/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "BoardView.h" #include "Game.h" #include "GameSizeDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (pledge("stdio rpath recvfd sendfd unix", nullptr) < 0) { perror("pledge"); return 1; } srand(time(nullptr)); auto app = GUI::Application::construct(argc, argv); auto app_icon = GUI::Icon::default_icon("app-2048"); auto window = GUI::Window::construct(); Config::pledge_domains("2048"); if (pledge("stdio rpath recvfd sendfd", nullptr) < 0) { perror("pledge"); return 1; } if (unveil("/res", "r") < 0) { perror("unveil"); return 1; } if (unveil(nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { perror("unveil"); return 1; } size_t board_size = Config::read_i32("2048", "", "board_size", 4); u32 target_tile = Config::read_i32("2048", "", "target_tile", 2048); bool evil_ai = Config::read_bool("2048", "", "evil_ai", false); if ((target_tile & (target_tile - 1)) != 0) { // If the target tile is not a power of 2, reset to its default value. target_tile = 2048; } Config::write_i32("2048", "", "board_size", board_size); Config::write_i32("2048", "", "target_tile", target_tile); Config::write_bool("2048", "", "evil_ai", evil_ai); window->set_double_buffering_enabled(false); window->set_title("2048"); window->resize(315, 336); auto& main_widget = window->set_main_widget(); main_widget.set_layout(); main_widget.set_fill_with_background_color(true); Game game { board_size, target_tile, evil_ai }; auto& board_view = main_widget.add(&game.board()); board_view.set_focus(true); auto& statusbar = main_widget.add(); app->on_action_enter = [&](GUI::Action& action) { auto text = action.status_tip(); if (text.is_empty()) text = Gfx::parse_ampersand_string(action.text()); statusbar.set_override_text(move(text)); }; app->on_action_leave = [&](GUI::Action&) { statusbar.set_override_text({}); }; auto update = [&]() { board_view.set_board(&game.board()); board_view.update(); statusbar.set_text(String::formatted("Score: {}", game.score())); }; update(); Vector undo_stack; Vector redo_stack; auto change_settings = [&] { auto size_dialog = GameSizeDialog::construct(window, board_size, target_tile, evil_ai); if (size_dialog->exec() || size_dialog->result() != GUI::Dialog::ExecOK) return; board_size = size_dialog->board_size(); target_tile = size_dialog->target_tile(); evil_ai = size_dialog->evil_ai(); if (!size_dialog->temporary()) { Config::write_i32("2048", "", "board_size", board_size); Config::write_i32("2048", "", "target_tile", target_tile); Config::write_bool("2048", "", "evil_ai", evil_ai); GUI::MessageBox::show(window, "New settings have been saved and will be applied on a new game", "Settings Changed Successfully", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); return; } GUI::MessageBox::show(window, "New settings have been set and will be applied on the next game", "Settings Changed Successfully", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); }; auto start_a_new_game = [&] { // Do not leak game states between games. undo_stack.clear(); redo_stack.clear(); game = Game(board_size, target_tile, evil_ai); // This ensures that the sizes are correct. board_view.set_board(nullptr); board_view.set_board(&game.board()); update(); window->update(); }; board_view.on_move = [&](Game::Direction direction) { undo_stack.append(game); auto outcome = game.attempt_move(direction); switch (outcome) { case Game::MoveOutcome::OK: if (undo_stack.size() >= 16) undo_stack.take_first(); update(); break; case Game::MoveOutcome::InvalidMove: undo_stack.take_last(); break; case Game::MoveOutcome::Won: { update(); auto message_box = GUI::MessageBox::construct(window, "Congratulations! You won the game, Do you still want to continue?", "Want to continue?", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Question, GUI::MessageBox::InputType::YesNo); if (message_box->exec() == GUI::MessageBox::ExecYes) game.set_want_to_continue(); else { GUI::MessageBox::show(window, String::formatted("You reached {} in {} turns with a score of {}", game.largest_tile(), game.turns(), game.score()), "You won!", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); start_a_new_game(); } break; } case Game::MoveOutcome::GameOver: update(); GUI::MessageBox::show(window, String::formatted("You reached {} in {} turns with a score of {}", game.largest_tile(), game.turns(), game.score()), "You lost!", GUI::MessageBox::Type::Information); start_a_new_game(); break; } }; auto& game_menu = window->add_menu("&Game"); game_menu.add_action(GUI::Action::create("&New Game", { Mod_None, Key_F2 }, [&](auto&) { start_a_new_game(); })); game_menu.add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_undo_action([&](auto&) { if (undo_stack.is_empty()) return; redo_stack.append(game); game = undo_stack.take_last(); update(); })); game_menu.add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_redo_action([&](auto&) { if (redo_stack.is_empty()) return; undo_stack.append(game); game = redo_stack.take_last(); update(); })); game_menu.add_separator(); game_menu.add_action(GUI::Action::create("&Settings...", [&](auto&) { change_settings(); })); game_menu.add_separator(); game_menu.add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_quit_action([](auto&) { GUI::Application::the()->quit(); })); auto& help_menu = window->add_menu("&Help"); help_menu.add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_about_action("2048", app_icon, window)); window->show(); window->set_icon(app_icon.bitmap_for_size(16)); return app->exec(); }