@GUI::Widget { fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [8] } @GUI::GroupBox { layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [14, 14, 4] } title: "Workspaces" shrink_to_fit: true @GUI::Widget { fixed_height: 32 layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { margins: [6] } @GUI::Label { text: "Rows:" text_alignment: "CenterRight" } @GUI::SpinBox { name: "workspace_rows_spinbox" min: 1 max: 16 orientation: "Horizontal" } @GUI::Label { text: "Columns:" text_alignment: "CenterRight" } @GUI::SpinBox { name: "workspace_columns_spinbox" min: 1 max: 16 orientation: "Horizontal" } } @GUI::Widget { fixed_height: 76 layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {} @GUI::Label { fixed_height: 32 fixed_width: 32 icon: "/res/icons/32x32/app-welcome.png" } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] } @GUI::Label { text: "Use the Ctrl+Alt+Arrow hotkeys to move between workspaces." text_alignment: "TopLeft" word_wrap: true } @GUI::Label { text: "Use the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Arrow hotkeys to move between\nworkspaces and move the active window." text_alignment: "TopLeft" word_wrap: true } } } } }