/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Peter Elliott * Copyright (c) 2021, Idan Horowitz * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include namespace Archive { TarFileStream::TarFileStream(TarInputStream& tar_stream) : m_tar_stream(tar_stream) , m_generation(tar_stream.m_generation) { } size_t TarFileStream::read(Bytes bytes) { // verify that the stream has not advanced VERIFY(m_tar_stream.m_generation == m_generation); if (has_any_error()) return 0; auto to_read = min(bytes.size(), m_tar_stream.header().size() - m_tar_stream.m_file_offset); auto nread = m_tar_stream.m_stream.read(bytes.trim(to_read)); m_tar_stream.m_file_offset += nread; return nread; } bool TarFileStream::unreliable_eof() const { // verify that the stream has not advanced VERIFY(m_tar_stream.m_generation == m_generation); return m_tar_stream.m_stream.unreliable_eof() || m_tar_stream.m_file_offset >= m_tar_stream.header().size(); } bool TarFileStream::read_or_error(Bytes bytes) { // verify that the stream has not advanced VERIFY(m_tar_stream.m_generation == m_generation); if (read(bytes) < bytes.size()) { set_fatal_error(); return false; } return true; } bool TarFileStream::discard_or_error(size_t count) { // verify that the stream has not advanced VERIFY(m_tar_stream.m_generation == m_generation); if (count > m_tar_stream.header().size() - m_tar_stream.m_file_offset) { return false; } m_tar_stream.m_file_offset += count; return m_tar_stream.m_stream.discard_or_error(count); } TarInputStream::TarInputStream(InputStream& stream) : m_stream(stream) { if (!m_stream.read_or_error(Bytes(&m_header, sizeof(m_header)))) { m_finished = true; m_stream.handle_any_error(); // clear out errors so we dont assert return; } VERIFY(m_stream.discard_or_error(block_size - sizeof(TarFileHeader))); } static constexpr unsigned long block_ceiling(unsigned long offset) { return block_size * (1 + ((offset - 1) / block_size)); } void TarInputStream::advance() { if (m_finished) return; m_generation++; VERIFY(m_stream.discard_or_error(block_ceiling(m_header.size()) - m_file_offset)); m_file_offset = 0; if (!m_stream.read_or_error(Bytes(&m_header, sizeof(m_header)))) { m_finished = true; return; } if (!valid()) { m_finished = true; return; } VERIFY(m_stream.discard_or_error(block_size - sizeof(TarFileHeader))); } bool TarInputStream::valid() const { auto& header_magic = header().magic(); auto& header_version = header().version(); if (!((header_magic == gnu_magic && header_version == gnu_version) || (header_magic == ustar_magic && header_version == ustar_version) || (header_magic == posix1_tar_magic && header_version == posix1_tar_version))) return false; // POSIX.1-1988 tar does not have magic numbers, so we also need to verify the header checksum. return header().checksum() == header().expected_checksum(); } TarFileStream TarInputStream::file_contents() { VERIFY(!m_finished); return TarFileStream(*this); } TarOutputStream::TarOutputStream(OutputStream& stream) : m_stream(stream) { } void TarOutputStream::add_directory(const String& path, mode_t mode) { VERIFY(!m_finished); TarFileHeader header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.set_size(0); header.set_filename(String::formatted("{}/", path)); // Old tar implementations assume directory names end with a / header.set_type_flag(TarFileType::Directory); header.set_mode(mode); header.set_magic(gnu_magic); header.set_version(gnu_version); header.calculate_checksum(); VERIFY(m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &header, sizeof(header) })); u8 padding[block_size] = { 0 }; VERIFY(m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &padding, block_size - sizeof(header) })); } void TarOutputStream::add_file(const String& path, mode_t mode, ReadonlyBytes bytes) { VERIFY(!m_finished); TarFileHeader header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); header.set_size(bytes.size()); header.set_filename(path); header.set_type_flag(TarFileType::NormalFile); header.set_mode(mode); header.set_magic(gnu_magic); header.set_version(gnu_version); header.calculate_checksum(); VERIFY(m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &header, sizeof(header) })); u8 padding[block_size] = { 0 }; VERIFY(m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &padding, block_size - sizeof(header) })); size_t n_written = 0; while (n_written < bytes.size()) { n_written += m_stream.write(bytes.slice(n_written, min(bytes.size() - n_written, block_size))); } VERIFY(m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &padding, block_size - (n_written % block_size) })); } void TarOutputStream::finish() { VERIFY(!m_finished); u8 padding[block_size] = { 0 }; m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &padding, block_size }); // 2 empty records that are used to signify the end of the archive m_stream.write_or_error(Bytes { &padding, block_size }); m_finished = true; } }