/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Mustafa Quraish * Copyright (c) 2021, Tobias Christiansen * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Image.h" #include "Layer.h" #include "Selection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace PixelPaint { RefPtr Image::try_create_with_size(Gfx::IntSize const& size) { if (size.is_empty()) return nullptr; if (size.width() > 16384 || size.height() > 16384) return nullptr; return adopt_ref(*new Image(size)); } Image::Image(Gfx::IntSize const& size) : m_title("Untitled") , m_size(size) { } void Image::paint_into(GUI::Painter& painter, Gfx::IntRect const& dest_rect) const { float scale = (float)dest_rect.width() / (float)rect().width(); Gfx::PainterStateSaver saver(painter); painter.add_clip_rect(dest_rect); for (auto& layer : m_layers) { if (!layer.is_visible()) continue; auto target = dest_rect.translated(layer.location().x() * scale, layer.location().y() * scale); target.set_size(layer.size().width() * scale, layer.size().height() * scale); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(target, layer.bitmap(), layer.rect(), (float)layer.opacity_percent() / 100.0f); } } RefPtr Image::try_decode_bitmap(ReadonlyBytes const& bitmap_data) { // Spawn a new ImageDecoder service process and connect to it. auto client = ImageDecoderClient::Client::construct(); // FIXME: Find a way to avoid the memory copying here. auto decoded_image_or_error = client->decode_image(bitmap_data); if (!decoded_image_or_error.has_value()) return nullptr; // FIXME: Support multi-frame images? auto decoded_image = decoded_image_or_error.release_value(); if (decoded_image.frames.is_empty()) return nullptr; return move(decoded_image.frames[0].bitmap); } RefPtr Image::try_create_from_bitmap(NonnullRefPtr bitmap) { auto image = try_create_with_size({ bitmap->width(), bitmap->height() }); if (!image) return nullptr; auto layer = Layer::try_create_with_bitmap(*image, *bitmap, "Background"); if (!layer) return nullptr; image->add_layer(layer.release_nonnull()); return image; } Result, String> Image::try_create_from_pixel_paint_json(JsonObject const& json) { auto image = try_create_with_size({ json.get("width").to_i32(), json.get("height").to_i32() }); if (!image) return String { "Image memory allocation failed" }; auto layers_value = json.get("layers"); for (auto& layer_value : layers_value.as_array().values()) { auto& layer_object = layer_value.as_object(); auto name = layer_object.get("name").as_string(); auto bitmap_base64_encoded = layer_object.get("bitmap").as_string(); auto bitmap_data = decode_base64(bitmap_base64_encoded); auto bitmap = try_decode_bitmap(bitmap_data); if (!bitmap) return String { "Layer bitmap decode failed"sv }; auto layer = Layer::try_create_with_bitmap(*image, bitmap.release_nonnull(), name); if (!layer) return String { "Layer allocation failed"sv }; auto width = layer_object.get("width").to_i32(); auto height = layer_object.get("height").to_i32(); if (width != layer->size().width() || height != layer->size().height()) return String { "Decoded layer bitmap has wrong size"sv }; image->add_layer(*layer); layer->set_location({ layer_object.get("locationx").to_i32(), layer_object.get("locationy").to_i32() }); layer->set_opacity_percent(layer_object.get("opacity_percent").to_i32()); layer->set_visible(layer_object.get("visible").as_bool()); layer->set_selected(layer_object.get("selected").as_bool()); } return image.release_nonnull(); } void Image::serialize_as_json(JsonObjectSerializer& json) const { json.add("width", m_size.width()); json.add("height", m_size.height()); { auto json_layers = json.add_array("layers"); for (const auto& layer : m_layers) { Gfx::BMPWriter bmp_dumber; auto json_layer = json_layers.add_object(); json_layer.add("width", layer.size().width()); json_layer.add("height", layer.size().height()); json_layer.add("name", layer.name()); json_layer.add("locationx", layer.location().x()); json_layer.add("locationy", layer.location().y()); json_layer.add("opacity_percent", layer.opacity_percent()); json_layer.add("visible", layer.is_visible()); json_layer.add("selected", layer.is_selected()); json_layer.add("bitmap", encode_base64(bmp_dumber.dump(layer.bitmap()))); } } } Result Image::write_to_file(const String& file_path) const { StringBuilder builder; JsonObjectSerializer json(builder); serialize_as_json(json); json.finish(); auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(file_path, (Core::OpenMode)(Core::OpenMode::WriteOnly | Core::OpenMode::Truncate)); if (file_or_error.is_error()) return String { file_or_error.error().string() }; if (!file_or_error.value()->write(builder.string_view())) return String { file_or_error.value()->error_string() }; return {}; } RefPtr Image::try_compose_bitmap(Gfx::BitmapFormat format) const { auto bitmap = Gfx::Bitmap::try_create(format, m_size); if (!bitmap) return nullptr; GUI::Painter painter(*bitmap); paint_into(painter, { 0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height() }); return bitmap; } RefPtr Image::try_copy_bitmap(Selection const& selection) const { if (selection.is_empty()) return {}; auto selection_rect = selection.bounding_rect(); // FIXME: Add a way to only compose a certain part of the image auto full_bitmap = try_compose_bitmap(Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888); if (!full_bitmap) return {}; return full_bitmap->cropped(selection_rect); } Result Image::export_bmp_to_fd_and_close(int fd, bool preserve_alpha_channel) { auto file = Core::File::construct(); file->open(fd, Core::OpenMode::WriteOnly | Core::OpenMode::Truncate, Core::File::ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::Yes); if (file->has_error()) return String { file->error_string() }; auto bitmap_format = preserve_alpha_channel ? Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888 : Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888; auto bitmap = try_compose_bitmap(bitmap_format); if (!bitmap) return String { "Failed to allocate bitmap for encoding"sv }; Gfx::BMPWriter dumper; auto encoded_data = dumper.dump(bitmap); if (!file->write(encoded_data.data(), encoded_data.size())) return String { "Failed to write encoded BMP data to file"sv }; return {}; } Result Image::export_png_to_fd_and_close(int fd, bool preserve_alpha_channel) { auto file = Core::File::construct(); file->open(fd, Core::OpenMode::WriteOnly | Core::OpenMode::Truncate, Core::File::ShouldCloseFileDescriptor::Yes); if (file->has_error()) return String { file->error_string() }; auto bitmap_format = preserve_alpha_channel ? Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRA8888 : Gfx::BitmapFormat::BGRx8888; auto bitmap = try_compose_bitmap(bitmap_format); if (!bitmap) return String { "Failed to allocate bitmap for encoding"sv }; auto encoded_data = Gfx::PNGWriter::encode(*bitmap); if (!file->write(encoded_data.data(), encoded_data.size())) return String { "Failed to write encoded PNG data to file"sv }; return {}; } void Image::add_layer(NonnullRefPtr layer) { for (auto& existing_layer : m_layers) { VERIFY(&existing_layer != layer.ptr()); } m_layers.append(move(layer)); for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_add_layer(m_layers.size() - 1); did_modify_layer_stack(); } RefPtr Image::take_snapshot() const { auto snapshot = try_create_with_size(m_size); if (!snapshot) return nullptr; for (const auto& layer : m_layers) { auto layer_snapshot = Layer::try_create_snapshot(*snapshot, layer); if (!layer_snapshot) return nullptr; snapshot->add_layer(layer_snapshot.release_nonnull()); } return snapshot; } void Image::restore_snapshot(Image const& snapshot) { m_layers.clear(); select_layer(nullptr); for (const auto& snapshot_layer : snapshot.m_layers) { auto layer = Layer::try_create_snapshot(*this, snapshot_layer); VERIFY(layer); if (layer->is_selected()) select_layer(layer.ptr()); add_layer(*layer); } did_modify_layer_stack(); } size_t Image::index_of(Layer const& layer) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_layers.size(); ++i) { if (&m_layers.at(i) == &layer) return i; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void Image::move_layer_to_back(Layer& layer) { NonnullRefPtr protector(layer); auto index = index_of(layer); m_layers.remove(index); m_layers.prepend(layer); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::move_layer_to_front(Layer& layer) { NonnullRefPtr protector(layer); auto index = index_of(layer); m_layers.remove(index); m_layers.append(layer); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::move_layer_down(Layer& layer) { NonnullRefPtr protector(layer); auto index = index_of(layer); if (!index) return; m_layers.remove(index); m_layers.insert(index - 1, layer); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::move_layer_up(Layer& layer) { NonnullRefPtr protector(layer); auto index = index_of(layer); if (index == m_layers.size() - 1) return; m_layers.remove(index); m_layers.insert(index + 1, layer); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::change_layer_index(size_t old_index, size_t new_index) { VERIFY(old_index < m_layers.size()); VERIFY(new_index < m_layers.size()); auto