/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #ifdef NO_TLS int h_errno; #else __thread int h_errno; #endif static hostent __gethostbyname_buffer; static in_addr_t __gethostbyname_address; static in_addr_t* __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[2]; static char* __gethostbyname_alias_list_buffer[1]; static hostent __gethostbyaddr_buffer; static in_addr_t* __gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer[2]; static char* __gethostbyaddr_alias_list_buffer[1]; // IPCCompiler depends on LibC. Because of this, it cannot be compiled // before LibC is. However, the lookup magic can only be obtained from the // endpoint itself if IPCCompiler has compiled the IPC file, so this creates // a chicken-and-egg situation. Because of this, the LookupServer endpoint magic // is hardcoded here. // Keep the name synchronized with LookupServer/LookupServer.ipc. static constexpr u32 lookup_server_endpoint_magic = "LookupServer"sv.hash(); // Get service entry buffers and file information for the getservent() family of functions. static FILE* services_file = nullptr; static char const* services_path = "/etc/services"; static bool fill_getserv_buffers(char const* line, ssize_t read); static servent __getserv_buffer; static DeprecatedString __getserv_name_buffer; static DeprecatedString __getserv_protocol_buffer; static int __getserv_port_buffer; static Vector __getserv_alias_list_buffer; static Vector __getserv_alias_list; static bool keep_service_file_open = false; static ssize_t service_file_offset = 0; // Get protocol entry buffers and file information for the getprotent() family of functions. static FILE* protocols_file = nullptr; static char const* protocols_path = "/etc/protocols"; static bool fill_getproto_buffers(char const* line, ssize_t read); static protoent __getproto_buffer; static DeprecatedString __getproto_name_buffer; static Vector __getproto_alias_list_buffer; static Vector __getproto_alias_list; static int __getproto_protocol_buffer; static bool keep_protocols_file_open = false; static ssize_t protocol_file_offset = 0; static int connect_to_lookup_server() { int fd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); if (fd < 0) { perror("socket"); return -1; } sockaddr_un address { AF_LOCAL, "/tmp/portal/lookup" }; if (connect(fd, (sockaddr const*)&address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { perror("connect_to_lookup_server"); close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } static DeprecatedString gethostbyname_name_buffer; hostent* gethostbyname(char const* name) { h_errno = 0; auto ipv4_address = IPv4Address::from_string({ name, strlen(name) }); if (ipv4_address.has_value()) { gethostbyname_name_buffer = ipv4_address.value().to_deprecated_string(); __gethostbyname_buffer.h_name = const_cast(gethostbyname_name_buffer.characters()); __gethostbyname_alias_list_buffer[0] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_aliases = __gethostbyname_alias_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; new (&__gethostbyname_address) IPv4Address(ipv4_address.value()); __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[0] = &__gethostbyname_address; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[1] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyname_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyname_buffer; } int fd = connect_to_lookup_server(); if (fd < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } auto close_fd_on_exit = ScopeGuard([fd] { close(fd); }); auto name_length = strlen(name); VERIFY(name_length <= NumericLimits::max()); struct [[gnu::packed]] { u32 message_size; u32 endpoint_magic; i32 message_id; u32 name_length; } request_header = { (u32)(sizeof(request_header) - sizeof(request_header.message_size) + name_length), lookup_server_endpoint_magic, 1, static_cast(name_length), }; if (auto nsent = write(fd, &request_header, sizeof(request_header)); nsent < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nsent != sizeof(request_header)) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (auto nsent = write(fd, name, name_length); nsent < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (static_cast(nsent) != name_length) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } struct [[gnu::packed]] { u32 message_size; u32 endpoint_magic; i32 message_id; i32 code; u32 addresses_count; } response_header; if (auto nreceived = read(fd, &response_header, sizeof(response_header)); nreceived < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nreceived != sizeof(response_header)) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (response_header.endpoint_magic != lookup_server_endpoint_magic || response_header.message_id != 2) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (response_header.code != 0) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (response_header.addresses_count == 0) { h_errno = HOST_NOT_FOUND; return nullptr; } i32 response_length; if (auto nreceived = read(fd, &response_length, sizeof(response_length)); nreceived < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nreceived != sizeof(response_length) || response_length != sizeof(__gethostbyname_address)) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (auto nreceived = read(fd, &__gethostbyname_address, response_length); nreceived < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nreceived != response_length) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } gethostbyname_name_buffer = name; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_name = const_cast(gethostbyname_name_buffer.characters()); __gethostbyname_alias_list_buffer[0] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_aliases = __gethostbyname_alias_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[0] = &__gethostbyname_address; __gethostbyname_address_list_buffer[1] = nullptr; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyname_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyname_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyname_buffer; } static DeprecatedString gethostbyaddr_name_buffer; hostent* gethostbyaddr(void const* addr, socklen_t addr_size, int type) { h_errno = 0; if (type != AF_INET) { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return nullptr; } if (addr_size < sizeof(in_addr)) { errno = EINVAL; return nullptr; } int fd = connect_to_lookup_server(); if (fd < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } auto close_fd_on_exit = ScopeGuard([fd] { close(fd); }); in_addr_t const& in_addr = ((const struct in_addr*)addr)->s_addr; struct [[gnu::packed]] { u32 message_size; u32 endpoint_magic; i32 message_id; i32 address_length; } request_header = { sizeof(request_header) - sizeof(request_header.message_size) + sizeof(in_addr), lookup_server_endpoint_magic, 3, sizeof(in_addr), }; if (auto nsent = write(fd, &request_header, sizeof(request_header)); nsent < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nsent != sizeof(request_header)) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (auto nsent = write(fd, &in_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); nsent < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nsent != sizeof(in_addr)) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } struct [[gnu::packed]] { u32 message_size; u32 endpoint_magic; i32 message_id; i32 code; u32 name_length; } response_header; if (auto nreceived = read(fd, &response_header, sizeof(response_header)); nreceived < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (nreceived != sizeof(response_header)) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } if (response_header.endpoint_magic != lookup_server_endpoint_magic || response_header.message_id != 4 || response_header.code != 0) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } char* buffer; auto string_impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(response_header.name_length, buffer); if (auto nreceived = read(fd, buffer, response_header.name_length); nreceived < 0) { h_errno = TRY_AGAIN; return nullptr; } else if (static_cast(nreceived) != response_header.name_length) { h_errno = NO_RECOVERY; return nullptr; } gethostbyaddr_name_buffer = move(string_impl); __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_name = buffer; __gethostbyaddr_alias_list_buffer[0] = nullptr; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_aliases = __gethostbyaddr_alias_list_buffer; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_addrtype = AF_INET; // FIXME: Should we populate the hostent's address list here with a sockaddr_in for the provided host? __gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer[0] = nullptr; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_addr_list = (char**)__gethostbyaddr_address_list_buffer; __gethostbyaddr_buffer.h_length = 4; return &__gethostbyaddr_buffer; } struct servent* getservent() { // If the services file is not open, attempt to open it and return null if it fails. if (!services_file) { services_file = fopen(services_path, "r"); if (!services_file) { perror("error opening services file"); return nullptr; } } if (fseek(services_file, service_file_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { perror("error seeking file"); fclose(services_file); return nullptr; } char* line = nullptr; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; auto free_line_on_exit = ScopeGuard([line] { if (line) { free(line); } }); // Read lines from services file until an actual service name is found. do { read = getline(&line, &len, services_file); service_file_offset += read; if (read > 0 && (line[0] >= 65 && line[0] <= 122)) { break; } } while (read != -1); if (read == -1) { fclose(services_file); services_file = nullptr; service_file_offset = 0; return nullptr; } servent* service_entry = nullptr; if (!fill_getserv_buffers(line, read)) return nullptr; __getserv_buffer.s_name = const_cast(__getserv_name_buffer.characters()); __getserv_buffer.s_port = htons(__getserv_port_buffer); __getserv_buffer.s_proto = const_cast(__getserv_protocol_buffer.characters()); __getserv_alias_list.clear_with_capacity(); __getserv_alias_list.ensure_capacity(__getserv_alias_list_buffer.size() + 1); for (auto& alias : __getserv_alias_list_buffer) __getserv_alias_list.unchecked_append(reinterpret_cast(alias.data())); __getserv_alias_list.unchecked_append(nullptr); __getserv_buffer.s_aliases = __getserv_alias_list.data(); service_entry = &__getserv_buffer; if (!keep_service_file_open) { endservent(); } return service_entry; } struct servent* getservbyname(char const* name, char const* protocol) { if (name == nullptr) return nullptr; bool previous_file_open_setting = keep_service_file_open; setservent(1); struct servent* current_service = nullptr; auto service_file_handler = ScopeGuard([previous_file_open_setting] { if (!previous_file_open_setting) { endservent(); } }); while (true) { current_service = getservent(); if (current_service == nullptr) break; else if (!protocol && strcmp(current_service->s_name, name) == 0) break; else if (strcmp(current_service->s_name, name) == 0 && strcmp(current_service->s_proto, protocol) == 0) break; } return current_service; } struct servent* getservbyport(int port, char const* protocol) { bool previous_file_open_setting = keep_service_file_open; setservent(1); struct servent* current_service = nullptr; auto service_file_handler = ScopeGuard([previous_file_open_setting] { if (!previous_file_open_setting) { endservent(); } }); while (true) { current_service = getservent(); if (current_service == nullptr) break; else if (!protocol && current_service->s_port == port) break; else if (current_service->s_port == port && (strcmp(current_service->s_proto, protocol) == 0)) break; } return current_service; } void setservent(int stay_open) { if (!services_file) { services_file = fopen(services_path, "r"); if (!services_file) { perror("error opening services file"); return; } } rewind(services_file); keep_service_file_open = stay_open; service_file_offset = 0; } void endservent() { if (!services_file) { return; } fclose(services_file); services_file = nullptr; } // Fill the service entry buffer with the information contained // in the currently read line, returns true if successful, // false if failure occurs. static bool fill_getserv_buffers(char const* line, ssize_t read) { // Splitting the line by tab delimiter and filling the servent buffers name, port, and protocol members. auto split_line = StringView(line, read).replace(" "sv, "\t"sv, ReplaceMode::All).split('\t'); // This indicates an incorrect file format. // Services file entries should always at least contain // name and port/protocol, separated by tabs. if (split_line.size() < 2) { warnln("getservent(): malformed services file"); return false; } __getserv_name_buffer = split_line[0]; auto port_protocol_split = DeprecatedString(split_line[1]).split('/'); if (port_protocol_split.size() < 2) { warnln("getservent(): malformed services file"); return false; } auto number = port_protocol_split[0].to_int(); if (!number.has_value()) return false; __getserv_port_buffer = number.value(); // Remove any annoying whitespace at the end of the protocol. __getserv_protocol_buffer = port_protocol_split[1].replace(" "sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All).replace("\t"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All).replace("\n"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All); __getserv_alias_list_buffer.clear(); // If there are aliases for the service, we will fill the alias list buffer. if (split_line.size() > 2 && !split_line[2].starts_with('#')) { for (size_t i = 2; i < split_line.size(); i++) { if (split_line[i].starts_with('#')) { break; } auto alias = split_line[i].to_byte_buffer(); if (alias.try_append("\0", sizeof(char)).is_error()) return false; __getserv_alias_list_buffer.append(move(alias)); } } return true; } struct protoent* getprotoent() { // If protocols file isn't open, attempt to open and return null on failure. if (!protocols_file) { protocols_file = fopen(protocols_path, "r"); if (!protocols_file) { perror("error opening protocols file"); return nullptr; } } if (fseek(protocols_file, protocol_file_offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { perror("error seeking protocols file"); fclose(protocols_file); return nullptr; } char* line = nullptr; size_t len = 0; ssize_t read; auto free_line_on_exit = ScopeGuard([line] { if (line) { free(line); } }); do { read = getline(&line, &len, protocols_file); protocol_file_offset += read; if (read > 0 && (line[0] >= 65 && line[0] <= 122)) { break; } } while (read != -1); if (read == -1) { fclose(protocols_file); protocols_file = nullptr; protocol_file_offset = 0; return nullptr; } struct protoent* protocol_entry = nullptr; if (!fill_getproto_buffers(line, read)) return nullptr; __getproto_buffer.p_name = const_cast(__getproto_name_buffer.characters()); __getproto_buffer.p_proto = __getproto_protocol_buffer; __getproto_alias_list.clear_with_capacity(); __getproto_alias_list.ensure_capacity(__getproto_alias_list_buffer.size() + 1); for (auto& alias : __getproto_alias_list_buffer) __getproto_alias_list.unchecked_append(reinterpret_cast(alias.data())); __getserv_alias_list.unchecked_append(nullptr); __getproto_buffer.p_aliases = __getproto_alias_list.data(); protocol_entry = &__getproto_buffer; if (!keep_protocols_file_open) endprotoent(); return protocol_entry; } struct protoent* getprotobyname(char const* name) { bool previous_file_open_setting = keep_protocols_file_open; setprotoent(1); struct protoent* current_protocol = nullptr; auto protocol_file_handler = ScopeGuard([previous_file_open_setting] { if (!previous_file_open_setting) { endprotoent(); } }); while (true) { current_protocol = getprotoent(); if (current_protocol == nullptr) break; else if (strcmp(current_protocol->p_name, name) == 0) break; } return current_protocol; } struct protoent* getprotobynumber(int proto) { bool previous_file_open_setting = keep_protocols_file_open; setprotoent(1); struct protoent* current_protocol = nullptr; auto protocol_file_handler = ScopeGuard([previous_file_open_setting] { if (!previous_file_open_setting) { endprotoent(); } }); while (true) { current_protocol = getprotoent(); if (current_protocol == nullptr) break; else if (current_protocol->p_proto == proto) break; } return current_protocol; } void setprotoent(int stay_open) { if (!protocols_file) { protocols_file = fopen(protocols_path, "r"); if (!protocols_file) { perror("setprotoent(): error opening protocols file"); return; } } rewind(protocols_file); keep_protocols_file_open = stay_open; protocol_file_offset = 0; } void endprotoent() { if (!protocols_file) { return; } fclose(protocols_file); protocols_file = nullptr; } static bool fill_getproto_buffers(char const* line, ssize_t read) { DeprecatedString string_line = DeprecatedString(line, read); auto split_line = string_line.replace(" "sv, "\t"sv, ReplaceMode::All).split('\t'); // This indicates an incorrect file format. Protocols file entries should // always have at least a name and a protocol. if (split_line.size() < 2) { warnln("getprotoent(): malformed protocols file"); return false; } __getproto_name_buffer = split_line[0]; auto number = split_line[1].to_int(); if (!number.has_value()) return false; __getproto_protocol_buffer = number.value(); __getproto_alias_list_buffer.clear(); // If there are aliases for the protocol, we will fill the alias list buffer. if (split_line.size() > 2 && !split_line[2].starts_with('#')) { for (size_t i = 2; i < split_line.size(); i++) { if (split_line[i].starts_with('#')) break; auto alias = split_line[i].to_byte_buffer(); if (alias.try_append("\0", sizeof(char)).is_error()) return false; __getproto_alias_list_buffer.append(move(alias)); } } return true; } int getaddrinfo(char const* __restrict node, char const* __restrict service, const struct addrinfo* __restrict hints, struct addrinfo** __restrict res) { *res = nullptr; if (hints && hints->ai_family != AF_INET && hints->ai_family != AF_UNSPEC) return EAI_FAMILY; if (!node) { if (hints && hints->ai_flags & AI_PASSIVE) node = ""; else node = ""; } auto host_ent = gethostbyname(node); if (!host_ent) return EAI_FAIL; char const* proto = nullptr; if (hints && hints->ai_socktype) { switch (hints->ai_socktype) { case SOCK_STREAM: proto = "tcp"; break; case SOCK_DGRAM: proto = "udp"; break; default: return EAI_SOCKTYPE; } } long port; int socktype; servent* svc_ent = nullptr; if (!hints || (hints->ai_flags & AI_NUMERICSERV) == 0) { svc_ent = getservbyname(service, proto); } if (!svc_ent) { if (service) { char* end; port = htons(strtol(service, &end, 10)); if (*end) return EAI_FAIL; } else { port = htons(0); } if (hints && hints->ai_socktype != 0) socktype = hints->ai_socktype; else socktype = SOCK_STREAM; } else { port = svc_ent->s_port; socktype = strcmp(svc_ent->s_proto, "tcp") ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM; } addrinfo* first_info = nullptr; addrinfo* prev_info = nullptr; for (int host_index = 0; host_ent->h_addr_list[host_index]; host_index++) { sockaddr_in* sin = new sockaddr_in; sin->sin_family = AF_INET; sin->sin_port = port; memcpy(&sin->sin_addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_addr_list[host_index], host_ent->h_length); addrinfo* info = new addrinfo; info->ai_flags = 0; info->ai_family = AF_INET; info->ai_socktype = socktype; info->ai_protocol = PF_INET; info->ai_addrlen = sizeof(*sin); info->ai_addr = reinterpret_cast(sin); if (hints && hints->ai_flags & AI_CANONNAME) info->ai_canonname = strdup(host_ent->h_name); else info->ai_canonname = nullptr; info->ai_next = nullptr; if (!first_info) first_info = info; if (prev_info) prev_info->ai_next = info; prev_info = info; } if (first_info) { *res = first_info; return 0; } else return EAI_NONAME; } void freeaddrinfo(struct addrinfo* res) { if (res) { delete reinterpret_cast(res->ai_addr); free(res->ai_canonname); freeaddrinfo(res->ai_next); delete res; } } char const* gai_strerror(int errcode) { switch (errcode) { case EAI_ADDRFAMILY: return "no address for this address family available"; case EAI_AGAIN: return "name server returned temporary failure"; case EAI_BADFLAGS: return "invalid flags"; case EAI_FAIL: return "name server returned permanent failure"; case EAI_FAMILY: return "unsupported address family"; case EAI_MEMORY: return "out of memory"; case EAI_NODATA: return "no address available"; case EAI_NONAME: return "node or service is not known"; case EAI_SERVICE: return "service not available"; case EAI_SOCKTYPE: return "unsupported socket type"; case EAI_SYSTEM: return "system error"; case EAI_OVERFLOW: return "buffer too small"; default: return "invalid error code"; } } int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr* __restrict addr, socklen_t addrlen, char* __restrict host, socklen_t hostlen, char* __restrict serv, socklen_t servlen, int flags) { if (addr->sa_family != AF_INET || addrlen < sizeof(sockaddr_in)) return EAI_FAMILY; sockaddr_in const* sin = reinterpret_cast(addr); if (host && hostlen > 0) { if (flags != 0) dbgln("getnameinfo flags are not implemented: {:#x}", flags); if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sin->sin_addr, host, hostlen)) { if (errno == ENOSPC) return EAI_OVERFLOW; else return EAI_SYSTEM; } } if (serv && servlen > 0) { if (snprintf(serv, servlen, "%d", (int)ntohs(sin->sin_port)) > (int)servlen) return EAI_OVERFLOW; } return 0; } void herror(char const* s) { dbgln("herror(): {}: {}", s, hstrerror(h_errno)); warnln("{}: {}", s, hstrerror(h_errno)); } char const* hstrerror(int err) { switch (err) { case HOST_NOT_FOUND: return "The specified host is unknown."; case NO_DATA: return "The requested name is valid but does not have an IP address."; case NO_RECOVERY: return "A nonrecoverable name server error occurred."; case TRY_AGAIN: return "A temporary error occurred on an authoritative name server. Try again later."; default: return "Unknown error."; } } }