@GUI::Widget { fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [10] spacing: 5 } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Bell Mode" preferred_height: "fit" fixed_height: 160 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [16, 8, 8] spacing: 16 } @GUI::Label { text: "This setting controls the terminal's indication of an ANSI 0x07 bell (\\a)." text_alignment: "TopLeft" } @GUI::Widget { preferred_height: "fit" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { spacing: 4 } @GUI::RadioButton { name: "beep_bell_radio" text: "System beep" } @GUI::RadioButton { name: "visual_bell_radio" text: "Visual bell" } @GUI::RadioButton { name: "no_bell_radio" text: "No bell" } } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Scrollback Size (Lines)" preferred_height: "fit" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [16, 8, 8] } @GUI::CheckBox { name: "terminal_show_scrollbar" text: "Show scrollbar" } @GUI::SpinBox { name: "history_size_spinbox" min: 0 max: 40960 orientation: "Horizontal" } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Exit Behaviour" preferred_height: "fit" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [16, 8, 8] } @GUI::CheckBox { name: "terminal_confirm_close" text: "Ask before closing if processes are running in the terminal" } } }