/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "ChessWidget.h" #include "PromotionDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ChessWidget::ChessWidget() { set_piece_set("stelar7"); } ChessWidget::~ChessWidget() { } void ChessWidget::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event) { const int min_size = min(width(), height()); const int widget_offset_x = (window()->width() - min_size) / 2; const int widget_offset_y = (window()->height() - min_size) / 2; GUI::Frame::paint_event(event); GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.fill_rect({ 0, 0, width(), height() }, Color::Black); painter.translate(frame_thickness() + widget_offset_x, frame_thickness() + widget_offset_y); size_t tile_width = min_size / 8; size_t tile_height = min_size / 8; int coord_rank_file = (side() == Chess::Color::White) ? 0 : 7; Chess::Board& active_board = (m_playback ? board_playback() : board()); auto& coordinate_font = Gfx::FontDatabase::default_font().bold_variant(); Chess::Square::for_each([&](Chess::Square sq) { Gfx::IntRect tile_rect; if (side() == Chess::Color::White) { tile_rect = { sq.file * tile_width, (7 - sq.rank) * tile_height, tile_width, tile_height }; } else { tile_rect = { (7 - sq.file) * tile_width, sq.rank * tile_height, tile_width, tile_height }; } painter.fill_rect(tile_rect, (sq.is_light()) ? board_theme().light_square_color : board_theme().dark_square_color); if (active_board.last_move().has_value() && (active_board.last_move().value().to == sq || active_board.last_move().value().from == sq)) { painter.fill_rect(tile_rect, m_move_highlight_color); } if (m_coordinates) { auto coord = sq.to_algebraic(); auto text_color = (sq.is_light()) ? board_theme().dark_square_color : board_theme().light_square_color; auto shrunken_rect = tile_rect; shrunken_rect.shrink(4, 4); if (sq.rank == coord_rank_file) painter.draw_text(shrunken_rect, coord.substring_view(0, 1), coordinate_font, Gfx::TextAlignment::BottomRight, text_color); if (sq.file == coord_rank_file) painter.draw_text(shrunken_rect, coord.substring_view(1, 1), coordinate_font, Gfx::TextAlignment::TopLeft, text_color); } for (auto& m : m_board_markings) { if (m.type() == BoardMarking::Type::Square && m.from == sq) { Gfx::Color color = m.secondary_color ? m_marking_secondary_color : (m.alternate_color ? m_marking_alternate_color : m_marking_primary_color); painter.fill_rect(tile_rect, color); } } if (!(m_dragging_piece && sq == m_moving_square)) { auto bmp = m_pieces.get(active_board.get_piece(sq)); if (bmp.has_value()) { painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(tile_rect, *bmp.value(), bmp.value()->rect()); } } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); auto draw_arrow = [&painter](Gfx::FloatPoint A, Gfx::FloatPoint B, float w1, float w2, float h, Gfx::Color color) { float dx = B.x() - A.x(); float dy = A.y() - B.y(); float phi = atan2f(dy, dx); float hdx = h * cosf(phi); float hdy = h * sinf(phi); const auto cos_pi_2_phi = cosf(float { M_PI_2 } - phi); const auto sin_pi_2_phi = sinf(float { M_PI_2 } - phi); Gfx::FloatPoint A1(A.x() - (w1 / 2) * cos_pi_2_phi, A.y() - (w1 / 2) * sin_pi_2_phi); Gfx::FloatPoint B3(A.x() + (w1 / 2) * cos_pi_2_phi, A.y() + (w1 / 2) * sin_pi_2_phi); Gfx::FloatPoint A2(A1.x() + (dx - hdx), A1.y() - (dy - hdy)); Gfx::FloatPoint B2(B3.x() + (dx - hdx), B3.y() - (dy - hdy)); Gfx::FloatPoint A3(A2.x() - w2 * cos_pi_2_phi, A2.y() - w2 * sin_pi_2_phi); Gfx::FloatPoint B1(B2.x() + w2 * cos_pi_2_phi, B2.y() + w2 * sin_pi_2_phi); auto path = Gfx::Path(); path.move_to(A); path.line_to(A1); path.line_to(A2); path.line_to(A3); path.line_to(B); path.line_to(B1); path.line_to(B2); path.line_to(B3); path.line_to(A); path.close(); painter.fill_path(path, color, Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::EvenOdd); }; for (auto& m : m_board_markings) { if (m.type() == BoardMarking::Type::Arrow) { Gfx::FloatPoint arrow_start; Gfx::FloatPoint arrow_end; if (side() == Chess::Color::White) { arrow_start = { m.from.file * tile_width + tile_width / 2.0f, (7 - m.from.rank) * tile_height + tile_height / 2.0f }; arrow_end = { m.to.file * tile_width + tile_width / 2.0f, (7 - m.to.rank) * tile_height + tile_height / 2.0f }; } else { arrow_start = { (7 - m.from.file) * tile_width + tile_width / 2.0f, m.from.rank * tile_height + tile_height / 2.0f }; arrow_end = { (7 - m.to.file) * tile_width + tile_width / 2.0f, m.to.rank * tile_height + tile_height / 2.0f }; } Gfx::Color color = m.secondary_color ? m_marking_secondary_color : (m.alternate_color ? m_marking_primary_color : m_marking_alternate_color); draw_arrow(arrow_start, arrow_end, tile_width / 8.0f, tile_width / 10.0f, tile_height / 2.5f, color); } } if (m_dragging_piece) { if (m_show_available_moves) { Gfx::IntPoint move_point; Gfx::IntPoint point_offset = { tile_width / 3, tile_height / 3 }; Gfx::IntSize rect_size = { tile_width / 3, tile_height / 3 }; for (const auto& square : m_available_moves) { if (side() == Chess::Color::White) { move_point = { square.file * tile_width, (7 - square.rank) * tile_height }; } else { move_point = { (7 - square.file) * tile_width, square.rank * tile_height }; } painter.fill_ellipse({ move_point + point_offset, rect_size }, Gfx::Color::LightGray); } } auto bmp = m_pieces.get(active_board.get_piece(m_moving_square)); if (bmp.has_value()) { auto center = m_drag_point - Gfx::IntPoint(tile_width / 2, tile_height / 2); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap({ center, { tile_width, tile_height } }, *bmp.value(), bmp.value()->rect()); } } } void ChessWidget::mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { const int min_size = min(width(), height()); const int widget_offset_x = (window()->width() - min_size) / 2; const int widget_offset_y = (window()->height() - min_size) / 2; if (!frame_inner_rect().contains(event.position())) return; if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Secondary) { if (m_dragging_piece) { m_dragging_piece = false; set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); m_available_moves.clear(); } else { m_current_marking.from = mouse_to_square(event); } return; } m_board_markings.clear(); auto square = mouse_to_square(event); auto piece = board().get_piece(square); if (drag_enabled() && piece.color == board().turn() && !m_playback) { m_dragging_piece = true; set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Drag); m_drag_point = { event.position().x() - widget_offset_x, event.position().y() - widget_offset_y }; m_moving_square = square; m_board.generate_moves([&](Chess::Move move) { if (move.from == m_moving_square) { m_available_moves.append(move.to); } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } update(); } void ChessWidget::mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { if (!frame_inner_rect().contains(event.position())) return; if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Secondary) { m_current_marking.secondary_color = event.shift(); m_current_marking.alternate_color = event.ctrl(); m_current_marking.to = mouse_to_square(event); auto match_index = m_board_markings.find_first_index(m_current_marking); if (match_index.has_value()) { m_board_markings.remove(match_index.value()); update(); return; } m_board_markings.append(m_current_marking); update(); return; } if (!m_dragging_piece) return; m_dragging_piece = false; set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Hand); m_available_moves.clear(); auto target_square = mouse_to_square(event); Chess::Move move = { m_moving_square, target_square }; if (board().is_promotion_move(move)) { auto promotion_dialog = PromotionDialog::construct(*this); if (promotion_dialog->exec() == PromotionDialog::ExecOK) move.promote_to = promotion_dialog->selected_piece(); } if (board().apply_move(move)) { m_playback_move_number = board().moves().size(); m_playback = false; m_board_playback = m_board; if (board().game_result() != Chess::Board::Result::NotFinished) { bool over = true; String msg; switch (board().game_result()) { case Chess::Board::Result::CheckMate: if (board().turn() == Chess::Color::White) { msg = "Black wins by Checkmate."; } else { msg = "White wins by Checkmate."; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::StaleMate: msg = "Draw by Stalemate."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::FiftyMoveRule: update(); if (GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "50 moves have elapsed without a capture. Claim Draw?", "Claim Draw?", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo) == GUI::Dialog::ExecYes) { msg = "Draw by 50 move rule."; } else { over = false; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::SeventyFiveMoveRule: msg = "Draw by 75 move rule."