/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Gunnar Beutner * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class MandelbrotSet { public: MandelbrotSet() { set_view(); } void reset() { set_view(); correct_aspect(); calculate(); } void resize(Gfx::IntSize size) { m_bitmap = Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888, size).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); correct_aspect(); calculate(); } void zoom(Gfx::IntRect const& rect) { set_view( rect.left() * (m_x_end - m_x_start) / m_bitmap->width() + m_x_start, rect.right() * (m_x_end - m_x_start) / m_bitmap->width() + m_x_start, rect.top() * (m_y_end - m_y_start) / m_bitmap->height() + m_y_start, rect.bottom() * (m_y_end - m_y_start) / m_bitmap->height() + m_y_start); correct_aspect(); calculate(); } void pan_by(Gfx::IntPoint delta) { auto relative_width_pixel = (m_x_end - m_x_start) / m_bitmap->width(); auto relative_height_pixel = (m_y_end - m_y_start) / m_bitmap->height(); set_view( m_x_start - delta.x() * relative_width_pixel, m_x_end - delta.x() * relative_width_pixel, m_y_start - delta.y() * relative_height_pixel, m_y_end - delta.y() * relative_height_pixel); Gfx::IntRect horizontal_missing, vertical_missing; if (delta.y() >= 0) { horizontal_missing = { 0, 0, m_bitmap->width(), delta.y() }; } else { horizontal_missing = { 0, m_bitmap->height() + delta.y(), m_bitmap->width(), -delta.y() }; } if (delta.x() >= 0) { vertical_missing = { 0, 0, delta.x(), m_bitmap->height() }; } else { vertical_missing = { m_bitmap->width() + delta.x(), 0, -delta.x(), m_bitmap->height() }; } move_contents_by(delta); calculate_rect(horizontal_missing); calculate_rect(vertical_missing); } double mandelbrot(double px, double py, i32 max_iterations) { // Based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plotting_algorithms_for_the_Mandelbrot_set double const x0 = px * (m_x_end - m_x_start) / m_bitmap->width() + m_x_start; double const y0 = py * (m_y_end - m_y_start) / m_bitmap->height() + m_y_start; double x = 0; double y = 0; i32 iteration = 0; double x2 = 0; double y2 = 0; while (x2 + y2 <= 4 && iteration < max_iterations) { y = 2 * x * y + y0; x = x2 - y2 + x0; x2 = x * x; y2 = y * y; iteration++; } if (iteration == max_iterations) return iteration; auto lz = sqrt(x * x + y * y) / 2; return 1 + iteration + log(lz / log(2)) / log(2); } static double linear_interpolate(double v0, double v1, double t) { return v0 + t * (v1 - v0); } void calculate_pixel(int px, int py, int max_iterations) { auto iterations = mandelbrot(px, py, max_iterations); auto whole_iterations = floor(iterations); auto partial_iterations = fmod(iterations, 1); double hue1 = whole_iterations * 360.0 / max_iterations; if (hue1 >= 360.0) hue1 = 0.0; double hue2 = (whole_iterations + 1) * 360.0 / max_iterations; if (hue2 >= 360.0) hue2 = 0.0; double hue = linear_interpolate(hue1, hue2, partial_iterations); double saturation = 1.0; double value = iterations < max_iterations ? 1.0 : 0; m_bitmap->set_pixel(px, py, Color::from_hsv(hue, saturation, value)); } void calculate(int max_iterations = 100) { VERIFY(m_bitmap); calculate_rect(m_bitmap->rect(), max_iterations); } void calculate_rect(Gfx::IntRect const& rect, int max_iterations = 100) { VERIFY(m_bitmap); if (rect.is_empty()) return; for (int py = rect.top(); py <= rect.bottom(); py++) for (int px = rect.left(); px <= rect.right(); px++) calculate_pixel(px, py, max_iterations); } Gfx::Bitmap const& bitmap() const { return *m_bitmap; } private: double m_x_start { 0 }; double m_x_end { 0 }; double m_y_start { 0 }; double m_y_end { 0 }; RefPtr m_bitmap; void set_view(double x_start = -2.5, double x_end = 1.0, double y_start = -1.75, double y_end = 1.75) { m_x_start = x_start; m_x_end = x_end; m_y_start = y_start; m_y_end = y_end; } void correct_aspect() { auto y_mid = m_y_start + (m_y_end - m_y_start) / 2; auto aspect_corrected_y_length = (m_x_end - m_x_start) * m_bitmap->height() / m_bitmap->width(); m_y_start = y_mid - aspect_corrected_y_length / 2; m_y_end = y_mid + aspect_corrected_y_length / 2; } void move_contents_by(Gfx::IntPoint delta) { // If we're moving down we paint upwards, else we paint downwards, to // avoid overwriting. if (delta.y() >= 0) { for (int row = m_bitmap->physical_height() - 1; row >= delta.y(); row--) move_row(row - delta.y(), row, delta.x()); } else { for (int row = 0; row < m_bitmap->physical_height() + delta.y(); row++) move_row(row - delta.y(), row, delta.x()); } } void move_row(int from, int to, int x_delta) { // If we're moving right we paint RTL, else we paint LTR, to avoid // overwriting. if (x_delta >= 0) { for (int column = m_bitmap->physical_width() - 1; column >= x_delta; column--) { m_bitmap->set_pixel(column, to, m_bitmap->get_pixel(column - x_delta, from)); } } else { for (int column = 0; column < m_bitmap->physical_width() + x_delta; column++) { m_bitmap->set_pixel(column, to, m_bitmap->get_pixel(column - x_delta, from)); } } } }; enum class ImageType { BMP, PNG, QOI }; class Mandelbrot : public GUI::Frame { C_OBJECT(Mandelbrot) ErrorOr export_image(DeprecatedString const& export_path, ImageType image_type); enum class Zoom { In, Out, }; void zoom(Zoom in_out, Gfx::IntPoint center); void reset(); private: Mandelbrot() = default; virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&) override; virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override; virtual void mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override; virtual void mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override; virtual void mousewheel_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) override; virtual void resize_event(GUI::ResizeEvent& event) override; bool m_dragging { false }; Gfx::IntPoint m_selection_start; Gfx::IntPoint m_selection_end; bool m_panning { false }; Gfx::IntPoint m_last_pan_position; MandelbrotSet m_set; }; void Mandelbrot::zoom(Zoom in_out, Gfx::IntPoint center) { static constexpr double zoom_in_multiplier = 0.8; static constexpr double zoom_out_multiplier = 1.25; bool zooming_in = in_out == Zoom::In; double multiplier = zooming_in ? zoom_in_multiplier : zoom_out_multiplier; auto relative_rect = this->relative_rect(); Gfx::IntRect zoomed_rect = relative_rect; zoomed_rect.set_width(zoomed_rect.width() * multiplier); zoomed_rect.set_height(zoomed_rect.height() * multiplier); auto leftover_width = abs(relative_rect.width() - zoomed_rect.width()); auto leftover_height = abs(relative_rect.height() - zoomed_rect.height()); double cursor_x_percentage = static_cast(center.x()) / relative_rect.width(); double cursor_y_percentage = static_cast(center.y()) / relative_rect.height(); zoomed_rect.set_x((zooming_in ? 1 : -1) * leftover_width * cursor_x_percentage); zoomed_rect.set_y((zooming_in ? 1 : -1) * leftover_height * cursor_y_percentage); m_set.zoom(zoomed_rect); update(); } void Mandelbrot::reset() { m_set.reset(); update(); } void Mandelbrot::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event) { Frame::paint_event(event); GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(frame_inner_rect()); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(rect(), m_set.bitmap(), m_set.bitmap().rect()); if (m_dragging) painter.draw_rect(Gfx::IntRect::from_two_points(m_selection_start, m_selection_end), Color::Blue); } void Mandelbrot::mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Primary) { if (!m_dragging) { m_selection_start = event.position(); m_selection_end = event.position(); m_dragging = true; update(); } } else if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Middle) { if (!m_panning) { m_last_pan_position = event.position(); m_panning = true; update(); } } return GUI::Widget::mousedown_event(event); } void Mandelbrot::mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { if (m_dragging) { // Maintain aspect ratio int selection_width = event.position().x() - m_selection_start.x(); int selection_height = event.position().y() - m_selection_start.y(); int aspect_corrected_selection_width = selection_height * width() / height(); int aspect_corrected_selection_height = selection_width * height() / width(); if (selection_width * aspect_corrected_selection_height > aspect_corrected_selection_width * selection_height) m_selection_end = { event.position().x(), m_selection_start.y() + abs(aspect_corrected_selection_height) * ((selection_height < 0) ? -1 : 1) }; else m_selection_end = { m_selection_start.x() + abs(aspect_corrected_selection_width) * ((selection_width < 0) ? -1 : 1), event.position().y() }; update(); } if (m_panning) { m_set.pan_by(event.position() - m_last_pan_position); m_last_pan_position = event.position(); update(); } return GUI::Widget::mousemove_event(event); } void Mandelbrot::mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Primary) { auto selection = Gfx::IntRect::from_two_points(m_selection_start, m_selection_end); if (selection.width() > 0 && selection.height() > 0) m_set.zoom(selection); m_dragging = false; update(); } else if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Middle) { m_panning = false; update(); } else if (event.button() == GUI::MouseButton::Secondary) { reset(); } return