/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Spreadsheet.h" #include "JSIntegration.h" #include "Workbook.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Spreadsheet { Sheet::Sheet(StringView name, Workbook& workbook) : Sheet(workbook) { m_name = name; for (size_t i = 0; i < default_row_count; ++i) add_row(); for (size_t i = 0; i < default_column_count; ++i) add_column(); } Sheet::Sheet(Workbook& workbook) : m_workbook(workbook) { JS::DeferGC defer_gc(m_workbook.interpreter().heap()); m_global_object = m_workbook.interpreter().heap().allocate_without_global_object(*this); global_object().initialize_global_object(); global_object().define_direct_property("workbook", m_workbook.workbook_object(), JS::default_attributes); global_object().define_direct_property("thisSheet", &global_object(), JS::default_attributes); // Self-reference is unfortunate, but required. // Note: We have to set the global object here otherwise the functions in runtime.js are not registered correctly. interpreter().realm().set_global_object(global_object(), &global_object()); // Sadly, these have to be evaluated once per sheet. auto file_or_error = Core::File::open("/res/js/Spreadsheet/runtime.js", Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (!file_or_error.is_error()) { auto buffer = file_or_error.value()->read_all(); JS::Parser parser { JS::Lexer(buffer) }; if (parser.has_errors()) { warnln("Spreadsheet: Failed to parse runtime code"); parser.print_errors(); } else { interpreter().run(global_object(), parser.parse_program()); if (auto* exception = interpreter().exception()) { warnln("Spreadsheet: Failed to run runtime code:"); for (auto& traceback_frame : exception->traceback()) { auto& function_name = traceback_frame.function_name; auto& source_range = traceback_frame.source_range; dbgln(" {} at {}:{}:{}", function_name, source_range.filename, source_range.start.line, source_range.start.column); } interpreter().vm().clear_exception(); } } } } Sheet::~Sheet() { } JS::Interpreter& Sheet::interpreter() const { return m_workbook.interpreter(); } size_t Sheet::add_row() { return m_rows++; } static Optional convert_from_string(StringView str, unsigned base = 26, StringView map = {}) { if (map.is_null()) map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; VERIFY(base >= 2 && base <= map.length()); size_t value = 0; auto const len = str.length(); for (auto i = 0u; i < len; i++) { auto maybe_index = map.find(str[i]); if (!maybe_index.has_value()) return {}; size_t digit_value = maybe_index.value(); // NOTE: Refer to the note in `String::bijective_base_from()'. if (i == 0 && len > 1) ++digit_value; value += digit_value * AK::pow(base, len - 1 - i); } return value; } String Sheet::add_column() { auto next_column = String::bijective_base_from(m_columns.size()); m_columns.append(next_column); return next_column; } void Sheet::update() { if (m_should_ignore_updates) { m_update_requested = true; return; } m_visited_cells_in_update.clear(); Vector cells_copy; // Grab a copy as updates might insert cells into the table. for (auto& it : m_cells) { if (it.value->dirty()) { cells_copy.append(*it.value); m_workbook.set_dirty(true); } } for (auto& cell : cells_copy) update(cell); m_visited_cells_in_update.clear(); } void Sheet::update(Cell& cell) { if (m_should_ignore_updates) { m_update_requested = true; return; } if (cell.dirty()) { if (has_been_visited(&cell)) { // This may be part of an cyclic reference chain, // so just ignore it. cell.clear_dirty(); return; } m_visited_cells_in_update.set(&cell); cell.update_data({}); } } Sheet::ValueAndException Sheet::evaluate(StringView source, Cell* on_behalf_of) { TemporaryChange cell_change { m_current_cell_being_evaluated, on_behalf_of }; ScopeGuard clear_exception { [&] { interpreter().vm().clear_exception(); } }; auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source)); auto program = parser.parse_program(); if (parser.has_errors() || interpreter().exception()) return { JS::js_undefined(), interpreter().exception() }; // FIXME: This creates a GlobalEnvironment for every evaluate call which we might be able to circumvent with multiple realms. interpreter().realm().set_global_object(global_object(), &global_object()); interpreter().run(global_object(), program); if (interpreter().exception()) { auto exc = interpreter().exception(); return { JS::js_undefined(), exc }; } auto value = interpreter().vm().last_value(); if (value.is_empty()) return { JS::js_undefined(), {} }; return { value, {} }; } Cell* Sheet::at(StringView name) { auto pos = parse_cell_name(name); if (pos.has_value()) return at(pos.value()); return nullptr; } Cell* Sheet::at(const Position& position) { auto it = m_cells.find(position); if (it == m_cells.end()) return nullptr; return it->value; } Optional Sheet::parse_cell_name(StringView name) const { GenericLexer lexer(name); auto col = lexer.consume_while(isalpha); auto row = lexer.consume_while(isdigit); if (!lexer.is_eof() || row.is_empty() || col.is_empty()) return {}; auto it = m_columns.find(col); if (it == m_columns.end()) return {}; return Position { it.index(), row.to_uint().value() }; } Optional Sheet::column_index(StringView column_name) const { auto maybe_index = convert_from_string(column_name); if (!maybe_index.has_value()) return {}; auto index = maybe_index.value(); if (m_columns.size() <= index || m_columns[index] != column_name) { auto it = m_columns.find(column_name); if (it == m_columns.end()) return {}; index = it.index(); } return index; } Optional Sheet::column_arithmetic(StringView column_name, int offset) { auto maybe_index = column_index(column_name); if (!maybe_index.has_value()) return {}; if (offset < 0 && maybe_index.value() < (size_t)(0 - offset)) return m_columns.first(); auto index = maybe_index.value() + offset; if (m_columns.size() > index) return m_columns[index]; for (size_t i = m_columns.size(); i <= index; ++i) add_column(); return m_columns.last(); } Cell* Sheet::from_url(const URL& url) { auto maybe_position = position_from_url(url); if (!maybe_position.has_value()) return nullptr; return at(maybe_position.value()); } Optional Sheet::position_from_url(const URL& url) const { if (!url.is_valid()) { dbgln("Invalid url: {}", url.to_string()); return {}; } if (url.protocol() != "spreadsheet" || url.host() != "cell") { dbgln("Bad url: {}", url.to_string()); return {}; } // FIXME: Figure out a way to do this cross-process. VERIFY(url.path() == String::formatted("/{}", getpid())); return parse_cell_name(url.fragment()); } Position Sheet::offset_relative_to(const Position& base, const Position& offset, const Position& offset_base) const { if (offset.column >= m_columns.size()) { dbgln("Column '{}' does not exist!", offset.column); return base; } if (offset_base.column >= m_columns.size()) { dbgln("Column '{}' does not exist!", offset_base.column); return base; } if (base.column >= m_columns.size()) { dbgln("Column '{}' does not exist!", base.column); return offset; } auto new_column = offset.column + base.column - offset_base.column; auto new_row = offset.row + base.row - offset_base.row; return { new_column, new_row }; } void Sheet::copy_cells(Vector from, Vector to, Optional resolve_relative_to, CopyOperation copy_operation) { auto copy_to = [&](auto& source_position, Position target_position) { auto& target_cell = ensure(target_position); auto* source_cell = at(source_position); if (!source_cell) { target_cell.set_data(""); return; } target_cell.copy_from(*source_cell); if (copy_operation == CopyOperation::Cut) source_cell->set_data(""); }; if (from.size() == to.size()) { auto from_it = from.begin(); // FIXME: Ordering. for (auto& position : to) copy_to(*from_it++, position); return; } if (to.size() == 1) { // Resolve each index as relative to the first index offset from the selection. auto& target = to.first(); for (auto& position : from) { dbgln_if(COPY_DEBUG, "Paste from '{}' to '{}'", position.to_url(*this), target.to_url(*this)); copy_to(position, resolve_relative_to.has_value() ? offset_relative_to(target, position, resolve_relative_to.value()) : target); } return; } if (from.size() == 1) { // Fill the target selection with the single cell. auto& source = from.first(); for (auto& position : to) { dbgln_if(COPY_DEBUG, "Paste from '{}' to '{}'", source.to_url(*this), position.to_url(*this)); copy_to(source, resolve_relative_to.has_value() ? offset_relative_to(position, source, resolve_relative_to.value()) : position); } return; } // Just disallow misaligned copies. dbgln("Cannot copy {} cells to {} cells", from.size(), to.size()); } RefPtr Sheet::from_json(const JsonObject& object, Workbook& workbook) { auto sheet = adopt_ref(*new Sheet(workbook)); auto rows = object.get("rows").to_u32(default_row_count); auto columns = object.get("columns"); auto name = object.get("name").as_string_or("Sheet"); if (object.has("cells") && !object.has_object("cells")) return {}; sheet->set_name(name); for (size_t i = 0; i < max(rows, (unsigned)Sheet::default_row_count); ++i) sheet->add_row(); // FIXME: Better error checking. if (columns.is_array()) { columns.as_array().for_each([&](auto& value) { sheet->m_columns.append(value.as_string()); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } if (sheet->m_columns.size() < default_column_count && sheet->columns_are_standard()) { for (size_t i = sheet->m_columns.size(); i < default_column_count; ++i) sheet->add_column(); } auto json = sheet->interpreter().global_object().get_without_side_effects("JSON"); auto& parse_function = json.as_object().get_without_side_effects("parse").as_function(); auto read_format = [](auto& format, const auto& obj) { if (auto value = obj.get("foreground_color"); value.is_string()) format.foreground_color = Color::from_string(value.as_string()); if (auto value = obj.get("background_color"); value.is_string()) format.background_color = Color::from_string(value.as_string()); }; if (object.has_object("cells")) { object.get("cells").as_object().for_each_member([&](auto& name, JsonValue const& value) { auto position_option = sheet->parse_cell_name(name); if (!position_option.has_value()) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto position = position_option.value(); auto& obj = value.as_object(); auto kind = obj.get("kind").as_string_or("LiteralString") == "LiteralString" ? Cell::LiteralString : Cell::Formula; OwnPtr cell; switch (kind) { case Cell::LiteralString: cell = make(obj.get("value").to_string(), position, *sheet); break; case Cell::Formula: { auto& interpreter = sheet->interpreter(); auto value_or_error = interpreter.vm().call(parse_function, json, JS::js_string(interpreter.heap(), obj.get("value").as_string())); VERIFY(!value_or_error.is_error()); cell = make(obj.get("source").to_string(), value_or_error.release_value(), position, *sheet); break; } } auto type_name = obj.has("type") ? obj.get("type").to_string() : "Numeric"; cell->set_type(type_name); auto type_meta = obj.get("type_metadata"); if (type_meta.is_object()) { auto& meta_obj = type_meta.as_object(); auto meta = cell->type_metadata(); if (auto value = meta_obj.get("length"); value.is_number()) meta.length = value.to_i32(); if (auto value = meta_obj.get("format"); value.is_string()) meta.format = value.as_string(); if (auto value = meta_obj.get("alignment"); value.is_string()) { auto alignment = Gfx::text_alignment_from_string(value.as_string()); if (alignment.has_value()) meta.alignment = alignment.value(); } read_format(meta.static_format, meta_obj); cell->set_type_metadata(move(meta)); } auto conditional_formats = obj.get("conditional_formats"); auto cformats = cell->conditional_formats(); if (conditional_formats.is_array()) { conditional_formats.as_array().for_each([&](const auto& fmt_val) { if (!fmt_val.is_object()) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto& fmt_obj = fmt_val.as_object(); auto fmt_cond = fmt_obj.get("condition").to_string(); if (fmt_cond.is_empty()) return IterationDecision::Continue; ConditionalFormat fmt; fmt.condition = move(fmt_cond); read_format(fmt, fmt_obj); cformats.append(move(fmt)); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); cell->set_conditional_formats(move(cformats)); } auto evaluated_format = obj.get("evaluated_formats"); if (evaluated_format.is_object()) { auto& evaluated_format_obj = evaluated_format.as_object(); auto& evaluated_fmts = cell->evaluated_formats(); read_format(evaluated_fmts, evaluated_format_obj); } sheet->m_cells.set(position, cell.release_nonnull()); return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } return sheet; } Position Sheet::written_data_bounds() const { Position bound; for (auto& entry : m_cells) { if (entry.value->data().is_empty()) continue; if (entry.key.row >= bound.row) bound.row = entry.key.row; if (entry.key.column >= bound.column) bound.column = entry.key.column; } return bound; } /// The sheet is allowed to have nonstandard column names /// this checks whether all existing columns are 'standard' /// (i.e. as generated by 'String::bijective_base_from()' bool Sheet::columns_are_standard() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_columns.size(); ++i) { if (m_columns[i] != String::bijective_base_from(i)) return false; } return true; } JsonObject Sheet::to_json() const { JsonObject object; object.set("name", m_name); auto save_format = [](const auto& format, auto& obj) { if (format.foreground_color.has_value()) obj.set("foreground_color", format.foreground_color.value().to_string()); if (format.background_color.has_value()) obj.set("background_color", format.background_color.value().to_string()); }; auto bottom_right = written_data_bounds(); if (!columns_are_standard()) { auto columns = JsonArray(); for (auto& column : m_columns) columns.append(column); object.set("columns", move(columns)); } object.set("rows", bottom_right.row + 1); JsonObject cells; for (auto& it : m_cells) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(column(it.key.column)); builder.appendff("{}", it.key.row); auto key = builder.to_string(); JsonObject data; data.set("kind", it.value->kind() == Cell::Kind::Formula ? "Formula" : "LiteralString"); if (it.value->kind() == Cell::Formula) { data.set("source", it.value->data()); auto json = interpreter().global_object().get_without_side_effects("JSON"); auto stringified_or_error = interpreter().vm().call(json.as_object().get_without_side_effects("stringify").as_function(), json, it.value->evaluated_data()); VERIFY(!stringified_or_error.is_error()); data.set("value", stringified_or_error.release_value().to_string_without_side_effects()); } else { data.set("value", it.value->data()); } // Set type & meta auto& type = it.value->type(); auto& meta = it.value->type_metadata(); data.set("type", type.name()); JsonObject