/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Chess { String char_for_piece(Chess::Type type) { switch (type) { case Type::Knight: return "N"; case Type::Bishop: return "B"; case Type::Rook: return "R"; case Type::Queen: return "Q"; case Type::King: return "K"; case Type::Pawn: default: return ""; } } Chess::Type piece_for_char_promotion(StringView str) { String string = String(str).to_lowercase(); if (string == "") return Type::None; if (string == "n") return Type::Knight; if (string == "b") return Type::Bishop; if (string == "r") return Type::Rook; if (string == "q") return Type::Queen; if (string == "k") return Type::King; return Type::None; } Color opposing_color(Color color) { return (color == Color::White) ? Color::Black : Color::White; } Square::Square(StringView name) { VERIFY(name.length() == 2); char filec = name[0]; char rankc = name[1]; if (filec >= 'a' && filec <= 'h') { file = filec - 'a'; } else if (filec >= 'A' && filec <= 'H') { file = filec - 'A'; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (rankc >= '1' && rankc <= '8') { rank = rankc - '1'; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } String Square::to_algebraic() const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(file + 'a'); builder.append(rank + '1'); return builder.build(); } Move::Move(StringView long_algebraic) : from(long_algebraic.substring_view(0, 2)) , to(long_algebraic.substring_view(2, 2)) , promote_to(piece_for_char_promotion((long_algebraic.length() >= 5) ? long_algebraic.substring_view(4, 1) : ""sv)) { } String Move::to_long_algebraic() const { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(from.to_algebraic()); builder.append(to.to_algebraic()); builder.append(char_for_piece(promote_to).to_lowercase()); return builder.build(); } Move Move::from_algebraic(StringView algebraic, const Color turn, Board const& board) { String move_string = algebraic; Move move({ 50, 50 }, { 50, 50 }); if (move_string.contains('-')) { move.from = Square(turn == Color::White ? 0 : 7, 4); move.to = Square(turn == Color::White ? 0 : 7, move_string == "O-O" ? 6 : 2); move.promote_to = Type::None; move.piece = { turn, Type::King }; return move; } if (algebraic.contains('#')) { move.is_mate = true; move_string = move_string.substring(0, move_string.length() - 1); } else if (algebraic.contains('+')) { move.is_check = true; move_string = move_string.substring(0, move_string.length() - 1); } if (algebraic.contains('=')) { move.promote_to = piece_for_char_promotion(move_string.split('=').at(1).substring(0, 1)); move_string = move_string.split('=').at(0); } move.to = Square(move_string.substring(move_string.length() - 2, 2)); move_string = move_string.substring(0, move_string.length() - 2); if (move_string.contains('x')) { move.is_capture = true; move_string = move_string.substring(0, move_string.length() - 1); } if (move_string.is_empty() || move_string.characters()[0] >= 'a') { move.piece = Piece(turn, Type::Pawn); } else { move.piece = Piece(turn, piece_for_char_promotion(move_string.substring(0, 1))); move_string = move_string.substring(1, move_string.length() - 1); } Square::for_each([&](Square const& square) { if (!move_string.is_empty()) { if (board.get_piece(square).type == move.piece.type && board.is_legal(Move(square, move.to), turn)) { if (move_string.length() >= 2) { if (square == Square(move_string.substring(0, 2))) { move.from = square; return IterationDecision::Break; } } else if (move_string.characters()[0] <= 57) { if (square.rank == (move_string.characters()[0] - '0')) { move.from = square; return IterationDecision::Break; } } else { if (square.file == (move_string.characters()[0] - 'a')) { move.from = square; return IterationDecision::Break; } } } return IterationDecision::Continue; } else { if (board.get_piece(square).type == move.piece.type && board.is_legal(Move(square, move.to, move.promote_to), turn)) { move.from = square; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } }); return move; } String Move::to_algebraic() const { if (piece.type == Type::King && from.file == 4) { if (to.file == 2) return "O-O-O"; if (to.file == 6) return "O-O"; } StringBuilder builder; builder.append(char_for_piece(piece.type)); if (is_ambiguous) { if (from.file != ambiguous.file) builder.append(from.to_algebraic().substring(0, 1)); else if (from.rank != ambiguous.rank) builder.append(from.to_algebraic().substring(1, 1)); else builder.append(from.to_algebraic()); } if (is_capture) { if (piece.type == Type::Pawn && !is_ambiguous) builder.append(from.to_algebraic().substring(0, 1)); builder.append('x'); } builder.append(to.to_algebraic()); if (promote_to != Type::None) { builder.append('='); builder.append(char_for_piece(promote_to)); } if (is_mate) builder.append('#'); else if (is_check) builder.append('+'); return builder.build(); } Board::Board() { // Fill empty spaces. for (int rank = 2; rank < 6; ++rank) { for (int file = 0; file < 8; ++file) { set_piece({ rank, file }, EmptyPiece); } } // Fill white pawns. for (int file = 0; file < 8; ++file) { set_piece({ 1, file }, { Color::White, Type::Pawn }); } // Fill black pawns. for (int file = 0; file < 8; ++file) { set_piece({ 6, file }, { Color::Black, Type::Pawn }); } // Fill while pieces. set_piece(Square("a1"), { Color::White, Type::Rook }); set_piece(Square("b1"), { Color::White, Type::Knight }); set_piece(Square("c1"), { Color::White, Type::Bishop }); set_piece(Square("d1"), { Color::White, Type::Queen }); set_piece(Square("e1"), { Color::White, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("f1"), { Color::White, Type::Bishop }); set_piece(Square("g1"), { Color::White, Type::Knight }); set_piece(Square("h1"), { Color::White, Type::Rook }); // Fill black pieces. set_piece(Square("a8"), { Color::Black, Type::Rook }); set_piece(Square("b8"), { Color::Black, Type::Knight }); set_piece(Square("c8"), { Color::Black, Type::Bishop }); set_piece(Square("d8"), { Color::Black, Type::Queen }); set_piece(Square("e8"), { Color::Black, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("f8"), { Color::Black, Type::Bishop }); set_piece(Square("g8"), { Color::Black, Type::Knight }); set_piece(Square("h8"), { Color::Black, Type::Rook }); } Board Board::clone_without_history() const { // Note: When used in the MCTSTree, the board doesn't need to have all information about previous states. // It spares a huge amount of memory. auto result = *this; result.m_moves.clear(); result.m_previous_states.clear(); return result; } String Board::to_fen() const { StringBuilder builder; // 1. Piece placement int empty = 0; for (int rank = 0; rank < 8; rank++) { for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++) { const Piece p(get_piece({ 7 - rank, file })); if (p.type == Type::None) { empty++; continue; } if (empty > 0) { builder.append(String::number(empty)); empty = 0; } String piece = char_for_piece(p.type); if (piece == "") piece = "P"; builder.append(p.color == Color::Black ? piece.to_lowercase() : piece); } if (empty > 0) { builder.append(String::number(empty)); empty = 0; } if (rank < 7) builder.append('/'); } // 2. Active color VERIFY(m_turn != Color::None); builder.append(m_turn == Color::White ? " w "sv : " b "sv); // 3. Castling availability builder.append(m_white_can_castle_kingside ? "K"sv : ""sv); builder.append(m_white_can_castle_queenside ? "Q"sv : ""sv); builder.append(m_black_can_castle_kingside ? "k"sv : ""sv); builder.append(m_black_can_castle_queenside ? "q"sv : ""sv); builder.append(' '); // 4. En passant target square if (!m_last_move.has_value()) builder.append('-'); else if (m_last_move.value().piece.type == Type::Pawn) { if (m_last_move.value().from.rank == 1 && m_last_move.value().to.rank == 3) builder.append(Square(m_last_move.value().to.rank - 1, m_last_move.value().to.file).to_algebraic()); else if (m_last_move.value().from.rank == 6 && m_last_move.value().to.rank == 4) builder.append(Square(m_last_move.value().to.rank + 1, m_last_move.value().to.file).to_algebraic()); else builder.append('-'); } else { builder.append('-'); } builder.append(' '); // 5. Halfmove clock builder.append(String::number(min(m_moves_since_capture, m_moves_since_pawn_advance))); builder.append(' '); // 6. Fullmove number builder.append(String::number(1 + m_moves.size() / 2)); return builder.to_string(); } Piece Board::get_piece(Square const& square) const { VERIFY(square.in_bounds()); return m_board[square.rank][square.file]; } Piece Board::set_piece(Square const& square, Piece const& piece) { VERIFY(square.in_bounds()); return m_board[square.rank][square.file] = piece; } bool Board::is_legal_promotion(Move const& move, Color color) const { auto piece = get_piece(move.from); if (move.promote_to == Type::Pawn || move.promote_to == Type::King) { // attempted promotion to invalid piece return false; } if (piece.type != Type::Pawn && move.promote_to != Type::None) { // attempted promotion from invalid piece return false; } int promotion_rank = (color == Color::White) ? 