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::ThreeFoldRepetition: update(); if (GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "The same board state has repeated three times. Claim Draw?", "Claim Draw?", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo) == GUI::Dialog::ExecYes) { msg = "Draw by threefold repetition."; } else { over = false; } break; case Chess::Board::Result::FiveFoldRepetition: msg = "Draw by fivefold repetition."; break; case Chess::Board::Result::InsufficientMaterial: msg = "Draw by insufficient material."; break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (over) { set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); set_drag_enabled(false); update(); GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), msg, "Game Over", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); } } else { input_engine_move(); } } update(); } void ChessWidget::mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { const int min_size = min(width(), height()); const int widget_offset_x = (window()->width() - min_size) / 2; const int widget_offset_y = (window()->height() - min_size) / 2; if (!frame_inner_rect().contains(event.position())) return; if (m_engine && board().turn() != side()) return; if (!m_dragging_piece) { auto square = mouse_to_square(event); if (!square.in_bounds()) return; auto piece = board().get_piece(square); if (piece.color == board().turn()) set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Hand); else set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); return; } m_drag_point = { event.position().x() - widget_offset_x, event.position().y() - widget_offset_y }; update(); } void ChessWidget::keydown_event(GUI::KeyEvent& event) { set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); switch (event.key()) { case KeyCode::Key_Left: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::Backward); break; case KeyCode::Key_Right: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::Forward); break; case KeyCode::Key_Up: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::Last); break; case KeyCode::Key_Down: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::First); break; case KeyCode::Key_Home: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::First); break; case KeyCode::Key_End: playback_move(PlaybackDirection::Last); break; default: return; } update(); } static String set_path = String("/res/icons/chess/sets/"); static RefPtr get_piece(StringView set, StringView image) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(set_path); builder.append(set); builder.append('/'); builder.append(image); return Gfx::Bitmap::try_load_from_file(builder.build()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } void ChessWidget::set_piece_set(StringView set) { m_piece_set = set; m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::Pawn }, get_piece(set, "white-pawn.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::Pawn }, get_piece(set, "black-pawn.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::Knight }, get_piece(set, "white-knight.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::Knight }, get_piece(set, "black-knight.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::Bishop }, get_piece(set, "white-bishop.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::Bishop }, get_piece(set, "black-bishop.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::Rook }, get_piece(set, "white-rook.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::Rook }, get_piece(set, "black-rook.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::Queen }, get_piece(set, "white-queen.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::Queen }, get_piece(set, "black-queen.