@GUI::Frame { fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [10] spacing: 5 } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Server Settings" fixed_height: 170 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Label { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 name: "server_settings_image_label" } @GUI::Label { text: "These settings specify the mail server from which you would like to fetch your mail." text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::Label { text: "Server Address:" fixed_width: 80 name: "server_label" text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } @GUI::TextBox { name: "server_input" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::Label { text: "Server Port:" fixed_width: 80 name: "port_label" text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } @GUI::ComboBox { name: "port_input" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::Label { text: "Use TLS:" fixed_width: 80 text_alignment: "CenterLeft" name: "tls_label" } @GUI::CheckBox { name: "tls_input" fixed_width: 14 } } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "User Settings" fixed_height: 110 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Label { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 name: "user_settings_image_label" } @GUI::Label { text: "These settings specify the credentials which will be used to send and receive mail, and how you identify yourself to recipients." text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::Label { autosize: true text: "Email Address:" fixed_width: 80 text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } @GUI::TextBox { name: "email_input" } } } }