7 : 0; if (move.to.rank != promotion_rank && move.promote_to != Type::None) { // attempted promotion from invalid rank return false; } if (piece.type == Type::Pawn && move.to.rank == promotion_rank && move.promote_to == Type::None) { // attempted move to promotion rank without promoting return false; } return true; } bool Board::is_legal(Move const& move, Color color) const { if (color == Color::None) color = turn(); if (!is_legal_no_check(move, color)) return false; if (!is_legal_promotion(move, color)) return false; Board clone = *this; clone.apply_illegal_move(move, color); if (clone.in_check(color)) return false; // Don't allow castling through check or out of check. Vector check_squares; if (color == Color::White && move.from == Square("e1") && get_piece(Square("e1")) == Piece(Color::White, Type::King)) { if (move.to == Square("a1") || move.to == Square("c1")) { check_squares = { Square("e1"), Square("d1"), Square("c1") }; } else if (move.to == Square("h1") || move.to == Square("g1")) { check_squares = { Square("e1"), Square("f1"), Square("g1") }; } } else if (color == Color::Black && move.from == Square("e8") && get_piece(Square("e8")) == Piece(Color::Black, Type::King)) { if (move.to == Square("a8") || move.to == Square("c8")) { check_squares = { Square("e8"), Square("d8"), Square("c8") }; } else if (move.to == Square("h8") || move.to == Square("g8")) { check_squares = { Square("e8"), Square("f8"), Square("g8") }; } } for (auto& square : check_squares) { Board clone = *this; clone.set_piece(move.from, EmptyPiece); clone.set_piece(square, { color, Type::King }); if (clone.in_check(color)) return false; } return true; } bool Board::is_legal_no_check(Move const& move, Color color) const { auto piece = get_piece(move.from); if (piece.color != color) // attempted move of opponent's piece return false; if (!move.to.in_bounds()) // attempted move outside of board return false; // Check castling first to allow dragging king onto the rook. if (piece.type == Type::King) { if (color == Color::White) { if ((move.to == Square("a1") || move.to == Square("c1")) && m_white_can_castle_queenside && get_piece(Square("b1")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("c1")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("d1")).type == Type::None) { return true; } else if ((move.to == Square("h1") || move.to == Square("g1")) && m_white_can_castle_kingside && get_piece(Square("f1")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("g1")).type == Type::None) { return true; } } else { if ((move.to == Square("a8") || move.to == Square("c8")) && m_black_can_castle_queenside && get_piece(Square("b8")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("c8")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("d8")).type == Type::None) { return true; } else if ((move.to == Square("h8") || move.to == Square("g8")) && m_black_can_castle_kingside && get_piece(Square("f8")).type == Type::None && get_piece(Square("g8")).type == Type::None) { return true; } } } if (piece.color == get_piece(move.to).color) // Attempted move to a square occupied by a piece of the same color. return false; if (piece.type == Type::Pawn) { int dir = (color == Color::White) ? +1 : -1; int start_rank = (color == Color::White) ? 1 : 6; if (move.from.rank == start_rank && move.to.rank == move.from.rank + (2 * dir) && move.to.file == move.from.file && get_piece(move.to).type == Type::None && get_piece({ move.from.rank + dir, move.from.file }).type == Type::None) { // 2 square pawn move from initial position. return true; } if (move.to.rank != move.from.rank + dir) // attempted backwards or sideways move return false; if (move.to.file == move.from.file && get_piece(move.to).type == Type::None) { // Regular pawn move. return true; } if (move.to.file == move.from.file + 1 || move.to.file == move.from.file - 1) { int other_start_rank = (color == Color::White) ? 