/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class PthreadMutexLocker { public: ALWAYS_INLINE explicit PthreadMutexLocker(pthread_mutex_t& mutex) : m_mutex(mutex) { lock(); __heap_is_stable = false; } ALWAYS_INLINE ~PthreadMutexLocker() { __heap_is_stable = true; unlock(); } ALWAYS_INLINE void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); } ALWAYS_INLINE void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); } private: pthread_mutex_t& m_mutex; }; #define RECYCLE_BIG_ALLOCATIONS static pthread_mutex_t s_malloc_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; bool __heap_is_stable = true; constexpr size_t number_of_hot_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around = 16; constexpr size_t number_of_cold_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around = 16; constexpr size_t number_of_big_blocks_to_keep_around_per_size_class = 8; static bool s_log_malloc = false; static bool s_scrub_malloc = true; static bool s_scrub_free = true; static bool s_profiling = false; static bool s_in_userspace_emulator = false; ALWAYS_INLINE static void ue_notify_malloc(void const* ptr, size_t size) { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 1, size, (FlatPtr)ptr); } ALWAYS_INLINE static void ue_notify_free(void const* ptr) { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 2, (FlatPtr)ptr, 0); } ALWAYS_INLINE static void ue_notify_realloc(void const* ptr, size_t size) { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 3, size, (FlatPtr)ptr); } ALWAYS_INLINE static void ue_notify_chunk_size_changed(void const* block, size_t chunk_size) { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 4, chunk_size, (FlatPtr)block); } struct MemoryAuditingSuppressor { ALWAYS_INLINE MemoryAuditingSuppressor() { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 7); } ALWAYS_INLINE ~MemoryAuditingSuppressor() { if (s_in_userspace_emulator) syscall(SC_emuctl, 8); } }; struct MallocStats { size_t number_of_malloc_calls; size_t number_of_big_allocator_hits; size_t number_of_big_allocator_purge_hits; size_t number_of_big_allocs; size_t number_of_hot_empty_block_hits; size_t number_of_cold_empty_block_hits; size_t number_of_cold_empty_block_purge_hits; size_t number_of_block_allocs; size_t number_of_blocks_full; size_t number_of_free_calls; size_t number_of_big_allocator_keeps; size_t number_of_big_allocator_frees; size_t number_of_freed_full_blocks; size_t number_of_hot_keeps; size_t number_of_cold_keeps; size_t number_of_frees; }; static MallocStats g_malloc_stats = {}; static size_t s_hot_empty_block_count { 0 }; static ChunkedBlock* s_hot_empty_blocks[number_of_hot_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around] { nullptr }; static size_t s_cold_empty_block_count { 0 }; static ChunkedBlock* s_cold_empty_blocks[number_of_cold_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around] { nullptr }; struct Allocator { size_t size { 0 }; size_t block_count { 0 }; ChunkedBlock::List usable_blocks; ChunkedBlock::List full_blocks; }; struct BigAllocator { Vector blocks; }; // Allocators will be initialized in __malloc_init. // We can not rely on global constructors to initialize them, // because they must be initialized before other global constructors // are run. Similarly, we can not allow global destructors to destruct // them. We could have used AK::NeverDestoyed to prevent the latter, // but it would have not helped with the former. alignas(Allocator) static u8 g_allocators_storage[sizeof(Allocator) * num_size_classes]; alignas(BigAllocator) static u8 g_big_allocators_storage[sizeof(BigAllocator)]; static inline Allocator (&allocators())[num_size_classes] { return reinterpret_cast(g_allocators_storage); } static inline BigAllocator (&big_allocators())[1] { return reinterpret_cast(g_big_allocators_storage); } static Allocator* allocator_for_size(size_t size, size_t& good_size) { for (size_t i = 0; size_classes[i]; ++i) { if (size <= size_classes[i]) { good_size = size_classes[i]; return &allocators()[i]; } } good_size = PAGE_ROUND_UP(size); return nullptr; } #ifdef RECYCLE_BIG_ALLOCATIONS static BigAllocator* big_allocator_for_size(size_t size) { if (size == 65536) return &big_allocators()[0]; return nullptr; } #endif extern "C" { static void* os_alloc(size_t size, char const* name) { int flags = MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_PURGEABLE; #if ARCH(X86_64) flags |= MAP_RANDOMIZED; #endif auto* ptr = serenity_mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, 0, 0, ChunkedBlock::block_size, name); VERIFY(ptr != nullptr); if (ptr == MAP_FAILED) { errno = ENOMEM; return