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::White, Chess::Type::King }, get_piece(set, "white-king.png")); m_pieces.set({ Chess::Color::Black, Chess::Type::King }, get_piece(set, "black-king.png")); } Chess::Square ChessWidget::mouse_to_square(GUI::MouseEvent& event) const { const int min_size = min(width(), height()); const int widget_offset_x = (window()->width() - min_size) / 2; const int widget_offset_y = (window()->height() - min_size) / 2; int tile_width = min_size / 8; int tile_height = min_size / 8; if (side() == Chess::Color::White) { return { 7 - ((event.y() - widget_offset_y) / tile_height), (event.x() - widget_offset_x) / tile_width }; } else { return { (event.y() - widget_offset_y) / tile_height, 7 - ((event.x() - widget_offset_x) / tile_width) }; } } RefPtr ChessWidget::get_piece_graphic(const Chess::Piece& piece) const { return m_pieces.get(piece).value(); } void ChessWidget::reset() { m_board_markings.clear(); m_playback = false; m_playback_move_number = 0; m_board_playback = Chess::Board(); m_board = Chess::Board(); m_side = (get_random() % 2) ? Chess::Color::White : Chess::Color::Black; m_drag_enabled = true; input_engine_move(); update(); } void ChessWidget::set_board_theme(StringView name) { // FIXME: Add some kind of themes.json // The following Colors have been taken from lichess.org, but i'm pretty sure they took them from chess.com. if (name == "Beige") { m_board_theme = { "Beige", Color::from_rgb(0xb58863), Color::from_rgb(0xf0d9b5) }; } else if (name == "Green") { m_board_theme = { "Green", Color::from_rgb(0x86a666), Color::from_rgb(0xffffdd) }; } else if (name == "Blue") { m_board_theme = { "Blue", Color::from_rgb(0x8ca2ad), Color::from_rgb(0xdee3e6) }; } else { set_board_theme("Beige"); } } bool ChessWidget::want_engine_move() { if (!m_engine) return false; if (board().turn() == side()) return false; return true; } void ChessWidget::input_engine_move() { if (!want_engine_move()) return; bool drag_was_enabled = drag_enabled(); if (drag_was_enabled) set_drag_enabled(false); set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Wait); m_engine->get_best_move(board(), 4000, [this, drag_was_enabled](Chess::Move move) { set_override_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::None); if (!want_engine_move()) return; set_drag_enabled(drag_was_enabled); VERIFY(board().apply_move(move)); m_playback_move_number = m_board.moves().size(); m_playback = false; m_board_markings.clear(); update(); }); } void ChessWidget::playback_move(PlaybackDirection direction) { if (m_board.moves().is_empty()) return; m_playback = true; m_board_markings.clear(); switch (direction) { case PlaybackDirection::Backward: if (m_playback_move_number == 0) return; m_board_playback = Chess::Board(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_playback_move_number - 1; i++) m_board_playback.apply_move(m_board.moves().at(i)); m_playback_move_number--; break; case PlaybackDirection::Forward: if (m_playback_move_number + 1 > m_board.moves().size()) { m_playback = false; return; } m_board_playback.apply_move(m_board.moves().at(m_playback_move_number++)); if (m_playback_move_number == m_board.moves().size()) m_playback = false; break; case PlaybackDirection::First: m_board_playback = Chess::Board(); m_playback_move_number = 0; break; case PlaybackDirection::Last: while (m_playback) { playback_move(PlaybackDirection::Forward); } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } update(); } String ChessWidget::get_fen() const { return m_playback ? m_board_playback.to_fen() : m_board.to_fen(); } bool ChessWidget::import_pgn(StringView import_path) { auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(import_path, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (file_or_error.is_error()) { warnln("Couldn't open '{}': {}", import_path, file_or_error.error()); return false; } auto& file = *file_or_error.value(); m_board = Chess::Board(); ByteBuffer bytes = file.read_all(); StringView content = bytes; auto lines = content.lines(); StringView line; size_t i = 0; // Tag Pair Section // FIXME: Parse these tags when they become relevant do { line = lines.at(i++); } while (!line.is_empty() || i >= lines.size()); // Movetext Section bool skip = false; bool recursive_annotation = false; bool future_expansion = false; Chess::Color turn = Chess::Color::White; String movetext; for (size_t j = i; j < lines.size(); j++) movetext = String::formatted("{}{}", movetext, lines.at(i).to_string()); for (auto token : movetext.split(' ')) { token = token.trim_whitespace(); // FIXME: Parse all of these tokens when we start caring about them if (token.ends_with("}")) { skip = false; continue; } if (skip) continue; if (token.starts_with("{")) { if (token.ends_with("}")) continue; skip = true; continue; } if (token.ends_with(")")) { recursive_annotation = false; continue; } if (recursive_annotation) continue; if (token.starts_with("(")) { if (token.ends_with(")")) continue; recursive_annotation = true; continue; } if (token.ends_with(">")) { future_expansion = false; continue; } if (future_expansion) continue; if (token.starts_with("<")) { if (token.ends_with(">")) continue; future_expansion = true; continue; } if (token.starts_with("$")) continue; if (token.contains("*")) break; // FIXME: When we become able to set more of the game state, fix these end results if (token.contains("1-0")) { m_board.set_resigned(Chess::Color::Black); break; } if (token.contains("0-1")) { m_board.set_resigned(Chess::Color::White); break; } if (token.contains("1/2-1/2")) { break; } if (!token.ends_with(".")) { m_board.apply_move(Chess::Move::from_algebraic(token, turn, m_board)); turn = Chess::opposing_color(turn); } } m_board_markings.clear(); m_board_playback = m_board; m_playback_move_number = m_board_playback.moves().size(); m_playback = true; update(); file.close(); return true; } bool ChessWidget::export_pgn(StringView export_path) const { auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(export_path, Core::OpenMode::WriteOnly); if (file_or_error.is_error()) { warnln("Couldn't open '{}': {}", export_path, file_or_error.error()); return false; } auto& file = *file_or_error.value(); // Tag Pair Section file.write("[Event \"Casual Game\"]\n"); file.write("[Site \"SerenityOS Chess\"]\n"); file.write(String::formatted("[Date \"{}\"]\n", Core::DateTime::now().to_string("%Y.%m.%d"))); file.write("[Round \"1\"]\n"); String username(getlogin()); const String player1 = (!username.is_empty() ? username : "?"); const String player2 = (!m_engine.is_null() ? "SerenityOS ChessEngine" : "?"); file.write(String::formatted("[White \"{}\"]\n", m_side == Chess::Color::White ? player1 : player2)); file.write(String::formatted("[Black \"{}\"]\n", m_side == Chess::Color::Black ? player1 : player2)); file.write(String::formatted("[Result \"{}\"]\n", Chess::Board::result_to_points(m_board.game_result(), m_board.turn()))); file.write("[WhiteElo \"?\"]\n"); file.write("[BlackElo \"?\"]\n"); file.write("[Variant \"Standard\"]\n"); file.write("[TimeControl \"-\"]\n"); file.write("[Annotator \"SerenityOS Chess\"]\n"); file.write("\n"); // Movetext Section for (size_t i = 0, move_no = 1; i < m_board.moves().size(); i += 2, move_no++) { const String white = m_board.moves().at(i).to_algebraic(); if (i + 1 < m_board.moves().size()) { const String black = m_board.moves().at(i + 1).to_algebraic(); file.write(String::formatted("{}. {} {} ", move_no, white, black)); } else { file.write(String::formatted("{}. {} ", move_no, white)); } } file.write("{ "); file.write(Chess::Board::result_to_string(m_board.game_result(), m_board.turn())); file.write(" } "); file.write(Chess::Board::result_to_points(m_board.game_result(), m_board.turn())); file.write("\n"); file.close(); return true; } void ChessWidget::flip_board() { if (want_engine_move()) { GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "You can only flip the board on your turn.", "Flip Board", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); return; } m_side = Chess::opposing_color(m_side); input_engine_move(); update(); } int ChessWidget::resign() { if (want_engine_move()) { GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "You can only resign on your turn.", "Resign", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); return -1; } auto result = GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), "Are you sure you wish to resign?", "Resign", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Warning, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo); if (result != GUI::MessageBox::ExecYes) return -1; board().set_resigned(m_board.turn()); set_drag_enabled(false); update(); const String msg = Chess::Board::result_to_string(m_board.game_result(), m_board.turn()); GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), msg, "Game Over", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); return 0; }