token::Type::LeftParen) return MacroCall { name, {}, token_index - 1 }; ++token_index; Vector arguments; MacroCall::Argument current_argument; size_t paren_depth = 1; for (; token_index < tokens.size(); ++token_index) { auto& token = tokens[token_index]; if (token.type() == Token::Type::LeftParen) ++paren_depth; if (token.type() == Token::Type::RightParen) --paren_depth; if (paren_depth == 0) { arguments.append(move(current_argument)); break; } if (paren_depth == 1 && token.type() == Token::Type::Comma) { arguments.append(move(current_argument)); current_argument = {}; } else { current_argument.tokens.append(token); } } if (token_index >= tokens.size()) return {}; return MacroCall { name, move(arguments), token_index }; } Optional Preprocessor::create_definition(StringView line) { Lexer lexer { line }; lexer.set_ignore_whitespace(true); auto tokens = lexer.lex(); if (tokens.is_empty()) return {}; if (tokens.first().type() != Token::Type::Identifier) return {}; Definition definition; definition.filename = m_filename; definition.line = m_current_line; definition.key = tokens.first().text(); if (tokens.size() == 1) return definition; size_t token_index = 1; // Parse macro parameters (if any) if (tokens[token_index].type() == Token::Type::LeftParen) { ++token_index; while (token_index < tokens.size() && tokens[token_index].type() != Token::Type::RightParen) { auto param = tokens[token_index]; if (param.type() != Token::Type::Identifier) return {}; if (token_index + 1 >= tokens.size()) return {}; ++token_index; if (tokens[token_index].type() == Token::Type::Comma) ++token_index; else if (tokens[token_index].type() != Token::Type::RightParen) return {}; definition.parameters.empend(param.text()); } if (token_index >= tokens.size()) return {}; ++token_index; } if (token_index < tokens.size()) definition.value = remove_escaped_newlines(line.substring_view(tokens[token_index].start().column)); return definition; } String Preprocessor::remove_escaped_newlines(StringView value) { static constexpr auto escaped_newline = "\\\n"sv; AK::StringBuilder processed_value; GenericLexer lexer { value }; while (!lexer.is_eof()) { processed_value.append(lexer.consume_until(escaped_newline)); lexer.ignore(escaped_newline.length()); } return processed_value.to_string(); } String Preprocessor::evaluate_macro_call(MacroCall const& macro_call, Definition const& definition) { if (macro_call.arguments.size() != definition.parameters.size()) { dbgln("mismatch in # of arguments for macro call: {}", macro_call.name.text()); return {}; } Lexer lexer { definition.value }; StringBuilder processed_value; lexer.lex_iterable([&](auto token) { if (token.type() != Token::Type::Identifier) { processed_value.append(token.text()); return; } auto param_index = definition.parameters.find_first_index(token.text()); if (!param_index.has_value()) { processed_value.append(token.text()); return; } auto& argument = macro_call.arguments[*param_index]; for (auto& arg_token : argument.tokens) { processed_value.append(arg_token.text()); } }); return processed_value.to_string(); } };