/* * Copyright (c) 2022-2023, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "PolygonalSelectTool.h" #include "../ImageEditor.h" #include "../Layer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace PixelPaint { void PolygonalSelectTool::flood_polygon_selection(Gfx::Bitmap& polygon_bitmap, Gfx::IntPoint polygon_delta) { VERIFY(polygon_bitmap.bpp() == 32); // Create Mask which will track already-processed pixels. Mask selection_mask = Mask::full(polygon_bitmap.rect().translated(polygon_delta)); auto pixel_reached = [&](Gfx::IntPoint location) { selection_mask.set(Gfx::IntPoint(location.x(), location.y()).translated(polygon_delta), 0); }; polygon_bitmap.flood_visit_from_point({ polygon_bitmap.width() - 1, polygon_bitmap.height() - 1 }, 0, move(pixel_reached)); selection_mask.shrink_to_fit(); m_editor->image().selection().merge(selection_mask, m_merge_mode); } void PolygonalSelectTool::process_polygon() { // Determine minimum bounding box that can hold the polygon. auto min_x_seen = m_polygon_points.at(0).x(); auto max_x_seen = m_polygon_points.at(0).x(); auto min_y_seen = m_polygon_points.at(0).y(); auto max_y_seen = m_polygon_points.at(0).y(); for (auto point : m_polygon_points) { if (point.x() < min_x_seen) min_x_seen = point.x(); if (point.x() > max_x_seen) max_x_seen = point.x(); if (point.y() < min_y_seen) min_y_seen = point.y(); if (point.y() > max_y_seen) max_y_seen = point.y(); } // We create a bitmap that is bigger by 1 pixel on each side (+2) and need to account for the 0 indexed // pixel positions (+1) so we make the bitmap size the delta of x/y min/max + 3. auto polygon_bitmap_or_error = Gfx::Bitmap::create(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888, { (max_x_seen - min_x_seen) + 3, (max_y_seen - min_y_seen) + 3 }); if (polygon_bitmap_or_error.is_error()) return; auto polygon_bitmap = polygon_bitmap_or_error.release_value(); auto polygon_painter = Gfx::Painter(polygon_bitmap); // We want to paint the polygon into the bitmap such that there is an empty 1px border all the way around it // this ensures that we have a known pixel (0,0) that is outside the polygon. Since the coordinates are relative // to the layer but the bitmap is cropped to the bounding rect of the polygon we need to offset our // points by the the negative of min x/y. And because we want a 1 px offset to the right and down, we + 1 this. auto polygon_bitmap_delta = Gfx::IntPoint(-min_x_seen + 1, -min_y_seen + 1); polygon_painter.translate(polygon_bitmap_delta); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_polygon_points.size() - 1; i++) { polygon_painter.draw_line(m_polygon_points.at(i), m_polygon_points.at(i + 1), Color::Black); } polygon_painter.draw_line(m_polygon_points.at(m_polygon_points.size() - 1), m_polygon_points.at(0), Color::Black); // Delta to use for mapping the bitmap back to layer coordinates. -1 to account for the right and down offset. auto bitmap_to_layer_delta = Gfx::IntPoint(min_x_seen + m_editor->active_layer()->location().x() - 1, min_y_seen + m_editor->active_layer()->location().y() - 1); flood_polygon_selection(polygon_bitmap, bitmap_to_layer_delta); } void PolygonalSelectTool::on_mousedown(Layer*, MouseEvent& event) { auto& image_event = event.image_event(); if (image_event.button() != GUI::MouseButton::Primary) return; if (!m_selecting) { m_polygon_points.clear(); m_last_selecting_cursor_position = event.layer_event().position(); } m_selecting = true; auto new_point = event.layer_event().position(); if (!m_polygon_points.is_empty() && event.layer_event().shift()) new_point = Tool::constrain_line_angle(m_polygon_points.last(), new_point); // This point matches the first point exactly. Consider this polygon finished. if (m_polygon_points.size() > 0 && new_point == m_polygon_points.at(0)) { m_selecting = false; m_editor->image().selection().end_interactive_selection(); process_polygon(); m_editor->did_complete_action(tool_name()); m_editor->update(); return; } // Avoid adding the same point multiple times if the user clicks again without moving the mouse. if (m_polygon_points.size() > 0 && m_polygon_points.at(m_polygon_points.size() - 1) == new_point) return; m_polygon_points.append(new_point); m_editor->image().selection().begin_interactive_selection(); m_editor->update(); } void PolygonalSelectTool::on_mousemove(Layer*, MouseEvent& event) { if (!m_selecting) return; if (event.layer_event().shift()) m_last_selecting_cursor_position = Tool::constrain_line_angle(m_polygon_points.last(), event.layer_event().position()); else m_last_selecting_cursor_position = event.layer_event().position(); m_editor->update(); } void PolygonalSelectTool::on_doubleclick(Layer*, MouseEvent&) { m_selecting = false; m_editor->image().selection().end_interactive_selection(); process_polygon(); m_editor->did_complete_action(tool_name()); m_editor->update(); } void PolygonalSelectTool::on_second_paint(Layer const* layer, GUI::PaintEvent& event) { if (!m_selecting) return; GUI::Painter painter(*m_editor); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.translate(editor_layer_location(*layer)); auto draw_preview_lines = [&](auto color, auto thickness) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_polygon_points.size() - 1; i++) { auto preview_start = editor_stroke_position(m_polygon_points.at(i), 1); auto preview_end = editor_stroke_position(m_polygon_points.at(i + 1), 1); painter.draw_line(preview_start, preview_end, color, thickness); } auto last_line_start = editor_stroke_position(m_polygon_points.at(m_polygon_points.size() - 1), 1); auto last_line_stop = editor_stroke_position(m_last_selecting_cursor_position, 1); painter.draw_line(last_line_start, last_line_stop, color, thickness); }; draw_preview_lines(Gfx::Color::Black, 3); draw_preview_lines(Gfx::Color::White, 1); } bool PolygonalSelectTool::on_keydown(GUI::KeyEvent& key_event) { if (key_event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Escape) { if (m_selecting) { m_selecting = false; m_polygon_points.clear(); } else { m_editor->image().selection().clear(); } return true; } return Tool::on_keydown(key_event); } ErrorOr PolygonalSelectTool::get_properties_widget() { if (m_properties_widget) return m_properties_widget.ptr(); auto properties_widget = TRY(GUI::Widget::try_create()); (void)TRY(properties_widget->try_set_layout()); auto mode_container = TRY(properties_widget->try_add()); mode_container->set_fixed_height(20); (void)TRY(mode_container->try_set_layout()); auto mode_label = TRY(mode_container->try_add()); mode_label->set_text("Mode:"_short_string); mode_label->set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft); mode_label->set_fixed_size(80, 20); static constexpr auto s_merge_mode_names = [] { Array names; for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { switch ((Selection::MergeMode)i) { case Selection::MergeMode::Set: names[i] = "Set"sv; break; case Selection::MergeMode::Add: names[i] = "Add"sv; break; case Selection::MergeMode::Subtract: names[i] = "Subtract"sv; break; case Selection::MergeMode::Intersect: names[i] = "Intersect"sv; break; default: break; } } return names; }(); auto mode_combo = TRY(mode_container->try_add()); mode_combo->set_only_allow_values_from_model(true); mode_combo->set_model(*GUI::ItemListModel::create(s_merge_mode_names)); mode_combo->set_selected_index((int)m_merge_mode); mode_combo->on_change = [this](auto&&, GUI::ModelIndex const& index) { VERIFY(index.row() >= 0); VERIFY(index.row() < (int)Selection::MergeMode::__Count); m_merge_mode = (Selection::MergeMode)index.row(); }; m_properties_widget = properties_widget; return m_properties_widget.ptr(); } Gfx::IntPoint PolygonalSelectTool::point_position_to_preferred_cell(Gfx::FloatPoint position) const { return position.to_type(); } }