nullptr; } return ptr; } static void os_free(void* ptr, size_t size) { int rc = munmap(ptr, size); assert(rc == 0); } enum class CallerWillInitializeMemory { No, Yes, }; #ifndef NO_TLS // HACK: This is a __thread - marked thread-local variable. If we initialize it globally here, VERY weird errors happen. // The initialization happens in __malloc_init() and pthread_create_helper(). __thread bool s_allocation_enabled; #endif static void* malloc_impl(size_t size, CallerWillInitializeMemory caller_will_initialize_memory) { #ifndef NO_TLS VERIFY(s_allocation_enabled); #endif if (s_log_malloc) dbgln("LibC: malloc({})", size); if (!size) { // Legally we could just return a null pointer here, but this is more // compatible with existing software. size = 1; } g_malloc_stats.number_of_malloc_calls++; size_t good_size; auto* allocator = allocator_for_size(size, good_size); PthreadMutexLocker locker(s_malloc_mutex); if (!allocator) { size_t real_size = round_up_to_power_of_two(sizeof(BigAllocationBlock) + size, ChunkedBlock::block_size); if (real_size < size) { dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "LibC: Detected overflow trying to do big allocation of size {} for {}", real_size, size); errno = ENOMEM; return nullptr; } #ifdef RECYCLE_BIG_ALLOCATIONS if (auto* allocator = big_allocator_for_size(real_size)) { if (!allocator->blocks.is_empty()) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_hits++; auto* block = allocator->blocks.take_last(); int rc = madvise(block, real_size, MADV_SET_NONVOLATILE); bool this_block_was_purged = rc == 1; if (rc < 0) { perror("madvise"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (mprotect(block, real_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE) < 0) { perror("mprotect"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (this_block_was_purged) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_purge_hits++; new (block) BigAllocationBlock(real_size); } ue_notify_malloc(&block->m_slot[0], size); return &block->m_slot[0]; } } #endif auto* block = (BigAllocationBlock*)os_alloc(real_size, "malloc: BigAllocationBlock"); if (block == nullptr) { dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "LibC: Failed to do big allocation of size {} for {}", real_size, size); return nullptr; } g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocs++; new (block) BigAllocationBlock(real_size); ue_notify_malloc(&block->m_slot[0], size); return &block->m_slot[0]; } ChunkedBlock* block = nullptr; for (auto& current : allocator->usable_blocks) { if (current.free_chunks()) { block = ¤t; break; } } if (!block && s_hot_empty_block_count) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_hot_empty_block_hits++; block = s_hot_empty_blocks[--s_hot_empty_block_count]; if (block->m_size != good_size) { new (block) ChunkedBlock(good_size); ue_notify_chunk_size_changed(block, good_size); char buffer[64]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "malloc: ChunkedBlock(%zu)", good_size); set_mmap_name(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size, buffer); } allocator->usable_blocks.append(*block); } if (!block && s_cold_empty_block_count) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_empty_block_hits++; block = s_cold_empty_blocks[--s_cold_empty_block_count]; int rc = madvise(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size, MADV_SET_NONVOLATILE); bool this_block_was_purged = rc == 1; if (rc < 0) { perror("madvise"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } rc = mprotect(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); if (rc < 0) { perror("mprotect"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (this_block_was_purged || block->m_size != good_size) { if (this_block_was_purged) g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_empty_block_purge_hits++; new (block) ChunkedBlock(good_size); ue_notify_chunk_size_changed(block, good_size); } allocator->usable_blocks.append(*block); } if (!block) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_block_allocs++; char buffer[64]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "malloc: ChunkedBlock(%zu)", good_size); block = (ChunkedBlock*)os_alloc(ChunkedBlock::block_size, buffer); if (block == nullptr) { return nullptr; } new (block) ChunkedBlock(good_size); allocator->usable_blocks.append(*block); ++allocator->block_count; } --block->m_free_chunks; void* ptr = block->m_freelist; if (ptr) { block->m_freelist = block->m_freelist->next; } else { ptr = block->m_slot + block->m_next_lazy_freelist_index * block->m_size; block->m_next_lazy_freelist_index++; } VERIFY(ptr); if (block->is_full()) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_blocks_full++; dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "Block {:p} is now full in size class {}", block, good_size); allocator->usable_blocks.remove(*block); allocator->full_blocks.append(*block); } dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "LibC: allocated {:p} (chunk in block {:p}, size {})", ptr, block, block->bytes_per_chunk()); if (s_scrub_malloc && caller_will_initialize_memory == CallerWillInitializeMemory::No) memset(ptr, MALLOC_SCRUB_BYTE, block->m_size); ue_notify_malloc(ptr, size); return ptr; } static void free_impl(void* ptr) { #ifndef NO_TLS VERIFY(s_allocation_enabled); #endif ScopedValueRollback rollback(errno); if (!ptr) return; g_malloc_stats.number_of_free_calls++; void* block_base = (void*)((FlatPtr)ptr & ChunkedBlock::ChunkedBlock::block_mask); size_t magic = *(size_t*)block_base; PthreadMutexLocker locker(s_malloc_mutex); if (magic == MAGIC_BIGALLOC_HEADER) { auto* block = (BigAllocationBlock*)block_base; #ifdef RECYCLE_BIG_ALLOCATIONS if (auto* allocator = big_allocator_for_size(block->m_size)) { if (allocator->blocks.size() < number_of_big_blocks_to_keep_around_per_size_class) { g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_keeps++; allocator->blocks.append(block); size_t this_block_size = block->m_size; if (mprotect(block, this_block_size, PROT_NONE) < 0) { perror("mprotect"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (madvise(block, this_block_size, MADV_SET_VOLATILE) != 0) { perror("madvise"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } return; } } #endif g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_frees++; os_free(block, block->m_size); return; } assert(magic == MAGIC_PAGE_HEADER); auto* block = (ChunkedBlock*)block_base; dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "LibC: freeing {:p} in allocator {:p} (size={}, used={})", ptr, block, block->bytes_per_chunk(), block->used_chunks()); if (s_scrub_free) memset(ptr, FREE_SCRUB_BYTE, block->bytes_per_chunk()); auto* entry = (FreelistEntry*)ptr; entry->next = block->m_freelist; block->m_freelist = entry; if (block->is_full()) { size_t good_size; auto* allocator = allocator_for_size(block->m_size, good_size); dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "Block {:p} no longer full in size class {}", block, good_size); g_malloc_stats.number_of_freed_full_blocks++; allocator->full_blocks.remove(*block); allocator->usable_blocks.prepend(*block); } ++block->m_free_chunks; if (!block->used_chunks()) { size_t good_size; auto* allocator = allocator_for_size(block->m_size, good_size); if (s_hot_empty_block_count < number_of_hot_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around) { dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "Keeping hot block {:p} around", block); g_malloc_stats.number_of_hot_keeps++; allocator->usable_blocks.remove(*block); s_hot_empty_blocks[s_hot_empty_block_count++] = block; return; } if (s_cold_empty_block_count < number_of_cold_chunked_blocks_to_keep_around) { dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "Keeping cold block {:p} around", block); g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_keeps++; allocator->usable_blocks.remove(*block); s_cold_empty_blocks[s_cold_empty_block_count++] = block; mprotect(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size, PROT_NONE); madvise(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size, MADV_SET_VOLATILE); return; } dbgln_if(MALLOC_DEBUG, "Releasing block {:p} for size class {}", block, good_size); g_malloc_stats.number_of_frees++; allocator->usable_blocks.remove(*block); --allocator->block_count; os_free(block, ChunkedBlock::block_size); } } // https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/malloc.html void* malloc(size_t size) { MemoryAuditingSuppressor suppressor; void* ptr = malloc_impl(size, CallerWillInitializeMemory::No); if (s_profiling) perf_event(PERF_EVENT_MALLOC, size, reinterpret_cast(ptr)); return ptr; } // This is a Microsoft extension, and is not found on other Unix-like systems. // FIXME: Implement aligned_alloc() instead // // This is used in libc++ to implement C++17 aligned new/delete. // // Both Unix-y alternatives to _aligned_malloc(), the C11 aligned_alloc() and // posix_memalign() say that the resulting pointer can be deallocated with // regular free(), which means that the allocator has to keep track of the // requested alignments. By contrast, _aligned_malloc() is paired with // _aligned_free(), so it can be easily implemented on top of malloc(). void* _aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) { if (popcount(alignment) != 1) { errno = EINVAL; return nullptr; } alignment = max(alignment, sizeof(void*)); if (Checked::addition_would_overflow(size, alignment)) { errno = ENOMEM; return nullptr; } void* ptr = malloc(size + alignment); if (!ptr) { errno = ENOMEM; return nullptr; } auto aligned_ptr = (void*)(((FlatPtr)ptr + alignment) & ~(alignment - 1)); ((void**)aligned_ptr)[-1] = ptr; return aligned_ptr; } // https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/free.html void free(void* ptr) { MemoryAuditingSuppressor suppressor; if (s_profiling) perf_event(PERF_EVENT_FREE, reinterpret_cast(ptr), 0); ue_notify_free(ptr); free_impl(ptr); } void _aligned_free(void* ptr) { if (ptr) free(((void**)ptr)[-1]); } // https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/calloc.html void* calloc(size_t count, size_t size) { MemoryAuditingSuppressor suppressor; if (Checked::multiplication_would_overflow(count, size)) { errno = ENOMEM; return nullptr; } size_t new_size = count * size; auto* ptr = malloc_impl(new_size, CallerWillInitializeMemory::Yes); if (ptr) memset(ptr, 0, new_size); return ptr; } size_t malloc_size(void const* ptr) { MemoryAuditingSuppressor suppressor; if (!ptr) return 0; void* page_base = (void*)((FlatPtr)ptr & ChunkedBlock::block_mask); auto* header = (CommonHeader const*)page_base; auto size = header->m_size; if (header->m_magic == MAGIC_BIGALLOC_HEADER) size -= sizeof(BigAllocationBlock); else VERIFY(header->m_magic == MAGIC_PAGE_HEADER); return size; } size_t malloc_good_size(size_t size) { size_t good_size; allocator_for_size(size, good_size); return good_size; } void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) { MemoryAuditingSuppressor suppressor; if (!ptr) return malloc(size); if (!size) { free(ptr); return nullptr; } auto existing_allocation_size = malloc_size(ptr); if (size <= existing_allocation_size) { ue_notify_realloc(ptr, size); return ptr; } auto* new_ptr = malloc(size); if (new_ptr) { memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, min(existing_allocation_size, size)); free(ptr); } return new_ptr; } void __malloc_init() { #ifndef NO_TLS // HACK: This is a __thread - marked thread-local variable. If we initialize it globally, VERY weird errors happen. // Therefore, we need to do the initialization here and in pthread_create_helper(). s_allocation_enabled = true; #endif s_in_userspace_emulator = (int)syscall(SC_emuctl, 0) != -ENOSYS; if (s_in_userspace_emulator) { // Don't bother scrubbing memory if we're running in UE since it // keeps track of heap memory anyway. s_scrub_malloc = false; s_scrub_free = false; } if (secure_getenv("LIBC_NOSCRUB_MALLOC")) s_scrub_malloc = false; if (secure_getenv("LIBC_NOSCRUB_FREE")) s_scrub_free = false; if (secure_getenv("LIBC_LOG_MALLOC")) s_log_malloc = true; if (secure_getenv("LIBC_PROFILE_MALLOC")) s_profiling = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_size_classes; ++i) { new (&allocators()[i]) Allocator(); allocators()[i].size = size_classes[i]; } new (&big_allocators()[0])(BigAllocator); } void serenity_dump_malloc_stats() { dbgln("# malloc() calls: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_malloc_calls); dbgln(); dbgln("big alloc hits: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_hits); dbgln("big alloc hits that were purged: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_purge_hits); dbgln("big allocs: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocs); dbgln(); dbgln("empty hot block hits: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_hot_empty_block_hits); dbgln("empty cold block hits: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_empty_block_hits); dbgln("empty cold block hits that were purged: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_empty_block_purge_hits); dbgln("block allocs: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_block_allocs); dbgln("filled blocks: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_blocks_full); dbgln(); dbgln("# free() calls: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_free_calls); dbgln(); dbgln("big alloc keeps: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_keeps); dbgln("big alloc frees: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_big_allocator_frees); dbgln(); dbgln("full block frees: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_freed_full_blocks); dbgln("number of hot keeps: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_hot_keeps); dbgln("number of cold keeps: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_cold_keeps); dbgln("number of frees: {}", g_malloc_stats.number_of_frees); } }