layer = m_layers.take(old_index); m_layers.insert(new_index, move(layer)); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::did_modify_layer_stack() { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_modify_layer_stack(); did_change(); } void Image::remove_layer(Layer& layer) { NonnullRefPtr protector(layer); auto index = index_of(layer); m_layers.remove(index); for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_remove_layer(index); did_modify_layer_stack(); } void Image::flatten_all_layers() { if (m_layers.size() < 2) return; auto& bottom_layer = m_layers.at(0); GUI::Painter painter(bottom_layer.bitmap()); paint_into(painter, { 0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height() }); for (size_t index = m_layers.size() - 1; index > 0; index--) { auto& layer = m_layers.at(index); remove_layer(layer); } bottom_layer.set_name("Background"); select_layer(&bottom_layer); } void Image::merge_visible_layers() { if (m_layers.size() < 2) return; size_t index = 0; while (index < m_layers.size()) { if (m_layers.at(index).is_visible()) { auto& bottom_layer = m_layers.at(index); GUI::Painter painter(bottom_layer.bitmap()); paint_into(painter, { 0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height() }); select_layer(&bottom_layer); index++; break; } index++; } while (index < m_layers.size()) { if (m_layers.at(index).is_visible()) { auto& layer = m_layers.at(index); remove_layer(layer); } else { index++; } } } void Image::merge_active_layer_down(Layer& layer) { if (m_layers.size() < 2) return; int layer_index = this->index_of(layer); if (layer_index == 0) { dbgln("Cannot merge layer down: layer is already at the bottom"); return; // FIXME: Notify user of error properly. } auto& layer_below = m_layers.at(layer_index - 1); GUI::Painter painter(layer_below.bitmap()); painter.draw_scaled_bitmap(rect(), layer.bitmap(), layer.rect(), (float)layer.opacity_percent() / 100.0f); remove_layer(layer); select_layer(&layer_below); } void Image::select_layer(Layer* layer) { for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_select_layer(layer); } void Image::add_client(ImageClient& client) { VERIFY(!m_clients.contains(&client)); m_clients.set(&client); } void Image::remove_client(ImageClient& client) { VERIFY(m_clients.contains(&client)); m_clients.remove(&client); } void Image::layer_did_modify_bitmap(Badge, Layer const& layer, Gfx::IntRect const& modified_layer_rect) { auto layer_index = index_of(layer); for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_modify_layer_bitmap(layer_index); did_change(modified_layer_rect.translated(layer.location())); } void Image::layer_did_modify_properties(Badge, Layer const& layer) { auto layer_index = index_of(layer); for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_modify_layer_properties(layer_index); did_change(); } void Image::did_change(Gfx::IntRect const& a_modified_rect) { auto modified_rect = a_modified_rect.is_empty() ? this->rect() : a_modified_rect; for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_change(modified_rect); } void Image::did_change_rect(Gfx::IntRect const& a_modified_rect) { auto modified_rect = a_modified_rect.is_empty() ? this->rect() : a_modified_rect; for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_change_rect(modified_rect); } ImageUndoCommand::ImageUndoCommand(Image& image) : m_snapshot(image.take_snapshot()) , m_image(image) { } void ImageUndoCommand::undo() { m_image.restore_snapshot(*m_snapshot); } void ImageUndoCommand::redo() { undo(); } void Image::set_title(String title) { m_title = move(title); for (auto* client : m_clients) client->image_did_change_title(m_title); } void Image::set_path(String path) { m_path = move(path); set_title(LexicalPath::basename(m_path)); } void Image::flip(Gfx::Orientation orientation) { for (auto& layer : m_layers) { auto flipped = layer.bitmap().flipped(orientation); VERIFY(flipped); layer.set_bitmap(*flipped); layer.did_modify_bitmap(rect()); } did_change(); } void Image::rotate(Gfx::RotationDirection direction) { for (auto& layer : m_layers) { auto rotated = layer.bitmap().rotated(direction); VERIFY(rotated); layer.set_bitmap(*rotated); layer.did_modify_bitmap(rect()); } m_size = { m_size.height(), m_size.width() }; did_change_rect(); } void Image::crop(Gfx::IntRect const& cropped_rect) { for (auto& layer : m_layers) { auto cropped = layer.bitmap().cropped(cropped_rect); VERIFY(cropped); layer.set_bitmap(*cropped); layer.did_modify_bitmap(rect()); } m_size = { cropped_rect.width(), cropped_rect.height() }; did_change_rect(cropped_rect); } }