GUI::Widget::mouseup_event(event); } void Mandelbrot::mousewheel_event(GUI::MouseEvent& event) { zoom(event.wheel_delta_y() < 0 ? Zoom::In : Zoom::Out, event.position()); } void Mandelbrot::resize_event(GUI::ResizeEvent& event) { m_set.resize(event.size()); } ErrorOr Mandelbrot::export_image(DeprecatedString const& export_path, ImageType image_type) { m_set.resize(Gfx::IntSize { 1920, 1080 }); ByteBuffer encoded_data; switch (image_type) { case ImageType::BMP: encoded_data = TRY(Gfx::BMPWriter::encode(m_set.bitmap())); break; case ImageType::PNG: encoded_data = TRY(Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(m_set.bitmap())); break; case ImageType::QOI: encoded_data = TRY(Gfx::QOIWriter::encode(m_set.bitmap())); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_set.resize(size()); auto file = fopen(export_path.characters(), "wb"); if (!file) { GUI::MessageBox::show(window(), DeprecatedString::formatted("Could not open '{}' for writing.", export_path), "Mandelbrot"sv, GUI::MessageBox::Type::Error); return {}; } fwrite(encoded_data.data(), 1, encoded_data.size(), file); fclose(file); return {}; } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { auto app = TRY(GUI::Application::create(arguments)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio thread recvfd sendfd rpath wpath cpath")); #if 0 TRY(Core::System::unveil("/res", "r")); TRY(unveil(nullptr, nullptr)); #endif auto window = TRY(GUI::Window::try_create()); window->set_double_buffering_enabled(false); window->set_title("Mandelbrot"); window->set_obey_widget_min_size(false); window->set_minimum_size(320, 240); window->resize(window->minimum_size() * 2); auto mandelbrot = TRY(window->set_main_widget()); auto file_menu = TRY(window->try_add_menu("&File"_short_string)); auto& export_submenu = file_menu->add_submenu("&Export"_short_string); TRY(export_submenu.try_add_action(GUI::Action::create("As &BMP", [&](GUI::Action&) { Optional export_path = GUI::FilePicker::get_save_filepath(window, "untitled", "bmp"); if (!export_path.has_value()) return; if (auto result = mandelbrot->export_image(export_path.value(), ImageType::BMP); result.is_error()) GUI::MessageBox::show_error(window, DeprecatedString::formatted("{}", result.error())); }))); TRY(export_submenu.try_add_action(GUI::Action::create("As &PNG", { Mod_Ctrl | Mod_Shift, Key_S }, [&](GUI::Action&) { Optional export_path = GUI::FilePicker::get_save_filepath(window, "untitled", "png"); if (!export_path.has_value()) return; if (auto result = mandelbrot->export_image(export_path.value(), ImageType::PNG); result.is_error()) GUI::MessageBox::show_error(window, DeprecatedString::formatted("{}", result.error())); }))); TRY(export_submenu.try_add_action(GUI::Action::create("As &QOI", [&](GUI::Action&) { Optional export_path = GUI::FilePicker::get_save_filepath(window, "untitled", "qoi"); if (!export_path.has_value()) return; if (auto result = mandelbrot->export_image(export_path.value(), ImageType::QOI); result.is_error()) GUI::MessageBox::show_error(window, DeprecatedString::formatted("{}", result.error())); }))); export_submenu.set_icon(TRY(Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/save.png"sv))); TRY(file_menu->try_add_separator()); TRY(file_menu->try_add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_quit_action([&](auto&) { app->quit(); }))); auto zoom_in_action = GUI::CommonActions::make_zoom_in_action( [&](auto&) { mandelbrot->zoom(Mandelbrot::Zoom::In, mandelbrot->relative_rect().center()); }, window); auto reset_zoom_action = GUI::CommonActions::make_reset_zoom_action( [&](auto&) { // FIXME: Ideally, this would only reset zoom. Currently, it resets pan too. mandelbrot->reset(); }, window); auto zoom_out_action = GUI::CommonActions::make_zoom_out_action( [&](auto&) { mandelbrot->zoom(Mandelbrot::Zoom::Out, mandelbrot->relative_rect().center()); }, window); auto app_icon = GUI::Icon::default_icon("app-mandelbrot"sv); window->set_icon(app_icon.bitmap_for_size(16)); auto view_menu = TRY(window->try_add_menu("&View"_short_string)); TRY(view_menu->try_add_action(zoom_in_action)); TRY(view_menu->try_add_action(reset_zoom_action)); TRY(view_menu->try_add_action(zoom_out_action)); auto help_menu = TRY(window->try_add_menu("&Help"_short_string)); TRY(help_menu->try_add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_command_palette_action(window))); TRY(help_menu->try_add_action(GUI::CommonActions::make_about_action("Mandelbrot Demo", app_icon, window))); window->show(); window->set_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor::Zoom); return app->exec(); }