/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #ifdef __serenity__ # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // On Linux distros that use glibc `basename` is defined as a macro that expands to `__xpg_basename`, so we undefine it #if defined(__linux__) && defined(basename) # undef basename #endif namespace Core { Result, String> File::open(String filename, OpenMode mode, mode_t permissions) { auto file = File::construct(move(filename)); if (!file->open_impl(mode, permissions)) return String(file->error_string()); return file; } File::File(String filename, Object* parent) : IODevice(parent) , m_filename(move(filename)) { } File::~File() { if (m_should_close_file_descriptor == ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::Yes && mode() != OpenMode::NotOpen) close(); } bool File::open(int fd, OpenMode mode, ShouldCloseFileDescriptor should_close) { set_fd(fd); set_mode(mode); m_should_close_file_descriptor = should_close; return true; } bool File::open(OpenMode mode) { return open_impl(mode, 0666); } bool File::open_impl(OpenMode mode, mode_t permissions) { VERIFY(!m_filename.is_null()); int flags = 0; if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::ReadOnly) && has_flag(mode, OpenMode::WriteOnly)) { flags |= O_RDWR | O_CREAT; } else if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::ReadOnly)) { flags |= O_RDONLY; } else if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::WriteOnly)) { flags |= O_WRONLY | O_CREAT; bool should_truncate = !(has_flag(mode, OpenMode::Append) || has_flag(mode, OpenMode::MustBeNew)); if (should_truncate) flags |= O_TRUNC; } if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::Append)) flags |= O_APPEND; if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::Truncate)) flags |= O_TRUNC; if (has_flag(mode, OpenMode::MustBeNew)) flags |= O_EXCL; if (!has_flag(mode, OpenMode::KeepOnExec)) flags |= O_CLOEXEC; int fd = ::open(m_filename.characters(), flags, permissions); if (fd < 0) { set_error(errno); return false; } set_fd(fd); set_mode(mode); return true; } bool File::is_device() const { struct stat stat; if (fstat(fd(), &stat) < 0) return false; return S_ISBLK(stat.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(stat.st_mode); } bool File::is_device(const String& filename) { struct stat st; if (stat(filename.characters(), &st) < 0) return false; return S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(st.st_mode); } bool File::is_directory() const { struct stat stat; if (fstat(fd(), &stat) < 0) return false; return S_ISDIR(stat.st_mode); } bool File::is_directory(const String& filename) { struct stat st; if (stat(filename.characters(), &st) < 0) return false; return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); } bool File::exists(const String& filename) { struct stat st; return stat(filename.characters(), &st) == 0; } String File::real_path_for(const String& filename) { if (filename.is_null()) return {}; auto* path = realpath(filename.characters(), nullptr); String real_path(path); free(path); return real_path; } bool File::ensure_parent_directories(const String& path) { VERIFY(path.starts_with("/")); int saved_errno = 0; ScopeGuard restore_errno = [&saved_errno] { errno = saved_errno; }; char* parent_buffer = strdup(path.characters()); ScopeGuard free_buffer = [parent_buffer] { free(parent_buffer); }; const char* parent = dirname(parent_buffer); int rc = mkdir(parent, 0755); saved_errno = errno; if (rc == 0 || errno == EEXIST) return true; if (errno != ENOENT) return false; bool ok = ensure_parent_directories(parent); saved_errno = errno; if (!ok) return false; rc = mkdir(parent, 0755); saved_errno = errno; return rc == 0; } #ifdef __serenity__ String File::read_link(String const& link_path) { // First, try using a 64-byte buffer, that ought to be enough for anybody. char small_buffer[64]; int rc = serenity_readlink(link_path.characters(), link_path.length(), small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer)); if (rc < 0) return {}; size_t size = rc; // If the call was successful, the syscall (unlike the LibC wrapper) // returns the full size of the link. Let's see if our small buffer // was enough to read the whole link. if (size <= sizeof(small_buffer)) return { small_buffer, size }; // Nope, but at least now we know the right size. char* large_buffer_ptr; auto large_buffer = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(size, large_buffer_ptr); rc = serenity_readlink(link_path.characters(), link_path.length(), large_buffer_ptr, size); if (rc < 0) return {}; size_t new_size = rc; if (new_size == size) return { *large_buffer }; // If we're here, the symlink has changed while we were looking at it. // If it became shorter, our buffer is valid, we just have to trim it a bit. if (new_size < size) return { large_buffer_ptr, new_size }; // Otherwise, here's not much we can do, unless we want to loop endlessly // in this case. Let's leave it up to the caller whether to loop. errno = EAGAIN; return {}; } #else // This is a sad version for other systems. It has to always make a copy of the // link path, and to always make two syscalls to get the right size first. String File::read_link(String const& link_path) { struct stat statbuf = {}; int rc = lstat(link_path.characters(), &statbuf); if (rc < 0) return {}; char* buffer_ptr; auto buffer = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(statbuf.st_size, buffer_ptr); if (readlink(link_path.characters(), buffer_ptr, statbuf.st_size) < 0) return {}; // (See above.) if (rc == statbuf.st_size) return { *buffer }; return { buffer_ptr, (size_t)rc }; } #endif static RefPtr stdin_file; static RefPtr stdout_file; static RefPtr stderr_file; NonnullRefPtr File::standard_input() { if (!stdin_file) { stdin_file = File::construct(); stdin_file->open(STDIN_FILENO, OpenMode::ReadOnly, ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::No); } return *stdin_file; } NonnullRefPtr File::standard_output() { if (!stdout_file) { stdout_file = File::construct(); stdout_file->open(STDOUT_FILENO, OpenMode::WriteOnly, ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::No); } return *stdout_file; } NonnullRefPtr File::standard_error() { if (!stderr_file) { stderr_file = File::construct(); stderr_file->open(STDERR_FILENO, OpenMode::WriteOnly, ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::No); } return *stderr_file; } static String get_duplicate_name(const String& path, int duplicate_count) { if (duplicate_count == 0) { return path; } LexicalPath lexical_path(path); StringBuilder duplicated_name; duplicated_name.append('/'); for (size_t i = 0; i < lexical_path.parts().size() - 1; ++i) { duplicated_name.appendff("{}/", lexical_path.parts()[i]); } auto prev_duplicate_tag = String::formatted("({})", duplicate_count); auto title = lexical_path.title(); if (title.ends_with(prev_duplicate_tag)) { // remove the previous duplicate tag "(n)" so we can add a new tag. title = title.substring(0, title.length() - prev_duplicate_tag.length()); } duplicated_name.appendff("{} ({})", lexical_path.title(), duplicate_count); if (!lexical_path.extension().is_empty()) { duplicated_name.appendff(".{}", lexical_path.extension()); } return duplicated_name.build(); } Result File::copy_file_or_directory(const String& dst_path, const String& src_path, RecursionMode recursion_mode, LinkMode link_mode, AddDuplicateFileMarker add_duplicate_file_marker) { if (add_duplicate_file_marker == AddDuplicateFileMarker::Yes) { int duplicate_count = 0; while (access(get_duplicate_name(dst_path, duplicate_count).characters(), F_OK) == 0) { ++duplicate_count; } if (duplicate_count != 0) { return copy_file_or_directory(get_duplicate_name(dst_path, duplicate_count), src_path); } } auto source_or_error = File::open(src_path, OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (source_or_error.is_error()) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; auto& source = *source_or_error.value(); struct stat src_stat; if (fstat(source.fd(), &src_stat) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; if (source.is_directory()) { if (recursion_mode == RecursionMode::Disallowed) return CopyError { OSError(errno), true }; return copy_directory(dst_path, src_path, src_stat); } if (link_mode == LinkMode::Allowed) { if (link(src_path.characters(), dst_path.characters()) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; return {}; } return copy_file(dst_path, src_stat, source); } Result File::copy_file(const String& dst_path, const struct stat& src_stat, File& source) { int dst_fd = creat(dst_path.characters(), 0666); if (dst_fd < 0) { if (errno != EISDIR) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; auto dst_dir_path = String::formatted("{}/{}", dst_path, LexicalPath(source.filename()).basename()); dst_fd = creat(dst_dir_path.characters(), 0666); if (dst_fd < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; } ScopeGuard close_fd_guard([dst_fd]() { ::close(dst_fd); }); if (src_stat.st_size > 0) { if (ftruncate(dst_fd, src_stat.st_size) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; } for (;;) { char buffer[32768]; ssize_t nread = ::read(source.fd(), buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (nread < 0) { return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; } if (nread == 0) break; ssize_t remaining_to_write = nread; char* bufptr = buffer; while (remaining_to_write) { ssize_t nwritten = ::write(dst_fd, bufptr, remaining_to_write); if (nwritten < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; VERIFY(nwritten > 0); remaining_to_write -= nwritten; bufptr += nwritten; } } // NOTE: We don't copy the set-uid and set-gid bits. auto my_umask = umask(0); umask(my_umask); if (fchmod(dst_fd, (src_stat.st_mode & ~my_umask) & ~06000) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; return {}; } Result File::copy_directory(const String& dst_path, const String& src_path, const struct stat& src_stat, LinkMode link) { if (mkdir(dst_path.characters(), 0755) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; String src_rp = File::real_path_for(src_path); src_rp = String::formatted("{}/", src_rp); String dst_rp = File::real_path_for(dst_path); dst_rp = String::formatted("{}/", dst_rp); if (!dst_rp.is_empty() && dst_rp.starts_with(src_rp)) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; DirIterator di(src_path, DirIterator::SkipDots); if (di.has_error()) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; while (di.has_next()) { String filename = di.next_path(); auto result = copy_file_or_directory( String::formatted("{}/{}", dst_path, filename), String::formatted("{}/{}", src_path, filename), RecursionMode::Allowed, link); if (result.is_error()) return result.error(); } auto my_umask = umask(0); umask(my_umask); if (chmod(dst_path.characters(), src_stat.st_mode & ~my_umask) < 0) return CopyError { OSError(errno), false }; return {}; } Result File::link_file(const String& dst_path, const String& src_path) { int duplicate_count = 0; while (access(get_duplicate_name(dst_path, duplicate_count).characters(), F_OK) == 0) { ++duplicate_count; } if (duplicate_count != 0) { return link_file(src_path, get_duplicate_name(dst_path, duplicate_count)); } int rc = symlink(src_path.characters(), dst_path.characters()); if (rc < 0) { return OSError(errno); } return {}; } Result File::remove(const String& path, RecursionMode mode, bool force) { struct stat path_stat; if (lstat(path.characters(), &path_stat) < 0) { if (!force) return RemoveError { path, OSError(errno) }; return {}; } if (S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode) && mode == RecursionMode::Allowed) { auto di = DirIterator(path, DirIterator::SkipParentAndBaseDir); if (di.has_error()) return RemoveError { path, OSError(di.error()) }; while (di.has_next()) { auto result = remove(di.next_full_path(), RecursionMode::Allowed, true); if (result.is_error()) return result.error(); } if (rmdir(path.characters()) < 0 && !force) return RemoveError { path, OSError(errno) }; } else { if (unlink(path.characters()) < 0 && !force) return RemoveError { path, OSError(errno) }; } return {}; } }