metadata_object; metadata_object.set("length", meta.length); metadata_object.set("format", meta.format); metadata_object.set("alignment", Gfx::to_string(meta.alignment)); save_format(meta.static_format, metadata_object); data.set("type_metadata", move(metadata_object)); // Set conditional formats JsonArray conditional_formats; for (auto& fmt : it.value->conditional_formats()) { JsonObject fmt_object; fmt_object.set("condition", fmt.condition); save_format(fmt, fmt_object); conditional_formats.append(move(fmt_object)); } data.set("conditional_formats", move(conditional_formats)); auto& evaluated_formats = it.value->evaluated_formats(); JsonObject evaluated_formats_obj; save_format(evaluated_formats, evaluated_formats_obj); data.set("evaluated_formats", move(evaluated_formats_obj)); cells.set(key, move(data)); } object.set("cells", move(cells)); return object; } Vector> Sheet::to_xsv() const { Vector> data; auto bottom_right = written_data_bounds(); // First row = headers. size_t column_count = m_columns.size(); if (columns_are_standard()) { column_count = bottom_right.column + 1; Vector cols; for (size_t i = 0; i < column_count; ++i) cols.append(m_columns[i]); data.append(move(cols)); } else { data.append(m_columns); } for (size_t i = 0; i <= bottom_right.row; ++i) { Vector row; row.resize(column_count); for (size_t j = 0; j < column_count; ++j) { auto cell = at({ j, i }); if (cell) row[j] = cell->typed_display(); } data.append(move(row)); } return data; } RefPtr Sheet::from_xsv(const Reader::XSV& xsv, Workbook& workbook) { auto cols = xsv.headers(); auto rows = xsv.size(); auto sheet = adopt_ref(*new Sheet(workbook)); if (xsv.has_explicit_headers()) { sheet->m_columns = cols; } else { sheet->m_columns.ensure_capacity(cols.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i) sheet->m_columns.append(String::bijective_base_from(i)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < max(rows, Sheet::default_row_count); ++i) sheet->add_row(); if (sheet->columns_are_standard()) { for (size_t i = sheet->m_columns.size(); i < Sheet::default_column_count; ++i) sheet->add_column(); } for (auto row : xsv) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i) { auto str = row[i]; if (str.is_empty()) continue; Position position { i, row.index() }; auto cell = make(str, position, *sheet); sheet->m_cells.set(position, move(cell)); } } return sheet; } JsonObject Sheet::gather_documentation() const { JsonObject object; const JS::PropertyKey doc_name { "__documentation" }; auto add_docs_from = [&](auto& it, auto& global_object) { auto value = global_object.get(it.key).release_value(); if (!value.is_function() && !value.is_object()) return; auto& value_object = value.is_object() ? value.as_object() : value.as_function(); if (!value_object.has_own_property(doc_name).release_value()) return; dbgln("Found '{}'", it.key.to_display_string()); auto doc = value_object.get(doc_name).release_value(); if (!doc.is_string()) return; JsonParser parser(doc.to_string_without_side_effects()); auto doc_object = parser.parse(); if (!doc_object.is_error()) object.set(it.key.to_display_string(), doc_object.value()); else dbgln("Sheet::gather_documentation(): Failed to parse the documentation for '{}'!", it.key.to_display_string()); }; for (auto& it : interpreter().global_object().shape().property_table()) add_docs_from(it, interpreter().global_object()); for (auto& it : global_object().shape().property_table()) add_docs_from(it, global_object()); m_cached_documentation = move(object); return m_cached_documentation.value(); } String Sheet::generate_inline_documentation_for(StringView function, size_t argument_index) { if (!m_cached_documentation.has_value()) gather_documentation(); auto& docs = m_cached_documentation.value(); auto entry = docs.get(function); if (entry.is_null() || !entry.is_object()) return String::formatted("{}(...???{})", function, argument_index); auto& entry_object = entry.as_object(); size_t argc = entry_object.get("argc").to_int(0); auto argnames_value = entry_object.get("argnames"); if (!argnames_value.is_array()) return String::formatted("{}(...{}???{})", function, argc, argument_index); auto& argnames = argnames_value.as_array(); StringBuilder builder; builder.appendff("{}(", function); for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)argnames.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0 && i < (size_t)argnames.size()) builder.append(", "); if (i == argument_index) builder.append('<'); else if (i >= argc) builder.append('['); builder.append(argnames[i].to_string()); if (i == argument_index) builder.append('>'); else if (i >= argc) builder.append(']'); } builder.append(')'); return builder.build(); } String Position::to_cell_identifier(const Sheet& sheet) const { return String::formatted("{}{}", sheet.column(column), row); } URL Position::to_url(const Sheet& sheet) const { URL url; url.set_protocol("spreadsheet"); url.set_host("cell"); url.set_paths({ String::number(getpid()) }); url.set_fragment(to_cell_identifier(sheet)); return url; } }