/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Erlend Høier * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "AnalogClock.h" #include #include #include #include #include void AnalogClock::draw_graduations(GUI::Painter& painter, Gfx::IntRect& rect, int x, int y) { rect.set_x(x); rect.set_y(y); painter.fill_rect(rect, palette().active_window_border2()); painter.draw_line(rect.top_left(), rect.top_right(), palette().threed_highlight()); painter.draw_line(rect.bottom_left(), rect.bottom_right(), palette().active_window_border1().darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(rect.bottom_right(), rect.top_right(), palette().active_window_border1().darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(rect.top_left(), rect.bottom_left(), palette().threed_highlight()); } // To create an even clock face it's necessary to mirror the graduations positions void AnalogClock::draw_mirrored_graduations(GUI::Painter& painter, Gfx::IntRect& rect, int x, int y, int rect_center_offset) { auto w = this->rect().center().x() - rect_center_offset; auto h = this->rect().center().y() - rect_center_offset; draw_graduations(painter, rect, x + w, y + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, y + w, x + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, -x + w, y + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, -y + w, x + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, x + w, -y + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, y + w, -x + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, -x + w, -y + h); draw_graduations(painter, rect, -y + w, -x + h); } void AnalogClock::draw_face(GUI::Painter& painter) { int x, y; double angle = 2 * M_PI / 60; for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) { x = sin(angle * static_cast(i)) * m_clock_face_radius; y = cos(angle * static_cast(i)) * m_clock_face_radius; draw_mirrored_graduations(painter, m_small_graduation_square, x, y, 1); if (i % 5 == 0) draw_mirrored_graduations(painter, m_big_graduation_square, x, y, 2); } } void AnalogClock::draw_hand(GUI::Painter& painter, double angle, double length, Gfx::Color hand_color) { if (angle >= 2 * M_PI) angle -= 2 * M_PI; double cosine = cos(angle); double sine = sin(angle); double hand_x = (rect().center().x() + (cosine * length)); double hand_y = (rect().center().y() + (sine * length)); Gfx::IntPoint indicator_point(hand_x, hand_y); Gfx::IntPoint tail_point(rect().center().x() + (-cosine * m_hand_tail_length), rect().center().y() + (-sine * m_hand_tail_length)); Gfx::IntPoint right_wing_point(rect().center().x() + (-sine * m_hand_wing_span), rect().center().y() + (cosine * m_hand_wing_span)); Gfx::IntPoint left_wing_point(rect().center().x() + (sine * m_hand_wing_span), rect().center().y() + (-cosine * m_hand_wing_span)); Gfx::Path hand_fill; hand_fill.move_to(static_cast(indicator_point)); hand_fill.line_to(static_cast(left_wing_point)); hand_fill.line_to(static_cast(tail_point)); hand_fill.line_to(static_cast(right_wing_point)); hand_fill.close(); painter.fill_path(hand_fill, hand_color, Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero); // Draw highlight depending on the angle, this creates a subtle 3d effect. // remember the angle value is offset by half pi. if (angle > M_PI_2 - (M_PI / 3) && angle < M_PI + (M_PI / 3)) { painter.draw_line(left_wing_point, indicator_point, hand_color.darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(left_wing_point, tail_point, hand_color.darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(right_wing_point, indicator_point, palette().threed_highlight()); painter.draw_line(right_wing_point, tail_point, palette().threed_highlight()); } else { painter.draw_line(right_wing_point, indicator_point, hand_color.darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(right_wing_point, tail_point, hand_color.darkened(0.7f)); painter.draw_line(left_wing_point, indicator_point, palette().threed_highlight()); painter.draw_line(left_wing_point, tail_point, palette().threed_highlight()); } }; void AnalogClock::draw_seconds_hand(GUI::Painter& painter, double angle) { double hand_x = (rect().center().x() + (cos(angle)) * (m_clock_face_radius - 10)); double hand_y = (rect().center().y() + (sin(angle)) * (m_clock_face_radius - 10)); Gfx::IntPoint indicator_point(hand_x, hand_y); painter.draw_line(rect().center(), indicator_point, palette().base_text()); } void AnalogClock::paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent& event) { GUI::Painter painter(*this); painter.clear_rect(event.rect(), m_show_window_frame ? palette().window() : Gfx::Color::Transparent); draw_face(painter); auto time = Core::DateTime::now(); auto minute = time.minute() * (2 * M_PI) / 60; auto hour = (minute + (2 * M_PI) * time.hour()) / 12; auto seconds = time.second() * (2 * M_PI) / 60; auto angle_offset = M_PI_2; draw_hand(painter, minute - angle_offset, m_minute_hand_length, palette().active_window_border2()); draw_hand(painter, hour - angle_offset, m_hour_hand_length, palette().active_window_border1()); draw_seconds_hand(painter, seconds - angle_offset); if (time.hour() == 0) update_title_date(); } void AnalogClock::update_title_date() { window()->set_title(Core::DateTime::now().to_string("%Y-%m-%d"sv)); } void AnalogClock::context_menu_event(GUI::ContextMenuEvent& event) { if (on_context_menu_request) on_context_menu_request(event); } void AnalogClock::set_show_window_frame(bool show) { if (show == m_show_window_frame) return; m_show_window_frame = show; auto& w = *window(); w.set_frameless(!m_show_window_frame); w.set_has_alpha_channel(!m_show_window_frame); }