6 : 1; int en_passant_rank = (color == Color::White) ? 4 : 3; Move en_passant_last_move = { { other_start_rank, move.to.file }, { en_passant_rank, move.to.file } }; if (get_piece(move.to).color == opposing_color(color)) { // Pawn capture. return true; } if (m_last_move.has_value() && move.from.rank == en_passant_rank && m_last_move.value() == en_passant_last_move && get_piece(en_passant_last_move.to) == Piece(opposing_color(color), Type::Pawn)) { // En passant. return true; } } return false; } else if (piece.type == Type::Knight) { int rank_delta = abs(move.to.rank - move.from.rank); int file_delta = abs(move.to.file - move.from.file); if (max(rank_delta, file_delta) == 2 && min(rank_delta, file_delta) == 1) { return true; } } else if (piece.type == Type::Bishop) { int rank_delta = move.to.rank - move.from.rank; int file_delta = move.to.file - move.from.file; if (abs(rank_delta) == abs(file_delta)) { int dr = rank_delta / abs(rank_delta); int df = file_delta / abs(file_delta); for (Square sq = move.from; sq != move.to; sq.rank += dr, sq.file += df) { if (get_piece(sq).type != Type::None && sq != move.from) { return false; } } return true; } } else if (piece.type == Type::Rook) { int rank_delta = move.to.rank - move.from.rank; int file_delta = move.to.file - move.from.file; if (rank_delta == 0 || file_delta == 0) { int dr = (rank_delta) ? rank_delta / abs(rank_delta) : 0; int df = (file_delta) ? file_delta / abs(file_delta) : 0; for (Square sq = move.from; sq != move.to; sq.rank += dr, sq.file += df) { if (get_piece(sq).type != Type::None && sq != move.from) { return false; } } return true; } } else if (piece.type == Type::Queen) { int rank_delta = move.to.rank - move.from.rank; int file_delta = move.to.file - move.from.file; if (abs(rank_delta) == abs(file_delta) || rank_delta == 0 || file_delta == 0) { int dr = (rank_delta) ? rank_delta / abs(rank_delta) : 0; int df = (file_delta) ? file_delta / abs(file_delta) : 0; for (Square sq = move.from; sq != move.to; sq.rank += dr, sq.file += df) { if (get_piece(sq).type != Type::None && sq != move.from) { return false; } } return true; } } else if (piece.type == Type::King) { int rank_delta = move.to.rank - move.from.rank; int file_delta = move.to.file - move.from.file; if (abs(rank_delta) <= 1 && abs(file_delta) <= 1) { return true; } } return false; } bool Board::in_check(Color color) const { Square king_square = { 50, 50 }; Square::for_each([&](Square const& square) { if (get_piece(square) == Piece(color, Type::King)) { king_square = square; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); bool check = false; Square::for_each([&](Square const& square) { if (is_legal_no_check({ square, king_square }, opposing_color(color))) { check = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return check; } bool Board::apply_move(Move const& move, Color color) { if (color == Color::None) color = turn(); if (!is_legal(move, color)) return false; const_cast(move).piece = get_piece(move.from); return apply_illegal_move(move, color); } bool Board::apply_illegal_move(Move const& move, Color color) { auto state = Traits::hash(*this); auto state_count = 0; if (m_previous_states.contains(state)) state_count = m_previous_states.get(state).value(); m_previous_states.set(state, state_count + 1); m_moves.append(move); m_turn = opposing_color(color); m_last_move = move; m_moves_since_capture++; m_moves_since_pawn_advance++; if (move.from == Square("a1") || move.to == Square("a1") || move.from == Square("e1")) m_white_can_castle_queenside = false; if (move.from == Square("h1") || move.to == Square("h1") || move.from == Square("e1")) m_white_can_castle_kingside = false; if (move.from == Square("a8") || move.to == Square("a8") || move.from == Square("e8")) m_black_can_castle_queenside = false; if (move.from == Square("h8") || move.to == Square("h8") || move.from == Square("e8")) m_black_can_castle_kingside = false; if (color == Color::White && move.from == Square("e1") && get_piece(Square("e1")) == Piece(Color::White, Type::King)) { if (move.to == Square("a1") || move.to == Square("c1")) { set_piece(Square("e1"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("a1"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("c1"), { Color::White, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("d1"), { Color::White, Type::Rook }); return true; } else if (move.to == Square("h1") || move.to == Square("g1")) { set_piece(Square("e1"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("h1"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("g1"), { Color::White, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("f1"), { Color::White, Type::Rook }); return true; } } else if (color == Color::Black && move.from == Square("e8") && get_piece(Square("e8")) == Piece(Color::Black, Type::King)) { if (move.to == Square("a8") || move.to == Square("c8")) { set_piece(Square("e8"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("a8"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("c8"), { Color::Black, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("d8"), { Color::Black, Type::Rook }); return true; } else if (move.to == Square("h8") || move.to == Square("g8")) { set_piece(Square("e8"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("h8"), EmptyPiece); set_piece(Square("g8"), { Color::Black, Type::King }); set_piece(Square("f8"), { Color::Black, Type::Rook }); return true; } } if (move.piece.type == Type::Pawn) m_moves_since_pawn_advance = 0; if (get_piece(move.to).color != Color::None) { const_cast(move).is_capture = true; m_moves_since_capture = 0; } if (get_piece(move.from).type == Type::Pawn && ((color == Color::Black && move.to.rank == 0) || (color == Color::White && move.to.rank == 7))) { // Pawn Promotion set_piece(move.to, { color, move.promote_to }); set_piece(move.from, EmptyPiece); if (in_check(m_turn)) const_cast(move).is_check = true; return true; } if (get_piece(move.from).type == Type::Pawn && move.from.file != move.to.file && get_piece(move.to).type == Type::None) { // En passant. if (color == Color::White) { set_piece({ move.to.rank - 1, move.to.file }, EmptyPiece); } else { set_piece({ move.to.rank + 1, move.to.file }, EmptyPiece); } const_cast(move).is_capture = true; m_moves_since_capture = 0; } Square::for_each([&](Square sq) { // Ambiguous Move if (sq != move.from && get_piece(sq).type == move.piece.type && get_piece(sq).color == move.piece.color) { if (is_legal(Move(sq, move.to), get_piece(sq).color)) { m_moves.last().is_ambiguous = true; m_moves.last().ambiguous = sq; return IterationDecision::Break; } } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); set_piece(move.to, get_piece(move.from)); set_piece(move.from, EmptyPiece); if (in_check(m_turn)) const_cast(move).is_check = true; return true; } Move Board::random_move(Color color) const { if (color == Color::None) color = turn(); Move move = { { 50, 50 }, { 50, 50 } }; int probability = 1; generate_moves([&](Move m) { if (rand() % probability == 0) move = m; ++probability; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return move; } Board::Result Board::game_result() const { if (m_resigned != Color::None) return (m_resigned == Color::White) ? Result::WhiteResign : Result::BlackResign; bool sufficient_material = false; bool no_more_pieces_allowed = false; Optional bishop; Square::for_each([&](Square sq) { if (get_piece(sq).type == Type::Queen || get_piece(sq).type == Type::Rook || get_piece(sq).type == Type::Pawn) { sufficient_material = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } if (get_piece(sq).type != Type::None && get_piece(sq).type != Type::King && no_more_pieces_allowed) { sufficient_material = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } if (get_piece(sq).type == Type::Knight) no_more_pieces_allowed = true; if (get_piece(sq).type == Type::Bishop) { if (bishop.has_value()) { if (get_piece(sq).color == get_piece(bishop.value()).color) { sufficient_material = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } else if (sq.is_light() != bishop.value().is_light()) { sufficient_material = true; return IterationDecision::Break; } no_more_pieces_allowed = true; } else { bishop = sq; } } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (!sufficient_material) return Result::InsufficientMaterial; bool are_legal_moves = false; generate_moves([&]([[maybe_unused]] Move m) { are_legal_moves = true; return IterationDecision::Break; }); if (are_legal_moves) { if (m_moves_since_capture >= 75 * 2) return Result::SeventyFiveMoveRule; if (m_moves_since_capture == 50 * 2) return Result::FiftyMoveRule; auto repeats = m_previous_states.get(Traits::hash(*this)); if (repeats.has_value()) { if (repeats.value() == 3) return Result::ThreeFoldRepetition; if (repeats.value() >= 5) return Result::FiveFoldRepetition; } return Result::NotFinished; } if (in_check(turn())) { const_cast&>(m_moves).last().is_mate = true; return Result::CheckMate; } return Result::StaleMate; } Color Board::game_winner() const { if (game_result() == Result::CheckMate) return opposing_color(turn()); return Color::None; } int Board::game_score() const { switch (game_winner()) { case Color::White: return +1; case Color::Black: return -1; case Color::None: return 0; } return 0; } bool Board::game_finished() const { return game_result() != Result::NotFinished; } int Board::material_imbalance() const { int imbalance = 0; Square::for_each([&](Square square) { int value = 0; switch (get_piece(square).type) { case Type::Pawn: value = 1; break; case Type::Knight: case Type::Bishop: value = 3; break; case Type::Rook: value = 5; break; case Type::Queen: value = 9; break; default: break; } if (get_piece(square).color == Color::White) { imbalance += value; } else { imbalance -= value; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return imbalance; } bool Board::is_promotion_move(Move const& move, Color color) const { if (color == Color::None) color = turn(); int promotion_rank = (color == Color::White) ? 7 : 0; if (move.to.rank != promotion_rank) return false; if (get_piece(move.from).type != Type::Pawn) return false; Move queen_move = move; queen_move.promote_to = Type::Queen; if (!is_legal(queen_move, color)) return false; return true; } bool Board::operator==(Board const& other) const { bool equal_squares = true; Square::for_each([&](Square sq) { if (get_piece(sq) != other.get_piece(sq)) { equal_squares = false; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); if (!equal_squares) return false; if (m_white_can_castle_queenside != other.m_white_can_castle_queenside) return false; if (m_white_can_castle_kingside != other.m_white_can_castle_kingside) return false; if (m_black_can_castle_queenside != other.m_black_can_castle_queenside) return false; if (m_black_can_castle_kingside != other.m_black_can_castle_kingside) return false; return turn() == other.turn(); } void Board::set_resigned(Chess::Color c) { m_resigned = c; } String Board::result_to_string(Result result, Color turn) { switch (result) { case Result::CheckMate: VERIFY(turn != Chess::Color::None); return turn == Chess::Color::White ? "Black wins by Checkmate" : "White wins by Checkmate"; case Result::WhiteResign: return "Black wins by Resignation"; case Result::BlackResign: return "White wins by Resignation"; case Result::StaleMate: return "Draw by Stalemate"; case Chess::Board::Result::FiftyMoveRule: return "Draw by 50 move rule"; case Chess::Board::Result::SeventyFiveMoveRule: return "Draw by 75 move rule"; case Chess::Board::Result::ThreeFoldRepetition: return "Draw by threefold repetition"; case Chess::Board::Result::FiveFoldRepetition: return "Draw by fivefold repetition"; case Chess::Board::Result::InsufficientMaterial: return "Draw by insufficient material"; case Chess::Board::Result::NotFinished: return "Game not finished"; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } String Board::result_to_points(Result result, Color turn) { switch (result) { case Result::CheckMate: VERIFY(turn != Chess::Color::None); return turn == Chess::Color::White ? "0-1" : "1-0"; case Result::WhiteResign: return "0-1"; case Result::BlackResign: return "1-0"; case Result::StaleMate: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::FiftyMoveRule: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::SeventyFiveMoveRule: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::ThreeFoldRepetition: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::FiveFoldRepetition: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::InsufficientMaterial: return "1/2-1/2"; case Chess::Board::Result::NotFinished: return "*"; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } }